[Page 314]
[59 KB] Lejb Yaffe in Bedzin (Pinkas Bendin, page 314)

The Visit of Lajb Yaffe in Bedzin on the occasion of a collection of the
“Keren Hayesod” fund in 1928

Standing from right to left: Baruch Brama, Pelc, Tuvia Meryn, the advocate, Spiegelman, Meir Cymberknopf, Nachman Tenenberg, Chaim Szajn, Elimelech Rotner, Szymon Fürstenberg, Shimshon David Jerudzlimski (envoy of Keren Hayesod), Yakov Lisker, Mordechai Hampel, Dorke Lisker-Hampel, Podlinski, Spiegelman, Ptasznik, Mordechai Erlich, Dwosia Hampel.
Seated: Marek Szajn and his wife, Yishayahu Rotner, Chanale Szajn, Necha Rotner, Helena Fürstenberg, Lejb Yaffe, Cyrla Szajn, Mrs. Weinziher, Mrs. Cukerman, Mrs. Spiegelman, Gitel Hampel, Mrs. Prager, Moshe Prager.
Inner row: A. Z. Bornsztajn, Nute Londner, Zvi Pfefer, Yahov Gozalka (enyoy of Keren Hayesod), 
Mrs. Kornland, Yitzhak Meir Kornland, Mrs. Rozeneker, Mrs. Borzykowski, Moshe Rozeneker, Yete Buchwajc, Chanke Rotner, Sim Goldminc-Hampel.

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