Dr. Joszua Tahun with the Tarbut [culture] committee in Będzin in 1925 |
Abram Sztrochlic, Dawid Liwer, Mordechai Hampel, Tewel Klajnman, Cwi Pfefer. |
Seated: | Guest of Zaglembier Zeitung [Jewish
newspaper], Jehoszua Lewkowicz, Icchak Wygodzki, Bajtner, Dr. J. Tahun, Mrs. Liwer-Kaminer, Abram Liwer. |
Daniel Perski with the national guard (Hanoar Hazioni [movement]) in 1928 |
Standing: Gecel Brajner, Eda Sendiszew-Thaler, Mosze Baum-Elan. Seated: Regina Pfefer-Tabecnik, Daniel Parski, Szoszana Tuchsznajder-Brajner |
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