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a) Rabbis and Yeshiva Leaders
The Vilna town Rabbi Hanaziv's student. Born in 5622 (1863) on Elul 9, in Ivye. Educated in Volozhin from Bar-Mitsva age. He was renowned as the Ivye Prodigy. Practiced as the Vilna Rabbi. Died in the month of Av 5th, 5700 (1940) in Vilna. |
Rabbi Itsele's student, and Hanatzsiv's friend. Born in Eysishok, Kovno district, 1st Adar 5577 (16/2/1817). He was one of the first Rabbis, which joined the Hovvey Zion (Lovers of Zion) movement. His book The Golden Path deals with the problems of Eretz Israel settlement. Died in Boysk (Leetonia), 18th Kislev, 5660 (11/12/1889). For article see Table of contents, code 22.02. |
Rabbi of Shklov, Drissa & Chernigov
Studied in the Volozhin Yeshiva As Hanatsiv's disciple from 5649 (1888) until 5652 (1892). Born in Drissa 1868. Practiced as Rabbi in Shklov, Viyatka, Drissa and Tshernigov. Was member in the committee of Netsakh Israel (the Eternal of Israel) movement. Among his books: The Israel seniors (Jewish religious laws novelties with questions and answers, accompanied by Chaim Soloveytshik's novelties). Published in Lutsk 5693 (1933). The second part was published, with his biography, in Tel-Aviv 5699 (1939). He also published incognito a pamphlet Zionism from religious point of view. Died in Tel Aviv in 1941. |
Head of the Slobodka Yeshiva Known as one of the best Hanatziv's students. Born in Baksht, close to Volozhin, in the month of Adar 5636, (1866). He was called The Baksht Prodigy. Became head of the Knesset Israel Yeshiva in Slobodka. He transferred his Yeshiva to Hevron and was its leader. He was active among the Hedera founders. His Torah novelties were published in his book Mordekhay's dress. Died in Jerusalem 10th Kislev 5694 (28/11/1933). For article see Table of contents, code 22.03. |
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The Warsaw town Rabbi Hanaziv's student. Born in Peguir (Lithuania) in 5626 (1866). His father, Chaim Ben Zion, was son in law of Rabbi Shmuel Zanvill Klappish, who was married to Rabbi Chaim Volozhiner's great Grand daughter. He practiced as the Warsaw Rabbi for forty eight years, and thirteen years as Rabbi of Jerusalem (the Old and the New one). Known as Father of the abandoned because of his care for the abandoned wives. Died Kislev, 28th 5714 (5.12.1953) in Jerusalem. |
Rabbi Itsele's student. Brother in law and father in law of Hanaziv (he married Hanaziv's sister and Hanaziv married Halevi Epstein's daughter Bashe-Mirl- Meir Bar-Ilan's mother). Born in Bobruysk on Shevat 20th, 5589 (1829). He's the Author of the Aruch Ha'shulchan. Died in Novoharodok , on Adar B 22nd , 5668 (1908). |
Head of the Radin Yeshiva Hanaziv's student. Born in Volozhin in 5623 (1863). Son in law of the Hafets Chaim. Practiced as Head of the Radin Yeshiva. Died in the year 5681 (1921). |
Hanaziv's student. Born in Kobrin on Yom Kippur, in 5631 (1870). His father, Shlomo Zalmen was Rabbi Chaim Volozhiner's descendant. As student in the Volozhin Yeshiva he was known as the Kobrin Prodigy. Was member in the Netsakh Israel (Israel's Eternity) movement. The last Rabbi of Kovno. Died in the Slobodka Ghetto on the Sabath, Adar A 22nd , 5703 (29/3/1943). |
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Head of the Slobodka Yeshiva Student of Hanaziv and son in law of Bunimovitsh from Volozhin. Born in Mitava (Leetonia) in 5634 (1864). The pages 213-221 in his book Yaakov's tents are dedicated to Volozhin. Died In Jerusalem in 5707, Sivan 16th (4.6.1947). |
Student of Rabbi Chaim Soloveytshik. Born in Slutsk, in 5624 (1864). Still infant he was introduced in the Volozhin Yeshiva. Despite his young age Boruh Dov was recognized for his capabilities. He practiced as Head of the Slobodka Yeshiva Knesset Beyt Yaakov. Died in Vilna in 5700 Heahvan 25th (7.11.39). |
Head of the Etz Chaim Yeshiva in Jerusalem Student of Rabbi Chaim Soloveytshik. Born in Mir, in 5640 (1870). Was called Zonie der Mirer. Wrote the book The precious Stone about the Rambam. Practised as head of the Etz Chaim Yeshiva in Jerusalem. Died in 5714 Kislev 10th (17.11.1953), in Jerusalem. |
Student of Rabbi Itsele and son in law of Rabbi Eliezer Fried. Born in Halovka, (Vilna region) in 5584 (1824) Nissan 27th . Mohaliver was one of the first Hovvey Zion (Zion Lovers) members. Befriended with Hanaziv and with Rabbi Yosi Ber Soloveytshik. Died, in 5658 (1898), on Sivan 19 in Bialistok. |
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Jerusalem town Rabbi Rabbi Itsele's student. Born in 5596 Shevat 2nd (1816), in Bialistok. As a young boy he joined the Volozhin Yeshiva and amazed his teachers by his Torah-study diligence. In 1841 he made Aliya to the Land of Israel and settled in the courtyard of Rabbi Yehuda Hosid's Hurva (synagogue). Acted as The Jerusalem Rabbi for 70 years. Died in 5669 Av 29th (16.8.1909), in Jerusalem. For article see Table of contents, code 22.14. |
The Orphans Father Rabbi Eliezer Fried's student. Born in 5572 (1812) in Beisegol (Shavli region). Known as a Torah studious and a God-fearing religious Jew. All his life he was considered as an orphans and widows protector and as a good helping friend of the poor, ill and oppressed persons. The Hafets Chaim used to say, that Nohemke reached the highest level of grace and charity. Died in 5630 (Heshvan 5th 1880), in Grodno. |
The N.Y. Itskhak Elhanan Yeshiva head Student of Hanaziv. He Was called The Maytshat Prodigy. Born in 5848 (1878), in Sinitsenits (a hamlet close to Maytshat). Rabbi Chaim Soloveytshik used to say, Here is a prodigy without equals. Rabbi Meir Bar Ilan (Berlin) invited him to be the Yeshiva head of the Itskhak Elhanan Yeshiva in New York. Died in 5688, Tamuz 21st , in New York. |
Hanaziv's student. Born in 5639 Tishrey 25th (1869), in Bobruysk. A chapter in his book My world is dedicated to Volozhin. He was killed in 5703 (1943), on the month of Menahem-Av, in Warsaw Ghetto. |
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Head of the Elhanan Yeshiva in NY Student of Rabbi Refoel Shapiro. Born in 5640 (1880), in Datnivo (Lithuania). As member of the Polish Senate, he fought ardently to receive equal rights for the Jewish population in Poland. Rubinshteyn founded and headed the Yavne net of Jewish religious Schools in Poland. In the last years of his life he became head of the Itshak Elkhanan Yeshiva in New York. Died in 5706 Heshvan 24th (31.10.1945) in New York. |
One of Rabbi Chaim Volozhiner's best students Born in Shklov. He was member in the delegation, that that came in Volozhin, to settle the dispute between Hanaziv and Yosi Ber Soloveytshik. The Delegation participants were R' Isaac Elkhanan from Kovno, David Tabil the Minsk Chief Dayan (Judge), the Vilna Magid (Narrator) Zeev Lande and Yehoshua Levin the Minsk rich-man Died in 5634 Sivan 30th , (31.10.1864), in Slutsk. |
The first chief Rabbi of Eretz Israel
The most estimated Student of Hanaziv, who called him Mine Avrom Itshe. He became the first chief Rabbi of Eretz Israel. Born in 5625 Elul 16th (1865), in Grayevo. Harav Koock wrote his excellent essay on Hanaziv The Yeshiva Etz Chaim head, published in Knesset Israel 5648 (1888). Died in 5695 Elul 3rd (1.9.1935) in Jerusalem. |
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The Teltz Yeshiva Head Student of Hanaziv. Born in 5620 (1860), in Tortz. At the age of fourteen he went to Volozhin where he studied six years. His teachers were Hanaziv and Rabbi Chaim Soloveytshik. In 6644 (1884) he was accepted to lead the Teltz Yeshiva, and acted on that post for eighteen years. He published his essay The Gates of Honesty in 5685 (1925). Died in 1940 Heshvan 9th (23/10/1939) in Grodno. |
The Mizrakhi party founder
Student of Rabbi Itsele. Born in 5600 Heshvan 9th (17.10.1839), in Karelin. He joined the Volozhin Yeshiva at the age of sixteen. Harav Rayness founded in 1902 the religious Zionist Mizrakhi party. In 1904 he founded in Lida (Vilna region) the Torah Vadaat (Torah & Knowledge) Yeshiva. Died in 5675 Elul 10th (20.8.1915) in Lida. |
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Modern Hebrew most prominent Poet Hanaziv's great Student. (Hanaziv was proud showing Bialik's letter to his guests. He said: look, what Hebrew they write in Volozhin Yeshiva). Born in 5643 Tevet 10th (11.1.1873), in Rady (Volyn'). Bialik's poetry was highly influenced by Volozhin. Hamatmid is entirely Volozhin. In his poem The Scroll of Fire Hanaziv is described as The Old Man from Judea. The Yeshiva with the Students Bialik described in the words And I saw the Temple, with the splendor of its Scholars and priests. Volozhin also influences many other Bialik's works. Died in 5694 Tamuz 21st (4.7.1934), in Vienna.- For article, see Table of contents, code 4.03. |
Publicist and writer Hanaziv's Student. Born in 5620 on Elul 19 (16.9.1860), in Luban (Minsk Region). Epstein contributed very much to the Volozhin Yeshiva study in his essay The forgotten Jubilee, published in Hatzfira magazin, in 5663 (1903). Died in 5697, on Kislev 7 (21.11.1936), in Ramat Gan. |
Writer & publicist Student of Hanaziv. Born in 5650, Tamuz 7th (6.7.1870), in Droya (Vilna region). In his book Scripts on the Hovvey Zion movement history, is found material about the movement in Volozhin. Died in 5698 Iyar 17th (10.5.1938) in Tel Aviv - For article, see Table of contents, code 4.05. |
Publicist Hanaziv's Student. Was born in 5625 Av 27th (19.8.1865), in Mezibozh (Podolye). Berdichevski contributed to the Volozhin Etz Chaim Yeshiva study in his excellent articles: a) The Volozhin Tree of Life-Yeshiva's history, published in Haassif, 5647 (1887) b) The world of Noblesse, published in Hakerem 5648 (1888), c) A bundle of letters from Volozhin, published in Hameylitz. Died in 5682 Heshvan 17th (18.11.1921), in Berlin. |
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Poet, writer Student of Hanaziv (made his studies two years before the Yeshiva was closed, 1891-1892). Born in 5635 Sivan 13th (16.6.1875), in Grodno. Devoted Zionist, he was chosen to lead the Keren Hakayemet Organization since it was founded (thirty years). Yoffe found died at the national institutions explosion in Jerusalem (5718 Adar 30th (11.3.1948). In his memories book From the Spring Days a chapter is dedicated to his Yeshiva-years in Volozhin. He wrote there also about his lodging in Peretz the coachman's house. - For article, see Table of contents, code 22.07. |
Researcher & writer Student of Rabbi Eliezer Isak Fried and Hanaziv. Born in 5600 Heshvan 22nd (30.10.1839), in Novogrudok (Minsk region). He made important researches in Israel ancient literature. He was educated in Volozhin. Among his books he wrote: Memories to the first and to the last ones and The Jews and the Slavic languages. Died in 5679 Adar 2nd (15.3.1919) in Petersburg. |
Bibliograph & researcher Rivkind was Rabbi Raphael Shapiro's student. Born in 5655 Adar 21st (17.3.1895), in Lodzh. He dedicated most of his time to research the Volozhin Yeshiva history. Died in 5728 Shevat 20th (19.2.1968), in New York. Was brought to rest in Tel-Aviv on the Nahlat Itskhak cemetery. - For article, see Table of contents, code 22.16. |
Founder of The Bar-Ilan Yeshiva P. Hurgin was Rabbi Raphael Shapiro's student. Born in 5655 Heshvan 26th (25.11.1894), in Host (close to Pinsk). He studied for four years in Volozhin. Founded the BarIlan University (on the name of Meir Bar Ilan Berlin, Hanaziv's son) in Ramat Gan and served as its first president. Researches on the Second Temple's Time is well known among his books. Died in 5718 Kislev 4th (28.11.1957), in New York. |
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Writer He was Rabbi Itsele's cherished student. Born in 5579 Av 18th (9.8.1819), in old Bikhov (Mohilev Region - Belarus). He was a remarkable haskala (Enlightenment) writer. The world History is known among his important books. Shulman also had translated and edited the Mysteries of Paris. He died in 5659 Shvat 5th (15.1.1899), in Vilna. |
Public personality He was Hanaziv's and Rabbi Chaim Soloveytshyk's student (studied in Volozhin for four years). Born in 5638 (1867), Kislev 28, in Nisvizh (Belarus, Minsk region). He made Aliya in 5650 (1890) and was active in the Rehovot founding. He was active in the village council, in the agriculture committee and in the area of religious education. Died in 5710, at the first day of Shvat (19.1.1949), in Rehovot. - For article, see Table of contents, code 22.11. |
Donator Studied in Volozhin for three years, as Rabbi Itsele's student. Born in Old Sand (Kovno region). He became very rich from dealing with tea. A part of his wealth was dedicated for the Erets Israel settlement. An important part of his inheritance enabled the establishment of the Haifa Technion (Engineers School). He also invested money in the foundation of Petah-Tikvah. Died in 5664 (1904) in Moscow. |
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