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[Page 152]

The Volozhiner Family Tree [Beit Harav]

(Compiled by Eliezer Leoni)

Translator's note. Pages 152-159 include genealogical tables of Beit Harav. M. Porat originally translated these in a single-page table, including connections and dates, but missing some of the details. We have decided to preserve Mr. Porat's table, but also to provide a page-by-page translation with full detail. The boxes of the original page-by-page version have been converted to point form.

Translated by M. Porat-Perelman z”l

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Translations by Jerrold Landau

  • Chaim (Grandfather of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin)


Parents of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin

  • Yitzchak (son of Rabbi Chaim)
  • Rivka nee Rappoport (wife of Rabbi Yitzchak). Rivka's father was Yisrael Hakoehn Rappoport, head of the rabbinical court of Piesk, in-law of Rabbi Yitzchak. He died in Vilna on 12 Av, 5640 (1780)


Descendants of Rabbi Yitzchak and Rivka

  • Simcha
  • Chaim (Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin). Born in Volozhin on 7 Sivan 5509 (1749). Died in Volozhin on 12 Sivan 5581 (1821).
  • Shlomo Zalman (Reb Zalmele). Born in Volozhin on 26 Sivan 5516 (1756). Died in Vilna on 9 Adar I 5548 (1788).
  • Yosef, head of the rabbinical court of Poretsh.
  • Nachman (head of the rabbinical court of Pohost), father of Rabbi Avraham Simcha, the head of the rabbinical court of Amtislav)


Descendants of Rabbi Zalmele and his wife (the daughter of Yechie Michel Psil's)

  • Their daughter (orphaned at the age of 7 after her father died). She would say: Were I obligated in the study of Torah, I would not separate from the Torah even for one small moment. However, what shall I do in that G-d created me in accordance with His will… (Trans: reflecting the halacha that women are not formally obligated in Torah study). Her husband was Rabbi Moshe Yehoshua Rabinowitz, son-in-law of Rabbi Zalmele.
    • Shlomo Zalman, grandson of Rabbi Zalmele
      • Eliyahu Nayvedel. Son of Shlomo Zalman, great-grandson of Rabbi Zalmele. Born in 5581) in Neustadt Sugind (Kovno district). Died in Warsaw on 16 Elul 5646 (1886)
    • Shalom (head of the rabbinical court of Janishok [Joniškis]). Author of the book Divrei Shalom VeEmet – grandson of Rabbi Zalmele.

[Page 153]

The Father-in-law of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin and his Daughter

  • Rabbi Aryeh Leib Ginzburg, known as Rabbi Leib Katvan (Rabbi Leib the writer)
    • Sara, daughter of Rabbi Leib Ginzburg (wife of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin)


Descendants of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin and his wife Sara

  • Yitzchak (Rabbi Itzele), born in Volozhin in 5540 (1780), died in Ivanetz on 26 Sivan 5609 (1849)
  • Yosef “Rabbi Yosel Shershover” died at a young age
  • Esther
  • Chasa (Rabbi Chaim was particular that her name be written as “Chasa” as is written in the Gemara, for he said that the name is based on mercy, in accordance with the language Dechas Rachmana Alan [G-dwas merciful to her].
  • Relka


Sons-in-law of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin

  • Hillel Fried (Esther's husband) born in Horodna, died in Horodna on 2 Adar 5583 (1833)


Descendants of Relka

  • Rabbi Zeev Solovitchik (born from her first husband), father of Rabbi Yosi Ber Soloveitchik
  • Rabbi Yankele of Volozhin (born from her second husband), father of the Gaon Rabbi Zalman-Sender Shapira, rabbi of Krynki.

[Page 154]

Descendants of Rabbi Itzele (grandchildren of Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik)

  • Eliyahu Zalman
  • Rivka
  • Reina Batya
  • Rechel
  • ?
  • ?


Son-in-law of Eliyahu Zalman

  • Yehoshua Heshel Levin (author of Aliyat Eliyahu), born in Vilna on 18 Tammuz 5578 (1818), died in Paris on 15 Cheshvan 5644 (1884)[1].


Sons-in-law of Rabbi Itzele

  • Eliezer Yitzchak Fried (son of Rabbi Hillel Fried), husband of Rivka. Born in Volozhin in 1809, died in Volozhin on 19 Ell 5613 (1853).
  • The Netzi'v (Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin), husband of Reina Batya. Born in Mir on 29 Cheshvan 5576 (November 20, 1816 [1]), died in Warsaw 28 Av 5653 (August 11, 1893).


Descendants of Rabbi Eliezer Yitzchak Fried

  • Chaim Hillel Fried (author of Chut Hameshulash). Born in Volozhin on 26 Cheshvan 5683 (1833) [1]. Died in Volozhin on 3 Kislev 5671 (December 4, 1910).
  • Wife of Avraham Ber
  • Reina, wife of Meir Noach Levin


Descendants of Rabbi Chaim Hillel Fried

  • Eliezer Yitzchak
  • Shmuel
  • Freidele
  • Rechel (Rachel)
  • Esther
  • Batya

[Page 155]

Son of Rebbetzin Freidele from her first marriage

  • Moshe Zalman Ben-Sasson. Born in Volozhin in 5661 (1901). Killed on way to Yavne'el on 2 Nissan, 5697 (March 14, 1937)


Descendants of Rebbetzin Freidele from her second marriage, to Rabbi Shmuel Avigdor Derechinski

  • Chaim Hillel Ben-Sasson
  • Yona Ben-Sasson


Children of Shmuel Fried

  • Chaim Hillel Fried
  • Shaul Fried


Descendants of the Netzi'v from his first wife (Reina Batya)

  • Chaim Berlin. Born in Volozhin on 5 Shvat, 5592 (1832), died in Jerusalem 13 Tishrei 5673 (September 24, 1912)
  • Michael
  • Sara Rasha, first wife of Rabbi Rafael Shapira
  • Dreizel, second wife of Rabbi Rafael Shapira. Born in Volozhin, died in Minsk on 23 Kislev 5679 (November 27, 1918).


Wives of Rabbi Chaim Berlin

  • Rivka nee Ceitlin
  • Tila nee Shachor
  • Eiga Levin-Epstein
  • Matlia nee Rokach

[Page 156]

Descendants of Rabbi Chaim Berlin

  • Sara
  • Dreizel Malka
  • Esther
  • Rechel
  • Tema
  • Rashel
  • Moshe Yitzchak


Son-in-law of the Netzi'v

  • Rafael Shapira (who married Sara-Rasha and Dreizel one after the other). Born in Smargon, Adar 5597 (1837). Died in Minsk on 23 Adar 5681 (March 3, 1921)


Descendants of Rabbi Rafael Shapira and Sara Rasha

  • Yitzchak
  • Lifsha


In-laws of Rabbi Rafael Shapira and his son-in-law

  • Yosef Dovber HaLevi Soloveitchik (author of Beit Halevi). In-law of Rabbi Rafael, father of Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik, and great-grandson of Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin. Born in Nieshez, 5580 (1820). Died in Brisk, 4 Iyar 5652 (1892).
  • Chaim Soloveitchik (son of Yosi Ber), son-in-law of Rabbi Rafael Shapira, husband of Lifsha. Born in Volozhin on Shushan Purim 5613 (1853). Died in Otwock 21 Av 568 (July 30, 1918).


Descendants of Rabbi Chaim Soloveitchik and Lifsha

  • Yisrael Gershon Soloveitchik
  • Moshe Soloveitchik
  • Yitzchak Zeev Soloveitchik
  • Sara Rasha Soloveitchik

[Page 157]

Descendants of Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik

  • Yosef Dov Soloveitchik
  • Aharon Soloveitchik
  • Shmuel Yaakov Soloveitchik
  • Chana (wife of Shamai Gara)
  • Sheindel (wife of Meiselman)


Descendants of Rabbi Yitzchak Zeev Soloveitchik

  • Yosef Dov Soloveitchik
  • David Soloveitchik
  • Rafael Soloveitchik
  • Meir Soloveitchik
  • Lifsha (wife of Rabbi Michel Feinstein)
  • Rivka (wife of Rabbi Yaakov Schiff)


Descendants of Rabbi Rafael Shapira and Dreizel (nee Berlin)

  • Yaakov Shapira
  • Menachem Zundel Shapira
  • Aryeh Shapira
  • Levi Shapira
  • Yisrael Isser Shapira
  • Mirl Shapira


Son-in-law of Rabbi Rafael Shapira, and his grandson

  • Yisrael Riff (husband of Mirl)
    • Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Riff (son of Mirl and Yisrael), grandson of Rabbi Rafael and great-grandson of the Netzi'v

[Page 158]

Descendants of Aryeh Shapira

  • Tzvi Shapira
  • Lipa Shapira
  • David Shapira
  • Moshe-Shmuel Shapira
  • Rafael Shapira
  • Yocheved Shapira


Descendants of Yisrael Isser Shapira

  • Eliyahu Chaim Shapira
  • Tzvi Shapira
  • Rafael Shapira
  • Yekutiel Shapira
  • Dreizel (wife of Rabbi Tzvi Kaplan)
  • Rivka (wife of Rabbi Yosef Shaul Weingarten)


Descendants of Yaakov Shapira, his sons-in-law and grandchildren

  • Yitzchak Moshe Shapira
  • Zalman Yosef Shapira
  • Pesia Shapira
  • Beila Shapira
  • Rivka (wife of Rabbi Chaim Wolkin)
  • Chana (wife of Rabbi Shimon Langbart)
  • Dreizel and Chaya Leah (daughters of Rabbi Wolkin)

[Page 159]

Descendants of the Netzi'v from his second wife, Batya Mirl (daughter of Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epstein)

  • Yaakov Berlin
  • Meir Bar-Ilan (Berlin). Born in Volozhin 29 Nissan 5640 (April 10, 1840). Died in Jerusalem, 19 Nissan 5709 (April 18, 1949).


Descendants of Meir Bar-Ilan (Berlin) and his wife Beila

  • Yehudit (wife of Shaul Liberman)
  • Shulamit (wife of Avraham Shlomo Halkin)
  • Tuvia Bar-Ilan (Berlin)


Translator's Footnote
  1. The corresponding secular year during the months of Tishrei, Cheshvan, and much of Kislev should be one year earlier than listed, as the Hebrew year moves forward at Rosh Hashanah. Several dates here are given in Cheshvan, and the secular year should be one year earlier to correspond with the Hebrew year. Return


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