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[pp. 202 - 212]

The Holy Vishneva People Killed
by the Nazis and their Helpers

Translated by Nili Feingold

1. Fruma Rokhl
2. Khonon
3. Rivke, his wife
4. Their daughter
5. Sore (Sarah) Dvore
6. Itke, their daughter
7. Rivke, their daughter
8. Herschel
9. Rokhl, his wife
10. Chaim, their son
11. Esther, their daughter
12. Chaya, their daughter
13. Leybl
14. Meier Yitzhak
15. Pasha, his wife
16. Esther, their daughter
17. Reyzl, their daughter
18. Batia, their daughter
19. Zisl, their daughter
20. Moshe, their son
21. Srul
22. Luba
23. Yosef
24. Zelda, his wife
25. Natan, their son
26. Mordechai
27. Chaya, his wife
28. Yakov, their son
29. Sore (Sarah), their daughter
30. Risha, their daughter
31. Fruma, their daughter
32. Yosef
33. Chaya, his wife
34. Penina, their daughter
35. Avraham, their son
36. Yakov Tzvi
37. Teybl, his wife
38. Benyamin, their son
39. Chaim, their son
40. Simkhe
41. Leah
42. Dovid Hirsh
43. Baruch
44. Chashke
45. Her husband
46. All their children
47. Nechama (Bubke) Leybovitz
48. Leybovitz, her husband and their children--two girls
49. Avraham Yitzhak
50. Sima
51. Malka
52. Rokhl
53. Bonke
54. Her husband and the children
55. Chava, her husband and the chldren
56. Henia [Chienna?]
57. Fige and her mother
58. Yitzhak
59. Rokhl
60. Reuven
61. Yakov
62. Khonon
63. Rivke, his wife
64. Their children

1. Yitzchak Baruch
2. Chaim--and their entire families
3. Mordechai
4. Shmuel
5. Itsakovitz, his wife and the children
6. Shmareh
7. Itsakovitz, his wife and the children

1. Khonon
2. Shifra, his wife
3. Elke, their daughter

1. Sheyna [Shana] Zelda

1. Batia and her husband.
2. Avraham Shmerl
3. His entire family [mishpokhe]
4. Avraham Kadish
5. Sheyna Feygl, his wife
6. The children

1. Eyzer
2. Arutsker, his wife
3. Arutsker, the children

1. Moshe
2. Epshtein, his wife
3. Dovid
4. Tzvi
5. Sore (Sarah)
6. Esther

1. Leyb
2. Frida Sore
3. Barkovski, two sons

1. Misha
2. Sore Esna
3. Bergman, Chaim (the child)

1. Meier
2. Rina, his wife
3. Duba
4. Shoshana
5. Shaul

1. Yosef
2. Sore
3. Leah
4. Chana
5. Shmuel
6. Rokhl
7. Avraham
8. Marisha
9. Feyvush
10. Sonya and their entire family
11. Yisroel and his entire family
12. Shabtai and his entire family
13. Hinda and her entire family
14. Fanya and her entire family
15. Zellig
16. Bela
17. Sheyna
18. Misha, her husband
19. Berkman, two children
20. Miriam
21. Rokhl
22. Eltekah
23. Tzvi Dov and his entire family
24. Miriam the daughter of Moshe
25. Berkman, her husband and the children
26. Tzvi Leyb
27. Berkman, mother

1. China
2. Alkhanan, her husband
3. Chaim, their son
4. Mina Beyla

1. Malka
2. Gomliah (?)
3. Meier
4. Sheyna

1. Leyb
2. Yalda, his wife
3. Hertzl, their son
4. Akiva
5. Reyzl
6. Ben shel Reyzl (Reyzl's son)

Baykovitz (Bikovitz):
1. Tuvia
2. Chana
3. Michal
4. Avraham Leyb
5. Rokhl, the widow and the children
6. Avraham Leyb

1. Rishnah and the children.

1. Moshe
2. Feygl his wife
3. Reyzl
4. Chaya Esther
5. Milah
6. Ben-Tzion

1. Eliezer
2. His wife
3. Elke, their daughter

1. Leybl
2. Eltke, his wife

1. Father
2. Chaim, his son
3. Reuven, his son
4. Yehudah
5. Gumnitz, Feygl, his wife and the children

1. Yeshiah
2. Gumnitz, his wife and the children:  Yakov, Leyb, Bella
3. Tzipa
4. Yosef Maier

1. Mordechai
2. Finkl
3. Itka
4. Rutka
5. Yakov
6. Chaim
7. Benyamin
8. Gurevitz, his wife
9. Reyzl
10. Shlomo
11. Gurevitz, Shoshana and the children
12. Yisrael the janitor and his entire family
13. Yakov
14. Elisheva, his wife
15. Yosef, their son
16. Sore, their daughter
17. Yakov
18. Elke, his wife
19. Gurevitz, the children
20. Yehudah
21. Leah, his wife
22. Eli Reuven
23. Chaim
24. Chaya
25. Fruma and her entire family
26. Ettel
27. Leah
28. Rivke and the children

1. Matla
2. Malka, her daughter
3. Shulomit, her daughter

1 Reuven
2.    Elke and the children
3.    Yekutiel and his family
4.    Leyb and his family
5.    Anshel
6.    Itke and the family
7.    Yisrael and his family
8.    Yitzhak
9.    Reyzl
10.  Chaika

1. Abrasha [diminutive of Avraham--DR]
2. Miriam and the family

1. Leyb
2. Pesia
3. Isaac
4. Sore

1. Almanah
2. Michal
3. Eliahu
4. Reyzl
5. Itke
6. Markil
7. Dovid
8. Chaya
9. Gitlitz and the children

1. Yakov
2. Ginzberg, his wife and their entire family
3. Malka, her husband and the children

Durar (?):
1. Alter
2. Esther
3. Asnat and the family

Davidson or Dovidson:
1. Chaim
2. Dovidson, his wife and the girls
3. Dovid
4. Dovidson, his wife
5. Yosef, their son
6. Avraham Yitzhak
7. Leah and the children
8. Chaya, their daughter
9. Dovidson, his wife Pesia
10. Lipa
11. Leyb
12. Nechama, his wife
13. Dovidson, the children
14. Yosef'
15. Batia, his wife
16. Dovidson, the children
17. Feyga
18. Elke
19. Chaim
20. Herschel
21. Bila Sheynke
22. Leyb, their son
23. Baruch, their son
24. Shabtai, their son
25. Gansa, their daughter
26. Eliahu
27. Tzvia, his wife
28. Herschel, their son
29. Yitzhak
30. Leah, his wife
31. Moshe
32. Pesia
33. Dovidson, the children
34. Gedaliah
35. Ziltke
36. Dovidson, the sons
37. Dovidson, the daughter
38. Avraham
39. Teyvl
40. Yente
41. Yosef Leyb
42. Sore
43. Pinchas
44. Heshke and his entire family
45. Berl, his wife
46. Malka
47. Dubke
48. Zelda
49. Yitzhak
50. Rokhl
51. Berl and his entire family

1. Moshe

1. Maier
2. Yosef
3. Miriam, his wife and entire family
4. Sore Leah and her entire family
5. Mordechai Bar Yakov Moshe
6. Chaim Berl
7. Chana, his wife and the children
8. Shamai Bar Mordechai
9. Mordechai Bar Benyamin
10. Tzirl, his wife
11. Yisrael Zisl
12. Fania
13. Elisha, their son
14. Chasa, their daughter
15. Rivke, their daughter
16. Sore, their daughter
17. Reysha, their daughter
18. Shamia Bar Chaim Tzvi
19. Duba and the children
20. Yitzhak
21. Sore and their entire family
22. Moshe
23. Sore

1. Eliezer and the family

1. Chaim
2. Miriam, his wife
3. Halperin, the sons and their families
4. Shabtai
5. His wife and the children
6. Eliakim
7. Reyzl, and the children
8. Chaim
9. Shosha Malka, his wife

1. Hyman and their families
2. Esther, and their family

1. Berl
2. His wife and the children
3. Kruma
4. Yosef
5. Shoshana, his wife
6. Batia, their daughter and two sons

Hurvitz (Horowitz):
1. Yonah
2. Malka, the Stoler family and their families

Matla, Velvel and their family?  Surname?

1. Herschel
2. Fishl and their families

1. Shimon and his family
2. Eliahu Bar Shimon
3. Tzipporah, his wife
4. Sholem
5. Shimon
6. Zusman and their families
7. Leyb
8. Itke, his wife
9. Pesach
10. Malka, his wife
11. Bila Almanah
12. Fayvush
13. Sonia, his wife
14. Sore Dvorah
15. Eliezer
16. Yorukhe
17. Yosef
18. Bila, his wife
19. Cheyna, their daughter
20. Leah, their daughter
21. Khonon
22. Reyzl, his wife and the children
23. Tzvi Bar Shimon
24. Gitl, his wife
25. Chaim Yudel
26. Hinde, his wife
27. Yosef, their son
28. Sore, their daughter
29. Eliahu Yakov
30. Usia, his wife and the children
31. Miriam Almanah
32. Chanoch
33. Meier and his entire family
34. Yocheved

1. Akiva and his entire family.

1. Michal and his entire family
2. Baruch and his entire family

1. Yakov Shimon
2. Rokhl, his wife
3. Yekutiel
4. Salva Itke, his wife
5. Yosef , their son and their family

1. Berl
2. Feyga, his wife and their family

1. Chaim
2. Freydl, his wife
3. Mordechai and the children

1. ?To the Hyman family
2. Reyna, his wife and the children

The family of Yonah Invigdor

Yesl :
1. Mendel
2. Leah

1. Mordechai Idl
2. Levitt, his wife and the children

1. Herschel
2. Levin, his wife and the children
3. Sholem Bar, his wife and the children
4. Yosef
5. Shimon
6. Levin, his wife and the children
7. Shmuel
8. Musia
9. Feygl
10. Yakov Leyb
11. Faika

1. Yitzhak
2. Teyvah, his wife and the children

1. Yosef
2. Yente
3. Hirshke
4. Baruch

1. The janitor, his wife and the children

1. Reyzl and the children
2. His wife and the children
3. Moshe
4. Luba, his wife and the children
5. Fruma
6. Feyva
7. Chana and the children

Rabbi Leyb Liberman

Lefkowitz/could be Lipkowitz:
1. Grunia
2. Zelda
3. Lefkowitz, his wife and the children

1. Shmuel
2. Malka
3. Eliakim
4. Dreyshka
5. Moshe
6. Avraham Eliahu
7. Berl Eliahu
8. Shoshka
9. Baruch
10. Tzirl
11. Moshe
12. Yosef
13. Elisheva
14. Chava
15. Michal
16. Stiril
17. Baruch
18. Akiva
19. Chava
20. Nahum
21. Leyb
22. Shana  Bila, his wife and their family

1. Shmerl and their family
2. Yeshiahu and their family
3. Tzvi
4. Elte, his wife
5. Michal
6. Leyb and their sons
7. Moshe
8. Zelda, his wife
9. Yitzhak
10. Rishke
11. Meltzer and the children
12. Rivke to Gurevitz family
13. Leyb
14. Yudit [?Judith] to the Chaiklin family
15. Meltzer and the children
16. Zelda to the Dovidson family
17. Leah
18. Moshe
19. Chashke to the Elishkevitz family
20. Meltzer, her husband and two sons
21. Natan

1. Shimon
2. Reytza
3. Yosef
4. Dvora
5. Rivke
6. Sore
7. Avraham Eliahu

1. Ben-Tzion
2. Esther Rokhl

1. Leyb
2. Rivke
3. Berl
4. Chaim
5. Yakov
6. Lipe
7. Chana

1. Yitzhak
2. Mishkin, his wife and his family

1. Natan
2. Ita, his wife
3. Feygl and her family
4. Kalman
5. Chana and their son
6. Yekhiel
7. Matla
8. Eliezer
9. Stoler, his wife and the children

1. Yehoshua
2. Aharon, his wife and the children
3. Malka, her husband and the children

1. Yakov and his wife

1. Yosef
2. Rive Tzirl and the children

1. Yitzhak Leyb
2. Shosha
3. Sore
4. Herschel
5. Miriam
6. Netta, his wife and the children
7. Duba
8. Shlomo
9. Luba
10. Fruma Chaim
11. Podberesky, her husband and the children
12. Yudah
13. Yitzhak
14.   Chaike
15.   Yisrael
16.   Tzviah
17.   Mina
18.    Barkha
19.    Yitzhak
20.    Sholem Bar
21.    Shosha
22.    Isaac
23.    Leyb
24.    Batia
25.    Hirsh
26.    Rokhl
27.    Noach and his family
28.    Shmuel and his family

1. Nechama, his wife
2. Baruch
3. Reyzl, his wife
4. Batia
5. Pesia
6. Chaya Mina
7. Yitzhak Eliahu
8. His wife Chava and their daughter
9. Alter
10. His wife
11. Shmuel Baruch
12. The daughters
13. Fruma Chaya to the Podberesky family and her family
14. Fishl
15. Shlomo
16. Bella
17. Fayvush and his wife
18. Reuven
19. Dovid
20. Sholem
21. Khonon and his wife
22. Shmuel
23. Rivke
24. Bila
25. Chaim
26. Kunia
27. Frida
28. Rokhl
29. Chaya Leah
30. Idl and his wife
31. Yakov
32. Mina
33. Natan
34. Batia
35. Yitzhak
36. Khonon
37. Gedalia
38. Chaya
39. Avraham Eliahu
40. Nechemia
41. Chava
42. Yakov
43. Isaac
44. Shana
45. Shulamit
46. Shlomo
47. Ephraim
48. Meier Yakov
49. Podberesky,  his wife and the children
50. Mordechai Feyva
51. Rushel and the children
52. His wife and the children
53. Herschel
54. Raykhl and the children
55. Sholom Bar
56. His wife and the children
57. Chaim
58. Leyb
59. Yakov Shimon
60. Metke

Persky [lit. Pertzky]:
1. Zisl
2. Esther
3. Pesach
4. Yitzhak Mordechai
5. Persky, her daughter
6. Yakov
7. Rokhl
8. Eliezer

1. Isser
2. Malka and the children

1. Avraham and his wife
2. Feygl
3. Yosef
4. Michal
5. Hinda

Doctor Pozhlever

1. Hasia, his wife and daughter

1. Chaim
2. Itke
3. Rashvah
4. Yakov

1. Yitzhak
2. Sonia
3. Leova
4. Srulnik and daughters

1. Tzipalevitz and his wife
2. Tzvi
3. Two brothers and a sister

1. Moshe Aharon
2. Feygl
3. Marisha
4. Leah
5. Kutler and their son
6. Eltan
7. Yudit and her family
8. Leyb and his family
9. Baruch
10. Mina
11. Kutler and the children

1. Moshe
2. Rokhl
3. Isaac
4. Lipke
5. Kaplan and his son
6. Moshe
7. His wife and three girls
8. Shlomo Velvel
9. His wife and two girls
10. Shmuel Dovid
11. His wife and a daughter
12. Luba Riva
13. Batia
14. Moshe
15. Yosef Hirsh
16. Duba
17. Yitzhak Mordechai
18. Idl
19. Kaplan and his son
20. Yeshaiahu
21. Ashke and the children
22. Moshe and his family
23. Yakov Shimon
24. Chaim Zellig
25. Reyzl
26. Sholom Bar
27. Zeltke
28. Chenia
29. Leah
30. Sore Henia
31. Batia
32. Rishke
33. Shmuel
34. Yekhe, her husband and the children

1. Benyamin
2. Kushalinsky and his family

1. Moshe Aharon
2. Mindel
3. Baruch
4. Malka and family

1. Sore Rivka

1. Moshe
2. Itl
3. Cheyna

1. Velvel
2. Chaya Batia
3. Nechama and her family
4. Miriam and her family

1. Chaim
2. Musia
3. Berl
4. Sore
5. Yitzhak
6. Kalman and their families

1. Yosef Menachem
2. Miriam
3. Berl
4. Shana Bella
5. Yosef
6. Herschel
7. Leyb
8. Sore
9. Shimon Moshe
10. Rokhl
11. Alter
12. Chaim
13. Zalman
14. Rokhl Leah
15. Yisrael Eliahu
16. Rabinovitz, his wife
17. Leyb
18. Mina
19. Sore
20. Luba, her husband and the children
21. Shana Gitl, her husband and the children
22. Mordechai
23. Malka
24. Moshe
25. Chaya Luba and the children
26. Akiva and his wife, Rokhl
27. Yosef
28. Batia
29. Rokhl

1. Avraham, his wife and the children
2. Yosef
3. Kunia
4. Sore
5. Pinchas
6. Chana
7. Shimon
8. Yikutiel and his wife
9. Ashe
10. Yakov
11. Rutznik, his wife and children

1. Batia

1. Yosef
2. Sore Rokhl and the children
3. Shlomo
4. Michaela and the children
5. Shimon

1. Yitzhak and Yzvi, son
2. Roshel and Leah, daughter
3. Isaac
4. Hirsh
5. Malka
6. Shlomo, his wife Sonia and the children
7. Leyb
8. Malka

1. Leova (Leyb)
2. (Niuta) Chana, his wife
3. Riva
4. Isaac and daughter

1. Yakov Shimon
2. Tzirl
3. Chananiah
4. Shuster, his wife and the children
5. Avraham and his family

1. Shoshke to the Shuster house
1. Chana Marina to the Shuster house
2. Chaim to the Shuster house
3. Pashke to the Shuster house

1. Alter
2. Chana Khasia

1. Moshe

1. Rivke

1. Khonon
2. Grunia

1. Yisrael
2. Pasha

1. Dovid
2. Kuna and the children
3. Tuvia
4. Rivke

The Rosenberg family

And all those anonymous people whose names have not been mentioned, and the refugees from far away in the area, gone in the Holocaust in Vishneva, may their memory be blessed forever and ever.

[Page 213]

People from Vishnevo who died in Israel

Transliterated by Judy Petersen

Given name
AVRAMOVITZ Natan Neta 213
AVRAMOVITZ Zelda wife of Natan Neta 213
BERKMAN Yitzchak Leib 213
GORDON Dov 213
GITLITZ Matla 213
DAN Channah maiden name DIKENSTEIN 213
DIKENSTEIN Binyamin 213
DIKENSTEIN Freidel 213
Zusman son of Shaul 213
YACHAS Yakov 213
LURIA Elka Rabbanit 213
LURIA Eliahu Baruch 213
MAGID Pesach 213
EFRON Baruch 213
PERSKY Sarah (PERES) 213
PERLMAN (MARGALIT) Yehoshua Hesel Rabbi 213
wife of the Rabbi 213
SCHMID Aharon Rabbi 213
SCHMID Sarah Rabbanit 213
ZUSMAN Yakov 213
RUBIN Rivka 213


People from Vishnevo who died abroad
and were brought to Israel for burial

Transliterated by Judy Petersen

Given name
BERKOVITZ Chaim Rabbi 213
HYMAN David Rabbi 213
PODBERESKY Zisel son of Chanan 213

[Page 214]

People from Vishnevo
now living as citizens in Israel

Transliterated by Judy Petersen

Given name
AVIDAN Netanel Tel Aviv 214
ABRAMSON Chaim and Rina Kfar Az”r 214
ABRAMSON Hanoch and Yehudit Bnei Brak 214
ABRAMSON Tzvi and Ziva Bnei Brak 214
AVRAMOVITZ Avraham Tel Aviv 214
EGBER Avraham and Bruria Tel Aviv 214
AHARONI Miriam and Moshe Haifa 214
OLANSKY Shlomo and Bila Holon 214
ELIAV Eliahu Bnei Brak 214
ELISHKOVITZ Rivka Ramat Aviv 214
ELISHKOVITZ Shlomo Holon 214
ELISHKOVITZ Sarah Kibbutz Shefaim 214
ELISHKOVITZ Mordechai Haifa 214
EKSTEIN Pinchas and Shoshana Ramat Gan 214
ARIEVITZ David and Malka Bnei Brak 214
EHRLICH Emanuel and Esther Azor 214
BAKMAN-ROGOVIN Rivka Tel Aviv 214
GOLDBITER Leah (HAIMAN) Tel Aviv 214
GLIK Yehezkel Holon 214
GERSON Chaim Kibbutz Gavat 214
DODMAN Aharon Tzvi Tel Aviv 214
DODMAN Yitzchak Tel Aviv 214
DODMAN Aharon Zev and Sheva Tel Aviv 214
DODMAN Gedalyahu Holon 214
DAVIDSON Yisrael Haifa 214
DAVIDSON Zev Yaffo 214
DRORI Natan and Galya Bnei Brak 214
DIKENSTEIN Avraham Ampel and Bank HaPoalim manager 214
DAN Ben-Tzion Tel Aviv 214
HADAS Avraham and Frida Holon 215
HAYISRAELI Moshe and Chasyia Givataim 215
WOLFOVITZ Moshe Bat Yam 215
WOLFOVITZ Sima and Avraham Rishon Letzion 215
WOLFOVITZ Yona Rishon Letzion 215
WOLOKOVSKY Channah Tel Aviv 215
YACHAS Yitzchak Tel Aviv 215
YACHAS-LIOVITZ Batya Kibbutz Eilon, Western Galilee 215
YISRAELI Menachem and Breina Rehovot 215
COHEN Esther maiden name LICHTERMAN Even Yehuda 215
KARMON Ida (Harry) Tel Aviv 215
LEVIN Zalman Netanya 215
LEVIN Sima and Yehuda Tel Aviv 215
LEVIN Boris Beersheva 215
LICHTERMAN Shalom Yagur 215
MOLDOVSKY Avraham and Chaya Ramat Gan 215
MILKOVSKY Zev and Etti Haifa 215
MILLER Shimon and Rakhel Nahariya 215
NORMAN Moshe and Bunya Akko 215
NURIK-RABINOVITZ Chayna Tel Aviv 215
SOGOLSKY Sarah Rishon Letzion 215
SILMAN Avraham and Gita Kiryat Ono 215
SAPERSTEIN Sarah Tel Aviv 215
PODBERESKY Chaim Zelig Tel Aviv 215
PODBERESKY Moshe Kiryat Bialik 215
PODBERESKY Shimon Kibbutz Eilon 215
PODBERESKY Aryeh Lipa Ramat Gan 215
PASTERNAK Avraham and Bella Bat Yam 215
PERES Shimon Tel Aviv 215
PERES Gershon Tel Aviv 215
PERSKY Yitzchak G. Tel Aviv 215
TZUKERMAN David Kiryat Chaim 215
TZEFACH Shmuel and Channah Petach Tikva 215
KOTLER Micha’el Tel Aviv 215
KOZLOVSKY Batya Tel Aviv 215
KUNIK Itka and Yehuda Rehovot 215
KISSIN Eliahu Hertzliya 216
KOROVEINIK (RE’ID) Tzipora Tel Aviv 216
KAPLAN Yisrael Tel Aviv 216
KEREN? / KREN? Tzvi Miriam Bnei Brak 216
RUBIN Yisrael Kiryat Borochov 216
RABINOVITZ Yehoshua Tel Aviv 216
RUBIN Yeshayahu Petach Tikva 216
RUBIN Dov 216
RUBIN Bluma Rehovot 216
ROGOVIN Gershon Kfar Saba 216
ROGOVIN Mordechai and Chaya Kfar Saba 216
RODANSKY Yehoshua Moshav Beitan Aharon next to Kfar Vitkin 216
RAZIEL (RAIZKIND) Zahava Beer Tuvia 216
RI’ED Yona Tel Aviv 216
STEINMAN Rakhel and Zev Kiryat Chaim 216
SHTERN Tzviya Bnei Brak 216
SHAMSHI Yitzchak and Shoshana Petach Tikva 216
SAPIR Binyamin Karkur; Bank Haluah and Chascon 216
SHKOLNIK Rivka Ra’anana 216
SHKLIAR Boshke Ramat Gan 216


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Updated 26 Feb 2024 by LA