54°08' / 26°14'
Translation of
Vishneva, ke-fi she-hayeta ve-enena
od; sefer zikaron
Edited by: Hayyim Abramson
Published in Tel Aviv, 1972
Donors: Diane Michele Rabson and Eilat Gordon Levitan
This is a translation from:
Vishneva,ke-fi she-hayeta ve-enena od;
sefer zikaron;
Wiszniew; as it was and is no more; memorial book,
Hayyim Abramson. Tel Aviv: Wiszniew society in Israel, 1972. (H,Y)
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Memories of Nachum Goldman | Aron-Zvi Dudayi Dudman | 50 |
Nachum Goldman | 94 | |
Vishnevo During the Second World War | Cheina Rabinovich | 107 |
Vishnevo During the War | Gdaliyau Dudman | 125 |
Revenge | Ziska Podberesky | 148 |
All that I experienced during the day of Annihilation | Rasia (nee Dudman) HaYisraeli | 159 |
For my brother Zalman Dudman Dudayi | 168 | |
Near the Grave of our Brothers | Noah Podberesky | 170 |
The Story of Leah Dudman-Bar and Chana Podversky | from a conversation with Leah Dudman | 186 |
The Holy Vishnevo People Killed by the Nazis and their Helpers | 202 | |
People from Vishnevo who died in Israel | 213 | |
People from Vishnevo who died abroad and were brought to Israel for burial | 213 | |
People from Vishnevo now living as citizens in Israel | 214 |
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