Hechalutz Organization in Nowy-Dwor of Lida in 1932 |
Summer Camp of Hechalutz HaTzair in Kobrovtzy on 15 August 1932 |
Students, teacher and supporters from the "Tarbut School" in the year 1928 Standing from right: A teacher, Benjamin Kuczinski, Meir Aharon Zamoszczanski. Lajbel-Arie Wajnsztajn, Chaim-Shalom Maszewski (the shoemaker), Gerszon Kabrowski (teacher), Portnoy (teacher) |
Supporters from the "Tarbut School". Standing from right: A teacher, Peszke Amstibowski, Golde Zamoszczanski, Bajlke Saposznik, Szlomo Bereszczanski. Seated: Meir Aharon Zamoszczanski, Ljuba Amstibowski, Aszer Saposznikow, Kune-Rajzel Zamoszczanski, the teacher Portnoy. Below: Raszel Mamszekowski, Raszel Srulowicz. |
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