Table of Contents

Shchuchin (Belarus) Yizkor Book – List of pictures

Two versions of the same Yizkor book exist. Both are dated 1966 and look virtually identical. The information is essentially indistinguishable but the order of three towns is changed. In one version, the Shtutchin portion is first. In the other version, Ostrina is first. The page numbers herein list the Shtutchin version first and the Ostrina version in brackets.

Page Picture
4 [4] Regional map of northeast Poland in 1939
28 [114] Ben-Zion Levit
29 [115] Rabbi Yehuda Ostrinsky
33 [119] Tzieri-Zion [Young Zion] (1920)
34 [120] Part of Original Farewell Letter (15 July 1920)
35 [121] Organization "Hechalutz" [Pioneers] of Shtutchin
36 [122] Shmuel-Yakob Shneider 
39 [125] A Group of Shtutchin Young People During the First World War
42 [128] Hechalutz Document (Moshe Shneider and Zusel Levit) 
43 [129] Ben-Zion Yaffe 
44 [130] Sara-Ester Bat R' Meir Farber (Volozhin) and Chazen R' Asher-Aharon Berezovsky born in Skidel in 1867 
46 [132] The Market Place (in 1910)
50 [136] Rabbi R' Yehuda Leib Khasman
53 [139] Document of Rabbi R' Y.L. Khasman
54 [140] Moshe Ben-Eliezer Glemtozkya
56 [142] Simcha Shneider
57 [143] Organization Hechalutz HaTzair about 1925 with teacher I. Gronimov
58 [144] Pictures from the town 1914 - 1918
60 [146] Itzak-Menachem (Mendel) Levin 
61 [147] Members of Hashomer HaTzair (1929)
62 [148] Members of Betar 1934 
64 [150] The Yiddish School Organization (Tzish"a) 1925
66 [152] R' Abraham-Yakob Losh and his wife Minua 
67 [153] A Marriage Certificate dated 12 May 1937 with the signature of Dov Hakhaika  R' Y.M. Rabinovich to Rochela bat Israel Lipman and Itzak Ben Josela Zmudsky. Witnesses: L. L. Zenershtejn and Minuczowsky
68 [154] top: District Assembly of Fire Department (1933)
68 [154] lower: The General Jewish Delegation of the celebration of transferring airplane to the Polish Army in the name of Shtutchin Powiat (1933)
71 [157] The Handworkers Association Committee  (1937)
73 [159] Organizers of the Kehela right: Moshe Ilutowitz, left: Moshe Shneider
75 [161] top: Aron-HaKodesh in the Bet Midrash "Khei Adom"
75 [161] lower: Burial of Moshe-Itzak Epstein. Second from the left is teacher Yosef Eliahu Zhmudsky, left son Itzak
76 [162] A Section of Hechalutz (1933)
77 [163] Hebrew Folks-School [Government School] in 1922
78 [164] top: Tarbut School in 1928
78 [164] lower: Tarbut School in 1929
80 [166] The State Teachers Seminary
82 [168] Mass Grave (1945) 
90 [176] Moshe Shneider
92 [178] Yakov Muzovitzky 
94 [180] Headlines of Newspapers about the Shtutchin Shoah
95 [181] Chaya Statzky (bat Nachum)
96 [182] Shoshana (Reizl) Medlinsky
97 [183] Young Couples on the Eve of the Shoah 
98 [184] Commemoration for Shtutchin Martyrs in Martyr's Forest in Jerusalem
104 [190] Stutchiners in Israel
107 [193] On a market day after the war (1945) - without one Jewish soul
109 [195] Simek-Binyamin Skopsky (standing) at 1950 Memorial Service
111 [195] Business Card and Message from Dr. Israel Marszak
124 [210] Tarbut (1916)
128 [214] Organization "Kherut and Takhia"
130 [216] R' Mordechai-Ber Pupko
132 [218] Founders of Culture Society 1917
135 [221] Rabbi & Gaon Yosef David Rubinshtein
136 [222] Rabbi Eizenbud and his wife
138 [249] Seal of Rabbi Eizenbud
139 [225] Street in Vasilishki
142 [228] Bet Sefer (Hebrew School):"Yavna"
143 [229] Public kitchen for needy children in 1917
146 [232] Organization Hechalutz of Vasilishok
147 [233] Hechalutz HaTzair about 1934
149 [235] Jewish Library
151 [237] Betar 1932
152 [238] Top: Betar of Vasilishki-Shtutchin
152 [238] Lower: Betar (Jabotinsky's) on August 16, 1935
154 [240] Hechalutz HaMizrachi Organization
155 [241] Hechalutz of Vasilishok Organization
157 [243] Jewish Bank Directors
160 [246] Teacher and Students
162 [248] The Late Dr. Marek Lifshitz
164 [250] Tarbut School of Vasilishki 1937
166 [252] Hashomer HaTzair Organization
168 [254] Beginning of Grodno Road in Vasilishki
170 [256] KK Grain Storage
171 [257] Top: The Late Henya Vlotzinsky
171 [257] Lower: The Late Yosef Boyarsky
176 [262] Moshe'la Foshter
178 [264] The Market Creek
181 [267] The Commercial Center
185 [271] The German School (1918)
186 [272] The Founders of the Cultural Society (1916-1918)
187 [273] The Jewish elementary school of Vasilishok (3 March 1921)
188 [274] Jewish Self-Defense (1916-1918)
193 [279] The Parent Committee and Teacher Personnel of the Tarbut School
195 [281] The Exterior of the Tarbut School
197 [283] KKL Group Collection for Jewish National Fund
198 [284] A Thank You Letter A.N. for Sara Gitl Boyarski for her Devoted Activity for the Tarbut School (At a separate banquet) 1935
203 [289] The Fire Brigade
205 [291] The Drama Society
206 [292] A Picture of the Performance "Liavke Molodietz"
218 [304] The Late R'Aharon Volochinsky
219 [305] The Ger Tzadok
225 [311] [Vasilishki] Market Place
230 [316] Part of a Brochure Given Out, by Vasilishkier Society in New York
244 [330] By the Memorial Monument of the Vasilishki Martyrs in the Memorial Forest in Jerusalem
262 [248] Siomke Boyrasky on Deathbed
272 [360] Top: Vasilishki's Solitary Mass Grave
272 [360] Lower: By the Memorial Marker for the Vasilishki Martyrs in the Martyr's Forest in Jerusalem
292 [378] Top: The first committee of the Vasilishki landsmanshaft in Israel
292 [378] Lower: The Vasilishok Committee for the Yizkor Book
296 [28] Main Synagogue of Ostrin
299 [31] Rabbi Chaim HaCohen Lebowitz
300 [32] Top: Rabbis of Nearby Towns Gather for the Funeral of Rabbi Lebowitz
300 [32] Lower: Big Community Funeral of Rabbi Lebowitz
301 [33] right: Rabbi R' Moshe Aron Draznin
301 [33] left: The Cantor R' Shmuel Dolgov
305 [37] R' Abraham Yellin 
306 [38] top: Soccer Team at Hebrew School 
306 [38] lower: Bicycle group at Lag B'Omer Celebration (1933) Ostrin 
308 [40] top - Jewish Elementary School 1922
308 [40] lower - Jewish Elementary School in the Early 1930s
309 [41] Jewish Elementary School in the 1920s 
311 [43] Market Day (Ostrin)
316 [48] Jewish Police Between Governments after World War I (Winter 1918-19): Ezra Meirof, Ishakar Shapiro, Shlomo-Hirsh, Sholkovsky, and Moshe Efron
319 [51] A Course for Seamstresses by Singer Company-1930
324 [56] top - Drama Society on 14 October 1928
324 [56] lower - Performance of "A Mensch Zol Men Sein" (1934)
326 [58] top - KKL [Keren Kayemet L'Israel] Committee in 1928
326 [58] lower - KKL Staff Farewell Party for Shimon Luniansky
328 [60] top - Hechalutz Organization in 1932
328 [60] lower - Hechalutz Organization in 1933
330 [62] top - Summer Camp of Hechalutz HaTzair of Ostrin and Novy-Dvor
330 [62] lower - Hechalutz HaTzair Organization in 1931
331 [63] Hechalutz Working in Vegetable Garden (1923/24)
332 [64] top - Hashomer HaTzair on 20th of Tamuz 1931
332 [64] lower - Hashomer HaTzair Summer Camp (1933)
333 [65] Burial of Nachum Shimnovitz, Member of Hashomer HaTzair
334 [66] top - A Group of Young People of Hashomer HaTzair at Farewell to Israel Party for Yehudit Burishany (1932)
334 [66] lower - Group of adult Members of Hashomer HaTzair
335 [67] Yekhezkal-David Tkornitzky
337 [69] Berl Krinsky
342 [74] top - Fire Brigade After World War I (1918-1919)
342 [74] lower - Firemen in 1930
367 Memorial plaque in memory of the Ostrina and Nowy-Dwor martyrs in the Holocaust cellar on Mt. Zion, Jerusalem
398 The Wood Synagogue Aron-Hakodesh/The Shamash: Yekhezkal Vashilsky)
400 top - The Committee of KKL Leaders in 1925
400 lower - KKL Leaders in 1928 Right to left: Berl Amstibovsky, Chaya Srulovich, Aryeh Vein-shtein, Ahuva Berechansky, Chaim Sholom Machevitzky (the shoemaker), a teacher, Beilka Sapozhnik, teacher Gershon Kobrovsky
401 Hechalutz in Novy Dvor in 1926
402 top - Farewell Party for Bashy and Nachum Kohan Leaving for Israel (1927)
402 lower - Farewell Party for Chaya Srulovich leaving for Israel (1930)
404 top - Hechalutz Organization in Nowy-Dwor of Lida in 1932
404 lower - Summer Camp of Hechalutz HaTzair in Kobrovtzy on 15 August 1932
406 top - Students, teacher and supporters from the "Tarbut School" in the year 1928 Standing from right: A teacher, Benjamin Kuczinski, Meir Aharon Zamoszczanski, Lajbel-Arie Wajnsztajn, Chaim-Shalom Maszewski (the shoemaker), Gerszon Kabrowski (teacher), Portnoy (teacher)
406 lower - Supporters from the "Tarbut School". Standing from right: A teacher, Peszke Amstibowski, Golde Zamoszczanski, Bajlke Saposznik, Szlomo Bereszczanski. Seated: Meir Aharon Zamoszczanski, Ljuba Amstibowski, Aszer Saposznikow, Kune-Rajzel Zamoszczanski, the teacher Portnoy. Below: Raszel Mamszekowski, Raszel Srulowicz.
408 Government Elementary School ("Powszechnia") in 1925
409 Tarbut School (on left is the teacher, Aizik Srulovich)
411 The Cultural Society of Novy-Dvor in Lida in 1928
413 The Firemen's Association Orchestra
418 R' Pinchas Starinsky
440 top - A Branch of the Federation of Pioneers [Hechalutz] (1925)
440 lower - Members of Hechalutz about 1930
442 top - A Branch of Tarbut about 1925
442 lower - School children of Bet Ruben
445 Bet Midrash

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 8 Aug 2003 by LA