Rabbi Abram Izachar Englard
from Sosnowiec may he live long and happy amongst friends including Chaim Lederman |
A group of Sosnowiec Jews
next to the headstone in the Srodula ghetto in 1947 headed by Rabbi Abram Englard |
The cantor Icchak Lajchter and Rabbi Menachem Hager doing their religious duty |
Mosze Dawid Szwarcbaum, Rabbi Naftali Glikman,
Rabbi Reb Abram Jonatan Sztark, Baruch son of Majer Orner, Jakob son of Majer Orner, Rabbi Reb Pinchas Rabinowicz, Lewi Jungster, Rabbi Majer Dawid Rubin from Chrzanów |
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