A family party in the home of Reb Eliezer Brukner in Tel Aviv (1925)
Sitting in the first row from the right: The wife Szlomo Szarf from Bedzin, Frida Jakimowski, M. S. Geshuri, Reb Eliezer Brukner, Efraim Klajn from Bet-Oved. Standing in the second row: Mosze Jakimowski (son-in-law of the mayor of Ramat-Gan, Abram Krynica), his sister Sara Hendler, Mrs. Jakimowski from America, Cwi Klajn from Jerusalem, Szoszana Jakimowski-Geshuri, Chawa Klajn, Regina (daughter of Efraim Szarf from Sosnowiec) and her husband Szlomo Klajn (a music teacher), Rywka Klajn nee Brukner, Rajzl Brukner zl (daughter of Reb Majer Szymon Brukner from Porombka), Josef Israel Geshuri from Kfar Haroeh |
Rabbi Reb Jiszajahu Englard
May the Lord revenge his blood – rabbi from Sosnowiec |
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Sosnowiec, Poland
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