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Translation of
Sefer Sokal, Tartakow Ve-ha-Seviva
Edited by: A. Khomet
Published in Tel Aviv, Israel, 1968
Jacob Solomon Berger
Mahwah, New Jersey, USA 2023
Our sincere appreciation to Jacob Solomon Berger who has kindly donated
Translation Editors: Dr. Rafael Manory & Erica S. Goldman-Brodie
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Translator's Foreword | xiv | |
Editorial Committee Foreword | xiv | |
Map of the Area | xv | |
The History of the Jews in Sokal | 1 | |
The Sokal Community | 2 | |
Our Teacher, David HaLevi, Author of ‘Tur Zahav,’ Resident of Sokal | 2 | |
The Gaon-Teacher Aryeh Yehuda Leib, Rabbi and Bet-Din Senior of Sokal | 3 | |
The Gaon-teacher R' Aryeh Leib, son of the Gaon ‘Pnei Yehoshua,’ Rabbi and ABDK of Sokal | 4 | |
The Bet-Din of Sokal in the Years of The Gaon-Teacher Aryeh Leib's Rabbinate | 5 | |
Rebbe Baruch son of Zvi Hirsch Heilperin of Sokal, Author of the Book ‘Mitzvot HaShem.’ | 5 | |
Hasidism in Sokal | 6 | |
The Gaon-Teacher Issachar Ber, the ABDK, and the Gaon-Teacher R' Shlomo, the Maggid of that Location | 6 | |
Sokal Up To The Second World War | 7 | |
How to Write and Pronounce the Name of the City of Sokal | 9 | |
The Jewish Community in Sokal A Center of Torah & Yiddishkeit | 10 | |
Sokal My Birthplace | 11 | |
A Bit of Residue and Facts about the Oldest History of Sokal | 11 | |
The Oldest Headstones in the Sokal Cemetery | 12 | |
The Sokal Settlement Depended on the Jewish Community in Belz | 14 | |
The Social-Community Importance of the Sokal Jewish Settlement | 14 | |
The Lineage of Sokal Jewry | 15 | |
The Sokal Community Obtains Its Independence from Belz | 15 | |
Sokal - A Center of Prominent Torah Scholars | 15 | |
The Thousand Nights of the Young Gaon Sholom Rokeach זצל | 16 | |
The Sokal Settlement and the Belz Dynasty | 17 | |
The Great Torah Scholars in Sokal | 20 | |
Sages & Hasidic Persona in Sokal | 21 | |
Synagogues and Study Houses in Sokal | 26 | |
The Cruel Expulsion from Hrubieszow-Chelm & the Sokal Jews | 27 | |
The Jews in Sokal from Ancient Times to the Holocaust | Dr. Abraham Khomet | 30 |
The First Evidence of Jews in Sokal | 33 | |
Under Austrian Rule | 40 | |
In Independent Poland | 61 | |
Historical Graves in the Old Cemetery in Sokal | A. Birnbaum | 71 |
The Jewish Members of the Sokal Municipal Council | Dr. Zigmunt Gruber | 73 |
Hasidism in Sokal | 75 | |
The Czortkow-Husiatyn KloyzThe Great Sacred Place in Sokal | 76 | |
The Zionist Movement in Sokal | 82 | |
The Zionist Organization in Sokal | Dr. David Kindler | 83 |
From the History of the ‘Mizrahi’ in Sokal | Yitzhak Birnbaum | 97 |
From the Revisionist Movement in Sokal | Israel Shapiro | 99 |
Poalei Tzion and Hitakhdut in Sokal | A. Kh. | 101 |
A Story from a Youth Organization | Moshe Kubler, Lawyer | 106 |
The ‘HaShomer Ha'Tzair’ Movement in Sokal | Dr. Y. Efrat (Menkes) | 114 |
Imparting General Enlightenment | 116 | |
The Hebrew Language | 117 | |
Settlements and Tours | 117 | |
The Place of the Branch in the Midst of the Jewish Zionist Community | 119 | |
‘Tze'Irei Mizrahi’ in Sokal | Yaakov ZaK | 123 |
The Youth Organization ‘Gordonia’ in Sokal | Yitzhak Levin | 128 |
The Resuscitation of the Hebrew Language in Sokal | Dr. David Kindler | 133 |
Non-Zionist Organizations in Sokal | 137 | |
‘Agudat Israel’ | A. Kh. | |
The ‘Bund’ in Israel | 139 | |
Jewish Agricultural Work in the Sokal Vicinity | Aryeh Fass | 141 |
The Jewish Contribution to Sokal's Development | Dr. David Kindler | 143 |
Humanitarian and Charitable Institutions of the Jews in Sokal | 147 | |
Jewish Philanthropic Organizations & Institutions In Sokal | Dr. David Kindler | 148 |
The Home of My Father | Dr. Y. Efrat (Menkes) | 167 |
And I Will Remember These!... | Y. HaLevi | 171 |
When I Remind Myself of Zhabuzhzha... | Zvi Klinger | 175 |
The Rebbe R' Shmuel Rokeach זצל | Menashe Unger | 183 |
The Gaon Rabbi R' Shimshon Sztokhammer זצל | Melech Neustadt | 184 |
Rabbi Shimshon Sztokhammer היד | Abraham Zemba | 186 |
Abraham Yaakov ZK זל | Y. F. | 187 |
Leoniah (Leib) Fyvel. | Y. F. | 188 |
Dr. Joseph Weniger זל | Michael Landau | 192 |
Regarding the Character of Naphtali Shimoni (Tauba) | Dr. Y. Efrat (Menkes) | 194 |
Aryeh Fass זל | Dr. Y. Efrat (Menkes) | 197 |
David Byk | Dr. David Kindler | 199 |
Engineer Schwartz | 202 | |
Zigmunt Leider | 202 | |
Yidd'l Grossman | A. Becker (Buenos Aires) | 203 |
The Holocaust | 206 | |
Pages About the Torture and Execution of the Jewish Settlement in Sokal | Moshe Maltz | 207 |
In the Nazi Gehenna | 210 | |
On the Ruins of Jewish Sokal | 233 | |
The Fate of Two Jewish Children: Miriam & Shlomit | 236 | |
Dov Zigman's Experiences in the Ukrainian Gehenna | A. Kh. | 247 |
The First Letter to Dov'cheh's Aunt, Szprinza in Haifa | 247 | |
Letter to Dov'cheh Zigman's Uncle Henryk Klinger | 249 | |
Frightening Details Regarding Ukrainian Cruelties | 251 | |
The Rescue of 15 Jews in an Attic Above of a Pig Sty | Y. Szmulewitz | 255 |
The Course of My Life During the German Occupation | Safa Rotenberg | 259 |
In the Forest | 262 | |
In A German Labor Camp | Aryeh Fass | 264 |
Memories from the Period of Suffering and Pain | Miriam Ruziner | 266 |
From the Sokal Ghetto | Leah Baumel | 271 |
Remember What Amalek Did To You | Baruch ben Zvi HaLevi Lewittes | 272 |
One of the Righteous Gentiles of the World | Gitt'l Linsker | 280 |
Jewish Doctors & Medical Professionals in the Sokal Ghetto | Dr. David Kindler | 283 |
Scions of Sokal & Vicinity In Israel and the Diaspora | 287 | |
The Organization of Émigrés of Sokal & Vicinity in Israel | Joseph Fyvel | 288 |
Jews from Sokal in the Diaspora | Joseph Fyvel | 298 |
Tartakov | 306 | |
Memories of My Birthplace, the Sacred Congregation of Tartakov | Aryeh Bak | 308 |
The Community of Tartakov | 308 | |
The Community Way of Life Within the Town and Congregation | 315 | |
Tartakov My Shtetl | Shaul Linsker | 325 |
Jewish Life in Tartakov | A. Becker | 330 |
About the Jewish Religious & Socio-Cultural Life in Tartakov | 332 | |
The Tale of One Family | Chana Cohen | 342 |
The Path of Pain and Suffering | Hersch Genauer | 349 |
A Diary From The Nazi Gehenna | Zvi Abers | 351 |
In Memory of My Friend Asher Rubinstein | Shaul Linsker | 355 |
Varenzh | 357 | |
My Town of Varenzh | Sarah Ben-Yaakov | 358 |
Joseph-Hersch the Itinerant Village Merchant | Shlomo Strauss-Marko | 371 |
Stoyanov | 375 | |
Regarding My Small Shtetl of Stoyanov | Aryeh Warband | 376 |
Memories of My Shtetl | Moshe Yekhiel HaLevi Segal | 383 |
R' Moshe Yekhiel Segal זל | Elimelech Rosenbaum | 390 |
A Little Bit of the Memories of My Shtetl | Leah Ben-Yehuda | 391 |
Our Brother A. D. Warbner | Szifra Rosenfeld, Malka Landi, Zvi Warbner | 394 |
Regarding Yaakov ben Joseph Grossman זל | Szifra Rosenfeld, Malka Landi & Zvi Warbner | 396 |
Stoyanov In the Years of Nazi Captivity | Y. Kremnitzer | 397 |
Black Friday | 401 | |
The Elderly Jew | 402 | |
The Sadistic German Soldier | 403 | |
The Decree to Wear a White Armband with a Star of David | 403 | |
Sending Jews to the Work Camp at Kuzaki | 404 | |
Aktionen of Clothing | 404 | |
The Mood Amidst the Jews | 405 | |
The Last Aktion | 406 | |
List of the Martyrs That Were Exterminated in the Holocaust | 409 | |
Necrology | 411 | |
Index of Illustrations | 437 |
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Updated 10 Jan 2025 by JH