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Families from Radekhov


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The family of Yaakov Raanan
Sitting: The grandfather Yeshayahu HaLevi Genauer and the grandmother Chaya.
Standing: the mother Chana Beile, her sister Ester and the brother Yerachmiel.
The brothers and sisters
Above: Chaim, Bluma, Eliezer, Lippa, Rachel and Dvora.



Kupferschmidt Nachman and his wife ah'b



From right to left: Keile Barij, Steinberg Rachel, and may she live long Shoshana Leider
Itzhak Barach

[Page 160]


Mendel Letzter and his wife during a visit to their son, Israel, his wife and their three grandchildren in Kibutz “Ein Harod.”
Freida Distenfeld nee Schechter
and her son Chaim Mordechai



From right to left: Shimon Schechter, the parents – Israel Leib and Rivka Schechter, the son Shmuel and one of the grandchildren

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From right to left [should be left to right]: Feige Barak, Pepi Brunn, a Hebrew teacher named Schechter [Dvora], Kalman Barij, Sara Szargel, and another Hebrew teacher
Yosef Sigal, Israel Isser Kratz, Natan Barach



From right to left: Zeide Barak and his son Yosef, Sara Feuerstein, Beila Barak nee Ecker [Zeide's wife and Sara's sister]
Sonia Guterman, Feige Batalion nee Schwarzwald

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Top row, from right to left: Yocheved nee Steinwurzel, Chaya Barach, Sara Steinwurzel, Shifra Fromm, Korach Chana and Bracha Zapun.
Second row: Zipora Ben–Hur nee Grunberg, Rivka Sandel Feintov, Rivka Schrage and Sara Lipetz.



Standing top [from left to right]: 1) Chaya Alterman 2) Yosef Menaker.
Sitting [from left to right]: 3) Ettel Koch nee Gertwagen 4) Shmuel Gertwagen 5) Lippa Kitzes 6) Sofia Letzter 7) Shoshana Leider 8) Ecker Dov.


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