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Organized Zionist Youths from Radekhov (cont.)


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From left to right: 1) Meir Barach 2) Shmuel Katz 3) Mottel Miller 4) Zalman Sigal 5) Michael Schrage 6) Anschel Kutyn 7) Avraham Barach



From right to left: Sonia Guterman, Sabina Apelfeld, Feige Batalion nee Schwarzwald

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From right to left: 1) Zipora Schrage Kaptzan 2) Zvi Kaptzan 3) Rivka Menaker 4) David Klein
Second row, from right to left: 1) unknown 2) Itzhak Kaptzan 3) Zvi Schrage 4) unknown 5) Adel Meier
Third row, from right to left: 1) unknown 2) Reuven Kranz 3) Grossman Avraham 4) Stricker Aharon



The sign: Z.K.S. Kadima - Jewish Athletes Union
Berl Horowitz, Herschel Miller, Shimon Russ, Elki Kranz, Menachem Kupferschmidt, Naftali Barach, Velti Sigal and Mandel Mottel

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1) Itzik Leib Singer 2) Yechiel Barasch 3) Diwald Baruch 4) Fincek Einrich 5) Moshe Zugman 6) Mordechai Miller 7) Anschel Kutyn 8) Yaakov Leider 9) Meir Barach 10) Meir Windbeutel. Itzhak Barak son of Dov.



From right to left: Israel Silberman, Izio Wasser, Mottel Klein, Lippa Russ, Lippa Windbeutel

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Above, from the right: Moshe, Mordechai, Shoshana and Yaakov Shmuel Weissman
Second row: Yehoshua, Nesya and her son Yehoshua, Gittel, the parents: Zvi Arie and Tzila. Zipora and Henia wife of Kraus
Third row: Tusia, Anschel, Ziona wife of Oberman



Gordonia” youth movement, amongst them: Gimpel Just, Chaim Menaker, Itzhak (Itschale) Barak, Kramm Poldi [Arnold Kramm, standing, first from the left]

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Sara Lipetz with the “Achva” training company in Drohobycz




Zeide and David Barak
David Klein,
commemorated by his son Yehoshua


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