[Page 290]
An anthology of minutes that were sent to members of the organization in Israel and the Diaspora.
The Organization of Natives of Podhajce and the Region in Israel
Tel Aviv, Elul, 5625 (September 1965)
First round of correspondence
Regarding: The publication of a book in memory of the martyrs of Podhajce in the region (Zawalow, Winiowczyk, Gorzhanka, Zlotniki)
In the recent meeting of the natives of our city in Tel Aviv, a special committee was established for the publication of a book in memory of the martyrs of Podhajce and the region.
So that we can stand up to this task that we have taken upon ourselves, we request assistance from all members in the following areas:
- Please check the list of natives of our town that is included herein, point out any error, and add the names and addresses of natives of the city that are known to you but do not appear in our list.
- Please send us lists of natives of our city who are found in the Diaspora, including correct addresses.
- Please inform us if you know of any people who are prepared to participate in the editing of the material for the memorial book, or who can contribute in any fashion to the success of the task. First and foremost, let us know if you are willing for such.
- If you have written matter regarding Podhajce (photographs, documents, etc.), we request that you send them to us. We will photograph the originals and return them to you immediately.
- Please send us any practical ideas or advice that can contribute to the success of this task.
- All members are requested to prepare a list of their family members who perished, including details (dates and circumstances).
- Please let us know the number of books that you wish to order.
We request that you return the responses along with the requested material to one of the following addresses:
Dr. B. Milch, Ahad Haam Street 14, Haifa
Yehuda Weisman, Chovevei Zion Street, Tel AvivWith blessings for the New Year
In the name of the Committee for the Publication of the Memorial Book
Y. Weisman Dr. Milch
Every native of our city and its region is requested to transfer the amount of 20 Israeli Lira to the accounts of those responsible for the publication of the book. Please send to the following address:
Menachem Ettinger. Buki Ben Yagli Street 11, Tel Aviv
{The text below is a reproduction of a photocopied page.}
The Organization of Natives of Podhajce and its region in IsraelTo whom it may concern
We hereby inform you that we are about to actualize
By planting trees in a special grove that will be given to us by the Jewish National Fund for this purpose, within the general area of the Martyr's Forest.
We are hereby including several forms, which we ask you to fill out and return to us with the fees (1 Israeli Lira for each tree with no restrictions on the number of trees per person), to the following address:
M. Merker, King George Street 56, Tel Aviv.You are hereby requested to sign up and to donate in memory of friends and acquaintances who have no family members in the Land.
We will send receipts promptly.
Donate and urge others to do so!
With friendly regards
The Organizing Committee
Israel 5714 (1954)
{End of photocopy}
The Committee for the publication of the Memorial Book of the community of Podhajce and its region in Israel.Tel Aviv, December 1965.
Dear esteemed friend:Unfortunately, many of the natives of our town have not to this date responded to our first call, that we sent out to everybody two months ago. Nobody has sent any material or photographs. Nobody has sent any money, or has answered the questions about their murdered friends and acquaintances.
Therefore, we turn to you with request number two, and beg you to answer our questions which we have sent to you in our first call as soon as possible
[Page 291]
and also to send as much as possible for the needs to the address of Mr. Menahcem Ettinger, Buki Ben Yagli 11, Tel Aviv.In general, we request that all of our friends become more active in the matter of the Yizkor Book, the importance of which we all recognize.
We take this opportunity to present to you a brief accounting of our activities to date.
- We have been in touch with Dr. Kermish of Jerusalem, who serves as the secretary of Yad Vashem. (He had relatives in Podhajce). And he has taken it upon himself to edit the material of the Yizkor Book, and help us in general with the publication of the book.
- We have increased and improved the list of our natives, and their addresses.
- We have succeeded in obtaining several photographs, narratives and facts about Jewish life in Podhajce.
- We have gotten in contact with people who come from Podhajce, as well as with Podhajce natives in America.
- We have obtained exact details from Yad Vashem about the events in Podhjace during the Holocaust.
- We have collected some money, primarily from the members of the book committee and also from several natives whom we canvassed in person.
With the passage of time, we have held several meetings with the members of the book committee in Tel Aviv and in Jerusalem. At the last meeting, we selected a broader book committee, composed of the following people: Dr. Weichert, Dr. Pomerantz, Dr. Marbach, Dr. Weinless, Dr. Heller, Dr. Weiss, Dr. Baruch Milch, Mr. Weisman, Mrs. Klara Stoop, Shragel Hessel, Nathan Brecher, Mordechai Merker, Yehuda Grussgot, Yehoshua Stamler, Menachem Ettinger, Bunio Shotten, Bunio Brandwein, Aharon Shourz, Shlomo Walden, Yitzchak Walden-Breines, Tzvi Goralnik, Mrs. Henia Shourz (Fuchs), Mordechai Fedder, and others.
We once again request you to send us photographs and material in Hebrew, Yiddish or other languages, which we will translate and edit.
We request that each of our members contribute to this endeavor according to your means. The money should be sent to the address of Mr. Menachem Ettinger. (We note that some of our members have contributed 100 Israeli Lira.)
We wish to stress that the expenses to create the Yizkor Book are very large, and to this time, we have not received any financial assistance from America.
With friendly regards
In the name of the committee
Dr. B. Milch M. EttingerThe Committee for the Publication of the Yizkor Book
By the organization of Natives of Podhajce and its RegionDecember 28, 1966
Dear Member!We are pleased to inform you that in the last year, every effort has been made by the committee to expedite the publication of the Memorial Book of the Community of Podhajce and Region. We hereby present to you a brief accounting of the recent activities.
- We have strengthened the connections with the Yad Vashem institute, and especially with Dr. Kermish, one of the heads of Yad Vashem in the Land (who is also a native of our region, and has taken great interest in our activities).
The following are participating with us in this activity: Dr. Weichert, Professor Weiss from the United States, the writer G. Kressel, Dr. Pomerantz, and Dr. Margolies.
At one of the meetings in Jerusalem at the home of Professor Wish, the following people participated: Dr. Kermish, Dr. Milch, Dr. Pomerantz, Mr. Menachem Ettinger, and Mrs. Walden. At that meeting, many important decisions were made regarding the publication of the book.
- An additional meeting took place at the home of Mr. Ettinger, in which the following people participated: Professor Weiss, Dr. Kermish, Dr. Milch and other members of the committee. A final decision was made to commit a significant sum of money, which would be given to Dr Kermish in order to take the first steps in the publication of the book. Similarly, all of the material that has been collected to date by Dr. Milch was given by him to Dr. Kermish for classification and editing.
We must point out the warm feelings that have been expressed by Professor Weiss regarding the activities and dedication of Dr. Milch to the holy task of the publication of the book. Professor Weiss has promised to also work personally and to solicit support in the United States for the idea of the publication of the book.
- Natives of Podhajce and the region! We are only at the beginning of the journey, and its success depends solely on you. In the accompanying list, we present you the detailed financial accounting of the sums that have been collected to this date. This sum is only a portion of the funds that are necessary to realize the goal. Therefore, we turn to you with the call: Please join us in this holy task that is close to your hearts, in order to perpetuate the memory of your parents, friends, and all the martyrs of our city who perished during the era of the Holocaust
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Similarly, you must make efforts to help us gather the material for the book, and to write in any language about various topics connected with the past of our city. The material will be edited by experts, who will translate it and render it fit for publication. The topics about which you should write include: Zionism in our city, youth movements, rabbis, people and personalities, synagogues, etc.We have enclosed a personal questionnaire which you are asked to fill out and return to the address of Dr. Milch, Ahad Haam Street 14, Haifa.
Please send donations in cash and pledges to Mr. Menachem Ettinger, Tel Aviv, Buki Ben Yagli Street 11.
With Great Honor,
In the name of the committee.Dr. Milch M. Ettinger
The Organization of Natives of Podhajce and the Region in Israel
Sivan 4727 June 1967
(Includes an invitation to the memorial ceremony.)
With great satisfaction we hereby inform you that the preparation efforts for the publication of the Yizkor Book for our destroyed community is progressing.Much material has been received from the Land and the Diaspora, including pictures and photographs. We can determine that the book will include four sections:
a. A Historical section about Podhajce from the beginning of its existence and about its Jewish community.
b. Surveys and descriptions about institutions, personalities, schools, movements, communal personalities and well-known families (including photographs).
c. A section on the Holocaust era, according to stories and testimonies from survivors of our city.
d. A memorial section, which will include the names of our dear ones and all the members of our city who were murdered by the Nazi criminals and their accomplices.
At the end of this section, everyone will be able to publish a photograph of their relatives who perished along with words of memorial (for a special fee).
We turn to all members who have not yet returned to us their questionnaires which were sent to you with the urgent request to return them to us promptly and to include any material that you have in your hands. You must hurry to send the material, for we will be unable to receive further material after we give it over to the printer. Similarly, we ask our members to give us their generous donations, so that we can pay the significant expenses that are tied in with the publication of the book.
With honor and friendly greetings:
The Organization committee
Mordechai Feder of blessed memory
A native of Zlotnik. A member of the organization committee in Israel. He made aliya in 1933. He volunteered for the brigade, served in the Israel Defense Forces at the rank of a captain during the War of Independence and the Sinai Campaign. He participated in the efforts for the publication of the Yizkor Book and composed an elegy for the victims of the Holocaust in Podhajce and its environs (see page 176). He died in Tel Aviv in 1969The Organization of Natives of Podhajce and Region in Israel
Tel Aviv, November 11, 1968
To all natives of Podhajce and its region, much peace.Since the time of the annual memorial for the martyrs of our city is approaching, and we once again cannot fulfill our promise of publishing the Yizkor Book on time, we have decided to turn to you once again and request your help so that we can bring the matter to a conclusion.
To this date, we have gathered approximately 90% of the material and greatly edited it. However, in order to bring it to its conclusion, we are short a sum of close to 10,000 Israeli Lira. Therefore we turn to you with a request to donate significant sums to this need, for it would be unfortunate for us if all the material that was gathered, and the work that was invested to this date would go down the drain.
Anyone interested in having photographs of their family members published in the book must pay us a special fee for us (the price of every plate is 20 Israeli Lira). Everyone who has additional material is requested to send it to us at the address of Dr. B. Milch, Ahad Haam 14, Haifa. Similarly, we request that all those members who have not yet returned to use the questionnaire with names of their relatives who perished to return it to us promptly.
Member! Even if you already donated, please repeat your donation and send it to us promptly, so that we can conclude our work.
With friendly and faithful greetings
The Committee
[Page 293]
The Yizkor Book Committee in IsraelTel Aviv
July 26, 1969
Beloved natives and friends
Of the Podhajce Relief in America!We thank you very much for the heartfelt greeting and report that you sent us through the esteemed member Isser Roller, and especially for the generous sum of 900 dollars that he brought as a contribution from the American committee in order to publish the Yizkor Book. Isser Roller added his own check of 100 dollars to the aforementioned sum despite the fact that he had already given 100 dollars in his own time. Therefore, we must thank him heartily.
The support of the American Relief demonstrates that you appreciate the importance of our work and the holy duty to perpetuate our destroyed town. We are certain that the following people played a great role in this: the member Mitzio Frisch, the vice president and secretary Paul Klein, our diligent assistance Isser Roller and his wife Chanale, Rabbi Wolf Feuerstein, and probably others of whom we do not know. We extend to all of them our heartfelt thank you for their assistance.
The member Isser Roller is able to relay to you how far we have come in our work. We are still missing many names from the list of those who perished, as well as a bit of material for the book. We are also still short some money for our further activities. In the past while, everything has become more expensive, and furthermore, we wish to publish a part of the book in English, which will increase the expenses. We hope that the American Relief will be able to assist us further, for there are still many of our natives who have not contributed anything, or have contributed insufficient amounts for this purpose. The member Isser Roller has told us that he would help collect the needed sums, and he will certainly do this.
We are sending you a list of all who have contributed to the book to date, from which you can see that our townsfolk in Israel have also given fine sums. However we are still 20,000 Pounds short of the sum that is needed to publish the book.
We send you our best wishes, and await your prompt reply.
In the name of the book committee
Dr. B. Milch A. Ettinger
With the conclusion of the publication of the memorial book, we see it as our duty to thank all of our townsfolk in the Land and in the Diaspora who have helped financially to the publication of the memorial book.
The general income to the date of December 31, 1972 is the sum of 18,980 Israeli Pounds. Of these, 3,780 Israel Pounds (900 dollars) were donated by the Landsmanschaft of natives of Podhajce and the region in the United States. The remaining amount, totaling 15,200 Israeli Pounds, was received from various members in Israel, the United States, and France.
The following is the list of our members and natives of our town who have participated financially in the publication of the book.
Avraham Pels
Henia Shourz
Isser Roller (United States)
Rabbi Wolf Fueurstein Brecher
Dr. Baruch Milch (United States)
Menachem Ettinger (United States)
Reuven Margolis (United States)
Halpern brothers (United States)
Berger (United States)
Lucia and Bernard Milch (United States)
Sali Klang (United States)
Leon Reibel (United States)
[Page 294]
Dr. Max Sherr (United States)
Eliezer and Freda Perl
Aryeh Kopler
Yisrael Roth
Gruber (United States)
Sporer (United States)
Yehuda Weissman
Chaim Kessler
Berta and Izak Weitz (United States)
Leon Fistreich
Adela Frankel (United States)
Schulman brothers (United States)
Fanny and Michael Lehrer (United States)
Klara Reich
Leah Feldberg-Rafael
Klara Stoop
Yehudit Weinleger
Yaffa Shulwolf
Aharon Stamler
Chaya Ettinger-Kanner (United States)
Avraham Geller (United States)
Heshels Halitzka
Yitzchak Liblich
Meir Morbach
Moshe Fogel (United States)
Dr. Matityahu Pomerantz
Shourz family
Yosef Fistreich (United States)
Sara Drori-Rotstein
Helen Epstein (United States)
Simon Blumenfeld (United States)
Zelda Grau (United States)
Moses Meltzer (United States)
Uri Milshtok
Reiss (United States)
Ella Stein-Lilienfeld
Baruch Shotten
Eliahu Ehrlich
Sam Fried (United States)
Arthur Fried-Patrick
Oscar (United States)
Shimon Kubs (United States)
Moshe Roth (United States)Dvora Blumberg
Phillip Glazer (Germany)
Herzl Greenberg (France)
Yitzchak Wetreich (United States)
Professor Avraham Weiss of blessed memory
Shalom Lilienfeld
Feibish Mossberg
Dr. Simcha Margolies of blessed memory
Shlomo Mendler
Yishayahu Polk
Mendel Zeiler
Mina Fisch-Streifeld
Akiva Schwartz
Chaim Steinberg
Malka Roth-Goralnik
Sarah Blumenstein-Polishuk
Shmuel Horowitz
Etka Glazer
Shlomo Walden
Avraham Tunis
Yaakov Zimmerman
Aharon Schwartz
Yehuda Shechter
Shraga Hassel
Shaul Silber
Yitzchak Frankel (United States)
Leib Frankel (United States)
Nachum Pushteig
Shimon Farb
Rachel Abend
Golda Erde
Munio Brandwein
Sarah Banner-Lang
Elka Bronstein
Malka Globos
Etia Weiss
Tzvi Weizman
Rivka Yankelevitch
Hella Lubel-Messing
Sarah Marbach
Yitzchak Mintzes ?
Tzila Sobel
Slova ZinkoverMoshe Friedman
Freda Fisch
David-Shlomo Pasternak
Menachem Mendel fleshner-Shnier
Malka Kaufman-Hessel
Avraham Kressel
Aliza Rottenberg
Yehoshua Stamler of blessed memory
Meir Shechter
Nathan Brecher
Felix Bin
Yosef Hessel
Mordechai Feder of blessed memory
Genia Kugler
Anna Reiss
Leah Stamenberg
Yosef Shechter
Hella Steg-Citron
Hela Foder-Kiniover
Yitzchak Bin
Mordechai Breines
Tzvi Goralnik
Elka Gishes
Avraham Glazer
Chaya David-Rauch
Getzel Hessel
Malka Hessel
Manhard Hessel
Shoshana Chetzroni
Ada Levin
Yosef Must
Miriam Nadler-Tuchman
Henka Friedman-Klug
Chana Peleg
Meir Pelz
Dora Tzeiler-Pantzel
Yaakov Kessler
Yitzzhak Rotenberg-Mayberger
Yehuda Roll
Hella Shmok
Sender Stern
Chana Teib-Frisch
Yitzchak Ettinger
Yigal Ettinger
Eker (the pharmacist)
Liobi Buchwald
Esther Goldberg
Michael Goldberg
Tzvia Goldberg
Tovia Breines
Efraim Brandwein
Rivka Gross
Dr. Meichel Weichert
Professor Avraham Weiss
Dr. Yisrael Weiss
Meir Zelchower-Zerubavel
Yosef Tunis
Melech Teicher
Menachem Jopiter
Freida Lehrer
Munio Lilienfeld
Dr. Aryeh Morbach, physician
Sarah Morbach
Dr. Simcha Margolies
Mordechai Fedder
Meir Fink
Shimon Fink
Mendel Fleshner
Shimon Farb
Yossel Frisch
Yaakov Zimmerman
Yosef Ruf
Yitzchak Shourz
Meir Schwartz, the Rabbi from Zawalow
Izik Stamler
Meir Shechter
{Translator's note, the obvious typos would have already been rectified in my translation. Errors in names would not have been. For completeness, I included the entire errata as it appears in the book.}
25 | Column 1, row 22: Hakatar written in error. Should be Hakatan |
48 | Row 34. Instead of Binyamin Kutner, it should be Binyamin Kitner |
49 | Column 1, Row 9. The author should be Rabbi Wolf Fueurstein Brecher |
52 | Column 1, row 9. Instead of the Responsa of the Maharsha, it should be the Responsa of the Maharsham (Rabbi Shalom Mordechai) |
98 | Members of the Beitar in Podhajce. Add: In the center, the commander of the troupe Nathan Milch of blessed memory (the brother of Dr. Baruch Milch) |
104 | Instead of the home of Dr. Pik, the home of Weintraub (the shochet), it should say: The home of Dr. Dik, the home of Weintraub, the home of Cimet |
104 | The houses of Dr. Pik, Weintraub (the shochet), should say: the homes of Dr. Dik, Weintraub and Cimet |
107 | Column 2, row 14. To the death camp of Blutz. Should say Belzec. |
120 | Column 1, row 27. Instead of Dov Kutner of blessed memory, it should be Binyamin Kitner of blessed memory |
125 | The caption under the photo at the end of the page should say: A group of academic youth in the home of the Weinless family, not Moshe Weinless. |
127 | Column 2, row 19: instead of the suburb of Halicz, it should say Holhocha |
141 | A group of Gordonia members. The following should be added: seated, from right to left, Yisrael Glazer, Nathan Brecher, Uri Milshtok, and Izik Gotstein. Standing from right to left: Hirsch Schwartz, Yoel Lustigman, Dik, Brecher, and Izik Ettinger |
147 | The names of two of the standing people were omitted: the first from the right is Mrs. Pepa Milch (nee Weinless), and the first from the left is the court official Mr. Shleicher. |
157 | The caption under the photograph; students of the Hebrew school with the teacher Goldstein (instead of the teacher Rosen) |
159 | It should say: standing from right to left: Shimon Kremer, Mayberger, Gruber, Berish Burl. |
160 | It should say: standing from right to left: Freda Dunkel, Isser Roller, Mrs. Feldberg |
183 | Column 2, row 25. Instead of Mendel Abend and his daughter Rachel, it should say, with his daughter Dvora |
185 | Column 1, row 3. Instead of Mendel Abend and his daughter Rachela, it should say, and his daughter Dvora. Also in the continuation. |
216 | Column 2, row 42 (second from the bottom): My brother Leib Kressel should be my brother-in-law Leib Kressel |
228 | Column 2, row 12: instead of Dombas it should say Dunbas |
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