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[Pages 182-193]


Jewish Births in Zmigrod

Below are the birth records of the Zmigroder Jewish population for the years 1866-1889.

Missing are the following years: 1868, 1874, 1875 and 1876.

The Polish officials had a difficult time with the Yiddish or Hebrew names and frequently misspelled them, or just used the first name while the party had two first names. This created confusion in relating family members. Still, it is a priceless document of Jewish Zmigrod.

Jean Krieser who lived in Paris, France, did a wonderful job in obtaining these records that establish the names of Zmigroder Jews during the period.


Father Mother Gender
AIGER Jacob 28/10/1869 Jude Ziwe M
ALSTER Rachel 15/2/1879 Aaron F
ALTHOLTZ Elias 1/3/1867 Hersch Frumet M
ARDYSZYK Miszket 26/10/1871 Berl Pesel F
ARDYSZYK Pinkas 16/9/1872 Asher Benyamin Perl M
ARDYSZYK Golde Riwa 1873 Asher Benyamin Perl F
AUMAN Hersh 8/12/1879 Samuel Henech M
AUMAN Hudes 3/11/1881 Aaron Ber F
AUMAN Esther 2/8/1872 Abraham Roze F
AUMAN Chaje Ziwje 2/8/1872 Abraham Roze F
AUMAN Neche 15/11/1866 Aaron Ber Ester F
BER Selig 17/3/1883 Aaron M
BER Sprince 3/4/1880 Aron F
BERTIE Efroim Hersch 27/2/1879 Aaron M
BERGER Reuven Yosef 23/7/1887 Mendel M
BERGER Rachel 20/7/1880 Israel F
BERGER Chane 5/5/1882 Israel F
BERGER Sara 20/10/1869 Alter Gittel F
BERGER Bear 6/2/1876 Alter Mindel M
BERGER Feivel Shmaje 1873 Breindel M
BLOCH Salomon 20/10/1871 Samuel Neche M
BLOCH David Feivel 27/2/1879 Samuel M
BLOCH Benjamin Wolf 1873 Samuel Reisel M
BUCHER Dewore 28/10/1869 Isaak Mishket Chana F
BUKSENABUM Benjamin Wolf 1873 Isaac Riwke M
BUCHSBAUM Schije 28/11/1871 Hendel Riwa M
CITRONENBAUM Isaac 12/3/1872 Moses Ester M
DEUTSCHMAN Samuel 15/2/1869 Mendel Jides M
DEUTCHMAN Debora 14/7/1876 Mendel Jides F
EICHNER Josef 28/10/1869 Moses Hersch Chana Libes M
EICHNER Abraham 4/8/1866 Samuel Wolf Itte M
EISENBERG Josef 15/6/1881 Hersch M
EISENBERG Mindel 12/6/1877 Jacob Chana F
EISENBERG Shije 15/2/1867 Chaskel Ides M
EISENBERG Samuel Markus 4/12/1871 Simon Ruhel Leja M
EISENBERG Schyje 1/10/1876 Simon Leia M
ENGEL Pesel 24/11/1869 Benjamin Sara F
ENGEL Markus 2/21872 Benjamin Sara M
ERREICH Cypre 18/7/1880 Mechel F
ERREICH Pessel 25/5/1883 Mechel F
ERREICH Jozef 23/8/1885 M
ERREICH Sussel 3/11/1885 Mechel F
ERREICH Esther 30/7/1887 Mechel F
ERREICH Berl 18/9/1888 Feige Ruchel M
ERREICH Freidel 156/1883 Pinkas F
ERREICH Josef 5/11/1879 Leib M
ERREICH Abusz 30/9/1881 Mechel M
ERRENREICH Mawes 27/10/1871 Leibisch Hendel F
FACHER Feige 13/1/1872 Mendel Chaje F
FEDER Ester 11/8/1872 Hersch Mindel F
FENNIG Riwka 23/1/1872 Lazar Neche F
FINDLING Zlata 5/6/1883 Isaak F
FINDLING Jszeste 3/4/1880 Jacob F
FINDLING Abraham 27/3/1882 Jacob M
FINDLING Simche 25/5/1883 Jacob M
FINDLING Hicel 18/11/1879 Samuel Isaak F
FINDLING Perl 11/6/1881 Simche Riwka F
FINDLING Berl 1873 Simche Riwka M
FINDLING Hinda 14/9/1872 F
FINDLING Israel Ber 26/7/1866 Efroim Hersch Reisel M
FINDLING Chaim 4/10/1876 Simon Gittel M
FINDLING Chaje 1873 Israel Mishket F
FINDLING Dwore 1873 Israel Mishket F
FINDLING Chaje Sche 18/1/1872 Hersch Dawid Mishket F
FINDLING Samuel 17/1/1869 Isaac Myszket M
FINDLING Jacob 15/4/1869 M
FINDLING Isak 10/5/1869 M
FISCH Rywka 8/4/1880 Jozef F
FREUND Laje 20/10/1885 Szyje F
FRIEDMAN Josef 29/9/1888 Hersch M
GELLER Scheindel 15/5/1882 Juda F
GESTER Nachman 22/8/1869 Elias Sure M
GETZLER Marjem 12/3/1876 Wolf Ester F
GINZBERG Ruban 11/4/1881 Isser M
GOLD Jona 26/8/1869 Leib Miszket M
GOLDMAN Taube 10/6/1880 Isaak F
GOLDWENDER Chaje 8/1/1872 Naftali Riwka F
GOTTLIEB Moses 1/11/1885 Mechel M
GOTZLER Isaak 19/7/1883 Hersch M
GOTZLER Chiel 23/12/1879 Samuel Henech M
GOTZLER Gittel 10/6/1867 Israel Sussel F
GOTZLER Gittel 6/4/1869 Moses F
GRAGER Schifra 28/3/1872 Berisch F
GREISSMAN Isaak 2787/1869 Pinkas Mindel M
GROSS Haje Hendel 27/12/1888 Naftali F
GROSS Moyszez Aaron 3/3/1879 Laiser M
GROSS Samiel 28/3/1881 Noe M
GROSS Isaak 22/7/1869 Berisch Hinde M
GROSS Zwitche 12/3/1876 Ben Tzion Rose M
GROSS Moses Nathan 21/1/1872 Baruch Hinde M
GROSSMAN Chiel 12/3/1876 Isaac Mayer Yete M
HABER Ides 15/3/1867 Semuel Ester F
HERSCHKOWITZ Ette 1873 Shulem Marjem F
HIRSZ Baroch 13/9/1872 Dawid Yachne M
HIRSZ Wolf 9/11/1887 Simche M
HERZ Eisig 1873 Chaim Yachne M
HERZ Isaac 18/3/1869 Dawid Ester M
HIRSCH Kalman 24/1/1885 Markus M
HIRSCH Markus Wolf 16/3/1869 Salomon Itte M
HIRSCH Alexander 20/8/1872 Salomon Itte M
HOLLENDER Mindel 8/3/1883 Chaim Itsche F
HONIG Moses 1873 M
JUST Gittel 13/6/1881 Hersh Leib F
JUST Laser 20/2/1869 Berisch Malke M
KAHN Markus 11/11/1879 Samiel M
KAMIL Hana 1873 Fischel Navies F
KAUFMAN Marjem 5/7/1884 Israel F
KEIL Meier 5/12/1871 M
KELER Mendel 15/7/1869 Hersch Late M
KELER Hersch 19/11/1869 Simche Dawid Dobre M
KELLER Frida 21/9/1881 Simche Baruch F
KELLER Keile 3/6/1867 Hersch Beile F
KESSLER Feige 2/4/1872 F
KILIK Dawid Fevel 2710/1879 Mojze M
KINST Mayer 18/3/1879 Isaak M
KINZLER Hersch 6/6/1876 Kalman Kalman M
KINZLER Chaim Dawid 8/6/1876 Bear Sussel M
KINZLER Salamon 1873 Isaac Sussel M
KIRKMAN Freide Feige 8/6/1883 Samuel F
KRILL Moses 5/7/1884 Aaron M
KLEIN Moses Ezra 2710/1887 Chaim Fishel M
KLEIN Feige Gittel 13/10/1888 Chune F
KLEIN Oser 5/9/1872 Dawid Leia M
KLEINMAN Josef Berl 7/7/1880 Mojszes Gershon M
KOHN Taube 29/3/1879 Leib F
KOHN Neche 20/3/1879 Jacob F
KOHN Hannah Sara 20/3/1879 Aaron F
KOHN Gittel 4/7/1887 Shaje F
KOHN Esther 18/9/1888 Josef F
KOHN Laje 20/6/1884 Hersch Leib F
KOHN Lippe 9/11/1884 Mayer Jozef M
KOHN Simche 22/5/1882 Chaim Awigdor M
KOHN Abraham Isaak 29.3.1881 Moshe Josef M
KOHN Freidl 254/1881 Leib F
KOHN Abraham Kalman 14/8/1879 M
KOHN Frida 18/6/1881 Moses F
KOHN Chaje 23/31882 Szyje F
KOHN Sara 1/6/1876 Markus Isser Yente F
KOHN Hene 4/2/1876 Leib Hersh Ruchel F
KOHN Isaac Leib 1873 Dawid Blima M
KOHN Samiel Juda 14/1/1872 Shulem Ruchel M
KOHN Josef 12/1/1872 Abraham Hirsch Sure Freide M
KOHN Samiel 18/11/1869 Hersch Leib Ides M
KOHN Eisig 4/11/1871 Hersch Leib Eidel M
KOHN Ryfka 15/1/1885 Naftali F
KOLBER Marjem 10/11/1881 Markus F
KOLBER Rifka 12/7/1869 Lippe Golde F
KOLBER Hersch 25/11/1866 Berl Sima M
KOLBER Jacob 10/8/1866 Moses Ryfka M
KOLBER Chaim 4/10/1876 Jacob Blima M
KOLBER Chaim 1873 Moses Chana M
KOLBER Abraam 14/3/1872 Berl Sara M
KOLBER Leib 20/11/1869 Schije Chawa M
KORNFELD Shaine Ryfka 10/10/1888 Markus M
KOWIE Sara Dwore 17/8/1879 Shulem Hersh F
KRATZER Breindel 6/7/1869 F
KRATZER Dewore 12/8/1866 Moses Sara F
KRATZER Hirsch 12/9/1872 Moses Sara M
KRATZER Sprince 12/5/1876 Chaim Aaron Ester F
KRATZER Dwore 4/2/1872 F
KRAUSBLATT Brucha Beila 24/8/1872 Josef Elle Hitzel F
KRAUSBLATT Chane 24/8/1871 F
KREBS Marjem 28/10/1871 Schmiel Ruhel Leja F
KREBS Bear 8/2/1876 Smiel Ruchel Chaje M
KREMER Izaak 12/9/1888 Feige Ruchel M
KREMER Berl 19/7/1883 Salomon M
KRILL Juda Leibisch 20/1/1872 Aaron Ides M
KRISCHER Szyje 10/3/1879 Jacob Oinkas M
KRISCHER Joel 27/6/1880 Jacob Pinkas M
KRISS Leibisch 12/11/1866 Mendel Chessia M
KRZESZANER David 28/7/1878 Abraham M
KRZESZANER Mosze 10/3/1885 Abraham M
KURRIER Benjamin Wolf 11/7/1887 Samuel M
LAKS Josef 18/11/1883 Hersch Leib M
LAKS Freide 30/10/1871 Naftali Chana F
LANDESMAN Sara 2/9/1872 Sender Mindel F
LANG Breindel 21/9/1881 Sender Mindel F
LANG Marjem 25/4/1869 F
LANG Michuel 15/2/1879 Juda M
LANG Laje 9/7/1887 Samuel F
LANG Leib Hersh 28/8/1869 Elias Sara M
LANG Chaim 1/7/1867 Fivel Dewore M
LANG Simon 2/4/1869 Juda Leibisch Sara M
LANG Feige 26/10/1871 Fischel Ruchel M
LEIBNER Saul Mendel 16/2/1876 Nathan Rose M
LEIBNER Rachel Witte 15/2/1879 Nathan Rose F
LEIBNER Moses 18/2/1888 Isaak M
LEWKOWICZ Hinde 6/1/1872 Leiser Sara F
LORBER Sara Riwka 25/10/1869 Leib Sime F
LUXENBERG Eidel 25//9/1889 Zacharia F
MOHRER Malka Mirel 20/8/1887 Samuel F
NARCISEN Berl 25/8/1869 Hersz Rywa M
NEBEL Moses 2/6/1867 Mandel Ester M
NEBEL Chiel 4/2/1872 Jacob Sime Ester M
NEBEL Benjamin 20/3/1869 Jacob Ester Sie M
NEBEL Chaskel 26/3/1882 Hersch M
NEBENTZAHL Hendel 20/4/1869 F
OCHAWET Benyamin 12/2/1876 Hersch Ester M
OCHAWET Sara Chana 29/11/1879 Samuel Henech M
PACHTER Marjem 10/1/1869 Maier Marjem F
PENSAK Szyje 10/3/1879 Jacob M
PINKAS Sara 8/3/1876 Josef Tzerel F
RABI Jacob 5/12/1871 Hersch Chaje M
RABI Rachel 26/3/1869 Aaron Yides F
RAUL Leon 15/12/1879 Samuel Henech M
REICH Naftali 2/7/1869 Joseph Dwora M
REICHMAN Moses Hirsz 28/10/1871 Joseph Dwora M
REICHMAN Efroim 17/10/1884 Jozef Dwora M
REICHMAN Pessel 5/4/1880 Josef Dwora F
REICHMAN Samiel 16/11/1881 Josef Dwora M
REICHMAN Franie 29/5/1882 Samuel Henoch F
REICHMAN Leje 1873 Berich Beile F
REINOLTZ Elias 16/3/1876 Aaron Feige M
RELIN Juda 25/10/1871 Isaac Feige M
RENDEL Meilech 19/9/1888 Wolf M
RETTIG Riwke 10/4/1869 Gershon Margule F
RIKEL Leibisch 8/9/1872 Gershon Margule M
RIKEL Dawid Leib 15/6/1867 Hersch Bracha M
ROSENHAM Salomon 2/3/1867 M
ROSNER Moses Kalman 24/3/1869 Baroch Reisel M
ROSNER Ruchel 3/2/1876 Bear Laje F
ROZENTHAL Rachel 2/8/1885 Benyamin F
SALOMON Schyje 14/5/1876 Moes Sera M
SCHERER Michael Samuel 15/10/1887 Feivel M
SCHIFF Scheindl 20/9/1889 David F
SCHIFF Taube Laje 9/9/1889 F
SCHIFF Leib Wolf 6/8/1887 Juda M
SCHLOSS Berl 5/7/1884 Chaim Fishel M
SCHLOSS Hinde 30/8/1878 F
SCHON Fride 23/9/1881 Lieber F
SEHACH Hirsch 10/9/1872 Asher Breindel M
SHONFELD Sara 11/8/1887 Moses David F
SHREI Beile 22/1/1885 Aaron Ber F
SIMAN Lenore 3/11/1881 Samuel Jacob F
SPERLING Sara 1873 Schmiel Gittel F
SPERLING Dawid Juda 25/10/1871 Chaim Eisig Hicel M
SPINER Feige 20/11/1866 Sheije Roze F
SPIRA Josef Meilech 11/9/1889 Seinwel M
STECHER Chajem 1/3/1885 Hersch M
STECHER Ester 16/7/1869 Mayer Chaje F
STECHER Chaim 5/12/1871 Moses Chaje M
STECHER Arje 4/3/1867 M
STEIN Chiel 12/6/1876 Moses Schyje Mortel M
STEIN Marjem 12/7/1876 Hersch Hene F
STEIN Chaim Asher 6/10/1871 Moses Schyje Masel M
STEIN Beile 14/4/1881 Moszes F
STERN Salamon Nathan 6/3/1885 Berl M
STRENGER Yosef Gedalia 15/10/1887 Yekel M
TEITELBAUM Tobe 8/2/1869 Meilech Hudes F
THALER Breindel 1/4/1880 Chaim F
TRACHMAN Chaim 16/7/1867 Eisig Breindel M
TRACHMAN Chane Selde 26/8/1872 Eisig Breindel F
TRACHMAN Ester 6/3/1876 Samuel Chaim Laje F
TRACHMAN Hiel 6/2/1872 Josef Marjem M
TRACHMAN Chaje Sara 6/2/1869 Josef Marjem F
TRACHMAN Benjamin Wolf 7/7/1880 Mayer M
UNGER Sheindel 10/2/1867 Marcus Fraidel F
UNGER Sime Sussel 15/1/1885 Simche Baruch F
WALTER Freide 8/4/1881 Israel F
WALTER Chaje 15/3/1885 Israel F
WALTER Taube 21/3/1882 F
WALTER Dawid 26/2/1867 Moses Bejla M
WEINTRAUB Dwora 6/12/1871 F
WEINTRAUB Marcus 18/1/1869 Kalman Chaje Reisel M
WEISSFELD Rechel 11/3/1883 Wolf F
WEISSMAN Chana Malka 30/10/1885 Mechel F
WILK Reisel 8/7/1869 F
WINTER Beile Riwka 15/1/1872 Mendel Josef F
WINTER Hersch 1/2/1888 David M
WIST Sara 3/11/1884 Lippe F
WISTREICH Riwke 3/4/1869 Berl Bassa F
WISTREICH Natan 12/9/1888 Leib M
WOHLMUTH Lazar 1/8/1872 Pinkas Sime M
ZANGER Araham 29/9/1871 Meilich Chaje M
ZANGER Eidel 8/10/1887 Mayer F
ZIEGLER Rachel 3/11/188 Yosef F
ZIEGLER Sheindel 17/1/1885 Naftali F
ZIEGLER Freide 4/4/1881 Ruban F
ZIEGLER Serl 17/8/1878 Samuel Henech F
ZIEGLER Samuel 3/5/1881 Aaron Ber M
ZIEGLER Hene 25/8/1872 Berl Malka Reisel F
ZIEGLER Meier 26/3/1872 Fishel Feige M
ZIMET Chaje 4/6/1876 Fischel Feige F
ZIMET Yoel 20/2/1879 Fischel Feige M
ZIMET Roze 30/6/1882 Fishel Feige F
ZIMET Matel 8/10/1887 Zacharia F
ZIMET Matel 28/6/1882 Sender F
ZIMET Ester 25/3/1885 Sender F
ZIMET David 9/11/1887 Sender M
ZIMET Efroim 28/12/1888 Mechel M
ZIMET Dawid 29/8/1869 Josef Blima M
ZIMET Yemte 14/6/1876 Simon Bayle M
ZIMET Hersch 26/1/1872 Simshon Hinde M
ZIMET Hersch Benjamin 18/3/1876 Pessel M
ZISHIK Zische 24/1/1872 Pinkas Hitzel M


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