(Nowy Żmigród, Poland)

49°37' / 21°47'

Compiled by William Leibner

Unpublished, 2014



Project Coordinator

William Leibner


Edited by Jane Waldman Aronson


Avner Shalev, Chairman of the Yad Vashem Directorate;
Rachel Barkai, Director of Commemoration and Public Relations, Yad Vashem;
Dr. Robert Rozette, Director of Yad Vashem library;
Rachel Cohen, Secretary of Yad Vashem library;
Mimi Ash at the Yad Vashem Media Center in Jerusalem;
Yad Vashem staff at the various research stations in Jerusalem.

National Library of Israel, Shachar Beer of the JDC (Joint Distribution Committee) archives in Jerusalem;
Misha Mistel of the New York JDC's media center;
We'd also like to thank Rochelle Rubinstein of the Central Zionist Archives;
Itka at The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, and as a JDC volunteer in DP camps in Germany;
To Dora Weisman for her recollections of the British entry into the Bergen Belsen concentration camp.

To Emil Leibner for his technical and computer assistance in getting the Yizkor book on paper.

To Claudette Leibner for endless patience and assistance while the project stretched on from month to month.

We thank all the people that contributed materials, pictures and information to enrich the Yizkor book of Zmigrod and Osiek.

And apologizes to anyone unintentionally overlooked.

Purchase details for a printed copy of this book can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_nowy_zmigrod.html

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Nowy Żmigród




Community of Nowy Żmigród near Jaslo

Galicia, Poland

by William Leibner

Edited by Jane Waldman Aronson









Other Places in Poland



The total expulsion of Jews from Osiek Jasielski

to Nowy Żmigród


The total destruction of the Jewish community

of Nowy Żmigród

as told by William Leibner


Jacob Leibner, son of Ephraim Leibner and Shprince nee Findling Leibner was a native of Żmigród and survived the Shoah   Seril nee Lang, was the daughter of Chaim Lang and Feige Reisel Findling, a native of Żmigród who survived the Shoah. She was married to Jacob Leibner


Chapter Title Pages
I The Jews of Żmigród 6-40
II World War II in Żmigród 41-64
III Żmigród following the war 65-83
IV A Survivor's Story 84-136
V The Halberstam Rabbis 137-145
VI Jewish Life in Pre–World War I Żmigród 146-181
VII Birth records of Żmigród 182-198
VIII Destruction of Żmigród 199-226
IX Other testimonies regarding Halbow 227-230
X The Killers 231-240
XI Bibliography 241-242
XII Osiek Jasielski near Jaslo, Galicia 243-262
XIII Names of Jews of Żmigród 263-326


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation William Leibner
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 25 Nov 2015 by LA

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