Caption |
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A photocopy of the title page of the 1938 calendar of the Maytchet Gemilut Chessed fund |
207 |
Workers Evening Courses, April 15, 1930 Maytchet |
203 |
Yonah and his wife Kriena Orzechovsky and their daughter Hanna-Mara |
207 |
Mrs. Feiga-Rachel Weisbord née Orzechovsky |
208 |
Yoel [Julius] Kolodny and his first wife from the Orzechovsky family |
209 |
R' Dov-Ber Dvorzecky zl and his wife Tzivia hyd (née Rumanov) |
212 |
Town elders |
216 |
Nathan Naten, and his wife Chana Lea Naten |
218 |
Baruch and Chaya-Sarah of blessed memory (nee Orzechovsky) Ross |
220 |
R' Nachum and his wife Sara-Rivka Abramovsky zl |
222 |
Noach Boretsky |
225 |
Feigl (Zipora) Boretsky |
228 |
Wolinsky Family |
234 |
Maytcheters who were partisans |
237 |
Management of Ezrat Cholim |
239 |
Yitzchak Akivah and Yachne Rivke Lubetcky |
241 |
Reb Mordechai Margolin |
242 |
Sheina Margolin |
244 |
Reb Avi Hirsch Aronovitch |
245 |
Pua (Poya) Novomiski |
249 |
Maytchet Zionist Association |
251 |
Abraham Abba and his wife Masha Polonsky |
253 |
Avraham Dov Korn of blessed memory |
256 |
The feldscher Reb Aharon Korn of blessed memory |
256 |
Velka Shevchik |
258 |
Reb Moshe Aharon Shevchik |
258 |
Chaya-Tcherna Stolovitsky nee Shlovsky and her son Benjamin |
266 |
Rabbi Asher Orzechovsky |
270 |
Rabbi Yisrael Elchanan Pikalni and his wife Hadassa |
272 |
Yaakov Gilerovits |
273 |
Yisrael Belski |
273 |
Moshe Savitsky |
273 |
Reb Shlomo Tzvi Shlomovitz and his wife Chana |
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Naftali Hertz and his wife Sema Dvorzecky, the grandparents of Chana Machtiger |
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People from Maytchet at a gathering of the family Zimonkoft |
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Sarah Rabinovitz of the Margolin Family |
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Dvosha Jukovitsky of the Margolin Family |
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Avraham Margolin, his wife and children |
276 |
Chana Losovsky (nee Boretck) |
277 |
Moshe and his wife Dvorah Boretck |
277 |
Uncaptioned. A family photo |
277 |
Mina Berman and Dvorah Melinkovsky |
278 |
Bluma Bosel (nee Aharonovich) |
278 |
A gathering of Maytchet natives in Israel with Yechezkel Ravitz |
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Yitzchak-Meir and his wife Golda Tapoli (nee Volinski) and their children |
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Yechiel Shebchuk and his wife Mira (nee Lamkin) |
279 |
David and his wife Teiba Rivka Volinski |
279 |
David and Hinda Eidlin, grandparents of Tova Shomroni |
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Yechezkel and his wife Menucha Polonski |
280 |
Moshe Chaim and his sister Freidel Polonski |
280 |
Yechiel-Yitzchak Dvorecki family |
281 |
TThe descendents of Reb Yechiel-Yitzchak Dvorecki |
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Rabbi Yisrael-Elchanan Pikalni and his family |
282 |
Photo Farwell of the Occasion of Migration to America |
282 |
Leadership of Gemilat Chesed |
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Maytchet natives in Israel at a gathering with visitors from the United States |
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The leadership of the Folks Bank |
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The leadership of the tradesmen |
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Yosef Lozovski as a Polish soldier |
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Mordechai Ravitz as a Polish soldier |
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Avraham-Dov Korn as a Russian soldier |
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Abba Margolin as a Polish soldier |
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Moshe Lisagorski as an American soldier |
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Yaakov Margolin as a Polish soldier |
286 |
Noach Dubkovski as a Polish soldier |
286 |
The Leadership and Council of the Folks Bank |
292 |
The Workers of the Folks Bank |
302 |
Tsira Royak (Rabec) |
314 |
Uncaptioned |
319 |
Uncaptioned |
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Rueven Bitenski |
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Uncaptioned |
331 |
Uncaptioned [A Nazi cutting off the beard of a Jew] |
345 |
The soldier Avraham Rimon |
371 |
Yehoshua Shomroni |
371 |
Moshe Kleinshtov |
371 |
Esther Biribis |
371 |
Avraham Zeev Savitzki of blessed memory |
374 |
Yisrael Savitzki of blessed memory |
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Malka Chalamish (Rabinovitch) |
374 |
Sima Ginzberg, nee Dvorjetskiy |
374 |
Elkana Ben-Hur |
375 |
Sima Ben-Hur (Abramovski) |
375 |
Leibel Shmulevicz of blessed memory |
375 |
Reb Avraham Kaplan of blessed memory |
375 |
Sima Boyarski and Family |
383 |
Leib-Chaim Volinski and Family |
384 |
Ben-Zion and Chasia Boretcky |
385 |
Shmuel Boretcky and Family |
386 |
Alter A.H. and Miriam Gorski |
388 |
Hirsch (Tzvi) Viloikhinski |
389 |
Leah Hanelis and Chaya Dubkovski |
390 |
Shimeon Lakhovitski |
393 |
Mordechai-Izak Lisagorski |
395 |
Aryeh-Leib Margolin and Family |
397 |
Sara Kravtzik and her Family |
401 |
Yisrael Rabinovitch and Family |
402 |
Izik Ravitz and Family |
403 |
Shlomo Chaim Shmulewicz and Family |
407 |
Aharon and his wife Sara-Chaya Katz |
410 |
Chaim and Gittel Ber |
411 |
Leibel Perlman and Family |
412 |
Shlomo and Hodel Machtiger |
416 |
Yaakov Makarensky and his Family |
417 |
Mordechai Leib Likter and Family |
418 |
Moshe Chiam Niversky and Family |
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Yakov Sadovsky and Family |
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