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David and Hinda Eidlin, grandparents of Tova Shomroni |
Yechezkel and his wife Menucha Polonski | Moshe Chaim and his sister Freidel Polonski |
Seated from left: Yechiel-Yitzchak Dvorecki, Chaya-Gela Dvorecki, Yehoshua Chelmish (Rabinovitz) Standing from left; Elkana Ben-Hur, Sima Ben-Hur, Malka Rabinovitz, Shmuel Rabinovitz |
Standing from left: Aryeh Dvorecky, Tzvia Dvorecki, Aharon Ginzburg, Lyuba Solel, Dov Dvorecki, Aryeh Yakir, Eliahu Solel, Yehoshua Chelmish (Rabinovitz) |
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