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List of Photographs (cont.)

469 At the yearly memorial ceremony of the Kutner landsmanschaft in Israel (Jerusalem, 1958)
469 At the annual memorial ceremony of the organization of Kutno former residents in Israel (Jerusalem, Mount Zion, 1958)
470 Presidium of the memorial ceremony in Tel Aviv, 1965. From right: Turbowicz, Orner (Korn), Mendelewicz, Elberg, Wajkselfisz, Hirszberg, Lustigman, Elbaum, Laron (Falc)
471 Top: part of the annual memorial ceremony of Kutners in the “House of Pioneers” in Tel Aviv 1963. Bottom: committee of the Kutno former residents' organization in Israel
472 Reception for writer Szalom Asz with his Kutno fellows - in Israel (1952)
473 Szalom Asz with the Kutno Jews in Tel Aviv (1952)
474 At the memorial cermemony of Kutners in New York - a part of the attendance. Presidency - (left to right): Bibergal, Gajer, Trunk, Z. Zomer, Rabbi Lubart and G Fogel (speaker)
475 The New York committee for the “Yizkor book” of Kutno
476 Near the monument to the victims of Kutno and surroundings in the Parisian cemetery of Bagneux
478 Memorial ceremony in Paris
479 Committee of the association of former residents of Kutno and surroundings in Paris
480 Near the memorial matzeva in Paris (cemetery in Bagneux)
481 Committee of former residents of Kutno and surroundings in Paris
482 Kutner fellows in Montreal - Canada. (Sitting from right): B. Balzamowicz, I. Mamlak, M. Erdberg-Szatan, M. Ch. Szatan, H. Celemenski. (Standing from right): M. Szer, A. Manczyk, I Golberg, P. Manczyk-Goldberg, M. Krasny, L. Kofer-Krasny, L. Sznurbach and Lewitan.
484 Kutno former residents in Mexico
485 Kutners in Mexico
486 The memorial ceremony in Mexico
486 Cover page project for the Kutno Yizkor Book, drawn by a son of a Kutner compatriot, Ayzyk Majer Bild in Mexico
488 Part of a letter by Jakob Osowski
492 Misza Osowski
493 Wolf Nosol
493 Dawid Aspirsztajn
493 Icchak Kac z”l
493 Memorial ceremony in Germany (1946)
493 Memorial ceremony in Germany (1946)

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 12 Sep 2010 by LA