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List of Photographs (cont.)

[See the enlarged pictures by clicking on the thumbnails]

431 The “Jewish street” after the deportation
433 The ancient fortress (“Zamek”/“castle”)
435 Town hall (“Magistrat”) in Leczyca
436 Mr. Henich Brusz, the Chazan of Leczyca z”l
437 The burning of the synagogue of Leczyca (1942)
439 Staff of gymnastics-club “HaKoach” in Leczyca.
440 Eve of the deportation
441 Jakob Wiszegrodzki, one of the hanged “eruvniks”
441 Forced labour in ghetto
442 The “Jewish street”, a wire-fenced ghetto, where were gathered all Jews from town
442 The Judenrat, in front of a SS representative, reviewing the list before deportation
443 Memorial day, near the gravestone in Leczyca (10 May 1946)
444 Leczycer committee in Australia
448 Committee of the “Popular Bank” in Krosniewice
449 Hofman from Krosniewice - died in the Warsaw ghetto
449 Matzeva in memory of the victims from Krosniewice, in Kyriat Shaul cemetery (Tel Aviv)
452 The Jewish families were suddenly expelled from their homes
456 Rachel Szumraj
456 Jehoszua Szumraj, from the Lomza yeshiva, became a bundist - Murdered in Chelmno
457 Hirsz Brzustowski from Dabrowice, noted as writer in the “Literary Newspaper” in Warsaw and other literary publications in America
458 Katryel Zontag, founder and leading member of the Bundist Youth in Dabrowice. Murdered in Chelmno
459 The Beitar member Wiszegrodzka z”l
459 Letter from Jews of Dabrowice from Zychlin ghetto
465 Ashes of the victims in Chelmno brought to the Nahalat Ytzhak cemetery (Tel Aviv) - 1949
465 The matzeva in Mount Zion (in Jerusalem)
466 Mr. Zumer (USA) in the meeting with the committee in Israel (1964)
466 Writing staff in Israel
467 At the entrance of Mount Zion in Jerusalem
468 Former residents of Kutno in Israel at the memorial ceremony in Mount Zion in Jerusalem (1958)

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