[Page 445]
Chayim Fayer memorializes his father, TSVI FAYER, and mother FEYGE, his brothers, AVRAHAM and MOSHE'LE, his sister TSIRIL, his nephew and niece, HERSH'ELE and YOKHEVED, and his sister ETIL. Chane Sobol de Fayer memorializes her father, MORDEKHAY, and mother, MAKHLYE, brother CHAYIM, sisters SOSYE and HINDE, brothers-in-law YAKOV OKS and FROYKE KATZ and their families, nephews and nieces LEYBELE and BEYLELE OKS, MONKELE KATZ, and his little sister. May they rest in peace. They all perished at the hands of Hitler's murderers, may their names and memories be erased.
[Page 446]
memorializes his father, SHMERIL, mother, CHAVE, sister, CHAYE-BEYLE, and brother, SHAKHNA. Freyde Dishel de Yergis memorializes her father, MOSHE DISHEL, mother, BROKHE BIDERMAN de DISHEL, brother, SHMUEL (who perished in Israel), sister, MANYE DISHEL de GINZBURG, brother-in-law, SIMCHE GINZBURG, and their young son, SHMUEL, and uncles and aunts and their families. They all perished in the Kremenets ghetto. May they rest in peace.
[Page 447]
memorializes his slaughtered father, GODIL, mother, RACHEL, sister, OLI, brothers MEKHEL, LEYZER, and DUVID (who died in Buenos Aires). May they rest in peace.
Shlome Zalman Nudel memorializes his father, MORDEKHAY HERSH, his mother, SORE, his brothers, MENDEL, ITSIK, and MOSHELE, sister, FEYGE, and their families. May they rest in peace. They perished at the hands of the Nazis, may their names and memories be erased.
[Page 448]
memorialize their unforgettable husband and beloved father, PINYE (PINCHAS) TSHUDNOVSKI May he rest in peace. (died in Buenos Aires) Katye Zamberg de Tshudnovski memorializes her mother, CHAYE-FEYGE de ZAMBERG,
brothers LIOVE and CHAYIM and their families. May they rest in peace. They all perished at the hands of Hitler's murderers, may their names and memories be erased.
[Page 449]
Feyge Tshudnovski de Netsik Hinda Tshudnovski de Salarski and Leybel Tshudnovski memorialize their slaughtered sisters. Leyeke and Ite, and their families, as well as uncles, aunts, and cousins. May they rest in peace.
[Page 450]
memorialize their parents, EFRAIM and SORE SHNAYDER and their brother YASHE. Shayke and Fanye Gliklis memorialize their parents, YANKEL and FRUME GLIKLIS, brother BENTSION, sister RISI, aunt TOYVE, and children, FRADIL-DVORE and MOSHKE MARGOLIS. May they rest in peace. |
[Page 451]
memorializes her mother, REYZIL FIDEL de BIK, grandfathers, MEIR BIK and MEIR MILER (who fell in Kremenets during the battle against the Nazis) as well as all uncles, aunts, and cousins who perished in Kremenets ghetto. May they rest in peace. |
memorializes her father, SIMCHE, mother, CHAYKE, sisters, RAKHEL de ZAK and family and KHASYE de LERER and family. May they rest in peace. They were all horribly murdered at the hands of Hitler's murderers, may their names and memories be erased. Victor Zalcman With this we remember our dear, all-too-soon deceased husband and father, VIKTOR. May he rest in peace. With love and honor, TSIPE and LILA ZALTSMAN
[Page 452]
memorializes his father, EFRAIM, mother, CHANE, sisters BRAYNE and SIME, and brothers BEREL and NACHUM. Leye Gitelman de Shpigel memorializes her parents, PINCHAS and CHAYE GITELMAN, brother YEKIL, and sisters MALKA and CHANE. May they rest in peace. They all perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers, may their names and memories be erased.
memorialize their father, YITSCHAK, mother, PESI, sisters DVORE, ENI, and SORE, and brothers AVRAHAM and ELYE. Ukil Benderski memorializes his father, SHMUEL, mother, MINKE, sisters MUNYE and CHAYKE, and brother HINDZSHE. May they rest in peace. They all perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers, may their names and memories be erased.
[Page 453]
(from Shumsk) memorializes his sister SORE and brother-in-law MELEKH SHAPINKE and their children LIPE and FEYGE SHTEYNVORTSEL and their children. May they rest in peace. They perished at the hands of Hitler's murderers, may their names and memories be erased.
Golde Libman de Gilman Rachel Libman de Katz Yankel and Moshe Libman memorialize their father, ZELIK, sister, DOBE, and her husband, AVRASHE, and their family who all perished in the Kremenets ghetto at the hands of Hitler's monsters; as well their mother, SORE-BEYLE, and sister, POLYE, (who died in Buenos Aires).
[Page 454]
The only living survivors of the family, Feyge Roytblat de Kaminski
and grandfather HERSH-VOLF, may he rest in peace, who died in Kremenets; mother, mother-in law, and grandmother RISEL, may she rest in peace, who was murdered in World War I; sister PESYE and her family; brother SHIMON and his family; sister CHANE and her family; and sister BASYE. May they rest in peace. All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers, may their names and memories be erased. Your bright memory will live forever in our hearts.
[Page 455]
Blume Epilboym de Gintsberg Sender, Leybel, and Mekhel Epilboym memorialize their mother MINDEL BANDMAN de EPILBOYM, sister SONYE, and family. May they rest in peace. Chayim and Simche Gintsberg memorialize their mother, SOSYE, sister, BEYLE, and her husband and children, may they rest in peace, and brothers YITSCHAK and YOSEF GINTSBERG and families, may they rest in peace. All perished at the hands of Hitler's murderers, may their names and memories be erased. |
memorializes her father, ELYE, mother, RACHEL, sister RIVKE and her husband ISAK, and their young son, MUSIK, all victims of Hitler's murderers, as well as her sister LUSYE (who died in Buenos Aires). May they rest in peace.
[Page 456]
Ite and Rachel Peker memorialize their father, MORDEKHAY, mother, GITIL, sisters MENYE and YEHUDIT
Freyde Kaner de Peker
and Feyge Kaner de Shtrazs
memorialize their father, CHAYIM, and mother, ESTER, sister LIFSHE
and nieces REYZELE and MIRYAM GITELMAN. May they rest in peace. All perished at the hands of Hitler's murderers, may their names and memories be erased.
[Page 457]
Avraham and Moshe Kripitser Bela Kripitser de Shifris (in Israel) memorialize their slaughtered parents, DUVID and SORE KRIPITSER, and in-laws, MENDIL and GITIL SHIFRIS, and their son CHAYIM (YEFIM). May they rest in peace.
and Lifshe Zaydel de Shniperman memorialize their parents, HERSH and CHANE-RACHEL ZAYDEL. Shaye Fishman memorializes his father, SHMUEL, mother, MIRYAM, sister ZELDE FISHMAN, aunt BASYE, brother NIUNYE, and his wife DOBE and children, brother ELYE and his wife ETIL and children, as well as the memory of RUVEN and FEYGE BATMAN. Brayndil Skolski de Zaydel memorializes her mother, LIBE, sister SORKE (SORE), and brother YOSKE SKOLSKI. All perished in the Kremenets ghetto. May they rest in peace.
[Page 458]
Memorialize member of the FROYM FAMILY who perished: father, LUZER KIRSHNER, mother, NESYE-ESTER, brother YONE, sisters FEYGE, CHAYEKE, and their families, as well as MENDIL ROYTBURD. May they rest in peace.
memorializes sisters SERKE and husband MOTIL BUTS BASYE SUS and children. May they rest in peace. They perished at the hands of the Nazis, may their names and memories be erased.
The Ditun Family
Pesach, Mendil, Rachel, and Leye memorialize brothers ELIYAHU, MOSHE, and their wives, and sisters: BEYLE, CHANTSE, SHALOM PERETS, and YONE ZEYGER, AKIVA, and FREYDE TSIPERFIN. May they rest in peace. All perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers, may their names and memories be erased.
memorializes his father YITSCHAK mother PESI brothers MEKHEL, BERIL, AVRAHAM, and LEYB sisters CHAYE and BRONYE. Brokhe Nudel de Toker memorializes her mother, LEYE, father, SHALOM, brothers YOSIL, AVRAHAM, and ELIYAHU, sister CHAYEKE. All perished in the Kremenets ghetto. May they rest in peace.
[Page 459]
memorializes his father, MEKHEL, mother, ESTER, sisters RIVKE, SHEYNDIL, RALYE, and GITIL.
memorialize their father and grandfather, TOVYE SHPIGEL, mother, SIME, brother MEKHEL sister REYZE, and their families. May they rest in peace.
[Page 460]
memorializes her father, SHMUEL, mother, TSIPE KANER, sisters LILI and SORE, and her husband BAYTLER and their families.
memorializes his beloved father, MOSHE and mother, MANYE who perished in the Kremenets ghetto. May they rest in peace.
memorializes his father, SHLOME, mother, RACHEL, brother SHAYKE, sisters SHEYNDIL and CHAYEKE, uncles, aunts, and cousins. May they rest in peace. All perished in the Kremenets ghetto.
memorializes her unforgettable father SHMUEL on his untimely death. (Died in Buenos Aires) |
Yitschak Veksler memorializes his wife, CHAYEKE BROKHE DRABNIS de VEKSLER, who passed away much too early (in Buenos Aires).
memorializes her father, BERIL KAMENSHAYN, and mother, BRAYNTSE SHNAYDER de KAMENSHAYN. May they rest in peace.
memorializes his father, MORDEKHAY, mother, CHAYE, sisters GITIL, RIVKE, FEYGE, and BROKHE, and brother LEYB SHER. Reyzil Fingerut de Sher memorializes her father LEYBISH. mother CHANE, sister RIVKE and brother YITSCHAK. All perished in the Kremenets ghetto at the hands of Hitler's murderers, may their names and memories be erased. |
memorializes his father, MEIR, mother, CHANE, sister FEYGE, brothers DUVID, MOSHE, LEYZER, and ITSE and their families. May they rest in peace. All perished at the hands of Hitler's murderers, may their names and memories be erased.
[Page 461]
memorialize their mother, SOSYE, and brother BENTSYE (BENTSAYN) and family. Gitil Rozenberg de Kotkovnik memorializes her mother, SORE and sister SIME, her cousins and their families, who perished in the Kremenets ghetto. May they rest in peace. |
Yente Breytman de Barushek
and Tsipe Breytman de Shnayder memorialize their father, MOSHE, mother, SORE, brother YISRAEL and sister SHIFRE. May they rest in peace. All perished at the hands of the Nazis, may their names and memories be erased. |
Sonye and Motil Sher memorialize their brother, sister, brother-in-law and cousins DANIEL, GUTE BAYTSH. and children, YOSELE, MOTELE; CHAYIM BAYTSH and wife PESI and children. LEYKE SHER and her husband all from the town of BEREZETS. May they rest in peace. All perished in the Kremenets ghetto at the hands of the German murderers, may their names and memories be erased. |
memorializes her father, YOSEF GALENDER, and his wife, children, and grandchildren. May they rest in peace. |
Ester Groysblat de Sher memorializes her parents, CHAYE-RIVKE and MORDEKHAY GROYSBLAT, sisters DINE, ZLATE and DVORE, brothers YITSCHAK, LEYB, and NAFTALI and their families who all perished in the Kremenets ghetto and her husband SHOYLIK SHER (died in Buenos Aires). May they rest in peace. |
memorializes her sister, her brother, and their families. Moshe Barats memorializes his brother DUVID and his wife, ETYE, and their children who perished in the Kremenets ghetto. May they rest in peace |
memorializes his sister Ite and her husband and children, nephews and nieces. May they rest in peace. They perished at the hands of the Nazi murderers, may their names and memories be erased. |
memorializes his father, BINYAMIN, and his mother, SORE SHVARTSMAN. May they rest in peace. |
memorializes his parents, YONE-ASHER and RACHELE BURBIL, sisters FRUME, ITE, and RIVELE and their families who perished in Kremenets ghetto. May they rest in peace. |
memorializes her sister MIRYAM and her brother-in-law IRE BAYTSH and their daughter ESTER. May they rest in peace. They perished at the hands of the Nazis, may their names and memories be erased. |
Meir (Nunye) Nudel memorializes his father, SHALOM, mother, LEYE ALTENBOYM, sister CHAYEKE, and brothers YOSIL, AVRAHAM, and ELIYAHU. All perished in Kremenets ghetto. May they rest in peace. |
Velvel Oks memorializes his father, YAKOV, mother, SOSYE, brother LEYB, and sister BEYLE. May they rest in peace. All perished in the Kremenets ghetto. |
[Page 462]
memorializes his former wife, FANYE ROYT de MOTSHAN, and her child, YISRAEL MOTSHAN, as well as his former father-in-law and mother-in-law, YISRAEL and MANYE ROYT. May they rest in peace. Duvid Motshan memorializes his father, SHLOME MOTSHAN, mother, CHANTSE, sisters ELKE and HENYE, and all relatives and friends. May they rest in peace. They were murdered by the Nazis, may their names and memories be erased.
memorializes his father, MOTYE, his sister CHAYE-SORE TENENBOYM, and her five children, NESYE SHULIK and her husband, ZISYE SHULIK and her three children (VYSHGORODOK) May they rest in peace. |
memorializes his parents, MOSHE and ODYE FAYERSHTEYN, brother YITSCHAK, and sister YENTE, and their families. May they rest in peace. (from POCHAYEV) |
memorializes his mother SORE brothers YAKOV and LEYB cousins MIKHEL and HODIL (POCHAYEV). May they rest in peace. |
Ruven Nelik perpetuates the memory of his brother YITSCHAK NELIK (VYSHGORODOK). May he rest in peace. He perished at the hands of the German murderers, may their names and memories be erased. |
Yitschak Meir Averbukh memorializes his father, SIMCHE-BINYAMIN, mother, SIME, brother MOSHE, and sister PERL and families (POCHAYEV). May they rest in peace |
memorializes the memory of his brother, YITSCHAK NELIK (VYSHGORODOK). May he rest in peace. He died at the hands of the German murderers, may their names and memories be erased. |
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