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[Pages XIII - XXXVI]

Martyrs of Kozienice

Who were deported from France and killed at the Hands of the Nazi Murderers. *

- A / B / C -

Adler, Yaakov and his wife
Alterleib, Dvoire
Alterleib, Mendel
Alterleib, Miriam
Alterleib, Simone
Alterleib, Zelig

Bernman, Ida
Bernman, Itche
Bernman, Nissan
Bernman, Rosa
Bernman, Toive
Berunad, Charles
Birnbaum, Bert
Birnbaum, Meyer
Birnbaum, Sholem
Brandspiegel, Shloime

Chlivner, Solomon
Chlivner, Tzirel
Chlivner, Yaakov

- E / F / G -

Eidenbaum, Anna
Eidenbaum, Esther
Eidenbaum, Zelig
Eisenmesser, Malka, her children and husband
Eisenmesser, Sarah

Feigenbaum, Pinkhas and his wife Fishbaum, Itte-Beile
Fishbaum, Yerakhmiel
Freilich, Melekh
Friedman, Ida
Friedman, Marcel
Friedman, Melekh
Friedman, Paul
Friedman, Shmuel

Goldman, Molly
Goldman, Shmuel-Leib
Goldstein, Bernard
Goldstein, Dovid
Goldstein, Khaye
Goldstein, Shloime
Goldstein, Simon
Goldstein, Yoisef
Greenstein, Beile
Greenstein, Dovid
Greenstein, Khaim-Meyer
Greenstein, Mortka
Greenstein, Shmuel-Khaim

- H / J / K -

Hoffman, Shmuel
Hoffman, Tzippoire

Jick, Feige Jick, Gelle
Jick, Melekh
Jick, Nokhum
Jick, Yekhiel

Kalish, Paul
Kalish, Salle
Kammer, Eli
Kammer, Miriam
Kammer, Roize
Kammer, Simone
Kammer, Yoisef
Koplewitz, Yerakhmiel

- L / M / N -

Lederman, Jacques
Lederman, Mattes
Lederman, Moishe
Lederman, Paul
Lederman, Yakel's wife and five children
Lippmann, Notte

Mandel, Beile
Meltzel, Khaye

Nagel, Maurice

- P / R / S -

Pearlstein, Bernard
Pearlstein, Eli
Pearlstein, Jacqueline
Pearlstein, Salle
Pearlstein, Yerakhmiel
Potasznik, Yitzkhok

Rabin, Jacques
Rabin, Roize
Rabin, Yekhiel
Rubinstein, Rachel
Radowitz, Maurice
Radowitz, Paulette
Radowitz, Shmerel
Raphnowitz, Iris
Raphnowitz, Sheindel
Raphnowitz, Shmuel
Reichappel, Mordekhai
Reichappel, Mortka
Reichappel, Wolf
Reichappel, Yekhiel
Ring, Avrum
Rosenweiss, Moishe
Rosenzweig, Rokhel

Salzberg, Feige
Salzer, nee Kestenberg
Schneiderman, Meyer
Shammes, Dovid
Silverberg, Albert
Silverberg, Dvoire
Silverberg, Jeanette
Smyser, Denis
Smyser, Reizel
Smyser, Sarah
Sobol, Frandel
Spiegelman, Paul
Spiegelman, Sarah
Spiegelman, Wolf
Starkman, Pierre
Statwohner, Herschel
Statwohner, Myra
Statwohner, Socher
Statwohner, Yisroel
Stockfish, Cecile
Stockfish, Mary

- T / W / Z -

Tennenbaum, Annette
Tennenbaum, Meyer-Shalom
Tennenbaum, Pearl-Dina

Walberg, Yisroel
Wasserman, Mordekhai
Weinberg, Leon
Weinberg, Shmuel
Weissberg, Anna
Weissberg, Feige
Weissberg, Itche
Weizman, Dovid
Wolf, Michel
Wolfstand, Salke

Zifferman, Leib
Zifferman, Yekhiel
Zucker, Yekhiel

* Ethnic Polish Jews who were residents of Kozienice, but who had emigrated to France to work or settle there (perhaps to escape the Nazis), and who were deported from France to their deaths.  Return


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