Memorial Book of Kozienice
(Kozienice, Poland)

51°35' / 21°34'

[Including Garbatke 51°29' / 21°38']

Translation of
Sefer Zikaron le-Kehilat Kosznitz

Edited by:
Baruch Kaplinski, Zelig Berman, Mordekhai Donnerstein, Ratze Wasserman, Tzvi Madanes,
Levi Mandel, Elimelekh Feigenbaum, Leibel Fishstein, David Kestenberg

Published in New York, 1985



Our sincere appreciation to David Silver,
Secretary of the Kozienitzer & Glowaczower Assoc., Inc. NY
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere appreciation to Seth Morgulas and Helen Rosenstein Wolf
for preparing text files to facilitate the creation of this project.


This is from: The book of Kozienice;  The birth and the destruction of a Jewish community;
Editor:  Baruch Kaplinski, Tel Aviv – New York, The Kozienice Organization, 1985 (English, 677 pages)

Purchase details for a printed copy of this book can be found at

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Kozienice: Kozienice is in the Radom district, almost four miles from Vistula, surrounded by forests, water, villages, and towns such as Zwolen, Gniewaszow, Magneszew, Mniszow, Ricziwol, Garbatke, and other smaller Jewish settlements.  In the early 19th century, the Kozienicer Rebbe Yisroel Hopstein was one of the pioneers of Hasidism in Poland.  In 1856, there were 2,885 people in Kozienice (1,961 Jews), and in 1897, there were 6,882 people (3,700 Jews).  Before World War II, about 15,000 souls lived in this region.  The Jewish community lived there for about 400 years.  The two main industries there were tourism (pilgrims visiting the Maggid's tomb) and shoe manufacturing.

Garbatke: At the outbreak of W.W.II, Garbatke had about 100 Jewish families and it is described as follows:  “12 kilometers from Kozienice, surrounded by a forest, was to be found Garbatke… Administratively, Garbatke was attached to Kozienice, where they would pay taxes, and use the courts.  Garbatke did not have its own Rabbi.  The Jews of Garbatke were tied to the Jewish Community of Gnievashov, and from there they would get their birth documents.  Their dead were buried in Kozienice of Gnievashov.”



A message to the second generation of the Survivors Sam Goldstein IV
In Place of an Introduction Baruch Kaplinski, Tel-Aviv V
As a native of Warsaw, I Adopted Kozienice as my second home Sabina Weinstock Goldstein VII
Acknowledgement   IX
The Martyrs – A Poem Sabina Weinstock Goldstein X
List of Martyrs From Kozienice Killed in the Holocaust   XI - XXXII
List of Martyrs From Kozienice Deported or Killed in France   XIII - XXXVI
SECTION 1 - Old Kozienice
Towards a History of the Jews in Kozienice Dr. Nakhman Blumenthal, Jerusalem 1
Kozienice and its Jewish Settlement Abraham Tennenbaum, Warsaw 26
An Evil Wind Has Torn Up the Root Yissokhor Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 30
The City of Kozienice in 1895 A. Weber 31
Jews in Kozienice Kazimiez Mruz 33
What do Encyclopedias Write About Kozienice [5 in Polish after 33 but numbered] 50 – 54
SECTION 2 – Hasidim In Kozienice
From the History of the House of Kozienice Rabbi Abraham Isaac Brumberg 34
Rabbi Yisrael Becomes Preacher of Righteousness in Kozienice Tzvi Meir Rabinowitz 50
The Heads of the House of Kozienice M. Sh. Geshuri 64
Learning from the Sages of Israel Rabbi David Halakhami 92
The Maggid Aided the Aliya of Hasidim Z. M. Rabinowitz 96
The Maggid of Kozienice and His Way of Khasidus Aaron Zeitlin 97
The Maggid Argues Things out with the Lord Menashe Unger 102
The Maggid's Rebbi'im and Friends Rabbi Dr. Meir Schwartzman 110
Tales of the Hasidim of Kozienice Z. M. Rabinowitz 112
The Paidyom Melody Dr. Sh. Z. Cahana 118
The Heritage Of The Dynasty Of Kozienice Yissokhor Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 120
The Rebbetzin Perele Davens in a Talus Menashe Unger 130
Still Greater In Death – In memory of the Kozienicer Rebbe, Reb Arele Yitzkhok Gochnarg, Sao Paolo 143
Our Dear Brother, Rav Yisroel–Elazar Hopstein Khave Shapira, Kfar Hasidim 147
Rav Yisroel#150;Eliezer Hopstein Naphtali Kirshenbaum 149
The Baking of Matzah–Shmure at the House of the Kozienicer Rebbe Khave Shapira, Kfar Hasidim 151
The Slaughterer is Obliged to Support the Butchers Widow Z.M. Rabinowitz 154
In the Court of the Maggid of Kozienice Malke Shapira, Jerusalem 156
In Memory of My Sister, Khane–Golda Hopstein Malke Shapiro, Jerusalem 162
We have Gone Up to the Land of Israel Shalom Shapiro 164
The Toyre of Khaim the Porter Henekh Kohn 165
Kozienice Elects a Rabbi Nekhe Katz–Goldberg, Holon 168
Kozienicer Bes–Medreshniks Yaakov Epstein, Montreal 169
SECTION 3 - Parties and Institutions
The Zionist Organization to 1933 Zvi Madanes, Tel–Aviv 173
Haszomer Ha–Tzair in Kozienice Yaakov Lahat, Ein Ha–Mifratz 176
Betar in Kozienice Ephraim Horowitz, Brazil 180
Ozrot Ha–Aretz in Kozienice Khave Shapira, Kfar Hasidim 182
The First Two Khalutzim Make Aliyah Elimelekh Feigenbaum, Ramat–Gan 186
The Shul and the Bes–Medresh Yissokhor Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 193
Orthodox Kozienice Shmuel Reisman, New York 199
I Have No Grandfather Bilha Rochman 204
The Jewish Folkspartei Yissokhor Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 205
The Trade Union Movement in Kozienice Yerakhmiel Sirota, Paris 207
The Trade Union in Kozienice Yissokhor Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 215
The Story of a Red Flag Yissokhor Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 217
The Labour Movement in Kozienice Avrum Tennenbaum, Warsaw 219
The Communist Party in Kozienice Yerakhmiel Sirota, Paris 222
The Bund in Kozienice Yissokhor Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 223
The Bund in Kozienice Leibele Fishstein, Ramat–Gan 224
Economic Life in Kozienice Yissokhor Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 226
Only Ashes are Left of My Town Shmelke Spiegelman 229
Jewish Livelihood in Kozienice Itche Blatman, Paris 230
The Jewish Artisan in Kozienice Issokhor Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 238
These With Fiddle and These With Trumpet Khave Shapira, Kfar Hasidim 242
The Embroiderers of Kozienice Sarah–Mindel Kestenberg, Haifa 244
Bikkur–Khoylim and Linas Ha–Tzedek – Help For the Sick in Kozienice Yissokhor Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 246
The Linas Ha–Tzedek Society in Kozienice Moishe Rochman, Pardes–Khana 248
The Free Loan Society in Kozienice Khaim–Meir Salzberg, Toronto 250
The Khevra–Kaddisha in Kozienice Yissokhor Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 252
The Sports Society in Kozienice Zelig Berman, Bat–Yam 253
SECTION 4 – Rabbis Community Figures and Simple People
The Tzaddikim and Rabbis of Kozienice Rabbi Avraham–Abba Zuckerman, Haifa 256
My Father Rabbi Yoysef Yehuda Mintzberg Tova Mandel, Tel–Aviv 259
How Great The Calamity Tzvi Madanes, Tel–Aviv 262
Rabbi Ben Tzion–Freilakh Leibele Fishstein, Tel–Aviv 263
The Doctor of the Poor Itche Blatman, Paris 281
Kozienice the Exalted Rabbi Yitzchok Freilakh 283
The Household of R'Elimelech Freilich Zvi Madanes, Tel–Aviv 293
Pinchas Freilich, May the Lord Avenge His Blood Yaakov Leib Eisemman–Bogata 296
My Father Pinchas Freilich Cesia Freilich–Luxemburg, Stockholm 297
Images From the Depths of Forgetfulness Malka Shapiro, Jerusalem 299
Jews Who Built Kozienice Isaachar Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 302
Kozienice Was Nicely Built   303
By the River – A Poem Chaim Dimant, Paris 305
A Memorial to My Many – Branched Family Elimelech Feigenboim, Ramat Gan 306
Chaim Berman, The Community Leader Issachar Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 309
Chaim Berman,The Community Leader and Folkist Levi Resnick, Bogata 311
The Korman and Shpiegel Families Feige Gunik, Kiryat Chaim 321
Chaim Yehiel Bornstein, The Writer Issachar Lederman, Rio De Janeiro 322
Issachar Lederman 70 Years Old Dr. M. Nisker, Rio De Janeiro 323
My Mother Devorah Blotman of Blessed Memory Itshe Blotman, Paris 325
Kozienice Personalities and Figures Issachar Lederman, Rio De Janeiro 327
Our Father, R' Moshe Goldtsveig, of Blessed Memory Nechama Goldtsveig–Mendelevitch and Gittel Goldtsveig–Stavsky 340
Don't Forget! – A Poem Meir Zaltzman, Montreal 341
I Can Find No Answer Shmuel Reisman, New York 342
A Few Personalities and Figures Elimelech Feigenbaum, Ramat–Gan 344
Yekl Ring, the Watchmaker Yissachar Lederman, Rio De Janeiro 346
Yechiel Eliezer Zaltzberg, the Community Activist   349
The Writer, Yitzhak Weinberg   349
The Teacher, Shlomo Tabachnick Tzvi Madanes, Tel Aviv 350
The Business Man, R' Yitzhak Milgrom, of Blessed Memory Yaakov Leibush Eisenman, Bogata 351
The Lifestyle of Tovah Berman, of Blessed Memory   352
In Heder by Baruch the Teacher Ber Zilberberg, Tel Aviv 354
Reuben Rozenboim, the Barber–Surgeon Shaindl Baron 357
My Mother's Candle Lighting Berish Shabason 358
Jewish Barber–Surgeons in Kozienice Yissachar Lederman, Rio De Janeiro 361
In Memory of Missing Parents and Brothers Yitzhak Maydan, Kiryat–Chaim 362
Story of a Stingy Man Issachar Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 363
The Rise and Death of Chana Rechthant Feige Gunik 365
My Brother, Meir Shalom Tennenboim Esther Midan–Tennenboim, Kiryat Chaim 366
In Memory of the Yona Tzemach Family, of Blessed Memory Malka Tzemach, Tel Aviv 367
These I Remember Fondly Chava Shapiro, Kfar Hasidim 369
This is Not the Year of Redemption Malka Shapiro 372
These are My Family Members in Kozienice Roza Greenberg, Netanya 373
Leibush Pesach a Happy Folk–Type Leibele Fishtein, Ramat–Gan 375
Where are the Gorgeous Souls? Abraham Tenenboim, Warsaw 377
Searched For and Finally Found – A Poem Chaim Dimant, Paris 381
These Are the Kind of Jews That Lived in Kozienice Itshe Blatman 382
Types and Curiousities of Kozienice Yerachmiel Sirota, Paris 385
Chaim Yage Tells About the Kozienicer Maggid Ber Zilberberg, Tel Aviv 387
SECTION 5 - Memories
Kozienice in the Year 1903 Pinie Katz, Buenos Aires 389
There Was a Town Kozienice – A Poem Sarale Hirshenhorn, Stockholm 397
The Military Conscription in Kozienice Yerachmiel Sirota, Paris 398
The Russian High Command Seized Our House Chava Shapiro, Kfar–Hasidim 400
Kozienice, a City and Mother in Israel Elimelech Feigenboim, Ramat–Gan 402
My Birthplace, Kozienice Pinchas Feigenboim, Moscow 406
Story of a Bottle of Chometz (Not For Passover) Whiskey Yissaachar Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 408
Memories of Our Town Yehiel Mandel, Paris 410
Our Cursed and Beloved Kozienice Yerachmiel Kestenberg, Tel Aviv 415
A Bundle of Memories of Kozienice Teme Potashnik, Paris 416
A Guest For a While A. Zilberstein 418
Old Kozienice K. H. Band 419
How Does the City Sit Deserted? Leibele Fishtein 422
From My Childhood Years in Kozienice Leibele Fishtein, Ramat–Gan 423
My Father's Will – A Poem Shmelke Shpigelman 430
The Hassidic Serenade Yaakov Leibish Eisenman, Bogata 431
Some Dates in the History of Kozienice   432
The Darkened Sky Sidney Lipman  
Who is the Kozienicer, Who Writes About The Holocaust? Ringelblum–Archive, No. 1 Registration 846. 433
Thoughts of a Survivor's Child Chana Teitelbaum, Daughter of Luba Frysz–Teitelbaum 454
Kozienice Up Until the Selection Zelik Berman, Bat–Yam 455
The School in the Ghetto Of Kozienice RRochama Chayut–Freilich, Kvutzat Yavne 461
My Tragic Experiences Abraham Shabason, Tel Aviv 463
They Live With Us – A Poem Gershon Bornstein 465
In Place of a Tombstone Yaakov Shpigelman 466
The Ghetto in Kozienice Chaim Dimant, Paris 467
Forgive Me, Dear Parents! Shmelke Shpigelman, Montreal 471
And Your Life Shall Hang in Doubt Before You Rabbi Yitzhak Freilich 475
Jews Have No Right To Live Zelick Berman, Bat–Yam 476
The Evacuation of the Kozienice Ghetto Shabbtai Bornstein, Ramat–Gan 486
Yosl Lederman and Yankl Fligelman Meir Zaltzman, Montreal 489
Frightful Days and Years Chaim–Meir Zaltzberg, Toronto 490
The Seven Degrees of Hell Passed Over Me Yaakov Lahat (Likorman) Kibbutz Ein–Hamifratz 503
The Rabbi, R'meir Zlotnick Was Murdered in Kozienice Avraham Caspi 520
This Is How the Jews of Kozienice Perished A. Rotkovsky 522
The Terrible Nightmare David Goldman, Brussels 525
Rachele Pesach's Twins Gershon Bornshtein, B'nai B'rak, Israel 532
We Will Never Forget It! Yerachmiel Perlstein, Melbourne 533
This Is How I Parted From Kozienice Abraham Goldfarb 534
Our Fate Was Already Sealed Abraham Shabason 540
It's Hell In Life Gershon Bornshtein, Bnai–Brak, Israel 541
How One Brother Saved His Other Brother's Life Without Knowing It Leo Mantelmacher in cooperation with Max Mantelmacher 545
Surviving the War Zygmunt Berneman  
Testimony of Gittel Mantelmacher Weinstock,
Etta Mantelmacher Gutman and Sara (Chaisurah) Mantelmacher Milstein
Gittel Mantelmacher Weinstock  
Memories of My Birthplace Yechiel Shabason, Ramat Hasharon, Israel 545
We Buried 34 Jews Yosef Chlivner, Paris 552
Candles – Your Father Lights – A Poem Gershon Bomshtein 555
On The Occasion of the 22nd Memorial Anniversary of My Little Town Shmelke Shpigelman, Montreal 556
An Unusual Lady Yechiel Shabason, Ramat–Hasharon, Israel 559
Kozienice on the Threshold of Destruction Leah Gelbard, Tel–Aviv 563
The Wind Rocked Them Like Hanging Laundry Leah Gelbard, Tel–Aviv 566
This is the Way We Saved Ourselves Chaya–Rivka Shildkroit, Haifa 568
A Humane Deed Leibele Fishtein, Ramat–Gan 571
How I Saved Myself Sarah–Mindel Kestenberg, Haifa 575
We Envy the Dead Reizel Greenberg (Ankerman), Netanya, Israel 578
How I Was Saved During the Holocaust Aaron Kestenberg, Tel Aviv 582
The Germans Ordered Us to Dig a Pit Leibele Fishtein, Ramat–Gan 586
I Sit In the Forest, Lonesome, Alone – A Poem Rivke Perlstein 587
A Preordained Thing Mira Sobol, Melbourne, Australia 588
Blood Flowed Gershon Bornshtein, B'nai–B'rak, Israel 589
My Heart Dripped With Blood Rivke Pearlstein, Haifa, Israel 591
How Tzipporah Weisbord Saved Herself Abraham Tenenboim, Warsaw 597
My Tragic Experiences Rachel Dorfman–Kestenberg, Tel–Aviv 600
This Was the Way I Was Liberated Shalom Kohn, New York 602
Comfort and Sadness – A Poem Avigdor Zilberknopf 604
Ach, the Tragic Joy Leibele Fishtein, Ramat–Gan, Israel 605
Can Nature Tolerate Such a Thing? – A Poem Avigdor Zilberknopf 607
What Fellow–Townsmen of Kozienice Tell Tzvi Madanes, Tel–Aviv 608
For The Merit of My Father, May God Avenge His Blood   614
Yehudah Hoffman Survived the Camp   616
God, Is Your Judgement Just? – A Poem Mordecai Donershtein, Ramat–Gan 617
In 1939 I Separated From My Family Tzila Kirshenblatt 619
Know, What Amalek (Germany) Did To You! Sarah Madanes, Tel Aviv 620
There Was Once a Town, Garbatke Gershon Bornshtein, B'nai–B'rak, Israel 621
A Small Number of Garbatkeites Remained Alive Yitzhak Tzimerman, Jerusalem 623
God – A Poem
Martyrs of Garbatka   624
A Tear on Your Grave – A Poem Betzalel Madanes 626
The Last Time in Kozienice Moshe Ruchman, Pardes–Hannah, Israel 628
The Exhumation of Kozienice Martyrs Ratze Vasserman, Holon, Israel 631
The Exhumation in Kozienice Martyrs David Golomb, Holon, Israel 634
Kozienice, 26 April 1949 - Permit and Exhumation Protocol   637
Kozienice – Judenrein Levi Reznik, Bogata 639
Kozienice In 1966 Abraham Tennenboim, Warsaw 641
Kozienice, the First Saturday in May, 1926 Mosze Rochman 643
Members of Avodat –Yisrael Go On Aliyah Chava Shapiro, Kfar –Hassidim 647
The First Steps of Kfar Hassidim Malka Shapiro, Jerusalem 649
Avodat –Yisrael on The Banks of the Kishon Sh. Shalom 654
Our Landsmanschaft in Israel Tzvi Madanes, Tel–Aviv 655
The Kozienice Landsmanschaft in Paris Yitzhak Shamis, Paris 656
Our Kozieniceites in Paris Yerachmiel Serota, Paris 659
I Feel a Longing Leibele Fishtein 662
Kozienice Landsmanschaft in Paris Shalom Meltzer, Paris 663
Our Participation in the Resistance Yerachmiel Serota, Paris 664
Kozieniceites in New York Shmuel Reizman, New York 670
The Kozienice Landsmanschaft in Brazil Issachar Lederman, Rio de Janeiro 672
Kozienites in Belgium Yedidya Berneman, Antwerp 675
The Book of Kozienice Finished and Completed Baruch Kaplinsky, Tel–Aviv 676


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