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[Page 122]

The cultural and educational institutions


Documents for summing up of the year 1932

By Zvi Nadir (Yalovsky)



The different accomplishments and activities continued in the years 1930-1939. All the Jewish (political) parties faced the factors which spread disarray in the Jewish population. The following work does not intend to give a full picture of the cultural and communal activities in the provincial Polish town. The short notes can however be the thesis of the work and hint at the pulsating Jewish life.

This great work should be an addition to the history of the Jewish settlement in Poland before the great catastrophe.

Friday January 1st, 1932 “Borochov Academy” in the building of the “Evening Classes” company of “Poalei Zion.”
Saturday January 2nd A dance event in the same place
Wednesday January 6th A concert review with the appearance of the singer Yosef Kolodny. The theater was filled to capacity, the singer was a great success.
Friday, January 8th “Eretz Yisroel” review in the building of the “Tel-Chai” orphanage, the number of the audience members was great.
Wednesday January 20th A search in the homes of the management members of the company “Evening Classes”; Barkowsky, Frankowsky, Engel, Arkowitch and Rosenthal. The police did not find anything in the apartments. In the building of the “Evening Classes” somebody threw a packet with Communist leaflets. The above mentioned members were all arrested.
Friday January 22nd “World War in Literature” a paper by I. Morgenstern, in the Tel-Chai orphanage.
Saturday January 23rd A dance in the evening in the same location
Tuesday January 26th The arrested members of “Poalei Zion” are released.
Friday February 5th “Word and Dance” a review evening in “Tel-Chai” performed by the local artists. Well attended.
Monday February 8th “The Only Man” - a theater performance with Zigmund Torkow in the lead. The performance was a great success. The chairman Heneh Hirschbein congratulated Torkow on the 15th anniversary of his activities in the field of Jewish art.
Saturday February 20th A theater review with the participation of the actor Granah.
Friday February 26th “Eretz-Yisroel” review in Tel-Chai. Was well attended.
Saturday February 27th A second theater review with the participation of the actor Granah from Lodz. Well attended.
Saturday March 5th A theater review. A new program.
Friday March 11th “Eretz-Yisroel” review, the third time in Tel-Chai.
Saturday March 12th A recital by the actor Wolfshtadt. He read “In the Forest” by Segalowitch. The marquee was a success but the actor ………
Friday March 18th The Trumpeldor Academy in the building of “Herzliya”
Saturday March 19th Review evening with the participation of the actor Granah in the hall of the “Culture League”
Tuesday March 22nd A Purim Masked Ball in the town's theater arranged by the Keren Kayemet d'Israel.
Sunday April 1st An evening review with the participation of the actor Granah in the location of the “Culture League.”
Friday April 22nd An evening presentation in memory of the 17th anniversary from the death of I.L. Peretz – the presenter – Israel Lichtenshtein.
Saturday April 23rd A review – evening in the theater conducted by the drama circle of the “Poalei Zion” and “Bund.”
Monday April 25th A costume ball in the town's theater organized by the Yavne school.
Monday April 25th The community management was fired by the government. It had a majority of worker representatives.
Wednesday April 27th A reading evening by the Jewish actor Yaakov Werslitz in the town's theater.
Saturday April 30th The first of May celebration in the building of the “Culture League” organized by the Bund.
Sunday May 1st A street demonstration by the “Bund.” It ended with an open meeting. At 1 p.m. a May Day meeting in “Tel Chai” organized by the “Poalei Zion” (right wing.)
Monday May 23rd An appearance of the actor Joseph Kalodny in the town's theater.
June New elections in the community. The list of the candidates of the “Poalei Zion” (left wing) was cancelled. “Poalei Zion” (right wing) received seven mandates: Zionists – 3, Mizrachi – 2, Aguda – 2.
Tuesday June 21st A theater presentation with Ida Kaminska in the lead. They presented the play “We, the Women.”
Wednesday July 6th A concert by Joseph Kolodny in the town's theater.
Tuesday July 26th An appearance by an American star Jack Rechtzeit in the town's theater.


The management of the Jewish Town Library in Koło
In the center – Shlomo Bizvinsky, the first one the left David Koninsky

Monday August 1st A conference for cultural activists with the participation of the literary critic Vinnick. The conference was organized by the Yiddish library. On the day's agenda: How are we going to popularize the Yiddish book?

A painting with three people around the table
Title: A letter to the Uncle

A painting by Harry Daniels

Saturday August 13th A meeting with the artist and a son of the town, Harry Daniels, who came from America
Sunday August 21st A picture exhibit of the Jewish artist Hersch Guterman in the building of the Jewish Library. The exhibit was well attended.
Saturday September 17th A sports competition between the team “Shtern” and the representatives of Koło.
Saturday October 15th A recital by an amateur actor Friedleib, in the building of the “Culture League.” He read the drama by Gutchkov “Uriel Acosta.”
Sunday October 16th A dance evening in the Yashwinki Hall organized by the “Maccabi” sports club.
Tuesday October 18th A play “Love, Sin, Punishment” presented by actors Shoshana Kahan and Morris Lampe.
Saturday October 22nd The Jubilee Academy “35 Years of Bund” in the building of the “Culture League.”
Sunday October 23rd A dance evening organized by the sport club “Hapoel” at the Poalei Zion.” (Right wing.)
Tuesday November 8th A concert by the cantor Moshe Kusewitzki” in the town's theater.
Friday November 11th A speech by the local medical doctor I. Bialostotzki on the subject “Health questions” in the building of the Culture League.
November 6th – 12th An exhibit by the artist Harry Daniels (Hersh Danielowitz)
Wednesday November 16th A children's presentation by “Beit Yaakov” (Agudat Yisroel)

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