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Translation of
Sefer Kolo; Finfhundert Yor Yiddish Kolo
Edited by M. Halter
Published in Tel Aviv, 1958
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Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kolo
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Page | ||
The certificate – A word to the reader | M. | 5 |
The people of the resistance | Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum z”l | 6 |
From the near and far past | ||
Some information about the history of the Jews of Koło | Dr. Rafael Mahler | 8 |
Koło between two world wars | Shlomo Ne'eman (Noyman) | 17 |
Dates in the history of Koło | M. Belinsky | 28 |
Privileges and discriminations | Michael Vitnovsky-Ravitsch | 31 |
Pictures of Koło in my memory | Elyahu Duvdevani | 35 |
The “Achdut” period | Fiszl Rauff | 54 |
My town | G. Wolkowicz | 59 |
The simple and warmhearted Jews | Evel Jarmush | 71 |
Political and social life | ||
The beginnings of the Zionist organizations in our town | F. Rauff | 80 |
The “Bund” Movement | Hanoch Hirschbein | 83 |
The Bundist Youth movement “Zukunft” | A. Hartshik | 88 |
Photographs of Harry Daniels | 91 | |
The beginnings of Poalei Zion | Mordechai Zalkind | 92 |
The Poalei Zion drama circle | A. Haraf | 98 |
Poalei Zion in the 1930's | A. L. Koninsky | 100 |
The realization of “Hechalutz” [movement] | Members | 102 |
A photograph of “Tzirei Zion” [“Youth of Zion”] | 104 | |
The youth movement “Freiheit-Dror” | Members | 106 |
“Hanoar Hazioni” [The Zionist Youth] | Ezriel Rajchert | 109 |
The National Movement | Meir Brand-Urban | 112 |
The Zionist womens' organization WIZO | Ruth Reimer | 114 |
The Hassidim in Koło | Yosef Fogel | 115 |
How did the kehila [Jewish community] function? | S. A. Tchorz | 118 |
The cultural and educational institutions | ||
Documents for summing up of the year 1932 | Zvi Nadir | 122 |
The Yavne School | Aaron Pashedetzki | 129 |
The “Bikurim” festival [Shavuot] in the Yavne school | Rabbi Yaakov Litman-Avtalion | 133 |
The Public (Government) Elementary School | Sara Butzker-Neumann | 134 |
My Teacher, Reb Meir Zaltzman | Y. Manoch | 138 |
“Melamdim” and “Cheders” | Hanoch Hirschbein | 142 |
Photographs from schools | 144 | |
Amateur theater | H. Hirschbein | 145 |
The economic situation of the Jews of Koło | ||
The economic struggle | Sal Meyerson | 152 |
The clothing branch | Benjamin Stern | 162 |
The transportation service between cities | G. Tsvikalsky | 171 |
The transport cooperatives | H. A. Shultz | 174 |
The Jews of Koło from overseas | ||
The Jews of Koło in the U.S. | Sal Meyerson | 176 |
The organization of former residents of Koło in London | S. D. Wolff | 180 |
The story of a “ma'apil” [clandestine Jewish immigrant] | Michael Nelken | 183 |
Wanderings | Mendel Oven Himmel | 189 |
The war years in the Soviet Union | H. Weiman | 200 |
The Jews of Koło in the Warsaw Ghetto | Esther Nashelska-Bendler | 202 |
Great scholars and communal workers | ||
Personalities from my town | Avraham Avital | 206 |
The Rabbis from Koło | Dr. Aharon Brandt-Orban | 212 |
A decription of Reb Shlomo Pozner | G. Wolkowicz | 222 |
The “Tzadik” [righteous] teacher Reb Menachem-Mendel Shubinsky z”l | G. W. | 224 |
The Admor Reb Shlomo Rotfeld z”l | B. Stern | 225 |
Harbingers of the Second Aliyah | B. C. Michali | 229 |
The tribulations of Reb Dov Berish Noyman | 234 | |
The Enthusiast (Shlomo Treiber) | 238 | |
Enthusaists of Hebrew Culture | (Prof M. D. Goldman) A. Duvdevani | 240 |
Moshe David Goldman | A. Yarmush | 241 |
Communal acticvists | H. H. | 242 |
The Holocaust years | ||
Recollections | Tolo Moskal Shultz | 248 |
The destruction of Koło | Avraham Haraf | 249 |
The revolt in the Sobibor extermination camp | Yehezkiel Mancha | 264 |
Kidnapping of girls | Tolo Moskal Shultz | 269 |
In the corridor of the House of Death | Shultz | 272 |
In the women's work camps | Golda Danielovitch-Kaliski | 277 |
The death of Heitche Stal | G. D. Kaliski | 281 |
Chelmno | Michael Podchlewnik | 284 |
The Chelmno extermination camp | Andrzej Miszczak | 289 |
With the Jews of Koło in the death camps | Yaakov Shultz | 295 |
Small indications of human compassion | Chaim Eliezer Shultz | 302 |
Years of grief | Regina Koninska | 310 |
In Izbica Lubelska | Fiszl Rauff | 313 |
Six years in the Nazi Hell | Yitzchak Shultz | 319 |
“Pour out thy wrath” (poem) | Katriel son of Zev Szaladowski z”l | 321 |
The “Koil” [Kolo] incident | Rabbi Joshua Moshe Ahronson z”l | 322 |
Koło in the year 1945 | Esther Nashleska-Bendler | 326 |
The tragedy in Chelmno | Yaakov Waldman | 330 |
My old home (poem) | A. Brandt-Orban | 331 |
There once was a Jewish voice | H. H. | 333 |
Dates of grief | A. D. | 335 |
Notice about the burial of bones in the Haifa cemetery | 336 | |
Recollections | ||
The cholera plague in Koło | Avraham Gliksman | 338 |
Memories of the stormy years | P. Friedland | 341 |
Shot by a Cossack | Evel Yarmush | 345 |
Communing with those who were incinerated | Dov Avishalom | 347 |
The last “gabbai” [beadle] in the “Beth Midrash” | L. B. R. | 349 |
One of the humble | A. Porat and L. Abramowicz | 351 |
The activists Malka Motel | G. W. | 352 |
In a suburb of Warsaw | M. Brandt | 353 |
“Days” and years in Koło | Avraham Kempinsky | 357 |
The triangular thread | 360 | |
Episodes | Pinchas Przedecki | 361 |
He loved the Torah | M. Ben-Yitzchak | 363 |
Greetings from afar | Leib Szpajzman | 367 |
The fallen of the War of Independence | 368 | |
Documents | ||
From the Ringelblum archives | 372 | |
Announcements | 377 | |
Passages from the “Hatsfira” newspaper | Avraham Brandt-Orban | 379 |
Pictures by the painter S. A. Schlezinger | 380 | |
Pictures by the painter Balbina Nashelska-Rauff | 381 | |
Contributions for for the Koło book | 381 | |
List of names of former residents of Koło living in Israel | 383 | |
The holy and innocent victims during the Holocaust years | ||
List of the Koło martyrs | 391 | |
Bereavement notices | 400 | |
At the completion of the book | 420 |
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