Kolbuszowa Memorial Book
(Kolbuszowa, Poland)

50°15' / 21°46'

Pinkas Kolbishov

Edited by: I. M. Biderman

Published in New York, 1971

Kolbuszowa plaque



Contributed by

Kolbuszowa Region Research Group


These chapters of “Pinkas Kolbishov” (Kolbuszowa Memorial Book) have been donated by
the Kolbuszowa Region Research Group in memory of their family members who perished in the Holocaust.
Phyllis Goldberg is to be commended for scanning the 88 pages of the English text of the yizkor book.
Norman Salsitz is thanked for giving permission for this material to be published on the Yizkor Book web site.

This is from Pinkas Kolbishov (Kolbuszowa Memorial Book), I. M. Biderman,
ed., New York: United Kolbushover, 1971 (793 pages, Hebrew, Yiddish, English).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Kolbuszowa

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Translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund

Yiddish Section
The Title Page of the Book The Yizkor Book Committee IX
A Word from the Editor Dr. Y. M. Biderman XI
Chapters of History
Kolbuszowa from Its Beginnings Dr. Y. M. Biderman 1
The Holy Community and its Leaders The Rabbi, Dr. Chaim Yehuda Berl 26
  The Rabbi, Dr. Chaim Yehuda Berl 134
A Kolbuszowa Testament Berta Ferderber-Zalc 162
After the Pogrom In and Around Kolbuszowa Y. Marbid 166
A Member of the American Mission Narrates Arthur L. Gothhard 172
Letters from Yakov Eksztajn to the Landsleit [people from the same town] in the United States   184
The Struggle of the Kolbuszowa Jews Dovid Zalc 189
The Followers of Hertzl in Kolbuszowa Dr. Y. M. Biderman 218
Two Silhouettes Gila Urial 225
Familiar Jews (Portraits) Sholem Mihlsztajn 237
About Three Kolbuszowa Jews The Rabbi Natan Abranowicz 256
Personalities Berta Ferderber-Zalc 258
The Martyr/Holy Man, Dr. Leon Anderman Asta Hertsog 268
The Communal Life
Tiferes Bukhirim [Glorious Young Men] Betzalel Grynsztajn 270
The Zionist Youth Yehuda Letster (Leibish Osen] 271
Zionist Youth - Hanoar-Hatzioni [Zionist Youth] Sheyndl (Hofert) Lintszewski 280
Girls of Agudas Yisroel Regina (Lajdner) Monsdorf 284
Hazamer Josef Haar 285
The Betar in the Shtetl [town] Chana Klajn-Rizman 291
Kolbusow - Shabbos and the Week Days Sholem Mihlsztajn 293
About Events and People Berta Ferderber-Zalc 341
My Shtetele [small town] Kolbuszow Yerahem Frost 385
Kolbuszowa, a Place of Hasidus Aharon Diamond 389
Such a Street… A. Lajdner 395
A Bobe's [grandmother] Memoirs Gila Urial 405
The Fire of 1900 Malka Nusbaum 411
From Zeydn's [grandfather] House Mina Engelman 414
The Days of Neshama Yetera [additional soul] Sida Ben-Menakhem 417
Three Meals [of Shabbos] Natan Krani 420
Landsleit [people from the same town] in Israel Remember
A Bundle of Memories Yehezkiel Eksztajn 422
The Hisakhdus [confederation] in Our Shtetl [town] Mordekhai Langwajl 425
Sports Union - Makabi Petkhia Lajdner 427
About My Grandmother Chana Wajs 429
Theives, Fences and Benefactors Josef Ben-Menakhem 430
Yiddish Theater and Poverty;Yiddish Theater and Hasidim Zelda Langwajl 431
Alter-Lezer the Communist; About Voting for the Seim [Polish Parliament] Aharon Diamond 432
My First Zionist Activity; An Actual Occurrence; Tiferes Bokhurim [Splendid Young Men] and HaShahar [The Dawn] Dovid Zalc 433
To Warsaw Leibush Berl 435
In the Fearful Days Leibush Berl 440
Not Yet Silent! (Song) Kh. Y. Ber-Leah 447
At the Market: A Jewish Town's Struggle for Bread Sh. Muhlstein 450
Destructions and Death
The Martyrology of the Kolbuszowa Jews Naftali Zaleszic 455
Majdan Near Kolbuszowa The Rabbi, Dr. Shlomo-Dovid Goldfarb 488
Kolbuszower Across the World
In the Struggle for Jewish Independence   595
The Kolbuszowa in the Land of Israel Aharon Diamond 599
Kolbuszower in America Dovid Zalc 601
These Holy Names   612
Hebrew Section
Kolbuszowa from its beginnings Dr. I. M. Biderman 628
Rabbis and dayanim [judges] The Rabbi, Dr. Chaim Yehuda Berl 645
The struggle of the Jews of Kolbuszowa Dovid Zalc 666
Characters Gila Uriel 679
People From Kolbuszowa in the State of Israel Aharon Diamond 686
Kolbuszowa in her destruction Naftali Zaleszic 688
A solitary hill-side (poem) Shlomo Gal-Un (Grynsztajn) 720
Kolbuszowa in Pictures   721
In Sacred Memory   763
English Section
Kolbuszowa from its beginnings Dr. I. M. Biderman 1
The Rabbis of Kolbuszowa Rabbi Dr. Leon J. Berle 24
In struggle for life David Salz 33
Jews from Kolbuszowa in America David Salz 48
The Holocaust in Kolbuszowa Naftali Salsitz 55

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Kolbuszowa Region Research Group
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Updated 9 Apr 2011 by LA