Table of Contents

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[A] [B]  [D] [E] [F]  [G] [H] [I]  [K] [L] [M]  [N] [O] [P]  [R] [S] [T]  [U] [W] [Y]  [Z]

ALWEIS Eliahu, Mirl ,Perl ,Sara-Rivka, Yehoshe-Mendl, Yehuda, Zissel ,Ester
ANDERMAN  Dr. Leon and son Marek
ANFANG  Alter, Teme, Beile, Wolf
ANFANG Wolf, wife and daughter
ANFANG  Yochanan, Yente, Binyamin, Beile-Esther, Hendel
ANGANG Yosef-Chaim
ANISFELD Simon, Chana nee Sontag, Yette
ARTSMAN Itzhak, Chana, Wolf ,Yechezkel, Sara
AUSCHISIGER Akiva, Miriam ,Itte ,Rachel, Sara
AUSCHISIGER Shalom, Chana and two children
AUSHEN Hirsh ,Leah
AVRAHAM Shimon-David, Ratze and two children

BAKEN Israel-Hillel, Chaya-Eidel
BAMBACH Moshe and wife
BAWS Mendl ,Dvora, Eidel, Meir, Yehoshe, Reuven, Ester-Hene
BECK Leib, Raisel, Berka
BELLER Lemel ,Chana, Blume, Itte, Avraham, Eidel ,Yitzhak, Chaim
BELLER Matel ,Toive ,Hinde, and another seven daughters
BERLE Moshe-Yosef, Leah, Avraham, Beile, one son and two daughters
BERLE Sprintze, Ratze
BERMAN David, Rachel ,Sheindel
BILFELD Berisch, son his wife Kaile, and three children
BILFELD  Meir, Menachem
BILFELD  Shimek and wife
BILFELD Yitzhak, Frimet
BINSHTOCK Golde and daughter Sheindel
BIRENBAUM Kalman, Rivka ,Chaim
BIRENFELD Aharon, Freida and two daughters
BIRNBAUM Chaim, wife and daughter
BIRNBAUM Dan ,Elke, Chaim, Yehoshe, Moshe-Aharon, and two more children
BIRNBAUM Leibish, wife and five children
BIRNBAUM Moshe, Rivka and five children
BLAU Yochevet, Sime Chana
BLAZER Israel Zissel, Shlema-Yosef and two daughters
BLITER Zanwill, Chana, Rachel, Pessel, Sprintze, Ettel, Gitel, Israel, Leib-Mordechai
BLITZER Chane-Levi, Frimet
BLITZER Moshe, Mondshe
BLITZER Yehoshe, Miriam-Sara Shmuel Moshe-Hirsh Nachum Golde Leah Raisel
BLITZER Yosef, Sheindel and two children
BRAND Alter, wife and two children
BRAND Koppel, Chana and children
BRAND Moshe-Wolf, Chaia, Rivka ,Raisel and their families
BRAN Zalman, Golde, Elchana, Asher, Dvora, Ester
BRODT Shulem Golde Roize her husband and child Golde
BUXBAUM Melish, Ester, Henie, Rivshe, Ructshe
BUXBAUM Yosef, Ester

DERSHOWITZ Osher, and wife Tille
DERSHOWITZ Rivka, Mordechai, Hinde with her husband and child
DIAMOND Hirsh, Miriam,Sime, Raisel
DORNFAST Moshe-Motel, Rivka ,Shimon, Chaim and another two children
DREIENGEL Frimet, husband Wolf and two children
DREIENGEL Genendel, husband Shimon, Wolf, Mendl, Frimet
DREIENGEL Hershele, Melamed, Blume, Leibe, Mendl, Wolf, Frimet
Raisel and another two children
DREIENGEL Yehoshe, Elke, Hirsh ,Dvore, Itte
DREIENGEL Yeshaya, Blime, Mendl
DREIENGEL Zalman and three children

ECKSTEIN Gitshe, Dola, Tzipke and daughter
EHRLICH Chaya, Meir, Wolf, Freida ,Beile-Chane
EHRLICH Efraim ,wife Mindel Gitel
EHRLICH Yitzhak,Yakov ,Chaim, Eliezer-Mendl, Leibush, Chana ,Raisel ,Leah
EINHORN Aharon ,Neche and two children
ELBOIM Moshe, Yissachar, wife and two daughters
ELBOIM Shimon ,Sara

FEFFERMAN Berel, Roize, Yehoshe, Feige
FEINGOLD Mirl, Ester, Dashe, Zishe, Izak
FEINGOLD Moshe, Hendel
FEIT Elish, Golde, David
FELD Dvora, Yitzhak, Moshe, David, Sheindel
FELD Hirsch, Gitel
FENICHEL Levi, Roize and children
FENICHEL Moshe, Shifra, Ester, Malka, Chana, Itte, Munke
FEUER Boaz ,Blume and two children
FEUER Chanania,Rivka, Gitel, Binyamin, Eidel, Israel
FEUER Moshe, Gitel
FINFER Yakov Hudes
FINGER Eliezer
FISCHELBERG Shulem, wife and children
FLEISCHER Avraham, Ratze
FORTGANG Chitze, husband and children
FREIFELD Hirsh, Rachel, Yehoshe, Yosef, Shmuel, Mendl, Rivka
FREIFELD Mordechai, Leah, Chaim
FRIEDMAN Chaim, wife Bashe and child
FRIEDRICH Hershel, wife, Eliezer, David ,Chaim

GARTENFELD Mordechai, Dvora two children
GELB Moshe’le
GELDZEILER Raisel, Asher and another three children
GELDZEILER Yosef, Roize, Frimet, Sara
GELLER Mordechai ,Ette-Miriam and children
GERSTEL David, wife and two children
GERTNER Mendl, Malka ,Sara, Leibke, Binyamin with families
GEWIRTZ Eidel, wife and children
GEWIRTZ  Hersch, Feige, Zerubavel, Emil and another son
GEWIRTZ  Simche, Eidel
GLANTZ  Levi, Zishe
GLAZEL David, Czarne, Gitel with husband and children,
Blume with husband and children
GLAZEL Zishe, Aharon, Israel, Feige and another two children
GOLDBERG Menachem and wife Golde
GOLDBERG Naftali and wife Leibish-Shamai, Yakov, Eliezer-David and twodaughters
GOLDKLANG Yechezkel, Mendzhe, Avraham, Leah
GRABSHRIFT Miriam, Elimelech, Yehoshe
GREENSTEIN Ben, Zion, Tzille
GREENSTEIN Betzalel, Rivka
GREENSTEIN Leibish wife and children
GREENSTEIN Yosef, Hudes, Shlema, Simcha, Getzel ,Sime
GROSHAUS Elchanan, Sara and children
GROSHAUS Moshe ,Freidel, Yitzhak
GRUM Mendl
GRUM Moshe, Malka, Neche
GRUN Yechezkel, Sara and child
GUTENBERG Czarne, Shimon, Naftali, Israel, Elke, Raisel

HAAR Don, Hene
HAAR Raisel
HALPERN Hirsh, Sara and two children
HAUSER Chaim-Elihu, Feiga, Ruchel, Miriam,Yeshahu and grandchild Teme
HAUSER Sara, Kalman, Yeremiah, Israel, Feige, Ruchel and Family
HELLER Yosef, Ruchel ,Chaya, Nechama, Tzvi
HERSHKOWITZ Nechama, Moshe-Yehoshe and family
HIRSH Koppel and wife
HIRSH Mordechai
HIRSH Shimson ,Leibe-Rivka, Chaya, Mordecha, Avraham
HOFFERT Eliezer, Beile, Shimon, Zvi, Gitel, Sara, Dvora
HOFFERT Israel ,Leah, David
HOFFERT Moshe-Nachum
HOFFERT Shmelke and family
HOROWITZ Shmelke ,Rivka and five children
HUTNER Mordechai, Golde, Yechiel ,Noach, Shulem, Avraham ,
Aharon, Tzirl Perl,Chana, Leibe

INGSTER Avraham, wife Sheindel nee Sontag ,Bashe
INSEL Avraham, Leah
INSEL Elimelech ,Rivka ,Ester-Frimet, Khana ,Blume, Mirl, Dvora, Berech
Itte-Rivka (daughter of Reb Israel Isser Melamed) her husband and child

KAMER Hirsh, Avraham, David
KANNER Naftali, Chaim, Shamai, Hersh-Leib, Ester
KATZ-DREIENGEL Chaya, husband Michal, Barach, Gitel
KINSTLICH Hirsh, Ester, Chaim, Feige, Binyamin, Psachaya, Eliezer
KIRSHENBAUM Necha, Yitzhak and family
KLEIN Chaya-Sara, Leah, Grussow, Gitel, Nechama
KLEIN Leibe’s children Benek and Frieda
KLEIN Lemel, Chaya, Beila, Tzvi, Yehoshe
KLEIN Moshe, Rachel and two children
KLEIN Yitzhak, Dina ,David ,Binyamin
KLEINMAN Hirsh, Chaya-Sheva, Don, Sara, Rachel, Dvora
KLEINMAN Malka, Itzhak, Sara, Israel, Doba, Zelig
KLEINMAN Malka, Yitzhak, Israel, Dvora, Yechiel
KNOBLE Avraham-Aharon, Moshe-David
KNUE Leib Zelda and two children
KORN Chaim-Mordechai, Rivka, Yosef, Yakov, Leibish
KORNBLAU Shlema, Frieda, Hirsh, Avraham-Aharon, Lene
KORNBLIT Alta, Mordechai and another two children
KORNBLIT  David, Shulem, Kalman
KORNBLIT  Meir-Lieb, Hind, Yehoshe, Alta and husband Zishe, Fenig
KORNBLIT  Moshe-Aharon and wife
KORNBLIT  Zelig, Moshe, Rivka, husband and children
KORNFELD  Moshe, Leibe, Henoch Yosef
KREBS Yosef, Mirl, Yente, Chaim, Freida, Maltshe
KRIEGER Yakov, Rela, Chana, Yitzhak
KROIT Shlema, Miriam, Meir
KROLIK Zissel, Leibish, Sheindel and daughter Rachel
KURTZ  Eidel, Boze
KURTZ  Elimelech, Roi, Feige, Menachem
KURTZ  Moshe, Chana, Zelig
KURTZ  Reuven, Rivka, Toive

LAMPEL Mordechai
LAMPEL  Pentshe, Neche
LANDAU Avraham and wife
LANDAU Herzl, Sime and son
LANDAU  Moshe, Margolit, Hertzel, Yakov and another son
LANGWEIL Chaim, wife and children
LANGWEIL Eliezer, wife Lishe Rivka
LANGWEIL  Feige, David, Leib
LANGWEIL Hene, Maltshe, Sheindel, Leah, husband and children
LANGWEIL  Zalman ,wife and two children
LEIDNER  David, Dvora, Mania, Ita, Breindel and a child
LEIDNER Avraham, Rachel, David, Baruch
LEISTNER Akiba, Freidel, Mina and child
LEZTER Chaim, Sheindel, Zev, Tzvi, Gitel and another two children
LEZTER wife, son Moshe and five children
LIBER Chana nee Leinwend and husband
LIBER  Toive, Dvora, Psachaya, David
LIBER Yitzhak, Sabine, Yechiel, Pessel
LIBERMAN Avraham, Chana, Shmuel, Moshe, Hershel
LICHTER Yechiel, Pessel
LIPMAN Yeremiah
LIPMAN Zanvil, wife and children
LISHA Yehoshe, David, Malka, Bluma, Dvora
LOIFER Breindel
LOMZER Leibish

MANTEL Aharon, Rivka and two children
MANTEL Yehoshe, Leibish and a daughter
MARIN  Avraham
MARIN Avraham, Izak, Dvora
MARIN Moshe, Izak
MARIN Shlema
MARIN Yakov, wife and five children
MAYER Eliezer and Family
MEITZ Basha, Chana-Levi, Simcha, Mend,l Perl, Itte, Leah, Mondshe, Ester
MEITZ Nachum-Levi, wife and three children
MESSING Tzifra, David, Chaim and daughter
MOLTER Yakov-Baruch, Blima, Yechiel, Yehoshe, Golde
MUHLSTEIN Menachem, Malka, Mordechai, Avraham

NEIMAN Yochanan,Chava
NESEL Mendl, wife, Yithak, Shamai, Kalman and two daughters
NOTOWITZ Efraim, wife, Binyamin with wife and two children
NOTOWITZ Yehoshe, wife, Nusha
NUSSBAUM Moshe, Sprintze, Shlema-Zalman, Yakov
NUSSBAUM Pinchas, Leibe, Ruchel, Breindel
NUSSBAUM Pinchas, Ruchama, Sheindel, Moshe, Baruch
NUSSBAUM Yosef, Frimet, Israel, Hirsh, Pinchas, Chana, Bracha
NUSSBAUM Yosef, Raisel, Yechiel, Itte

OFFEN Wolf, Shifra, Chaim-Yosef, Aharon
OLEFANT Schachne, Chana, Note, Mirl
OMER Leibish
OMER Lemel
ORGEL Betzalel, Yentshe, Gitel, Blima, Zelek
ORNSTEIN Tuvia, Feige, Eidel, Baruch, Yechezkel, Raisel, Sara, Lifshe
OSTROF Hirsh (Belfer), Renie, Naftali, Yosef, Sara

PEMSTEIN Hirsh-Mendl, wife and children
PEMSTEIN Moshe, Pessel and Malka
PERLMAN Alter, Miriam, Beile, Roize, Zissel, Chana, Meir,Yakov
PLAFKER Itche and Mother
PLAFKER Naftali, Zlata, Koppel, Izak, Raise, Sara
PLAFKER Zelig and wife
POLIMER Avraham, Ruchel, Avigdor, Yosef and another six children
POLIMER Mattis, Chana, and two children
POLIMER Zissel, Dvora
POMERANTZ Dr. Baruch-Benedict

RABINOVITZ Dr. Wilhelm, wife and two sons
RACHMES Pinchas, wife and child
RAPAPORT Pinchas, Malka, Hirsh-Koppel
RAPAPORT Psachya, Ruchtshe and daughter
RAPAPORT Tzeshe nee Liber, two children
REBHUN Shulem, wife and daughter
RECHT Yakov, Frimet
REICH Hendel, Zalman, Moshe, Feige, Mirl, Rivka, Itsche
REICH Malka, Chana, Yakov, Berish, Hirsh, Pessel
REICH Moshe, Fiege, Avraham, Leah, Chana, Beile
REICH Pinchas, Shifra
REICH Toive, Chaya, Eidel, Natan, Yehoshe, Shulem, Elimelech,Davtshe
REICH Yosef, Sara, Yehoshe, Beile, Gitel
RINDER Avraham, Rivka, Blime, Neche, Gitel, Aharon, Feige-Chana
ROSENBAUM Moshe-Hirsh, Itte, Gitel, Bunim and another daughter
ROSENFELD Leizer and wife
ROSENFELD Shmuel, Toive, Rischel, David
ROSENGARTEN Shmuel, Miriam
ROSENSTROICH Avraham, wife Rivka nee Sontag, Wolf, Moshe
ROVNER Yosef ,Miriam, Tzvi
RUBIN Raisel, Dvora, Zlate and husband
RUBIN Reb Menele din Gitshe, Asher, Yitzhak, Rachel, David and another,son
RUBIN Simcha

SALESCHUTZ Chana-Teshe Shulem Shlema Roize
SALESCHUTZ Moshe wife and six children
SALESCHUTZ Shaul Ester-Gitel Leah
SALESCHUTZ Shloime Rivka and three children
SALESCHUTZ Yitzhak Ester Matel Raisel-Ruchel
SALTZ   Fishel Malka
SALTZ Yosef Basha
SCHERR   David Neche Nisel Elimelech
SCHLANGER Mordechai Ruchel
SCHLISSEL Chaim-Pincus Zelda Zissel Moshe Yosef-Yehoshe Leah Malka
SEGAL Israel Feige and four children
SHABTAI Meir and mother
SHAPIRA Hershel Chana Hene
SHAPIRA Moshe Leib Davtshe Yoel Mannes Gitel Yeremiah and other children
SHER DvoraShmuel Eliezer Moshe David Elimelech Nisel Neche
SHER Shulem Nechama Friedele
SHIFFMAN Naftali Breindel Yakov Gitel
SHMITA Akiba Rivka
SHNELL Kalman Roize Yosef Feivel
SHNUR Ben Zion Moshe Yosef Sheindel-Beile Rachel Meir
SHPATZ Yakov Naftali Shmuel Wolf Adolf and their families
SHPITZ Aharon and wife
SHPRINGER Mendl Rachel Asher Pessel Leibe Miriam Eidel
SHTERNLICHT Shimon Chaya-Rachel Moshe Dvora and two more children
SHTRASSBERG Berish Boze Herschel Mindel Dvora and another daughter
SHTUB Moshe Ruchel Hirsh-Mendl Itte
SHTURM Chaim Shaul
SHTURM Zalman and wife
SHTURMLAUFER Barach MaltsheTzvi Berka Hetshe
SHUB Anshel Ettel Yechezkel Malka Ester Wolf
SHUB Heindel wife and four daughters
SHUL Mendl Rachel Pessel Beile Chaim Yitzhak and six more children
SHUSTER Eliezer wife and two daughter
SHWANENFELD   Sara Ester-Ruchel Dvora Mina
SILBER Hershie Yakov Dobe Moshe-Aharon Ettel Berka
SILBER Nataniel Mania Aharon Boze two children
SILBER Zelig Ita-Rivka Leah and four children
SILBERMAN Shimon Eidel three children
SILBERMAN Ze’ev a mother and a sister
SON Miriam
SONTAG Hirsh Feige Leibish Riva
SONTAG Natan wife Dzunie (Carmel)
SONTAG Shlema-Sertishe Panke Side Koresh. with husband and daughterRuchel
SPIELMAN Aharon Ester Zanvil Rivka
SPIELMAN Mendl’s children and grandchild
STIEGLITZ Chaim-Eliezer Feige
STIEGLITZ Hirsh Hinde Eliezer Beile
SUSSKIND Mirl Yechiel-Shlema Israel Sime Efraim-Simcha
SUSSMAN Chaim, Bronia, Naftali and another 1 son and two daughters
SUSSMAN Yakov-Yitzhak, Chana, Sheindel and husband, Leibush Avraham-Aharon,Yehoshe

TEITELBAUM Yechiel the Rabbi; Sara, Rivka, Ratze, Ruchel, Chaim, Chaya, Ester-Raisel
TENZER Leibish, Chaim, Moshe-Hirsh, David, Beile, Raisel, Sara
TENZER Moshe, Chaya, Malka, Yehoshe, Toive
TENZER Toive, Ruchel, Chana, Briendel
TENZER Zelig, Tzirl, Alter, Ester, Tratil, Yehoshe, Shmuel
THAU wife of Dr. Leon Thau
TIEFENBRUN David-Berish, Blume and five children
TROMPETER Yosef, Rivka, Hene, Yitzhak-Schmuel, Moshe
TUGENTHAFT Israel and entire family
TZENGBAUM Chaim, Rishel and three children
TZENWIRT Reuven, Ester and three children
TZIGELMAN Rivka, Yakov, Chana

ULLAN Ester, Hene and two children
UNGER Hirsch, Ruche, Menachem, Asher-Hese, Sheindel

WACHTEL Moshe, Yehoshe, Yankel and two daughters
WAKSPRESS Elimelich, Leibe
WALDMAN Leibush ,Tzvi, Chaim, Gitel
WALDMAN Toive, Feige, Ruchel
WARHAFT Chaim, wife and son Hirsh
WASSERMAN Zalman, Chana, Yakov, Eidel
WEICHSELBAUM Zille, Mina, Moshe, Shmuel, Aharon, Chana
WEIN Chentshe, Gitel, Sara
WEINGARTEN Moshe, Leibe, Chaya, Gitel, Yakov
WEINMAN Moshe, Chana-Mindel, Tzvi, David, Friede
WEINSTEIN Reuven, Gela, Sheindel
WEISMAN Yehoshe, Chava, Shlomo
WEISMAN Zalman, Hinde and two children
WEISS Breindel, husband Hirsh-Koppel
WEISS Shmuel, Rivka, Breindel-Psachaya, Yosef, Avraham, Pola, Sime,Wolf
WEISS Yitzhak, Blime, Moshe, Rivka
WEISSMAN Moshe, Gitel
WEITZ Yitzhak, Blume, Moshe, Chaya, Perl, Malke, Zanvil
WEITZEN Mordechai and wife, Yosef, Nataniel, Naftali, Ruchel
WIDER Nachum wife and children
WIESENFELD Avraham ,Pola, Rivka, Sheindel, Yakov, Mina, Leib, Yehoshe, Feivel
WIESENFELD Gabriel, Rivka
WIESENFELD Getzel, Yakov
WILNER Yakov, Sara
WINTER Reuven wife and children

YECHIEL Yenta nee Gewirtz, husband and children

ZINNAMON  Yitzhak, Ester, Moshe 
ZOLINER  Shneider, wife and two daughters 
ZUCKER  Yosef, wife, Israel-Asher 
ZUCKERBROT  Dvora, Maltzi 
ZWETSCHKENBAUM  wife and daughter 

Table of Contents

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