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[Page 554]

Commemorative Pages (cont.)

The Holy Martyr, R' Yitchok Ettinger [Etinger]. He was a councilor in the city administration, a member of the board of trade unions, an important livestock owner and honest merchant. He died of starvation in the Kalusz Ghetto.

May the Lord revenge his blood

[Page 555]

The Holy Martyrs: Mattos Ettinger [Etinger]; his wife Leah Ettinger;
their son Israel Ettinger and their daughter Stella Ettinger

All were killed in Belzec Extermination Camp
May the Lord revenge their blood

[Page 556]

In the picture, standing: Linka and Mintzi Nims and their mother and father. All of them were cut down in the Holocaust. The Zarvenitzer [Zarvanitser] family was a home owning, old line family in the Kalusz community.

[Page 557]

In the picture, sitting: Israel and Rivke Zarvenitzer [Zarvanitser], father and mother
Standing on the right: Libka Flank [Plank]

[Page 558]

The group that accompanied Moshe Ettinger to the train station on his departure for America. Only one of the group survived —fourth from the right, Mottel Kornblit.  Klara (Chaya) Ettinger —third from the right, was among the first 300 Jews who were tortured to death. Their remains are buried in a mass grave in the Pilla Forest.

May God avenge their blood.


The family of Jakov Friedman [Fridmen], Yakov, Yisrael, Alice

[Page 559]

The Holy Martyr R' Mordecai Streit [Shtreit]—A home owner, a speaker in the small Synagogue, Vice President of the Community, head of the Education Board in Kalusz.

May the Lord revenge his blood

[Page 560]

The Leaders of the Kalusz Community
Sitting from left to right: Fischel Dilber, Dr. Maximillian Finkelstein [Finkelshtein, Finkelsztejn], Shlomo Spindel [Shpindel], Meilech Hersh
The first row standing, from the left: Fallek Benisch, Max Bein, Gershon Zeig, Simtzi Kahane, Itzig Baron, Somer Kurz
Last row, standing from right to left: Matti Schwartz [Svartz], Avraham Richter, Shaya (Yehoshua) Reis, Shlomo Nusbaum, Feindel, a womens' tailor
Of the 15 Jews, only one is still alive: the head of the community, Shlomo Spindel [Shpindel]

May the Lord revenge their blood

[Page 561]

In Memoriam

Chana Flank my mother
Ezriel Flank my brother
Cyla Flank my sister-in-law
David Flank my nephew
Susi (Flank) Klarreich my sister
Israel Klarreich my brother-in-law
Deborah Flank my sister
Bruder Tauber my uncle
Pesia Tauber my aunt
Lea Tauber my cousin
Zofie Tauber my cousin
Berish Tauber my cousin
Woody Tauber my cousin
Mordechai Tauber my uncle
Nechi Tauber my aunt
Aron Tauber my cousin
Isaac Flank my uncle
Lea Flank my aunt
Ezriel Flank my cousin
Mendel Flank my cousin
Fula (Flank) Streifer my cousin
Aron Streifer my cousin's husband
Junka Streifer my cousin
Mala Streifer my cousin
Manya Flank my cousin's wife

May the Lord revenge their blood

  Survived by Lipa (Eliezer) Flank

[Page 562]

El Maleh Rachamim for Kalusz


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