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List of Figures (cont.)


Figure Page no. Title Thumbnail[Click to expand]
The Pogrom
144 333 An authentic photograph of the “Brashora" about the Pogrom kal333s.jpg
145 346 Picture of the author - The scribe M. Y. Ben-Gurion (Beredichevski) kal346s.jpg
146 347 Artistic drawing (of Abel Pan) expressing the reality after the pogrom kal347s.jpg
147 349 Picture of the author - the journalist and publicist Philip Cohen kal349s.jpg
148 350 Section of the city in the year of the pogrom (authentic photograph) kal350s.jpg
149 351 The meeting place of the “pogromtchiks (perpetrators of the pogrom)” kal351s.jpg
150 352 Houses turned into ruins (the pogrom) kal352s.jpg
151 353 Sequential row of buildings destroyed and burglarized (the pogrom) kal353s.jpg
152 354 Destruction of the building “Talmud-Torah” and the yeshiva (the pogrom) kal354s.jpg
153 355 Reconstruction of the ruins (the pogrom) kal355s.jpg
154 356 Reconstruction of the ruins (the pogrom) kal356s.jpg
155 359 Picture of the author - Niske Melamed kal359s.jpg
156 363 “The Jew on the Roof” (from the reality of the pogroms) - an artistic drawing by Shlomo Gershov - a Jewish artist in the Soviet Union kal363s.jpg
The Holocaust
157 373 “Monument of the Holocaust” (photograph of the sculpture) kal373s.jpg
158 374 A Jewish child weeps in the background of his city (artistic illustration - M. Bernstein) kal374s.gif
159 375 Picture of the author - Itia Charkes-Shatz kal375s.jpg
160 376 Migration of the Jewish refugees (authentic photograph from the Holocaust) kal376s.jpg
161 377 “Refugees leaving home” (artistic illustration) kal377s.gif
162 379 Refugees fate on the road to Transdnistria (authentic photograph) kal379as.jpg
163 379 Refugees murdered on the road to Transdnistria (authentic photograph) kal379bs.jpg
164 381 “Being transported to slaughter” (artistic illustration) kal381s.gif
165 382 Jewish Bessarabian camp at Transdnistria (authentic photograph) kal382s.jpg
166 383 Picture of the author - Fruma Kogan-Gorman kal383s.jpg
167 384 “Transdnistria camp” (artistic illustration) kal384s.gif
168 386 Is there vengeance and reprisal for this horror? (authentic photograph) kal386s.jpg
169 387 Picture of the author - Chana Katsap-Birenfeld kal387s.jpg
170 388 “Jewish refugees” (artistic illustration - M. Bernstein) kal388s.gif
171 389 Toward an unknown fate (authentic photograph) kal389s.jpg
172 390 Portrait of a Jewish woman at the Transdnistria camp (artistic illustration) kal390s.gif
173 391 Picture of the author - Levi Yitzchak Rochberger kal391s.jpg
174 392 Horror of the Nazi Holocaust (authentic photograph) kal392s.jpg
175 393 “Destruction of the sacred Jewish Mikvaot (ritual bath)” (artistic illustration) kal393s.jpg
176 395 Wandering refugees (authentic photograph) kal395s.jpg
177 397 “Graves scattered along the road” (artistic illustration) kal397s.jpg
178 400 Murdered Jews who were thrown in a ditch (authentic photograph) kal400s.jpg
179 401 Picture of the author - Zanvil Veisman kal401s.jpg
180 402 Ghetto ruins (authentic photograph) kal402s.jpg
181 403 Ghetto warrior (Printing) kal403s.jpg
182 404 “Witiminiasa” forest kal404s.jpg
183 406 Photograph of the second reunion of natives of Kalarash in Israel kal406as.jpg
184 406 General view of the public present at the third conference of the former residents of Kalarash in Israel kal406bs.jpg
185 407 A moving meeting with the former resident of our town Chaim Lerner of the United States kal407as.jpg
186 407 Kalarashians having a joyous reunion kal407bs.jpg

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 6 Sep 2008 by LA