The Book of Kalarash

47°16' / 28°19'

Translation of Sefer Kalarash

Edited by: N. Tamir

Published in Tel Aviv, 1966


Project Coordinator and Translator
Jerrold Landau


This is a translation from: Sefer Kalarash; le-hantsahat zikhram shel yehudei ha-ayara she-nehreva bi-yemei ha-shoa
(The book of Kalarash in memory of the town's Jews, which was destroyed in the Holocaust).
Editors: N. Tamir, et. al., Tel Aviv, 1966 (Hebrew and Yiddish, 533 pages).

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List of Figures
Nostalgia for Kalarash   9
Kalarash described from vague memories L. Kuperstein 11
My hometown Aryeh Charuvi (Bokser) 15
This is how I remember you Yosef Vinokur 17
The city – the source of inspiration Yosef Ozitel 20
A “tour” of the city before its destruction David Broshi (Broshik) 22
Kalarash from the beginning of the year to the end of the year Yosef Ozitel 28
A Map of Kalarash    
Kalarash – its place and history   33
From encyclopedias   35
The area of Bessasrabia and the city of Kalarash at the end of the 19th Century Aharon Kadron (Kandel) 36
Between the two World Wars Yitzchak Halperin 39
The history of the city, and its beginnings Seni Kandel (Kadron) 46
The Jewish leadership in the local government Aryeh Karasnushinsky 48
Between governments A. Kadron 51
The town – a general survey Dov Yosilovitz 52
Landscape, work, and business   55
Landscape Uriah Feldman 57
The Fence Y. Ozitel 58
A land of blessing Avraham Pichman 60
Sources of livelihood S. Kandel 63
The fair Y. Ozitel 68
From establishment to downfall A. Pichman 70
A writing from “Vaschod” (5.11.1887)   76
Education and Culture   77
The first school of its kind Y. Vinokur 79
On the founding of the Hebrew school in Kalarash (autobiography) Dr. Y. L. Matmon-Cohen 81
The “Beit Yehuda” school under the leadership of Matmon-Cohen By a graduate 82
The blessed continuation Y. Vinokur 84
The school and its principal Y. Ozitel 87
The Talmud Torah “Chevra Mishnayot” S. Kandel 89
The Chovavim theatrical group S. Kandel 90
Theatrical experience Y. Ozitel 91
My father's house A. Feldman 93
My parents' house Yisrael Gershuni (Garminski) 97
From the town to the Diaspora and the Homeland   101
Chaim Grinberg Zalman Shazar,
president of Israel
His activities in Bessarabia Chaim Visodler 107
The death of a leader (from 'Der Yiddisher Kempfer')   112
Childhood and youth Noach Tamir 114
Yisrael Giladi Zeev Levinson 117
Yisraelik Pinchas Shneerson 120
Mendel Portugali Yaakov Portugali 127
Yitzchak Rosenberg Avraham Hertzfeld 132
Memories of his personality Shimon Shimoni 133
Memories of his personality Mordechi Twersky 136
From my memories (autobiography) Yitzchak Rosenberg 137
Uriah Feldman Dr. Feldman-Miuzam 140
Public Personalities   143
Rabbi Yisrael Dov Zevin Yaakov Gluzman 145
The person Y. Spivak 146
My father of blessed memory N. Tamir-Zevin 147
Portions of the lecture which Rabbi Zevin gave in Kalarash after the first Zionist Congress. Apr 1897   147
Reb Moshe Reznik (the 'starasta' of Kalarash) Y. Vinokur 153
Gabriel Kogan R. Yosilovitz 155
Yechiel Eilberg Zev Sirkes 157
Memories of his personality D. Yosilovitz 159
Memories of his personality Y. Ozitel 160
Memories of his personality Chaya Melamed-Abramovitz 161
Alter Shames, Shimon Shteingort, Nachman Soslinsky the editors   163
Sara Berginer Y. Ozitel 164
Yosef Krasnushinsky D. Yosilovitz 165
Yaakov Gluzman D. Yosilovitz 166
Moshe Halperin D. Yosilovitz 168
Institutions of Public Good   171
The Jewish Hospital. From “Unzer Tzeit”   173
The “Gemilut Chesed” Society. From “Unzer Tzeit”   175
Women's volunteer groups Sara Truker 178
“Matan Beseter” Society Y. Oziel 182
The series of institutions S. Kandel 183
A writing from “Unzer Tzeit” A. Heimisher 186
Political groups, Youth Movements   187
Zionism in Kalarash Yitzchak Koren 189
A bit of history Rivka Bodisky-Teomim 191
The “Culture League”, Communists, and Jews in the underground Y. Ozitel 196
Excitement, breaking, and the Zohar era Moshe Shechtman 199
Awakening to deeds Rivka Feinstein-Broshi 203
Youth - movement and change Y. Ozitel 206
Believers and faithful A. Karashushinsky 211
Humble beginnings A. Kadron 217
Preparation for “Chalutzim” in the town. Wonder and experience Moshe Hadar (Baran) 218
The roamings of the book shelf Y. Ozitel 220
Political-Citizen groups and their episodes M. Shechtman 222
The turmoil of the elections – the faithful and  thesycophants.
From “Unzer Tzeit”
The good and the guilty Daniel Portugali 225
Anonymous soldiers Y. Vinokur 227
One of the Anonymous from “Hashomer”   228
Examples and Signs N. Tamir 229
The movements of aliya to Israel N. 232
Looking and the turmoil in the town   233
The anulling of the strike Y. Ozitel 235
The shoemaker's strike A. Charuvi 237
Raise your hands! N. Tamikr 238
An event that happened… S. Kandel 240
The happenings of the town   243
Holidays and festivals (in the children's cheder, the “cheder”, dedication of a Torah in the synagogue, Lamentations, going to Tashlich, Simchat Torah in the town, there is no time like Pesach Y. Ozitel 245
The night of Tisha Beov in the town N. Tamir 250
Customs and Prayers M. Hadar (Baran) 251
Secrets from the children's cheder Y. Gershuni 252
It was… A. Karashnushinsky 254
More and more. A thousand memories Yisrael Gisher 257
Pictures from various times. Talent in the town N. Tamir 262
In the Cheder A. Kadron 263
A blessing from the Rabbi of Shtepineshti A Charuvi 264
The Rabbi Yaakov-Yosele, and his followers in the town S. Truker 265
The days of Purim in the Cheder and the house Y. Gershuni 265
Fires Y. Ozitel 268
The bathhouse, the river, the city gardens A Kadron 269
Well known names Y. Vinokur 272
Names Dr. G. Fishstein 273
The four Y. Vinokur 274
The apostate Y. Ozitel 275
Automobile A. Charuvi 276
A wedding in the town Y. Ozitel 278
The teeter-totter A. Charuvi 279
The sacrifice (Akeda) of the father N. Tamir 281
Hayuman, won't you tell! R. Bodisky-Teomim 283
News Y. Ozitel 285
Gypsies A. Kadron 285
Midget Fruma Cogan-Graman 286
Types of work people   287
Doctors, pharmacists, and medics S. Kandel 289
Rev Shmuel Sutski A Charuvi 290
Of the people, and lovely… Moshe Vashvein 291
A memorial candle for workers and people of “Amach” A. Krasnushinsky 292
Anshel the water drawer A. Charuvi 298
Our wagon driver (the Izuztchik) Y. Ozitel 299
Personalities (Lipshe the midwife; Rev Gershon Greinchik, Rev Tovia and his sharp-toothed wife; Rev Alec Balan-Chabatan, and his servant the Communist; Rev Leizer Kumpuntchik; Rev Yoel Melamed and his son in law the “Klezmer” A. Charuvi 301
A prize for Yitzchak Aloni   305
Amongst the non-Jews   307
Rev Shmuel Kraner and his son A Charuvi 309
The self defence movement in 1917 S Kandel 311
The non-Jews in the town Y. Ozitel 312
Relations with the gentiles C. Melamed-Abramovitz 313
Thus were we protected R. Bodiski-Teomim 315
Hatred of the Jews A. Kadron 316
Frightful night (the happenings in the town before the pogrom) Y. Ozitel 323
Relationships Y. Ozitel 323
The mother of the apostates S. Kandel 323
Two brothers A Charuvi 326
The strong and brave (Yudin the generous thief; Hershele Bakliok; Mari) S. Kandel 327
Demons in Kalarash   329
The Pogrom   331
An authentic photograph of the booklet “the pogrom”   333
The terrible bloody Kalarasher pogrom Yaakov Chiplester 335
In the face of destruction A. Pichman 344
Lamentations M.Y. Ben Gurion
The story of Kalarash Philip Cohen 349
I heard from my mother's mouth C. Melamed-Abramovitz 357
I met you with blood and fire, I left you with blood and fire R. Bodiski-Teomim 358
Personal memories of the Kalarash Pogrom Niske Melamed 359
The scroll of Kalrash. From “Unzer Tzeit”   361
An article from “Hashkafa”   365
Thoughts on the Pogrom of Kalarash A. Kadron 366
Notes N Tamir 369
The Holocaust   371
The monument of the Holocaust   373
A Jewish child weeps in the background of his city (illustration) M. Bernstein 374
The sunset of Kalarash Itia Charkes-Shatz 375
Memories of fateful days P. Cogan-Gorman 383
May the Nazis be cursed for ever and ever Chana Katzaf-Birenfeld 387
I will not forget! Levi Yitzchak Rochberger 391
Tragic days S. Kandel 394
Destruction and hopelessness Afterword Zanvil Veisman 401
Is there a need for meetings of our lantzman (from the thoughts
of the organization)
Y. Ozitel 405

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