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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated from Yiddish to Hebrew by Miriam Biran

Translated from Hebrew by Sara Mages

2 February, 1941  

Dear daughters!

It'll probably look a little strange to you that I write you this way “dear children,” but mother is reminding me all the time that I should write a letter to the children. So, I listened to her, grabbed myself, and here I am writing.

We received three letters in one day, two from you and one from Freida. We were very happy because we haven't received a letter from the two of you for a long time.

We don't have any special news except that I got married.

We continue to operate the restaurant. Shoshanna is asking if we're thinking of moving out of Dotnuva. Right now Yitzchak is working at the flour mill. He's not looking for another job, and by the way, it's very difficult for people, who come to the town, to find a job in the city.

Greetings and good health wishes to Eliezer and Meirko.

Yours Pessie
A greeting from Yitzchak

A few lines from the mother  

Dear daughters!

Shoshanna and your dear Eliezer, Leah with dear Meirko. I hope that you'll get other letters [or better letters - Danny], we also look forward patiently.

I know that it's impossible, but I'd like very much to talk to you. A letter isn't the proper place to pass things the way they are. Be well, and may better times come with good news.

Yours, your mother
Greetings from your father and Miriam


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