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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

19 March, 1940  

My dear children Freida and Avraham!

How are you? And how are things with you?

Here, everything as always, the same livelihood and the same life. We aren't healthier, we aren't stronger, maybe weaker, but we thank God that, Heaven forbids, it won't be worse. Be calm, it's quiet and peaceful in our little Lita, and we hope that it wouldn't get any worse. We hope for better times and that peace will come to the world and to Eretz Yisrael. Be well, have fun, enjoy the holiday of Purim and then Passover.

Yours, your father

I send my greetings to Avraham's parents and their beloved family members. All of us bless their entire family.

The aforementioned

Dotnuva 19 March, 1940

Dear Freida and Avraham!

We received your letter. It makes us happy to hear that you're progressing, flourishing and creating more and more assets for yourselves. At home, Freida, you were not so pleased to do something in the house or in the kitchen. The business was more interesting to you than the housework. There's no choice, we have to do it.

Next week will be Purim and the Catholic Easter. It's still extremely cold here and the winter is far from over. We heat the stoves all the time. The price of firewood is very high this winter.

How are you? Do you know that Shoshanna married Eliezer Winnizki? We are surprised that Shoshanna didn't write you about that. They both work and live with satisfaction. Leah writs us very little, I don't know the reason for that. We hope that Moshe and Miriam will come for Passover. They were in Panevëţys for Hanukkah. You probably know more than us about world's politics.

Be well and strong,
yours Pessie

Perale' is standing next to me. She is already a big girl. Eta bought her a sweatshirt. The suite that you sent her is too small for her, Rochelle is wearing it. Rochelle is a beautiful girl and she's full of life.

Greetings from Mother and Miriam

I must send the letter to you, if not I'll get to the post office too late.

Miriam and Mother will write you next time.


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