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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

Haifa, 20 July 1938  

Shalom Freida and Avraham!

You must have read in the newspapers about the unrest in Haifa. Regrettably, it's true. Of course, it happened on the east side of the city and not in Hadar [a neighborhood of Haifa], but a lot of Jews also live there and the entire commercial center is there. It's almost quiet now. There is a large army, and order was restored.

I live in Hadar HaCarmel and I never go there, and in Hadar it's a hundred percent safe.

Leah was with me for about a week, exactly during the days when the bomb killed 28 people, most of them Arabs.

We think that it was a provocation, and therefore she couldn't take advantage of her days off properly. Most of the time, we had a curfew from seven in the evening. Although a large group gathered here and it was quite jolly, we still wanted to go out somewhere.

How are you dear? Why do you write so seldom? Are you working? And in general, how is your situation?

I received a letter from home. They want us to come home for a visit right now. Of course, I sent them a negative answer.

Shalom, Shalom, I'll write more in the next letter.

Excuse me for the confusion in the letter, Winnizki was here, and he snatched the postcard from me and wrote what he wrote.

Shalom to you, I'm waiting for your letter.

A greeting from Leah, she'll write you for sure


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