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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

Dotnuva 28 June, 1938

Hello Freida and Avraham!

I usually write you immediately I come home. And here, I came home a week ago for the days of my vacation. I'll stay here until mid August. Maybe I'll also travel to the sea for a few weeks. Were it not for the great boredom, it's possible to rest here very nicely.

In general, the town became more beautiful in the past year, it's immersed in greenery and white acacia trees were planted in it. It's a pity that the summer isn't blessed with sun, as usual, right now it's cloudy and a bit chilly. By the way, I just came back from Keidan. I visited Tzila Hamburg, she sends you her regards. She's planning to come to America for the 1939 exhibition.

There's no news from Dotnuva and from home, everything as last year.

Yes, Miriam Elkind, my co-worker at the school in Rasiani, is leaving Kovna for New-York on March 8th. She agreed to visit you and give you my regards. Too bad that you're leaving New York for a while, so I don't know how the meeting will take place.

I gave her your parent's address and she'll write you there when she'll get to New-York. Maybe you could visit her if she'll not be able to visit you. She'll return to Lita from there in August.

Receive her graciously. She's a good young woman. She'll tell you the smallest details of my life. You can also talk to her and tell her about yourself. She's a refined person and she'll tell you everything.

So, be safe and sound and enjoy the summer.
Yours, Moshe


My dear children Freida and Avraham!

Surely you traveled somewhere for a holiday, we wish you a good time and that you relax from the heavy burden that you carried all year long.

Moshe already wrote you that his friend is coming to New-York for a month.

We'd be pleased if you could meet her, but we don't want it to interfere with your holiday.

We wanted to send you something. Unfortunately the young woman wrote us too late, so we didn't have the time to ask her what she can take with her. So, be healthy my children.

Your father


My beloved daughter Freida and Avraham!

I'm very happy that you made acquaintance with the family of my late brother Yitzchak [Isaac]. The joy would have been greater if my brother could have seen it. What is aunt Ester [Ester Bregston Fishel Levenberg, widow of Isaac Levenberg, Nehama's brother - Danny] telling about my sister Elke? Where is she? How long is she going to stay with her daughter? Will she always be with them? I hope that she'll enjoy her stay with them.

We have no news. Thank God, we hold on despite our poor health. How do you feel, are you still thin. You should recover and be healthy together with your beloved husband.

We already have some vegetables and strawberries from our garden. It's raining here this summer.

My beloved children write us often, this is our only pleasure. We just want to hear good news from you. Be healthy and strong.

Wishes you, your loyal mother.

Warm regards to your parents and your beloved family members.
Greetings to all our friends.


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