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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)


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Translated by Sara Mages

24.12.36 Dotnuva

Hello my dear Freida,

Yesterday I came home for ten days, and since I didn't answer the letter that I received from you a long time ago I will write you a few words now.

First, you probably want to know what's happening at home, well, I can tell you that everything is as it was and maybe even better than ever, that is to say, more decorated. Everyone is safe and sound and in a pretty good mood. The income is also the same, but in general it is very sad and very gloomy in Dotnuva. A swamp, and the worst thing is, that there is no one to talk to.

I have no news, the same life that you still remember. The work isn't difficult for me, and even more so the life in the kibbutz. Right now there are only 17 members in the kibbutz. Everyone is friendly and we live a beautiful life, the way a worker should live. You are totally mistaken when you think that we are short of food, for sure we are not short of it.

We are frequent visitors to the opera and the cinema. We have a monthly budget for that, a besides that we also use our own money and go to the cinema quite often. Lately I saw the opera “Samson and Delilah”. It is very nice. Maybe you remember it from the “Chumash”. I especially liked the scene when they blinded Samson. It also included beautiful characters from the ancient Hebrews and the ancient women, and you get a clear picture about the life of our Jewish forefathers. Last Sunday we saw “Faust” but without Petrauskas[1], it wasn't very nice. You probably remember when we went together to the opera with Dvora Y, and then it was very nice.

Please forgive me for the detachment in this letter, I don't have to mood to write right now and I can't collect my thoughts.

You ask what's happening in our movement, yes, due to the riots in Israel and because of the difficult situation the immigration from our movement, mostly from the “Hakhshara” Kibbutzim, is limited, but there's no need to despair, we will immigrate. According to my calculation, we will immigrate in half a year, or at the most, in three quarter of a year.

Miriam isn't in the Kibbutz right now. She received a three months vacation and she is at home. You don't know the rest of the members, all of them are new.

How have you been? How is your situation in our uncle's home? Do you have any ill-feelings? Write about everything in details.

I ask you to answer me immediately to my address in Kovna.

Yours, Leah


Hello my dear Freidale,

I want to send you a few kisses so I sat down to write.

Leah came yesterday for the holiday of Christmas. As always, she is happy and festive and she's teaching me new songs that I don't know.

Freidale, how are you? Write long letters.

I'm sending you a lot of warm kisses.


A greeting to you from our aunt.


24.12.36 Dotnuva
My beloved darling daughter Freida,

How are you, write us in details about your life, how do you live?

I personally haven't written a letter to you for the past two weeks. I'm too lazy to write.

Mother and Moshe wrote you a letter from Kovna on the 15th of the month, and also sent you the documents. You must have received them. I'm sure that you were distressed because it took us such a long time to send them, but nobody is to blame for this.

Frieda, when get the money and you'll be interested to send it to us, send it to “Komaartz - Bank Kovna”, not to the central bank, because “Malka Kahan” is working there and we don't want them to know about it. I believe that it'll take a long time before the matter will work out.

We have no news, thank God all of us are healthy, thank God mother is not feeling bad, we receive frequent letters from Reizale, and thank God she is satisfied.

Lapikars' daughter from Eretz Yisrael traveled again to America, to Cuba. Her acquaintance from the United States, I think from Washington, came and married her there. He added her to his documents and she traveled with him. Eta Rashe is very pleased. Everyone's time and luck arrives.

Be well, a friendly hello to your uncle.

Your father.


Mother, Pessie and Miriam want to say hello, they will write you a letter as well. We received two postcards from you, not a letter. It seems to be a lot cheaper.


My dear Freidale,

Indeed, it has been a while since I wrote you, it's impossible to write, the nerves are so tight?, and again, there is nothing to write.

Freida, why do you write so little? Anyway, we must write. You don't have to worry too much. Everything will pass. You'll settle down and things will get better.

You know Freida, Eli Koshlvsky is going to America, his wife and children are already in New York. They couldn't travel together so he's still in Israel. They think that he would travel to her soon. We'll send you his address when he gets to New York, for sure you'll visit him. Zelda got herself lessons, but it's seemed that she's not very pleased.

Be well.
Yours, Miriam


  1. Kipras Petrauskas - a Lithuanian tenor. http://www1.yadvashem.org/yv/en/righteous/stories/petrauskas.asp return


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