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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)





Translated by Sara Mages

20th Dec. 1936 [Estimated date]  

My darling daughter Freida,

Today we received your postcard, we also received a letter from you and we must answer it. I'm glad that you received the documents and that you won't have any grievances. Write us a longer letter, will you have a job again with Ekel, and what is your job, and are you still in Shekil?. Do you meet our friends often? Do they come to you from time to time?

Are the children of my deceased brother Heshil interested in you? How do they live?

Did you ever write to my sister Elke from Chicago? I'd like to write her and know her address.

Where is my sister-in-law Ester, Yitzchak's wife, right now, how did she lose her husband? Write me how and I'll write about you to my sister.

What shall I write you, there is no news, the children will write you about everything. My beloved daughter, I hope to hear good news from you.

Wishing you, your mother.

Greetings from your aunt. [aunt Bat-Sheva - Danny]

Regards to my beloved brother-in-law Morris. Regards to all our friends. I hope to hear good news from them.


Shalom my dear Shulamit,

Michal'e Jakobson got married in Kovna, he took a young woman who is a bit lame, but in return he became a rich man, he did a very good business, they say that he's a good business man.

Someone also wanted to offer a match to our Moshe. Do you know who the matchmaker is? It is a student from the academy. You probably remember Zarkene, he wants to be the matchmaker. But, as you know, Moshe isn't in a hurry. He assured him that he would travel [probably to see the candidate –Danny], if not, then he wouldn't accept the offer.

These days we received a letter from Shoshanna, it seems to us that she is satisfied from Haifa, you know her work she has the same job. She writes that she visits her friends often. She comes to Goldberg often. She would like to send us rings [jewelry] but she has no one to send them with.

A large tour group [or a visit of a delegation] will arrive from Eretz Yisrael before Passover. It is possible that a relative of Goldberg will also come. It will be a very cheap trip. I want to ask Shoshanna if she has a good acquaintance who wants to this combination, to do a fictitious wedding when they arrive to Lita. This is the only way to travel to Eretz Yisrael.


On the margin

I think that if it would be possible, I will get a passport or documents for myself. Well, the worst thing is that the situation isn't getting better. So, be well and strong.

Yours, Miriam


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