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Letters from Dotnuva (cont.)


Dot1935_11_19a.jpg.jpg [19 KB]


Dot1935_11_19b.jpg [105 KB]

Translated by Norman Danzig

Dotnuva Tuesday, November 19, 1935
Dear sister Mary and brother-in-law Murray and our dear daughter Freida, We give thanks that our daughter Freida has already arrived with good fortune and that she is with you. Today we already regret that we gave her permission to go through the danger of the journey away from us and the ship company was coorect in that they said that she would arrive in America on the twelth, and we hope that everything is in order.

So how are you lovely Friedeleh? Have you already calmed down? Did you have an interesting and safe journey? I hope you didn't suffer along the way. How did you feel on the ocean? By us there is no news. We are all, thank G-d, healthy and we are glad to hear from you that you are also healthy.

Yours Shloimeh

[another note on the same postcard in a different handwriting]

My Dearest,
In spite of not hearing any news of joy from you, still I believe that Freida has already come to you. We wait impatiently for a letter written by all of you.

How are you? Freidale, how do you feel after such a long journey? You're probably very tired. Write us very exactly. Regards from Mama, Aunt and Miriam . Your mother will write in a separate letter.



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