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Letters from Dotnuva


The first letter that was written to Freida two days after she left Lithuania

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Translated by Danny Tal and Norman Danzig

Hello Freida, 11.XI. 35
You'll already have this when you arrive. Take a lot of time to rest from the long way. How was the way [the trip] through the Atlantic. For sure, better than Vidkos, [we don't know who Pessie is referring to] even though you were on the ship for five days and he flew in one. Really that you went in together with Vidkos because here in Lita he left a very good impression with everyone and they saw him as a god. Now when I write this letter you are, according to my account, moving on the railroad and going through French territory. You very much want to sleep and I know you like to sleep. Freidala, write me everything about your journey, I'm very interested because I'm not familiar of what is happening in the wide world. Surely you want to know what we did when you left home. I will write to you that we went to sleep immediately. We hope you are very happy. At home at the end of the day you could leave the water that stands a long time in Dotnuva mud. Blessings to uncle and aunt how are they? They will forgive me that I write Hebrew because it's difficult to write Yiddish. Freida how do the American's see you? They surely look at you as a green [immigrant] and for this I'm angry. Don't put on the green dress, because than you will be double green. [Pessie was the youngest, and in true youngest style, Pessie was a pisser.] Be healthy and strong. Be brave. Pessie


Translated by Sara Mages

Edited by Yocheved Klausner

Dear Aunt, Uncle and Freida, 11.XI. 35

How are you? How are you feeling? I think that our letter will arrive on the same week that you will arrive to America. Freida, how are you feeling after the journey?

How did you feel on the ship? I think that you felt good, a journey like that is very interesting. I'm hurrying to write you. I wish you luck in your new life.

Aunt and uncle, we thank you very much for your concern to our Freida. We hope that you will enjoy her. She is a person that you can get along with,

Be healthy and strong. Your niece and your sister who wishes you well.



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