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The Dancyger Family - dab628.jpg [58 KB]
The Chaim Dancyger family
of blessed memory
In eternal memory

With great respect we immortalize the memory of the Dancyger family

Riwka Ita Dancyger nee Rozencwajg z”l

Chaim Zew Dancyger z”l

Fela Nusbaum nee Dancyger and her daughter Ewusza z”l

Mania Siwek nee Dancyger z”l

her husband Moniek Siwek and their daughter Halinka z”l

Adela Dancyger z”l    Frania Dancygier z”l    Ruchcze Bart z”l May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

The Dancyger family z”l belonged to the higher level of society and was a typical example of Jewish middle class. Due to their being go-getters, their many years of hard work, and a thrifty lifestyle, they came to have their own sewing-goods shop and they were co-owner of a house on the Akszei Street.

Rooted in Jewish folklore, they led a traditional Jewish home to which came many people collecting money for all kinds of philanthropic and social cases, and no one went out empty-handed.

In the Hitler catastrophe, the Dancyger family was killed together with all the other Jews of Dombrowa.

Painfully immortalizing:
Sala Cholva-Dancyger

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