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[Page 627]

A memorial to our beloved whose memories
will never leave

Our father Mosze son of
Jakob and Riwka Grinwald

Our mother Sara-Ruchama
daughter of
Josef and Ester-Rachel Najman

Riwka Grinwald - dab627.jpg [11 KB]

Riwka Grinwald z”l
Our sister
Riwa z”l

Our sister
Rajzl z”l

Our uncle
Motel Zonabend

Our aunt
Matl Zonabend

Our aunt
Ester Kolin

Her husband
Jakob Kolin
May their souls be bound up in the bond
of eternal life

Josef Grinwald
Esther Dreksler
nee Grinwald
In memory

My father

Jehuda Cwi Gliksman z”l
A public activist

My mother
Dwora Gliksman z”l

My sisters
Frida and Sara z”l

The hand trembles, the heart tightens and laments, the soul endures suffering, eyes weep blood, thoughts don't rest – my beloved parents, relatives and friends are gone!

I always appreciated your kind hearts and your dedication to your fellow man. You implanted in my heart an aspiration to Zion, lofty goals of humanity, Jewish education. All these gave me the strength to endure the fire of Hell, to overcome the annihilation desire of the Nazis, may their names be erased.

Your son Jechezkiel, Holon

Their heavenly souls

In eternal memory

With grief, deep sorrow, and great respect I immortalize the honored and sacred souls
of my dear and beloved parents, sisters and brother

Nechama Goldblum z”l

Juta Goldblum z”l

who were killed in the death camps by the Nazi murderers and never received
a proper Jewish burial.

They will forever live in our memory.

Sara Fruchter (Goldblum), Israel
Abram Goldblum, Canada

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