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Yizkor (cont.)

Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
L return
Langer Chaim and wife, and sister of Chaim: Eitka and her husband and 2 daughters 3 May Street next to the River 6 Chaim son of Kalman was killed in 1939
Langer Shepsel, wife Teibel, and son Kalman, daughter Devosha and another daughter Michal 3 May Street next to the River 5 Tailor
Lebershtein Hershel and wife Tzirel and daughter On the main road, across from the post office 3 partners with Liskovski -men's fabric store
Lederman David and wife and wife's mother, daughter Masha, 2 daughters and 2 sons On the main road, lived in Sima Shtoker's home 8 processed sheep hide
Lefin Leizer and wife nickname Lapidus Sherntzel 2 Fruit merchant
Lefin Meir and wife and 2 daughters On the main road, next to Zonshein 4 Fruit merchant
Leibeh from the village of Senevitz and wife and daughter Zeditever 3 Grain merchant
Leizerovitz Itcheh, wife Gitel and daughter Raizel Olner 3 Shoemaker
Leizerovitz Shmerel, wife Ester, son Avraham Olner next to Yehuda Tuchman 3 Shoemaker
Leizerovitz Yosef, wife Rachel, son Moshe, daughter On the main road, next to Leiba Tuchman 4 Shoemaker
Levinzon Naftali and wife Miriam, wife's sister, son Molik, son Vik, and daughter On the main road 7 Grocery store
Lezerovski Chaim, wife Chashka (born Pomerantz) and son On the main road, next Olner 3 Grain merchant
Lezerovski Zosha, wife Gitel, daughter Rivka On the main road, next to Olner 3 Grain merchant
Liberman Chana-Gitel, widow To the left 1  
Liberman Shepsel, wife Sara born Graivski, son, daughter End of main road, lived in Shmuel Goldfein's house 4  
Linovski Eitzel and wife born Liberman. Ginendel Liberman and her husband and son Shernetzel 5 Grain merchant
Lisitzki Baruch, wife Rivka, son Shepsel, grandmother Dina Sovinski 4 Butcher
Lisitzki Moshe Zerach and his family Bluden train station 4 Butcher
Lisker Alter, wife Elka, daughter Bailatza and her husband Zecharya and daughter Pruzhany across from the synagogue 5 worked in the Sid factory
Lisker Avraham, wife Elka, and wife's sister To the left 3 sold kerosene 
Lisker Chaim and wife and son and daughter Sherntzel Street 4 Grocery store
Lisker Icheh Shernetzel 1 Roof maker 
Lisker Moshe and wife Sara born Podorovski and son Shaika, daughter Mateleh Cemetery Street 4 worked in the Sid factory
Liskovski Aharon, wife Fruma and daughter Cemetery Street 3 Rags merchant
Liskovski Chanan, wife and 2 sons and daughter Court yard of the fire station 5 Wagon driver
Liskovski Chona and wife and 5 sons On the main road, next to Sima Shtoker 7 Rags merchant
Liskovski Gedalyahu wife Devosha and child Shkolna next to the "Tarbut" school 3 Rags merchant
Liskovski Henech, wife Velah, daughter Keileh, son Moshe, Sara Liskovski and her husband and son Sovinski 7 Store for fabric and clothing
Liskovski Leib and wife and son and daughter Lived in Kipen's house which was across from Gershon Naidos  4 Rags merchant
Liskovski Moshe-Henech, wife Zlata and 2 daughters Shkolna next to the school 4 Wagon driver
Liskovski Moshe and wife and married daughter and her husband, and son Hertzel and another son Cemetery Street 6 Merchant
Liskovski Riva-Gitel and daughter Teibel and her husband Meir and 2 sons and 3 daughters Cemetery Streetnext the School 8 Shoemaker
Liskovski Sarah, widow of Shlomo Shkolna next to the "Tarbut" school 1  
Lovshevski Hershel Velvel and wife Zlata and daughter Chana Tzerkovena 3 Painter
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
M return
Mekerenski Yisrael and wife and son Avraham and son Moshe and daughter On the main road, next to the wood mill 5 Flourmill owner
Meltzer Feivel and wife and daughter Olner next to Vineshtein 3 Store
Miasnik  wife Gitel, daughter of Shalom Broida Horse Town next to the River 2 Worked in the Slaughter house
Michalinski Sima (widow) and 4 sons Post Office Street 5 Smithy/forge
Michalinski Yitzchak and wife, son Leibel, son Sender, and son Chaim and another son Post Office Street 6 Blacksmith
Milikovski Shimon and wife and daughter Seltzer 3 Store for animal hides
Milikovski Yacov and daughter Doba and son Motel Olner 3 Store for animal hides
Minkovitz Yekutiel and wife Sara and daughter Osnat 3 May Street 3 Melamed (religious teacher)
Minkovski Tzviya (daughter of Aharon Pomerantz) and Child On the main road, next to first Bridge  2  
Miskin Todres, wife, son Liebel, son Chaim Berel, son Shepsel and daughter Tzerkovna 6 Manager of the Bath House
Molodovski Yacov and wife and daughter Malka and another daughter and son Shrnetzel 5 Grocery store
Moshkovitz Yacov and wife and son Berel, son Icheh, son Yochanan, daughter Pelteh, daughter Michla and her husband and two children Market place 10 Makes tomb stone also beverage store
Movshovitz Eliezer, wife Sara (daughter of Bobka Kagan) On the main road, next to fire station 2 Barber
Movshovitz Moshe and wife Chaya and son and daughter On the main road, next to fire station 4 Barber
Mozikanski widow (born in Chelm, Poland) and daughter Rivka and son Yitzchak Olner; lived in Milikovski's house 3  
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
N return
Naftael Leizer, wife Sara, and 4 daughters and son To the left across from Shlosberg 7 Worked in the Slaughter house
Neidos Gershon and wife Ester and daughter Faniyeh and her husband Across from the "Kadishai" Synagogue 4 Tree merchant
Neidos Shimon and wife Bilha and daughter Elka and son David Across from the "Kadishai" Synagogue 4 Tree merchant
Neiman Eliezer, mother Sheine Yudes, wife Chana and 2 children On the main road, next to Leib Tuchman 5 Grocery store
Niselboim Benyamin and wife born Liubashevski and 3 children Market place next to Neidos 5 Sewer, animal hides store
Niselboim Shishon and daughter Malka Zeditever 2  
Nosetzki Widow of Avraham and 2 son Across from the "Kadishai" Synagogue 3  
Nosetzki Yitzchak and wife Chaya and daughter Yokheved and another daughter Masha Across from the Post office building 4 Fish merchant
Novik Moshe and wife Lea (born Lisitzki) and son Sovinski; lived in Lisitzki's house 3 Sewer
Novinski Fishel and wife and 2 sons On the main road, across from the Talmud Tora 4 Shoemaker
Nudel Shlomo, wife born Feigelman and daughter On the main road, across from Beit Chaim Street 3 Tailor
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
O return
Oksman Aharon and wife Yenta and 2 daughter and mother of Yenta, Reshles Ester Market place 5 Store for dairy items
Oksman Hirshel, wife Reizel 3 May Street 2  
Oksman Shalom and wife Zoneh born Goldshtein and 2 children 3 May Street 4 Shoemaker
Oshechevski Motel & Wife, son Levik & daughter Ida, her husband and son Corner of Olner and market place 6 Cigarette store
Oshrovitz widow of the Rabbi & daughter Shifra On the main road, across from Goberman 2  
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
P return
Paiuk Chaim and wife and 2 daughter (the son of Pinye) Cemetery St; Lived with father 4 Sold wursht (jewish salami) 
Paiuk Gershon, wife Rochama and daughter Adel On the main road, across from Levinzon 3 Butcher
Paiuk Pinye and wife Breina Cemetery St 2 Wursht (jewish salami) manufacturer
Peikov Alta and sister Chashke Pruzany Street 2 Seamstresses
Pesetzki Gutel, wife Rivka Market Place 2 Shoe Store
Pesetzki Moshe Leib (son of Gutel) and wife Ida and 2 daughters On the main road, across from Zaltzman 4 Workshop for winter boots
Pesetzki Pesha and her husband Asher (nickname Seiparta) Olner next to Epshtein 2 Fixed rubber boots
Pesetzki Sima and her husband Avrahamel (nickname Seiparta) Olner next to Epshtein 2 Fixed rubber boots
Peshel Meir and wife and son Yitzchak and 3 daughters Post Office Street 6 Chicken merchant
Pezes Rachel and son Archik, and another son Yitzik and a daughter Olner; lived in Epshtein's house 4  
Pialkov and wife Chaya and 2 sons and daughter To the left 5 Worked in Vinik's house 
Pileshchik From the shtetl of Seltz, lived in the ghetto and wife and son Yudel and 2 children 3 May Street 5  
Pileshchik Idel, wife Sheina (born Boreisho) and 2 daughters Post Office Street; lived in Boreisho's home 4 Carpenter from Seltz 
Pinchuk Ester (widow of Chaim). 3 daughters: Cheika, Peiah, Feigel Post Office Street 4  
Pinchuk Meir, wife Rivka (daughter of Rachel Geler), son Hillel, son Shmuel Olner; lived in Rachel Geler's home 4 Butcher
Pitkovski Avraham, wife Rachel (daughter Feivel Kravitz) and daughter Olner; lived in David Pomerantz's house 3 Store
Pitkovski Moshe and wife Rivka, daughter Sheindel Pruzany Street 3 Wood / Lumber merchant
Podorovski Eidel and wife Rivka (born Berenshtein) Cemetery St; Lived with father 2  
Podorovski Yosef Chaim, wife Keila-Chaya, daughter Meita, son Leib Cemetery St 4 Locksmith
Podostroitza Aryeh Leib and wife, daughter Chana Shrentzel Street; lived in Shlomo Bockshtein's house 3 Flour Store
Podostroitza Meir and wife Rivka and daughter Golda On the main road, next to the wood mill 3 Partner in the flourmill
Podostroitza Yacov and wife Rozka( born Volanski) On the main road, lived with Chaim Volanski 2  
Podostroitza Yitzchak and wife On the main road, lived in Begen's home across from Guberman 2 Patner of Saadia Reznik
Podostroitza Yosef and wife Rivka and son and 2 daughters Market Place next to the gentile Lichotzki 5 Store
Polak and wife, 2 daughters, and daughter and her husband the once lived in the village Kresnevor Market Place 6 Restaurant
Polak Avraham and wife and 2 daughters Market Place 4 Grain Merchant
Pomerantz Aharon and wife and daughter Liba, daughter Musha, son Meir On the main road, next to Bridge 1 5  
Pomerantz Avraham (widower) and son David On the main road, across from Sima Shtoker 2 Blacksmith
Pomerantz Avraham and wife and daughter Breina Olner; next to the public bath house 3 Clothing store
Pomerantz Avramel and mother and wife and daughter Before the town 4 Worked in the Sid factory
Pomerantz Benyamin (Ytzis) and wife Chaya (husband was a Chassid) 3 May Street 2 Store in the market place 
Pomerantz Berel (son of Benyamin) and wife and 3 children 3 May Street; lived in parent's home (Benyamin) 5 Was supported by father- Benyamin
Pomerantz Berel and wife and 2 daughters Post Office Street 4 Soda Factory
Pomerantz Chaim, son of Velvel the butcher who went to the USA On the main road, across from the post office 1 Butcher
Pomerantz Chama and wife Yona (Teibel) [daughter of Reznik from Afula, Israel] and daughter Olner; lived in Shmerel Lazerovitch's home 3  
Pomerantz David and wife (from the village of Sholin) Olner; across from Vineshtein 2  
Pomerantz Eitzel and wife Leika (daughter of Moshe Gershgoren) and son Before the town 3 Worked in the Sid factory
Pomerantz Eliezer and wife Chana and son and daughter Post Office Street 4 Soda Factory
Pomerantz Leibe, wife Sara-Feigel, 4 sons: Ora, Meir, Yitzchak, Shimcha; and 2 daughters: Mosha, Risha, and 2 grandmothers: Rachel Pomerantz, Fruma Davidovitz  On the main road, next to bridge 1 10 Shoemaker
Pomerantz Liba (widow) and 2 children On the main road, next to bridge 1 3 Her husband was killed in 1939
Pomerantz Motel, brother Icheh, sister Chana Shemayahu 3  
Pomerantz Motiyah and wife Corner of Subinski and the market place 2 Store
Pomerantz Mushke and husband and daughter On the main road, next to bridge 1 3 Kiosk
Pomerantz Shabetai and wife (born Lefin) and 2 sons and daughter Shrentzel Street 5 Blacksmith
Pomerantz Shalom (son of Zalman) and wife and son Subinski; lived in father's house 3 Money (foreign) changer
Pomerantz Shalom and wife and daughter and son On the main road, across from the fire station  4 Merchant
Pomerantz Shepsel, wife Chaya Freida and son Yisrael and son Benyamin Before the town the last house 4 Blacksmith from the village of Sholin
Pomerantz Shmuel , wife Sheina and son On the main road, across from the fire station  3 Grocery Store
Pomerantz Shmuel Issac, wife Rashe Post Office Street 2 Soda Factory
Pomerantz Teibel and her sister ( daughters of Motiya) Subinski 2 Shoe Store
Pomerantz Yeshayahu and mother and sister and her husband & 2 sons On the main road, across from Goldfein 6 Blacksmith
Pomerantz Zalman (a widower) and daughter and her husband Subinski; next to Lisitzki 3 Money (foreign) changer
Pomerantz Zelig and wife Liba born Podorovski and daughter Market Place; lived with father - Motiya 3  
Portnoy Aharon and wife Sara (daughter of Hillel Krolitzki) and 3 sons To the left; lived in Hillel Krolitzki's home 5 Brought merchandise from the city of Brest
Portnoy Yacov-Leib and daughter Matel and her husband & 2 sons 3 May Street 5 Manufactured oil
Potak Yehuda, wife Beila, son Israel, son Berl, 3 daughters: Perel, Bashka, and Chaya Beginning of Olner Street 7 Shoe Store
Potak Yosef and wife and 2 daughters 3 May Street next to the river 4 Sold fruits
Potziniki Zelig and wife Bashke, son Zalman and another 2 sons Olner next to Avraham Greenberg 5 Was an underground Shochet 
Privolski and daughter Chamke and her husband Leibel and 2 daughters Tzerkovna 5 Nickname Pakterke
Privolski Mendel, wife Gutke, and son Chaim, son Berel, daughter Devora Post Office Street 5 Tilled the fields in the village of Aronova
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
R return
Rabinovitz Aharon, wife (nickname Dedeleh) Market place next to Polak 2 Store
Rabinovitz Berel and wife and son Nachum Meir 3 May Street next to Axman 3 Store in the market place
Rabinovitz Velvel, wife Belka (daughter of Tuchman living across from Levinzon) and son On the main road, lived with Tuchman who lived across from Levinzon 3 Worked in the woodmill
Rabinovitz Yacov (widower) and daughter Teibel and three sons: Chaim, Motel, Benyamin Pruzany Street across from the Synagogue 5 Mohel
Rashes Berel-Tzalka and wife and son Icheh and son Yacov  On the main road, next to Levinzon 4 Restaurant
Ravitz Mendel, wife Leba (daughter of Moshe Gershgoren) and son Berel and daughter On the main road, lived with father inlaw Moshe Gershgoren 4 Sewer
Ravitz Mendel, wife Sheina, son Yechezkel and daughter Feigel 3 May Street corner of Tzerkovna 4 Grocery Store
Ravnitzki  Yacov, wife Freidel, daughter Malka, son Yitzchak Sobinski 4 Sewer
Reshinski Falek and wife On the main road, across from Levinzon 2  
Reshinski Meir and wife Sarah Rivka and son Shimon and son Peretz and daughter Breina and her husband On the main road, corner of Shkolna 6 Sold salt and cigarettes
Reshinski Ovadya (son of Falek) and wife Teibel (born Fodostroitza) Lived in Fodostroitza home 2  
Reshinski Reizel (daughter of Falek), and husband and son On the main road, across from Levinzon 3  
Reshinski Shaul, wife Bela (daughter of Yincheh Braverman) and daughter Yael On the main road, lived across from the woodmill in Braverman's home 3 Made boots from wool and also barrels for fires.
Reshles Yosef and wife Rachel (daughter of Yisrael Kagan) and widow of Naftali Goldberg Across from Shatz 3  
Retnovski Fradel and daughter Ester and granddaughter On the main road, next to Tabulitzki 3 Boarding house
Reznik Avraham, wife Tzirel (born Alexandrovski) and son Lived with Alexandrovski across from the synagogue 3 Worked in the woodmill
Reznik Benyamin Leib (widower) and daughter and her husband, and daughter and son 3 May Street 5 Worked in the Sid factory
Reznik Leizer (nickname Bogur) and wife and daughter and son Subinski; lived with Leib Reznik 4 Kiosk
Reznik Sa'adya, wife Mirtze and daughter Gitel and son Yosef On the main road, next to Guberman 4 Supplier to the army
Reznik Shalom Moshe, wife Peshke On the main road, next to Guberman 2 Butcher
Reznik Shmerel and wife and daughter On the main road, next to Guberman 3 Merchant of cow hide
Reznik Velvel and wife and son (son of Yacov) Lived with father , across from Tabulitzki 3 Work with father in cattle commerce
Reznik Yacov and wife Bashke and son Avraham and daughter Yaffa and daughter Yona On the main road, across from Tabulitzki 5 Cattle Merchant
Reznik Yona and wife and daughter Mara 3 May Street 3 Teacher in the Yiddish school 
Rinberg Meir and wife Feiga Chaya Post Office Street 2  
Riterman Chaya (widow of Sa'adya) and son Avraham On the main road, next to Bavitz 2  
Rogelski and wife Bella (daughter of Avraham Yitzchak Ginshpring) On the main road, with Ginshping 2 Grain merchant with his father inlaw
Rogovitz Chaim (from Shaye) and wife On the main road, next to Vinik 2 Butcher
Rogovitz Hershel, wife born Burgman, son Moshe, and 2 daughters On the main road, next to Vinik 5 Butcher
Rozenfeld Anya (widow) and daughter Fruma Courtyard of the fire station 2 Seamstress
Rozovski Hershel, wife Kreindel and daughter Ronia Market place corner of 3 May Street 3 Shochet
Rubinshtein Efraim, wife Yehudit (daughter of Moshe Liskovski) , Henek and 2 daughters To the left 4 Rags merchant
Rubinshtein Hershel and wife and daughter Fruma Post office Street 3 Shoemaker
Rubinshtein Riva, nickname Shashicheh Across from the public bath house 1 At 01:05 a.m. she would put the chickens outside
Ruchames Tzemach and wife and 3 daughters Bavitz Street next to Kesirski 5 Fixed shoes and boots
Rupin Mendel (nickname Ha'Loshe), wife Tila and son Chaim and son Leibl and another son 3 May Street next to Minkovitz 5 Transport merchandise in a wagon from Brisk (Brest Litovsk)
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
S return
Sacharov Rivka (widow of Yisrael Leizer from the city of Kosova) and son Leibel Olner; lived in Yehuda Tuchman's home 2 Relative (maybe to Yehuda Tuchman)
Sapir and sister from Bludne, bought Moshe Goldshtein's house On the main road 2 Owner of the Flourmill
Sapir Nachman, wife Leah To the left 2 Barber and Musical Instruments
Sapir Yitzchak, wife Glisha born Baizer, and daughter Zeditevah 3 Barber and Musical Instruments
Sapirshtein Avraham and wife and 2 children On the main road, across from Leib Tuchman 4 Watch maker
Sapirshtein Yehoshua and wife Elka, son Velvel and another son On the main road, lived with father 4 Watch maker
Sapoznik Avraham, wife Yenta and 2 daughters Cemetery St 4 Builder (Bricks)
Sapoznik Golda, widow of Yacov Eli and mother Olner 2 Avraham's mother
Sapoznik Moshe and wife ( daughter of Baruch Yacov Kagan) Side street Laizerka across from the Postebenik 2 Tailor
Sapoznik Yosef and wife, daughter Gitel, son Leika, son Shaul and another daughter Cemetery St 6 tinsmith
Seletzki Efraim and wife and son Motia and son Bobka 3 May Street 4 Oil manufacturer
Seletzki Meir, wife Hadasa (daughter of Chana-Gitel Liberman Market Place; lived with Avraham Abba (father?) 2 Sewer
Seletzki Son-in-law of Motiya Pomerantz, and wife and 2 sons, daughter Liba and another daughter Market Place next to Berman 6 Grinder in the flourmill
Seletzki Yacov, his mother the widow - Eitka On the main road, next to the Regiments 2 Fire staion Chief
Semorovitzki Motel, Wife Mushka (daughter of Hershel Goldberg) and daughter Next to the Main (big) Synagogue 3  
Serlin David and wife Zlatka, son Shlomo, son Hershel, daughter Gitel Pruzany Street next to the Main (Big) Synagogue 5 Hotel
Shapira Benyamin and wife Rachel and son Alek On the main road, next to the post office 3 Owner of the sid factory
Shapira Dinkeh (sister of Benyamin), daughter of Shachna Yosef Olner 1  
Shapira Shimshon and wife Beila, daughter Pheicha On the main road, across from Teabulitzki 3 Peicha was a dentist 
Sheinboim Henia Zlata (widow) and 4 daughters: Hinda, Fradel, Sheina, Zelda On the main road, across from Leiba Tuchman 5 Store
Shekerman Yehuda and wife and daughter On the main road, next to Volovelski 3 Tailor
Shemeivski Chana Masha (widow) and 3 sons and 2 daughters Olner Street across from Shteinerman 6 Her husband was a tailor
Sherer Avraham and wife Masha (daughter of Leizer Lefin) and child Shrentzel; lived with Fein 3 Fruit merchant with his father inlaw - Leizer Fein
Shevetz Yakov , 2nd wife and 2 mutual children  End of main road, next to Shmuel Goldfein 4 Musical instruments and fisher
Shevrinski Widow of Chaim and 3 daughters and son Avraham and son Shlomo On the main road, across from the fire station 6 Her husband was a harness maker; the daughters were seamstresses
Shliapochnik Yitzchak and wife Leika (daughter of Leiba Tuchman) and son On the main road, lived in Tuchman's home 3 Lived until 1939 in Neiman near Lida
Shlomovitz Sarah (wife of Phishke, daughter-in-law of Yosel) and daughter 3 May Street; lived in Krolitzki's house 2 Her husband was sent to Russia in 1941
Shlomovitz Yosef, wife Golda, daughter Chaika and daughter Gitel 3 May Street; lived in Krolitzki's house 4 Also lived in the village of Livishki
Shlosberg Yacov, wife Babche, and Sender (son of Babche) To the left next to the government public school 3 Babche was a Lockersmith 
Shorokman Yacov and wife (daughter of Chana Gitel Liberman) and 2 daughters Shrentzel; lived with Liberman 4 Grain Merchant
Shteinerman Nachum, wife Beila, son Hershel, son Shalom, daughter Itka, daughter Zelda and another two sons Olner Street 8 Wagon owner, son of Yoshai
Shtoker Shimon (son of Berl amd Sima that made aliya to Israel) On the main road, next to bridge 1 1 Hired carpenter
Shtoker Yitzchak, and wife Devora,daughters Yenta and Rachel, and son Eliezer On the main road, next to Kravelnik 5  
Shushan Matel (widow) and son Yisrael and son Yosef and daughter Sara On the main road, next to Rabbi Vigodski 5 Yisrael (son) was a Shochet
Shuster Avraham and wife and son Post office Street  3  
Shuster Chaim and wife and daughter Post Office Street 3 Bagel baker
Shvartz Baruch and wife and mother and 2 daughters 3 May Street 5 Paint store
Shvartz Niacha, wife Leah (born Fridenshtein) and daughter Olner; lived with mother Rachel 3 Electrician
Shvartz Rachel and son Icheh of family Shachna Yosef Shapiro Olner Street 2  
Siminovski Mordechai and wife and son Zalman On the main road, next to the Talmud Torah 3  
Siminovski Velvel, wife Raizel, daughter Chaya, daughter Sara, daughter Meita, son Yitzchak On the main road, next to second Bridge  6  
Siminovski  Hershel, wife Roza (daughter of Yisrael Goldberg) Shrnetzel Street; lived in Yisrael Goldberg's house 2 Carpenter
Slodovnik Avraham, wife Eitka (born Kaplan) and 2 daughters and son Olner 5 Bakery of Eitka Maleicha
Sokolovski Akiva and wife Peicheh (daughter of Felek Rashinski) and 2 sons Broyda 4 Fabric store 
Solnitz Yechiel, wife Regina and daughter Leah, grandmother Tuba On the main road, next to Michael Friedman 4 worked in the Sid factory
Sondek widow, son Yitzik, son Yehuda, son Shimcha, son Yoska and another son Horse Town 6 Fruit merchant
Soronovski Arniel and wive Doba, daughter Breina, daugter Leah, sister of Doba; Henia   5  
Subinski David and wife and son Chaim and son and 4 daughters Horse Town 8 Wagon owner
Subinski Elimelech and wife and daughter and son Moshe Shmayahu 4 Horse Merchant
Subinski Hershel and wife Leah, son Eitzel and son Michael and daughter Raizel   5  
Subinski Meirim, wife Malka (Daughter of Moshe Gershgorn) and 2 daughters Cemetery St 4 Shoemaker
Subinski Natan (Noteh) Subinski 1 Soda Store
Subinski Sara Leah, widow Subinski 1  
Subinski Yacov and wife Chaya and son Shmuel   3  
Subinski Zlata, widow Cemetery Street 1  
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
T return
Tabolitzki Moshe, wife Zehava and daughter Rachel+B18 Corner of main road and Tabolitzki 3 Owner of agricultural estate
Tekech Chava and sister Haliba; daughters of Yoel the builder Tebolitzki 2 seamstresses
Tekech Eliyahu, wife Breina, and daughter Necha Tebolitzki 3 Orderly in the theater 
Tekech Nisan and wife Henia, son Meir, daughter Bashka, and daughter Olner 5 worked in the forest 
Tekech Yisrael and wife and 3 daughters On the main road, next to Dantzig 5 worked in the forest
Teper Eliyahu, wife Zlata (daughter of Shlomo Veinshtein) and daughter Olner with Veinshtein 3 Zlata was a teacher
Tilman wife, daughter (they lived once at the Bludne Train Station) Market place 3 Grocery store
Trop Harav Yosef Chaim, and wife Sara 3 May Street 2 Rabbi
Trop Leibel (son of the rabbi), wife Baska and 2 sons: Shlomo and David, and daughter Rakhel 3 May Street with his father 5 Store
Tros Yehoshua, and wife Necha and son Eliezer and son Shrentzel 4 Fabric Store
Tuchman Elimelech and wife Yenta (born Siminovski) and son Zerach and daughter Tzarina On the main road, next to the Talmud Torah 4 Butcher 
Tuchman Leib and wife Sarah-Risha On the main road, across from Sapirshtein 2 Peasant
Tuchman Michle, brother Yitzchak, sister Henia (children of Moshe) On the main road, across from the Talmud Torah 3 Harness / leather
Tuchman  Chaika, Ester Tukman, Elimelech Tukman On the main road, across from Levinzon 3 Elimelech was a barber
Tuchman  Saneh, wife Choma (daughter of Avraham Friedman) Next to "Kadisha" Synagogue 2 Butcher
Tuchman  Sara (wife of Itshe), son Avraham, son Moshe, daughter Cherna 3 May Street in Aba Ditkovitz's home 4 Icheh passed away in Israel
Tuchman  Yehuda, wife Batya, daughter Minya, daughter Ester, daughter Chana Olner 5  
Tuchman  Zelig, wife Chaya-Gitel and son Meir, son Asher, duaghter Rivka Next to "Kadisha" Synagogue 5 Butcher
Tzirolnik Herzkeh, wife Leah (from the town of Ruzanoi) and daughter Market place next to "Kadishai" Synagogue 3 Grocery Store
Tzirolnik Lipa (son of Mordechai) and wife On the main road, next to bridge 1; lived with Shtoker 2 Grocery Store
Tzirolnik Menasha, wife Riva, son Chaim, son Moshe, 2 daughters On the main road, close to bridge2 6 Blacksmith and Grocery store
Tzirolnik Mendel and wife and daughter (all the Tzirulniks are from the village of Pisk  On the main road, close to bridge 2 3 Grocery Store
Tzirolnik Mordechai and wife and son Berel On the main road, next to bridge 1; lived with Shtoker 3 Grocery Store
Tzuker  Widow of Moshe Cemetery Street; across from the public housing 1 Her husband was a porter
Tzukerman Mechla (widow) and daughter Chana and her husband Shmuel Yablonski To the left next to Shlosberg 3  
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
U return
Unterman Widow of Moshe & son Sanah and another son On the main road, across from the post office 3  
Urbach Yechiel, his wife Shoshana & daughter & 2 sons Shkolna across from Polnesker 5 Barber
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
V return
Veinshtein Sara (daughter of Michael Friedman) wife of Vave and son On the main road, in the home of Michael Friedman 2 Her husband Vave is in Canada
Veinshtein Shlomo and wife Chaya Corner of Olner and the Market Place 2 Sold kerosene and Benzine
Vender Motel and wife and 3 daughters 3 May Street 5 Grocery store
Vinik Beneiah and wife and 2 children On the main road, close to the Post Office 4 Road contractor
Vinik Mordechai and wife Tzerna and son Leibel and daughter Chaya Olner 4 Matzah Baker
Vinik Shimon and wife Roza and 2 daughters Pruzhany Street in home of Yacov Rabinovich 4 Soda store
Vinik Yacov and wife Leah born Gerber On the main road, next to Gerber 2 Soda Store
Vinik Yisrael and wife and 2 sons: Ovadiya and Eliyahu with 2 daughters On the main road, next to the Talmud Torah 6 Worked in the Slaughter house
Vinik Zalman and wife and son and daughter On the main road, next to the Talmud Torah 4 Builder of wooden houses
Vinikur Mordechai, wife Beila, daughter Pesel, daughter Leah and another 3 daughters  Tebolitzki next to Berenshtein 7 Shoemaker 
Visotzki Nechemya and wife Ester and daughter Nechama Olner next to Fisher 3 Store
Voigodski HaRav Sender, wife Eitka and 2 sons Yacov, Yehuda and 2 daughters On the main road, across from Guberman 6 Rabbi of the City
Volenski Chaim and wife Mirka, son Avraham and 2 daughters On the main road, next to Greenberg 5 Merchant of hay and foder
Volenski Leah (widow), son Henek Post Office Street 2  
Volovelski Eliyahu and wife Phanya and son On the main road, in Shamaya Yablonovski's home 3 Store for agricultural machinery
Volovelski Leibel and wife Shoshana born Reshinski and 2 sons Shkolna next to Moshe Berezman 4 Store for agricultural machinery
Volpovitz Yisrael and wife and 3 sons: Shevach, Leibel, Yehoshua, daughter Sara On the main road, corner of Broyda Street 6 Grocery store
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
W return
Warshavsky Fruma and her husband and son Across from the public bath house 3  
Warshavsky Naftali and wife and son Cemeteryn Street 3 Store for fixing shoes
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
Y return
Yablonovitz Baruch-Laizer and wife and son Moshe and daughter On the main road, next to the post office 4 upholstery
Yablonovitz Moshe (single, single) son of Shmayahu On the main road, across from Volovelski 1  
Yablonovitz Shmayahu and wife On the main road, across from Volovelski 2 Harness / leather
Yahalom Eliezer's ( from Bludne) wife and her sister Yosepha and son On the main road, in Chaim Zelig Blacher's home 3 Eliezer was a teacher
Yahalom Ester (wife of Avraham in the USA) and 2 daughters and son 3 May Street 4  
Yahalom Shimcha, wife Masha (daughter of the butcher Pomerantz) and daughter On the main road, in Chaim Pomerantz's home 3  
Yahalom Zisel (widow) and son Shmuel and daughter Malka On the main road, across from Vinik 3 Store
Yever Chaim and wife Chana (daughter of Shepsel Pomerantz-from the village: Shilin) and son Horse Town, the last house 3 worked in Kalnistzky's store
Yever Feivel, wife Hinda, daughter Sara and another daughter Tzviya To the left;in father's home across from Sholsberg 4  
Yever Yitzkhak Mordechai and wife Teibel (daughter of Avraham Greenberg) and daughter To the left; lived in father's home across from Sholsberg 3 Worked in the bank
Yudelevski Aharon-Eli, wife Hadasa, son Moshe Olner 3 Furniture carpenter
Yudelevski Shlomo On the main road, next to Vinik 2 Shochet
Yudelevski Yechial Nisel and wife Zeditever 2  
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
Z return
Zakheim Chaim, wife Masha and son Tzvi and son Matityahu and daughter On the main road, next to Greenberg 5 Hat maker
Zakheim Mordechai and wife and daughter Sonia Corner of main road and Sherntzel 3 Tin smith
Zakheim Nisan and wife Liba and son Benyamin Pruzhany Street  3 Vice Mayor
Zakheim Widow of Yosef and son Benyamin On the main road, next to Levinzon 2 Soda Factory
Zakheim Yacov and wife Hadasa born Feldman On the main road, next to Levinzon 2 Soda Factory 
Zakheim Yona and wife Pesel, daughter of Hillel Krolitzki On the main road, next to Greenberg 2 Steel / Metal Store
Zakheim Zalman and wife and married daughter and 2 daughters Zeditva  5  
Zakheim Zelig, wife Chayache (daughter of Zisel Yahalom) and son On the main road, across from Vinik 3 Soda Factory 
Zaltzman Yehoshua, wife Tzirel, son Yacov and son Ruben On the main road 4 Grain Merchant
Zeritzki Meir, wife Soshana (born Berezeman), son Eliyahu and daughter Sara On the main road, across from Gerber 4 Pharmacy
Zeritzki Tuviah and wife Mina (daughter of Gabriel Epshtein) and mother and daughter and son David Shkolna  5 Brick Builder
Zeritzki Widow Basha-Rivka and son Menachem and 2 daughters Market place 4 Store
Zeritzki Yehoshua and wife and 5 sons On the main road, across from the post office 7 Tailor
Zeritzki Yeshayahu and wife To the left 2 Brick Builder
Zevilovitz Yehoshua and wife Hinda and 2 daughters On the main road, next to second Bridge  4 Grocery store
Zhidvitz Moshe and wife and daughter Fruma and son Shmuel and son David and son 3 May Street 6 Grocery store
Zimochovski Yehoshua and wife and daughter Post Office Street 3 Blacksmith
Zimokhovski Shlomo and wife and son David and son Sender and daughter Henia Post Office Street 5 Blacksmith
Zorukovitz Avraham and brother Shlomo and another brother and the mother Tabolitzki 4 From the Bendet Family
Zunshein Moshe and mother Chaya and sister Chaya Toiba On the main road, across from Zaltzman 3  
  2 sisters from the village of Senevitz (lived with Eliezer Pomeranitz) Post Office Street 2  
  A couple with 3 children  Shmayahu Streetnext to Maylach Subinsky 5 Hat maker
  Aharon & wife Necha, from the village of Pishkeh In the market place with Rozovsky 2  
  David, wife, daughter (lived across from Avraham Yehoshua Kobron) Tzerkovna Street 3 Soap Maker
  Ephraim, wife, 3 daughters (Worked and lived at Smolana) End of Post Office Street 5  
  Husband and wife from the village of Strihin On the main road, next to Maylach Subinsky, next to Roterman 2 Store
  Rotke, daughter in law of Madrash Halperin, husband and sons Pruzhany Street next to Pheikov 3  
  Sheptel and wife To the left 2 Teacher in the Yiddish school 
  Son In-law of Bubka Kagan, wife , 5 children  Zditaver Street  7  
  Widow of Shumel Leib the Tailor Cemetery Street (across from the Hekdesh -public house) 1  
  Yisrael , the woman Yenteh, son Michael Cemetery Street after the school 3 Processing Cotton
  Yochanan, wife, 3 sons, 2 daughters End of Cemetery Street 7 Wagon owner

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Updated 29 Dec 2003 by LA