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[Pages 212-235]


About 4500 Jews lived in Kartuz Bereze and its surroundings on the eve of the Second World War. Just about all of them were murdered in the holocaust.

We brought here the details of about 2500 men, women and children, residents of our town. In most cases the person's full name, where they lived in the town, and even family relations were noted. In many cases we give only the family relation because, even though the editors and the rest of the survivors of Kartuz-Bereze made a collective effort, we weren't able to remember their names.

The list of survivors and the list of those who fell fighting are noted later, a total of about 100 names. Thus we are missing a lot of more names altogether from the "Yizkor" list.

The editors and the survivors of Kartuz Bereze who are alive today, made every effort to find out the missing names. To our great dismay, we weren't still able to add more names to the list. It has to be remembered that after 50 and sometimes more years, it isn't possible to remember each and every name. Just so, it is with the survivors shown in the pictures that appear in this book. We were in many cases still unable to identify the people, even though they were in front of us…

Thus about 2500 names alone are listed in the following lists. But we mourn over 4500 of our brothers, sisters, parents, relatives, neighbors and just simple pure Jews who were annihilated from this world just because they were Jews.  May G-d  remember them for the better along with the other righteous of the world, and take revenge on the spilled blood of your servants.


Deceased in K. Bereza Ghetto; list of names


Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
A return
Aharonovitz Yisaschar and wife and 2 daughters and mother and sisters of Yisaschar To the left 6  
Alexandrovski Moshe, his wife Chaya born Goldberg, daughter Ritza & husband & daughter To the left next to the "Chassidim Shtibel" (small synagogue) 5 knowledge of medicine
Alperin Ben Tzion wife Miriam, sons Avraham and Menachem On the main road, across from Zaltzman 4 tailor
Alperin Mushke widower & son Asher Olner next to Epshtein 2  
Alperin Yirachmiel, wife Etel, daughter Batya & daughter On the main road, across from Zaltzman 4 sticher /sewer
Altman Meita daughter of Chemah, wagon owner On the main road, next to firemen 1  
Ashman Aharon and wife  On the main road, opposite the Woodmill 2  
Ashman Shalom and wife On the main road, opposite the Woodmill 2 photographer
Ashman Yacov and wife Paya (born Seltzski) and 2 sons and a daughter On the main road, next to the militar regiment by Seltzski 5 photographer
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
B return
Balgalei Leibel and wife Rachel and son (son inlaw of Yachnah Vershavski) Across from the public bath house 3 carpenter
Barkleid Yosef and wife and 2 sons and 2 sisters of Yosef: Peitza and Rachel Next to Yehuda Potek 6 Locksmith
Barkleid Zelig, wife Chana (born Polak) and mother of Zelig Behind the regiment next to the brick factory 3 In charge of the workshop of the bricks
Barnitzki Ester and her husband Market place next to Naidos 2  
Batlai Yacov and wife Feitza (daughter of Mordechai Vinik) and daughter Olner (with Mordechai Vinik) 3  
Bavitz widow of Yisaschar On the main road, next to Riterman 1 Pharmacy
Bayiar Avraham and sister and mother Public house 3 shoemaker (employee)
Bayiar Chaim and wife and son  Tzerkovna 3 tailor
Bayiar Eliezer, wife Rachel daughter of Rasheh Tzerkovna 3 tailor
Bayiar Mendel and wife and 3 daughters and son Shkolna across from the "Tarbut" School 6 tailor
Bayiar Yosef, wife Chashke, daughter Tzina, daughter Fruma, and son Yosef Aharon Shkolna across from the "Tarbut" School 5 Carpenter
Beizer Fishel and wife and son Leibl Public house 3 Forest laborer
Beker Pesach and sister Freitzel from Otvotzk On the main road, lived with Chaim-Zelig Blyacher  2  
Berelem Motel and wife Ester and daughter Peshka and another daughter Olner next to Yehuda Tuchman's house 4 Sold comestibles in the market place
Berezman Moshe and wife Berta and son Siyuma and daughter Ida On the main road, across from Tebulitzki 4  
Berezman Yehoshua and wife Ester and daughter Leah and son Benyamin To the left 4  
Berkovitz Motel and wife Pesel and son Leibel Pruzhany Street  3 grain merchant
Berkovitz Peishke and wife and daughter Vichna and son David and another 2 daughters Post office Street 6 blacksmith
Berman Avramel Public house 1 shoemaker employee
Berman Leizer son of Malka, brother of Devora Rappaport On the main road, across from Greenberg 1 electrician
Berman Meir and sister Devora On the main road, across from Greenberg 2 shoemaker employee
Berman Rivka (widow of Motiya) and daughter Market place 2  
Berman Tubah (widow), son Nachum and wife and daughter Public house 4  
Berman Yeshayahu and wife Miriam and 2 daughters and mother of Miriam Public house 5 worked in the cemetery
Bilchik Chaya-Etel, widow and daughter Chana On the main road, next to Zaltzman 2 General Store
Bilchik Eliyahu-Yosef and wife Sara Elka and daughter Liba Pruzhany Street next to the synagogue 3  
Bilchik Feivel and wife Bracha and daughter Shifra Tabolitzki 3  
Bilchik Shleimka and wife Sara born Kolishevski Tabolitzki 2 carpenter
Blum and wife and 2 daughters and son and mother 3 May Street 6 Store
Blumshtein Chana-Musha from Lineve On the main road, in Greenvald house 1  
Blumshtein Shleimka and wife Sheindel and 2 daughters Peshke and Chuma 3 May Street next to Mendel Ravitz 4 Store for writing materials
Blumshtein Shoika and wife Sima (daughter of Pelek Rashinski) and daughter On the main road, in Pelek Rashinski's house 3  
Blyacher Chaim-Zelig and wife On the main road, next to Zubinski 2 tailor
Blyacher Chinka (widow, from Kosovo) and daughter Malka Left next to Chaim Epshtein 2  
Blyakher Yitzchak and wife Bluma and son and daughter Shrentzel Street 4 shoemaker
Boreisho Efraim and wife Dovka Bavitz St 2 sold lottery tickets
Boreisho Leiba and wife and 2 sons Post office Street 4 blacksmith
Braverman Henia (widow of Yantze), son Nisan and grandmother Leah Bluma On the main road, across from woodmill 3  
Braverman Meir and wife and son Leibl and Tovah 3 May Street 4 Bakery
Braverman Widow of Efraim, son Chaim, son Meir, daughter Tzviah and another daughter Olner, next to Fisher 5 Harness/leather
Brazovski (Shameche) and daughter On the main road, next to Levinzon 2  
Brazovski Henia (widow of Yehuda the teacher) and daughter Hodes Left across from Shlosberg 2  
Brazovski Ruben and wife Leah Left across from Shlosberg 2 carpenter employee
Brendel Leibel (Koshes) and wife Bracha and 3 sons and 2 daughters and mother To the left 8 barber
Broida Chaim and wife Mirl (born Langer) On the main road, across from Volovelski 2  
Broida Leibel, his wife Rachel and son Shalom and daughter Bashke and her husband Horse Town next to the river 5 shoemaker
Broida Mendel & wife and mother. The son of Shlomo Chassid(of blessed memory)  Broyda Street 3 Restaurant
Broida Yisrael and wife and 3 daughters and son inlaw On the main road, across from Volovelski 6 Grocery store
Bronshtein Asher and wife Chasha Tabulitzki 2 sewing shop
Buchalter Feivel and wife Mushke, son Leibl and son and daughter Seltzer Street 5 Butcher
Buchalter Hirshel, wife Bobel and son Kalman Close the to "Kadisha" Synagogue 3 Butcher
Buchalter Meir and wife Elka and 2 daughters and son Kalman Shrentzel Street 5 Fabric store
Buchalter Yosef and wife and son Tuviah, daughter Keila, son Mayer, son Yitzchak Seltzer Street 6 Butcher
Bukshtein Alter (windower) Shrentzel Street 1  
Bukshtein Aryeh and wife Yocha and 5 daughters; Plata, Hodka, Sarah'ka, Pereleh, Mirel On the main road, next to Zaltzman 7 Soda Factory
Bukshtein Asher, wife Henya Broyda Street 2  
Bukshtein Chaim ( son of Alter) Shrentzel Street 1  
Bukshtein David and wife and son Sheimah and son Avraham, and 2 sons and daughter On the main road, across from Greenberg 7 Butcher
Bukshtein Pesach and wife and 2 children (son of Shlomo) Next to Gershon Naidos 4 Butcher
Bukshtein Pesach, wife Sara (born Chesler), son Moshe and 2 daughters On the main road, next to Shtuker Sima 5 Horse merchant
Bukshtein Shlomo and wife Next to Gershon Naidos 4 Butcher
Bukshtein Tuviah, wife Sara and 2 daughters (son of Alter) Shrentzel Street 4 Horse merchant
Bukshtein Widow of Yehuda and 2 daughters Next to Naidos Gershon 3 Butcher shop
Bukshtein Yitzchak, wife Hinda (born Galperin), and daughters Roza, Chinka, son Yosef Horse Town 5 shoemaker
Bukshtein Ytzel and wife (daughter of Yacov Itcheh Druker who lives in Mordechai Zakheim's house) On the main road, corner of Shernetzel 2 Horse merchant
Bukshtein Zona, wife Bashke and daughter Baile and son Nota On the main road, next to Volovelski 4 shoemaker
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
C return
Chaikin  Nachman and wife and son Mordechai Corner of main road and Shrentzel 3 Grocery store
Chariski Eliyahu and wife and daughter Sonia (from the village of Nevka) Lived in Yehuda Potek's home 3  
Chemerinski Meir Before the town 1  
Chemerinski Zeidel and wife and 2 children Before the town 4  
Cherli Shaul, wife Sharaka (daughter of Bokshtein ), and daughter Tzarina Lived in Chaikin's home on Shrentzel Street 3  
Chomski Chana (wife of Yosef) and son Meir and daughter Tzipora Market place across from Berman 3  
Chomski Hillel and wife and daughter Chashka and son Pinchas Seltzer 4 Fruit merchant
Chomski Yehuda and wife and 3 children Seltzer 5 Buyer of grain
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
D return
Dantzig Leibe and wife Michla and daughter Leah On the main road, next to the regiment 3  
Denenberg Hershel and wife and son Yosef, daughter Zelda and another 2 daughters To the left 6 Shoemaker & Roof fixer
Derechinski Eliyahu and wife Sheina (born Dubovski and 2 daughters Olner on top of Vianshtein 4 Carpenter 
Derechinski Meilach and wife Freidel, son Baruch, daughter Feigel and daughter Chayche Olner on top of Vianshtein 5 Farbic store
Derechinski Michael and wife Dvosha born Tuchman Olner on top of Vianshtein 2 Buyer of butter and chickens 
Ditkovitz Aharon and wife Shifra and 2 daughters 3 May Street 4 Painter
Ditkovitz Nachum Icheh and wife and daughter Beilche 3 May Street 3 Metal worker 
Ditkovitz Shmuel and wife Chana (daughter of Berl Kravtzik) and son Broyda Street in Berel Kravtzik's home 3 Painter
Drogochinski Shaul, and wife Chaya Eshke, son Leibel and son Feivel and daughter Sheina and daughter Bashe Olner next to Potek 6 Tranports lime in a wagon from Lioishki to Bluden
Druker Leibe and wife Rashe, son Yitzchak, daughter Peshka and another daughter Olner, lived in Yosha's house 5 Tranports lime in a wagon from Lioishki to Bluden
Dubinski Ester (widow), 3 sons: Moshe, Pinchas, and Tzvi , 2 daughters: Fruma and Breina Olner - daughter of Yosha the wagon owner 6 Store
Dubovski Avraham and wife Zeditever Street next to Niselboim 2 Buyer of fish and Chickens
Dulgin Nachman and wife Freida and son Yehuda and son Leibel and daughter Eitka On the main road, near second bridge  5 Blacksmith
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
E return
Egolnik Archik & wife & son and daughter Market place next to Vineshtein 4  
Egos Henya (widow), 2 sons Michel and Chaim Olner Street 3  
Eidelsberg David & 2 daughters, one married and husband Across from the "Keserketin" 4 Bakery
Eidelshtein Arniel & wife Chaya and daughter Next to post office 3 Brick factory
Eizenberg Mairim & daughter and husband Eliyahu, and 2 sons Market place  5 Beverage store
Eizenshtein Achsah, son Losia (Lawyer) & wife & son Market place 4 Fabric store
Eizenshtein Chananyah, his wife Bobel, daughter Neomi; Rivka daughter of Chananyah and her husband Ytzke, and 2 sons Market place 7 store
Eizenshtein David, his wife Beltshe, son Mendel and daughter Olner next to Fisher 4  
Eizenshtein Max, his wife Sarah (from the family Yudelovski) and daughter Zeditevah 3  
Eizenshtein Moshe (son inlaw of Volovelski) & wife Pamatza, son Benyamin & mother inlaw wife of Volovelski) In the route by Volovelski 4  
Eizenshtein Yirachmiel, his wife Rachel, son Idel and 3 daughters To the left next to Alexandrovski 6  
Elberg Moshe To the left next to Shlosberg 1 Builder of wooden houses
Elberg Yosef & wife Ytka and daughter To the left across from Shlosberg 3 Barber
Elman Aharon Shmuel & wife & daughter Neche & her husband Shlomo & 2 daughters On the main road, next to first bridge  6 shoemaker
Engel Mushke (daughter of Arkeh Pomerantz) & husband & daughter Chana On the main road, next to first bridge 1 3 kiosk
Epelboim Chana (Miyasevitz), daughter Mariasha, daughter Chumah On the main road, Berezman House 3  
Epelboim Yehuda and wife and son Olner next to Shapira 3  
Epshtein Chaim and wife Reizel, daughter Rivka, daughter Leah To the left  4 Shoemaker
Epshtein Feigel and husband and 2 children On the main road, by Goldfein near to second bridge 4 daughter of Shimon from the village of Oo'lian
Epshtein Gabriel and wife Shkolna 2 Glazier
Epshtein Leibel & wife Rachel born Potak Olner 2 carpenter
Epshtein Moshe-Eli and wife Tzviyah (born Suvinski) Olner 2 carpenter
Epshtein Shimcha, wife Pola, son Moshe and daughter On the main road, next to Woodmill 4 Flourmill
Epshtein Shmuel and wife Dina and 3 daughters On the main road, next to Voloveski 5 Grocery store
Epshtein Yehoshua & wife, daughter Leah & 3 sons On the main road, next to Volovelski 6 Carpenter
Epshtein Yosef-Shimcha and wife Chana and son Kalman. Daughter Libe Olner 4 Shoemaker
Epshtein Zalman and sister To the left 2 Carpenter
Epshtein Zalman and wife On the main road, next to Voloveski 2 Carpenter
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
F return
Falatkovski Avramtshik and wife Henia Leah and daughter Aidel and daughter Reitza Cemetery Street 4  
Falatkovski Yosef, wife Chasia and son Hershel, daughter Mechla On the main road, across from Goldfein 4 Carpenter 
Feigelman Berel and wife and son Kalman To the left 3 Shames (Synagogue Sextant) in the Big Synagogue
Feigenblat David and wife and mother inlaw Freida and daughter Sara, daughter Shoshana and another daughter On the main road, across from Levinzon 5 Fabric merchant
Feingold Sender and wife Libchah and 2 daughters and son On the main road, close to the post office 5 Worked in the Sid factory
Feldman Chaim and daughter Feigel and her husband and son Olner 5 Tailor
Finkel widow and married daughter and her husband and son On the main road, next to the Post Office 4 Grocery Store
Fishels Shmuel and wife On the main road, lived in Shlomo the Shochet's home 2 Shochet
Fisher Yitzchak, wife Chana Rachel, daughter Nechama and another daughter Liba Olner 4  
Fishman Velya widow and son Leibel and daughter Manya (Polonskerkah) Shkolna next to the "Tarbut" School 3  
Frenkel (Berezman) widow Vera and son Menachem and another son On the main road, across from the fire station 3 Store for writing materials
Frenkel Paula and her husband On the main road, lived in Eliezer Neiman's home 2 Paula was a dentist
Frenkel Rachel widow and son David and son Eliyahu and daughter Sara and daughter 3 May Street across from Exman 5  
Friedenberg Mutieh and wife (daughter of Chinka Kagan) and 2 sons On the main road, lived with Kagan (who was across from Greenberg) 4  
Friedenberg Shimon (nickname Chipuk )and wife Sara Menucha Shrentzel 2 Sold fruit
Friedenberg Yacov and wife Eitka and son Leibel and daughter Heinda Shrentzel 4 Tailor
Friedenshtein Benyamin and wife Eta (daughter of Feigel Geler) and daughter On the main road, lived with Geler 3 Worked in the forest
Friedenshtein Moshe (son of Yacov Asher and Rakhel), wife Leah, and son 3 May Street across from Exman 3  
Friedenshtein Yacov Asher, wife Rachel (born Goldberg), son Shimcha, daughter Freidel (Orphan) On the main road, corner of Tabolitzki 4 Lumber merchant
Friedman Alter (his children), daughter Ester, daughter Sheprintza, daughter Sulki, son Shmuel 3 May Street 4  
Friedman Avraham and wife and daughter Leah and her husband and daughter of Leah End of main road, next to Bridge 2 5  
Friedman David (Bolshevik) and wife Reizel, daughters: Tsherna, Sheindel, Ester; sons: Shmuel, Shimon, Naftali, Moshe, Avraham; Chaim Aryeh and his wife Feigel and their Berel 3 May Street 14 Builder of wooden houses 
Friedman David (son of Yosef Reuben) wife Michla and 4 daughters and a son Shatz Street 7  
Friedman Fridel widow and son Pruzany Street across from Biltzik 2 Glazier
Friedman Hershel, wife Blumka (daughter of Modish Galperin) and 2 sons On the main road, lived in Chaya Etel Biltzik's home 4 Fixed bicycles
Friedman Icheh and wife and 2 daughters Market Place across from Serlin 4  
Friedman Michael and wife, daughter Otka, daughter Rachel, and daughter Tzipora On the main road, near the post office 5 Son of Yosef Reuben
Friedman Moshe (son of Yosef) and wife (daughter of Benyamin Kobrin) Market place; lived with Kobrin 2 Blacksmith
Friedman Nachman and wife, daughter Zlatka, daughter Feigel, daughter Chana, daughter Henia, son Yosef Cemetery Street 7  
Friedman Nachum Itshe (widower) and daughter Sheindel, Cemetery Street 2 Carpenter
Friedman Sheina Breina and daughter Henia and her husband and 2 daughters On the main road, next to bridge 2 5 Brought chickens and fish
Friedman Widow of Yosef Reuven and son Shalom and son Hershel Shatz Street 3  
Friedman Yosef and wife and son Kalman On the main road, across from Sima Shtoker 3 Blacksmith
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
G return
Galperin Feivel and wife Keila (born Kravitz) On the main road, next to Dantzik 2 Lumber merchant
Galperin Madosh and wife Henia and daughter Lubka Across from Yehuda Potek 3 Forest merchant 
Galperin Moshe (nickname Pasha) Horse Town 1 Builder of wooden houses
Galperin Peicheh (lived in Ben Tzion Alperon's house) On the main road, across from Zaltzman 1 Nurse
Galperin Sheina and sister Eta and her husband Horse Town 3  
Galperin Shmuel and wife Friedka and daughter Leah Horse Town 3 Builder of wooden houses
Galperin Yisrael Tzadok and wife Hodes and daughter Peitza and daughter Mileh Across the next to Dantzig 4 Lumber merchant
Galperin  Isser, wife (nickname Pashe) Horse Town 2 Builder of wooden houses
Geler Feigel (widow) On the main road, corner of Post Office Street 1 Partnership in Shoe store
Geler Rachel (widow of Hillel Z"L) Olner 1  
Gelman Aharon, wife Leah Seltzer 2 Store
Gerber daughter Rachel and daughter Tzviah, and 2 more daughters In the courtyard of Devora Berkovitz 5 shoemaker 
German Alter and wife and son Chanan Shrentzel 3 Grain Buyer 
German Alter and wife Gitel and daughter Liba and another daughter Mina Across the main road, next to Mendel Broida 4 Fabric Store
German Kalman and wife Blumka and daughter Miriam and son Yosef On the main road 4 Fixed Bicycles
German Shepsel and wife Ester, daughter of Berel & Tzalka Reshet On the main road, next to Levinzon 2 Grain merchant 
Gershgorn Baruch and mother Malka and wife and son Cemetery Street 4 Kiosk selling sweets
Gershgorn  Moshe and wife On the main road, across from Gerber 2 Woman's tailor
Ginshpring Avraham Yitzchak and wife On the main road, across from Levinzon 2 From the village Varmut Grain Merchant
Ginshpring Chaim and wife Teibel and daughter (lives in Avraham Pomerantz's home) Across the main road, close to the bridge 3 Fruit merchant
Ginshpring Moshe-Shimcha, wife Breina and son Benyamin and daughter Ester and daughter Sara and her husband and son Olner 7 Fruit merchant
Ginzburg Nisan and wife and 3 daughters and son Across the main road, next to Vinik 6 Restaurant
Glezer Aharon, wife, daughter Chaya, daughter Doba, another daughter and grandmother Market place 6 Store
Glezer Eli and wife and son and daughter Broyda Street 4 Beverage Store
Glezer Isaac, wife, daughter (nickname Teigachtz) Broyda Street 3 Beverage Store
Glezer Sa'adya, wife Pesel, and two sons Broyda Street 4 Fabric Store
Glezer Yacov and wife Baska (daughter of Alter German), daughter, and mother of Yacov Broyda Street 4 Store 
Glotzerman (daughter of Nachum Yudel) 2 sons and a daughter  3 May Street 4  
Glotzerman Avraham and wife Beila and her sister, a daughter and 3 sons Next to "Kadisha" Synagogue 7 Labor foreman by Vinik - making roads
Glotzerman Elimelech and wife Chana, son Shlomo, son Shimcha, daughter Mera and another daughter Seltzer 6 Worked in the mill by Makransky
Goldberg Hershel and wife Rivka (born Grosman) and 4 sons: Aharaon, Shimshon, Yosef, Moshe To the left 6 Nickname Shtreialach
Goldberg Icheh-Hershel and wife and 2 daughters Next to "Kadisha" Synagogue 4 Butcher
Goldberg Icheh (Yitzchak) (son of Yisrael and Yenta), and wife Sonia (born Lubashevski), son Mordechai and another son Yacov Tzerkovna 4  
Goldberg Leibe (son of Yisrael and Yenta) and wife and 3 children To the left next to Burgman 5  
Goldberg Mordechai and wife Sheina, daughter Feigel, daughter Leah, son Shmuel-David Broyda Street 5 Butcher
Goldberg Moshe-Aharon, wife Chaya, daughter Leah Olner next to Tuchman 3  
Goldberg Pincheh and wife and sister of Pincheh, Gitel, son Yacov, son David, son Chaim, daughter Malka Across the main road, across Cemetery Street 7  
Goldberg Yisrael and wife (daughter of Shlomo Bokshtein), daughter Feigel, son Henek and another 3 daughters Corner of Shernetzel Street and 3 May Street 7 Buyer of flax
Goldfein Shmuel Across the main road, close to the bridge 1 Flourmill owner
Goldshtein  Zuna and wife Broyda Street 2 Tailor
Gordon Widow, son Benyamin, daughter and her husband and 2 daughters Across the main road, next to Ashman 6 From the village Hodetzia
Gorodetzki Nachum and wife and child Across the main road, next to Vinik 3 Electrical engineer
Gostovski Moshe and wife, son David and another 3 sons Market place 6 Harness/leather
Greenberg Avraham, wife Rivka, 3 daughters: Feigel, Mushka, Dova, and son Leibel Olner 6 tailor
Greenberg Shmuel and wife Ester Rachel (born Smorovitzki) and 2 sons: Aharon and Moshe On the main road, across from the "Talmud Torah" 4 Kiosk selling newpapaers
Greenvald Rasha and daughter Sonia and son Feivel (pharmacy) On the main road, across from Cemetery Street 3  
Greivski Eitzel, Chashka, and another sister Shrentzel 3 worked in lime factory
Greivski Feivel and wife Chava (daughter of Rachel Geler) and son Olner with Rachel Geler 3 worked in lime factory
Grosman Eliyahu (nickname Streialach) and wife Near second bridge  2 store
Guberman Shmuel and wife and daughter and mother On the main road, next to fire station 4 owner of a warehouse of rags
Guberman Yichiel and wife and 2 children Across the main road, next to Michael Friedman's home 4 owner of a warehouse of rags
Guberman Yosef and wife and son Yitzel and son Avramel and David On the main road, next to fire station 5  
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
H return
Haidemak Moshe and wife and son Dov and 2 daughters On the main road, in Shlomo the Shochet's house 5 store
Halperin Ester and daughter Vichna, daughter Elka, daughter Roza and her husband and daughter Sonia and son Kalman   7 village - Lisotzitz
Halperin Yisrael and Golda, son Fishel-Leib, daughter Otka, son Avraham   5 village - Nivka
Surname First Names Where they lived Family size Remarks
K return
Kabren Avraham Yehoshua and wife Tzerkovna 2 Store for metal
Kabren Benyamin and wife and son Gershon and daughter (from the village of Pishke) Market place next to Niselboim 4 Shoemaker
Kabren Yehoshua (son of Benyamin) and wife Gitel (born Kleiman) and child Market place next to Niselboim 3 Shoemaker
Kagan Avigdor and wife and daughter Chaya and 2 children On the main road, across from Shernetzel 5 Glazier
Kagan Baruch-Yacov and wife Chana-Tzviya On the main road, across from Guberman 2 Shoemaker
Kagan Bobke and married daughter and her husband and 2 children Cemetery Street 5  
Kagan Chinka and married daughter Chaya and her husband and 2 children On the main road, across from Greenberg 5  
Kagan David and wife and daughter On the main road, across from Shrentzel 3 Wife was seamstress
Kagan Mendel, wife Chana (daughter Shimon Friedenberg) and daughter Sherntzel lived with Friedenberg 3 Wagon owner
Kagan Moshe, wife Rasha and son and daughter Cemetery Street 4 Store
Kagan Shaimah, wife Kaileh and son Betzalel and son Itzik and daughter Ytka On the main road, next to Feingold 5  
Kagan Shulim and wife Elka born Siminovski and daughter Tzirelah   3  
Kagan Yechiel-Moshe, wife Chava, daughter Feigel, daughter Bailtza, son Asher, son Menasheh On the main road, next to Arye Bokshtein 6 tailor
Kagan Yisrael and wife and daughter Doba and daughter Machla 3 May Street 4  
Kagan Yoel Mordechai and wife Ester and 3 daughters: Frida, Sara, Tzirel On the main road, next to second bridge  5 Shoemaker
Kagan Yosef and wife Devora (Berkovitz) and son Hillel On the main road, across from the wood mill 3  
Kagan Zalman and wife and 2 daughters On the main road, across from Guberman 4 sticher / sewer
Kaganski Berel Leib and wife, son Yosef, son Avraham, daughter Shoshana and son Shkolna across from the "Tarbut" school 6 Store in the market place
Kamintzki Cheitzah (widow of Yosef who was killed in the Regiment in 1939), daughter Ester, and daughter Yosefa) Olner; lived in Tuchman's house 4  
Kamintzki David and wife and 2 daughters On the main road, across from the Talmud Torah 4 Carpenter 
Kamintzki Shaul, wife Zlata, daughter Bracha and daughter Chaya Pruzany Street next to the Synagogue 4 A kiosk in the market place for baked goods 
Kamintzki Shlomo, wife Sara and 2 sons and a daughter Lived in the courtyard of the fire staion 5 Locksmith fixed bicycles
Kantor Avraham and brother Berel To the left 2 Hired tailors
Kaplan Chava, widow, mother of Leibel and Sheindel Blumshtein 3 May Street 1  
Kaplan Fishel, wife, and daughter, and aunt Chana Maleicheh Olner 4  
Kaplan From the town of Pruzany and 2 daughters and a son inlaw and son of one of the daughters On the main road, next to the Regiment 5 Grocery store
Kaplan Isser (widower) and daughter Meiteh and another daughter Gitel and husband Chaim Olner 4 Cultivated lands
Kaplan Leibl and wife Etel (daughter of Zlata Subinski) & daughter Olner; lived with Zlata Subinski 3 Music teacher
Kaplan Mordechai, daughter Michla, daughter Reva, son Mendel, son Avramel and 2nd wife Freidel and a mutual daughter  Tzerkovna on left corner  7 Bakery
Kaplan Moshe, wife Zlatkeh, daughter Teibel, son Avraham, and Yirachmiel Tzerkovna 5 Bicycle Store
Kaplan Tzipa (daughter of Itsheh Lisker) and daughter Teibel and 2 sons Shrentzel; lived with father - Icheh Lisker 4 Her husband Leibel transported merchandise from Baranovitz. He was sent to Russia and he died there. 
Kaplan Yehoshua, wife Elka (Midwife) and daughter Mina and son Volek Post office Street 4 Yehoshua worked in the bank
Karpel Moshe and wife Chinka (born German) and daughter Rachel and Tzipora On the main road, next to Bavitz 4 Store for leather / animal hides 
Karshinski The teacher (who was a son-in-law of Chaim Aryeh Burgman) and wife and daughter To the left across from the synagogue 3 Teacher
Karsik Velvel and wife (daughter of Yosef Krinski) and 2 daughters Sobinski next to Kravitz 4 Store
Kasirski Chanon, wife Bashke, daughter Leah, daughter Tzipora, son Avigdor On the main road, across from the wood mill 5 Grain merchant
Kasirski Feigeh (widow) and son Icheh, daughter married to Beinish Bavitz Street 4 Grain merchant
Kava Yacov and wife and daughter and son 3 May Street 4 Upholstery
Kelnitzki Yisaschar and wife Chaya and mother of Chaya and daughter and 2 sons On the main road, corner of Zediteva 6 Grocery wholesaler
Kipen Teibel (widow of Moniya the shoemaker) and son and daughter Shrentzel across from Shlomo Bockshtein's 3  
Kirzhner Moshe, wife Toiba and daughter Mara and daughter Chaya 3 May Street next to the bridge 4 Tailor
Kirzhner Nachum, wife Bashka and 3 sons and daughter To the left next to Hershel Goldberg 6 Tailor
Kirzhner Yosef and wife (the blind one) 3 May Street next to the bridge 2  
Kirzhner Yosef and wife and son Yeshayau and daughter 3 May Street next to the bridge 4 Tailor
Kleiman Mordechai, wife Risha Pruzany Street across from the Synagogue 2 Wooden house builder
Kleiman Yosef Aharon, wife Fruma and daughter Freitzka and daughter Risha On the main road, ; across from the fire station 4 Wooden house builder
Kleiman  Avraham Yitzchak, wife Rachel, 2 daughters: Henia, and Risha, and 4 sons: Shlomo, Shalom, Mairim, Yosef Pruzany Street across from the Synagogue 8 Hat maker
Kobrinski Shimon, brother Moshe, wife of Shimon (born Feigelman) Lived in Glutzerman's home; next to the "Kadishai" synagogue 3 Shimon worked in clay factory; Moshe was a hired shoemaker
Kolishevski Fishel, wife Reva, son Hertzl Cemetery Street 3 Tailor
Kolishevski Zusha, wife Leah (daughter of Nachman Fridman) Cemetery Street; lived in father's home -Fishel Kolishevski 2 Zusha was a hired shoemaker
Kolodener Efraim, wife Gitel, 3 daughters: Nechama, Ester, Leba, son Shaul Shkolna next to the government public school 6  
Kolodeni Israel, wife Sima (daughter of Asher Bukshtein) and son and 2 daughters Broida Street 5 Horse and fruit merchant
Kopriansi Fruma (widow) and son Shmuel and another son Rafael Cemetery Street 3 Candy store next to the fire station
Kos Yacov and daughter with her husband and 2 daughters Shatz (sidestreet) 5 Yacov used to grind flour in the flourmill
Kosovski (wife, who from Bluden) and daughter Choma Market Place 2 Grocery Store
Kosovski Tzemach, wife Teibel (born Roterman) and son and sister of Tzemach On the main road, ; lived in the Roterman's home 4 Grain merchant
Kovel Berel, wife Veleh, 4 sons: Yosef, Shayeh, Zundel, Yacov, and daughter Rivka On the main road, ; corner of Demetery Street 7 Blacksmith
Kovel Moshe, wife Beilkeh (born Tshesler) and son Pruzhany Street; in the home of Rotka 3 Fixed bicycles
Kovel Pinya and wife Basha (born Ravnitzki) and son Moshe and son Noach and daughter Etka Post office Street 5 Metal worker and blacksmith
Kravchik Berel and wife (from Shereshov) Broida 2 Hat maker
Kravchik Eli and wife (from Shereshov) Broida 2 Hat maker
Kravelnik Hershel, wife Liza and son David, daughter Ester, daughter Paula and her husband and son On the main road, across from Vinik 7 Lumber merchant
Kravich Yacov, wife Bluma and daughter Teibel and her husband and son Broida 5 Harness maker
Kravitz Feivel, wife Michla (daughter of Michael Dratzinski) and daughters Leah, Sara, Belah Sobinski 5 Fabric store
Kravtzik Leizer, Perel, daughter Rivka, daughter Reizel daughter from 1st wife -- From second wife: daughter Miriam, son Israe -Chaim, son Asher Pruzany corner of Shkolna 7 Fish Merchant
Krinski Israel, wife, daughter, son On the main road, next to bridges 1 and 2 4 Shoemaker
Krinski Shlomo, wife, 2 sons and 3 daughters Tavolitzki 7 Shoemaker
Krinski Shmuel (Beinishy's) and wife and 2 sons and 3 daughters Shkolna across from the "Tarbut" school 7 Tailor
Krinski Yosef and wife, and son Shimcha, son Sana and another son Isaac Market place next to the "Kadishai" Synagogue 5 Store for leather 
Krolitzki Hillel (widower), daughter Choma and her husband and daughter Shrentzel 4 Transport merchandise on horse back form Brest
Krolitzki Rikel (sister of Hillel), widow, and son Idel 3 May Street 2 Grocery Store
Kronik Ashke (widow of Zelig), and daughter Ester and daughter Sara On the main road, next to Berel Kovel 3  
Kropchitzki Asher and wife Bobel (daughter Golda Lispozhnik) and son and daughter Olner next to Yosef Simcha Epshtein 4 Tailor
Kushtzich Yitzchak, wife O'nyota, son Betzalel and another daughter Olner; lived in David Pomerantz's house 4  

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