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[Page 330]

We Will Remember Forever our Dearest
Who Were Exterminated in the Holocaust

Their memory will never depart from us

The Lerman Family

Our dear parents: Abraham Lerman z”l, a Torah disciple and G-d fearing khasid of Ger, one of the “Beit Joseph” yeshiva initiators who was devoted selflessly for the boys' needs, delighted in their joys and took part in their pain.

Faige Lerman z”l, a precious woman and devoted mother to her children in spite of her suffering pain all her life. Died in 1929, at the age of 53.

Our dear sister: Rachel Lerman – perished in the Warsaw ghetto with her husband David Biderman and their daughters.

Our brothers: Jacob David z”l, a pious Torah scholar, pupil of the “Beit Joseph” yeshiva in Makow: his wife Chaya Sara nee Freemen of Stok, and their six children who died in the Warsaw ghetto.

Isaac z”l, devoted son to his parents, a noble precious soul who was killed at the The Ninth Fort in Kaunas. His wife Fannya and their 11-year-old son Yisroel, died in the concentration camp Stuthoff.

Mordekhai z”l, killed at the first German raiding over Wyszkow.

Shlomo z”l, perished in the Wilno ghetto.

Our aunt: Devora nee Lerman, her husband and their single son.

We shed tears at their untimely awfully sorrow death. May their memory be blessed!

Memorialized by:
Leibel Lerman – Argentina
Leah Director (Lerman) – Israel

Translated by Chava Eisenstein

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For Eternal Memory

My Dear Parents, Sister and Family

Parents: Esther Malka and Leibl Hendl z”l

Sisters: Sorah-Brayne and Leibl Dan; Khaya and Avrohom Paskewitz and child
Wife: Esther and the children Rokhel and Henye

To Commemorate:
Hendl (Litman) Eliezer and Family, Tel-Aviv



Our Dear Parents

Leibl and Sarah-Brayne Dan z”l

Died in Russia
Tisha-b'Av 1942
Died in Warsaw
Yom Kippur 1939

Honor Their Memory!

To Commemorate:
Their Children: Itche, Yekhiel and Ada, Israel


To Remember Forever
Our Dear Families

R' Yaakov Levin and daughter and sons:
Esther, Reuven and Sholom z”l
Hershl Mishar and daughters and son:
Sorah, Rivkah, Moshe, Feygele and Aharon.

Our Neighbors: Family Kalusky and Skarlat.

We will never be able to restrain our sorrow, pain, and wrath.
Such people were murdered by the Nazi savages.

To Commemorate:
Khaim Levin, Givat Hashlosha
Batya Friedman, New York
Zelig Levin, New York


To Remember Forever

My Dear Parents: Holtzman Aharon and Khana-Alta
My Sister: Khaya-Sorah and husband Daniel Aronyok
My Relatives: R' Yisroel-Yitzkhak Friedman
Moshe Shtayfman, his wife Henye and their children
Golda Shtayfman, husband and their children
Shoshka Shtayfman, husband and their children
Shlomo Shtayfman

To Commemorate:
The Rebbetzin Ete Adler nee Holtzman, Jerusalem

[Page 332]

For Eternal Remembrance

Zeev Holland hy”d
(May G-d Avenge his blood)

Immigrated to Israel in 1945

Commemorated by:
His wife, daughter, and the family

Fell in an operation in Tel-Aviv during the War of Independence
on the third day of Adar 2 5708 (March 14, 1948), at the age of twenty.

Translated by Chava Eisenstein


To Eternal Remembrance

The bereft parents commemorate:
Henna and Meyer Shakhne,
Tel-Aviv, 10 King-David Street

Madhava and Shlomo Shakhne hy”d

Fell in combat at the blockade over Jerusalem on the 28'th of Iyar 5708 (June 6, 1948)

Madhava was a Gadn”a member who worked hard to achieve security for Jerusalem. She was 17 and attended the Jerusalem gymnasia “Rehavia.”

Shlomo, only 10, was an excellent student in forth class of the “Tahkimoni” school in Jerusalem.

They were single children to their parents, grandchildren of Shlomo and Sheina Wimberg of Wyszkow.

The beloved and pleasant souls that were connected in life and at death.

May their memory be sealed forever in the soul and in the soul of the nation and of those who battle for Israel's freedom and independence.

Translated by Chava Eisenstein

[Page 333]

Dear Uncle:

Avrohom-Gershon Mitlzbakh
His dear sons and grandchildren

My Dear Aunt:

Frayda-Brokhe Perchik z”l

Died at the hands of the Nazi thugs in Przasnysz,
together with the martyrs of Poland, in the Nazi camps and furnaces.

We mourn their cruel death.

May Their Memory Be Blessed!


To Commemorate:
Yaakov Mitlzbakh, Petakh Tikvah
My Dear Parents

R' Yekhiel-Mikhel Mitlzbakh

and his wife Iteh (nee Holtzman)

Emigrated to Israel in 1933
Father died 11 Kislev 5698
His wife died May 6, 1953


To Remember Forever

Our Dear Parents, Brothers and Sisters and Sons
of our Families who died in the Nazi Shoah

Our Parents R' Pinkhas and Khaya Pieniek z”l

Our Brothers: Simkha-Bunem and Yaakov z”l,
Our Sister Zisl and husband Yehoshua Wigoda and 2 children

Sons of Our Family:
Shmuel Wigoda, Yitzkhak-Ber nd Sorah Rozenberg,
Mendl Wigoda, Yehuda-Leib and Ziska Gozheltzani

May their memory be bound up with the life of the nation.

To Commemorate:
Menakhem Pieniek and Family, Israel
Yitzkhak Pieniek and Family, Israel

[Page 334]

To Remember Forever

My Dear Father, Brother and Sister, z”l

Yosl Srebrenik z”l   Rabbi Shimon Srebrenik z”l

To Commemorate:
Menakhem Caspi, Kiryat Ono
Zalman Tzadok, New York


To Remember Forever

Our Dear Parents


R' Pinkhas Steinberg z”l
9 Tevet 5689
Gitl Steinberg rest in peace
2 Sivan 5715

To Commemorate:
Avraham Steinberg, Ra'anana
Yehuda Steinberg, Tel Aviv


This place is reserved to eternalize the memory of those family members who for whichever reasons were not mentioned in this book.


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