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Yizkor Pages

Transliterated by Miriam Bulwar David-Hay



This necrology lists the names of some 850 Polish Jews who perished in the Holocaust and were commemorated in memorial notices placed by relatives and friends in the yizkor book "Jewish Warsaw That Was: A Yiddish Literary Anthology", published by the Association of Warsaw Jews in Montreal in 1966-7. The commemorative notices, which are all in Yiddish, begin after Page 848 of the book. It should be noted that while many of notices are for victims who lived or died in Warsaw, there are also many notices for victims who died in other cities and towns. It should also be noted that many of the notices were placed by married couples, and thus when a notice says the victim was a "father" or a "sister", clearly this holds true for only one member of the couple. There are also a few notices for relatives who died before or after the war.


Maiden name/
other info.
of death
to submitter/s
Family name
submitter/s 1
First name/s
submitter/s 1
name submitter 1
Family name
submitter/s 2
First name/s
submitter/s 2
name submitter 2
ADLER   return Shaindele Warsaw, 1943 sister-in-law LAU Yosef 35
AISEN Lola BART Wolyn, 1942 aunt AISENBERG Rachel 5
AISEN Shaulik Wolyn, 1942 cousin AISENBERG Rachel 5
AISEN Yosef Wolyn, 1942 uncle AISENBERG Rachel 5
AISENBERG Israel Michael Sobolow, 1943 brother AISENBERG Berl and Freyda FLASS 4
AISENBERG Liba Treblinka, 1943 sister AISENBERG Berl and Freyda FLASS 4
AISENBERG Yakov Treblinka, 1942 father AISENBERG Berl and Freyda FLASS 4
ALTENBERG Avraham Majdanek brother KOPPERT Morris and Eva ALTENBERG 48
ALTENBERG Baruch Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 father-in-law ZILBERBERG-ADASHEWITZ Leon 28
ALTENBERG Baruch Mordechai 1943 father ALTENBERG Adam 5
ALTENBERG Chana Majdanek, 1943 mother ALTENBERG Adam 5
ALTENBERG Chana Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 mother-in-law ZILBERBERG-ADASHEWITZ Leon 28
ALTENBERG Eva Auschwitz, 1944 sister ALTENBERG Adam 5
ALTENBERG Fraida Majdanek mother KOPPERT Morris and Eva ALTENBERG 48
ALTENBERG Heniek Majdanek brother KOPPERT Morris and Eva ALTENBERG 48
ALTENBERG Piniush Warsaw Ghetto brother KOPPERT Morris and Eva ALTENBERG 48
ALTENBERG Rosa Majdanek sister KOPPERT Morris and Eva ALTENBERG 48
ALTENBERG Shmuel Yehoshua Majdanek brother KOPPERT Morris and Eva ALTENBERG 48
ALTENBERG Yakov Moshe Warsaw Ghetto, 1941 father KOPPERT Morris and Eva ALTENBERG 48
ANKER Itta BIBERGAL Brisk, 1943 sister BIBERGAL David 9
ANKER Mr. and son Brisk, 1943 brother-in-law BIBERGAL David 9
ARONOWICZ Eva TUCHBAND Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 wife ARONOWICZ Leon 6
ARONOWICZ Janek Lemberg, 1942 brother ARONOWICZ Leon 7
ARONOWICZ Moniek Warsaw Ghetto brother ARONOWICZ Leon 7
ARONOWICZ Risha Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 daughter ARONOWICZ Leon 6
ARONOWICZ Yekutiel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 father ARONOWICZ Leon 6
ARONTCHIK Moshe father ARONTCHIK Bernard and wife CHASKELBERG 7
ARONTCHIK Toba and children mother ARONTCHIK Bernard and wife CHASKELBERG 7
ASHENFARB Chana Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister-in-law VOLOVCHIK Abraham 24
BARLINSKI   return Sara Rivka Kharkov, 1942-3 sister JOSEPHS Itzhak Elhanan 21
BARLINSKI Shlomo Kharkov, 1942-3 brother-in-law JOSEPHS Itzhak Elhanan 21
BASS Aharon Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 uncle BORSTEIN Franca SITEN 8
BEIN Abraham Itzhak Warsaw Ghetto, 1941 father ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 31
BEIN Bluma Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister-in-law ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 31
BEIN Chanale Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 niece ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 32
BEIN Chavale Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 niece ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 32
BEIN David Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 brother ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 32
BEIN Eizik Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 nephew ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 32
BEIN Esther Braindl Majdanek, 1943 mother ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 31
BEIN Feigele Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister-in-law ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 32
BEIN Gittel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 sister-in-law ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 32
BEIN Hillel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 brother ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 32
BEIN Leahle Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 niece ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 32
BEIN Yeshayahu Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 nephew ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 31
BERENSON Rita sister FRIEDMAN Chaim and Yadzia POTATCHNIK 46
BERGEIZEN Bluma Warsaw Ghetto mother BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
BERGEIZEN Dina Warsaw Ghetto sister BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
BERGEIZEN Esther Warsaw Ghetto sister BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
BERGEIZEN Gittel Warsaw Ghetto sister BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
BERGEIZEN Israel Warsaw Ghetto son BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
BERGEIZEN Israel Itzhak Warsaw Ghetto father BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
BERGEIZEN Laibl Warsaw Ghetto brother BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
BERGEIZEN Mechel Warsaw Ghetto brother BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
BERGEIZEN Mendel Warsaw Ghetto brother BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
BERGEIZEN Sheindel Warsaw Ghetto sister BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
BERGEIZEN Yakov Warsaw Ghetto son BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
BERGNER Efraim Radom, 1939 father RAVITCH Melech 50
BERGNER Hinda Belzec, 1942 mother RAVITCH Melech 50
BERLINERBLOI Chayele Auschwitz, 1942 sister-in-law GOLDEN Sabina GOLDWASSER Sarita 13
BERLINERBLOI Shalom Auschwitz, 1942 brother GOLDEN Sabina GOLDWASSER Sarita 13
BERMAN David Auschwitz, 1944 father FORMAN Ida BERMAN 40
BERMAN Faivel Auschwitz, 1943 brother FORMAN Ida BERMAN 40
BERMAN Issachar Lemberg, 1942 brother FORMAN Ida BERMAN 40
BERMAN Leah Auschwitz, 1944 mother FORMAN Ida BERMAN 40
BERNHOLTZ Baruch Warsaw Ghetto brother BERNHOLTZ Aharon 11
BERNHOLTZ Bella Warsaw Ghetto sister BERNHOLTZ Aharon 11
BERNHOLTZ Israel Moshe Warsaw Ghetto brother BERNHOLTZ Aharon 11
BERNHOLTZ Itta Warsaw Ghetto sister BERNHOLTZ Aharon 11
BERNHOLTZ Tzipia Warsaw Ghetto mother BERNHOLTZ Aharon 11
BERNHOLTZ Wolf Warsaw Ghetto father BERNHOLTZ Aharon 11
BIALER Chana Treblinka, 1943 sister-in-law LAU Yosef 35
BIBELSTEIN Feige Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 mother GOLDSTEP Henia BIBELSTEIN 14
BIBELSTEIN Henech Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 father GOLDSTEP Henia BIBELSTEIN 14
BIBELSTEIN Itta Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister GOLDSTEP Henia BIBELSTEIN 14
BIBELSTEIN Shmuel Moshe Warsaw, 1939 brother GOLDSTEP Henia BIBELSTEIN 14
BIBELSTEIN Teme Zissel Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister GOLDSTEP Henia BIBELSTEIN 14
BIBERGAL Baila Lukow, 1944 mother BIBERGAL David 9
BIBERGAL Feige Warsaw, 1943 sister BIBERGAL David 9
BIBERGAL Mendel Warsaw father BIBERGAL David 9
BIBERGAL Mindel Lukow, 1944 sister BIBERGAL David 9
BIBERGAL Raisel Lukow, 1944 sister BIBERGAL David 9
BIDERMAN Rosa Warsaw cousin ALTENBERG Adam 5
BIEGUN Feige Majdanek mother MIADOWNIK Miriam 36
BIEGUN Moshe Majdanek father MIADOWNIK Miriam 36
BIEGUN-FRIEDMAN Chayele Warsaw Ghetto sister MIADOWNIK Miriam 36
BLACHER Henech Austria brother GLASROT Yosef and Miriam BLACHER 17
BLACHER Matitiyahu Kovno Ghetto, 1942 brother GLASROT Yosef and Miriam BLACHER 17
BLACHER Reuven Semilisok Ghetto, 1941 brother GLASROT Yosef and Miriam BLACHER 17
BLACHER Sheinele Ponar, 1941 sister GLASROT Yosef and Miriam BLACHER 17
BLACHER Yehoshua Slobodka Ghetto, 1941 brother GLASROT Yosef and Miriam BLACHER 17
BLACHER Yentel Semilisok Ghetto, 1941 mother GLASROT Yosef and Miriam BLACHER 17
BLACHER Yeruham Semilisok Ghetto, 1941 father GLASROT Yosef and Miriam BLACHER 17
BLANDMAN Aharon and family Treblinka, 1942 brother BOKSER Rosa 8
BLANDMAN Chaim partisan, Bialystok 1943 brother BOKSER Rosa 7
BLANDMAN Malka Warsaw mother BOKSER Rosa 7
BLANDMAN Moshe and family Treblinka, 1942 brother BOKSER Rosa 8
BLANDMAN Shlomo and family Majdanek, 1943 brother BOKSER Rosa 8
BLANDMAN Yeshayahu Warsaw father BOKSER Rosa 7
BLIMBAUM Avraham Treblinka father BORTSHOK Anna BLIMBAUM 8
BLIMBAUM Binyamin Kremenetz Podolsk brother BORTSHOK Anna BLIMBAUM 8
BLIMBAUM Braindl Warsaw Ghetto mother BORTSHOK Anna BLIMBAUM 8
BLIMBAUM Guta Bergen-Belsen sister BORTSHOK Anna BLIMBAUM 8
BLIMBAUM Moshe Majdanek brother BORTSHOK Anna BLIMBAUM 8
BLUMSTEIN Heniek nephew BLUMSTEIN Hersh 9
BLUMSTEIN Itzhak Meir father BLUMSTEIN Hersh 9
BLUMSTEIN Jesze-Yurek son BLUMSTEIN Hersh 9
BLUMSTEIN Lania sister-in-law BLUMSTEIN Hersh 9
BLUMSTEIN Michael brother BLUMSTEIN Hersh 9
BLUMSTEIN Tadeusz-Tadzik son BLUMSTEIN Hersh 9
BORSTEIN Fela Warsaw Ghetto sister ROTSTEIN Yeshaya and wife BORSTEIN 52
BORSTEIN Henech Warsaw Ghetto brother-in-law ROTSTEIN Yeshaya and wife BORSTEIN 51
BORSTEIN Rivka Auschwitz, 1942 mother-in-law BORSTEIN Franca SITEN 8
BORSTEIN Shmuel Warsaw Ghetto father ROTSTEIN Yeshaya and wife BORSTEIN 52
BORSTEIN Tzipora Warsaw Ghetto mother ROTSTEIN Yeshaya and wife BORSTEIN 52
BRANDES Binyamin Janow camp, 1943 brother FRANENBERG Moshe and Halina BRANDES 45
BRANDES Genia Zloczow, 1943 mother FRANENBERG Moshe and Halina BRANDES 45
BRANDES Hinda Tarnopol, 1942 grandmother FRANENBERG Moshe and Halina BRANDES 45
BRANDES Philip Janow camp, 1943 father FRANENBERG Moshe and Halina BRANDES 45
BRANDSTETER Beniek Majdanek, 1942 brother BERNHOLTZ Aharon 11
BRANDSTETER Salek Majdanek, 1942 brother BERNHOLTZ Aharon 11
BRANDSTETER Sara Treblinka mother BERNHOLTZ Aharon 11
BRANDSTETER Zalman Moshe Treblinka father BERNHOLTZ Aharon 11
BRANTSPIEGEL Aba Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 brother BRANTSPIEGEL Yehiel 11
BRANTSPIEGEL Gittel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 mother BRANTSPIEGEL Yehiel 11
BRANTSPIEGEL Luzer Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 father BRANTSPIEGEL Yehiel 11
BRANTSPIEGEL Raisel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 sister BRANTSPIEGEL Yehiel 11
BRANTSPIEGEL Reuven Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 brother BRANTSPIEGEL Yehiel 11
BRINER Rivka Warsaw Ghetto aunt ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
BROKASZ Chaya Treblinka, 1943 mother BROKASZ Moshe and Ida CZANAWICZ 12
BROKASZ Gittel Treblinka, 1943 sister BROKASZ Moshe and Ida CZANAWICZ 12
BROKASZ Yakov Treblinka, 1943 father BROKASZ Moshe and Ida CZANAWICZ 12
BRONER Yankele Treblinka cousin ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
BROTSKY Dorka Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister GROMAN Sima BROTSKY 18
BROTSKY Fela Trawniki sister GROMAN Sima BROTSKY 17
BROTSKY Itche Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 brother GROMAN Sima BROTSKY 17
BROTSKY Moniek Germany, 1940 brother GROMAN Sima BROTSKY 18
BROTSKY Rivka Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 mother GROMAN Sima BROTSKY 17
BROTSKY Rosa Trawniki sister GROMAN Sima BROTSKY 17
BROTSKY Sala Trawniki sister GROMAN Sima BROTSKY 17
BROTSKY Shaya Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 father GROMAN Sima BROTSKY 17
BURAK Chana Siedlce Ghetto mother GOLDSHAW Moshe and Sara BURAK 13
BURAK Hillel Siedlce Ghetto father GOLDSHAW Moshe and Sara BURAK 13
BURAK Itka Siedlce Ghetto sister GOLDSHAW Moshe and Sara BURAK 13
BURAK Pesele Siedlce Ghetto sister GOLDSHAW Moshe and Sara BURAK 13
BURAK Reuven Siedlce Ghetto brother GOLDSHAW Moshe and Sara BURAK 13
BURAK Rosa Siedlce Ghetto sister GOLDSHAW Moshe and Sara BURAK 13
BURAK Sheva Siedlce Ghetto sister GOLDSHAW Moshe and Sara BURAK 13
BURAK Zelik Siedlce Ghetto brother GOLDSHAW Moshe and Sara BURAK 13
CEDERBOIM   return Kayla Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 mother CEDERBOIM Moshe and Esther FIDRO 46
CEDERBOIM Menachem Mendel Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 father CEDERBOIM Moshe and Esther FIDRO 46
CEDERBOIM Shaul Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 brother CEDERBOIM Moshe and Esther FIDRO 46
CHASKELBERG Sara and children mother ARONTCHIK Bernard and wife CHASKELBERG 7
CHASKELBERG Shlomo father ARONTCHIK Bernard and wife CHASKELBERG 7
CZANAWICZ Mindel Treblinka, 1943 mother BROKASZ Moshe and Ida CZANAWICZ 12
CZANAWICZ Moshe Treblinka, 1943 brother BROKASZ Moshe and Ida CZANAWICZ 12
CZANAWICZ Usher Treblinka, 1943 father BROKASZ Moshe and Ida CZANAWICZ 12
DOBRASHITZKY   return Berl Piotrkow Ghetto brother KATZ Baltche DOBRASHITZKY 34
DOBRASHITZKY Esther Auschwitz sister KATZ Baltche DOBRASHITZKY 34
DOBRASHITZKY Hinda Auschwitz sister KATZ Baltche DOBRASHITZKY 34
DOBRASHITZKY Itche Lodz Ghetto brother KATZ Baltche DOBRASHITZKY 34
DOBRASHITZKY Mindel Rosa Lodz Ghetto sister KATZ Baltche DOBRASHITZKY 34
DOBRASHITZKY Sara Rivka Lodz Ghetto mother KATZ Baltche DOBRASHITZKY 34
DOBRASHITZKY Yeshaya Zajnwel Przedborz father KATZ Baltche DOBRASHITZKY 34
DRACH Avraham Warsaw Ghetto brother SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
DRACH Chaim Warsaw Ghetto father SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
DRACH Feige Warsaw Ghetto mother SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
DRACH Itta Warsaw Ghetto sister SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
DRACH Laibl Warsaw Ghetto brother SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
DRACH Yakov Warsaw Ghetto brother SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
DRACH Yehezkel Warsaw Ghetto brother SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
DRANZHEK Anshel Treblinka, 1942 father DRANZHEK Shmuel and Matel SHINDELMAN 21
DRANZHEK Baltche Warsaw Ghetto sister DRANZHEK Shmuel and Matel SHINDELMAN 21
DRANZHEK Chaim and family Warsaw Ghetto brother DRANZHEK Shmuel and Matel SHINDELMAN 21
DRANZHEK Itzhak and family Warsaw Ghetto brother DRANZHEK Shmuel and Matel SHINDELMAN 21
DRANZHEK Malka and family Warsaw Ghetto sister DRANZHEK Shmuel and Matel SHINDELMAN 21
DRANZHEK Neshe Treblinka, 1942 mother DRANZHEK Shmuel and Matel SHINDELMAN 21
EDELSTEIN   return Perl Treblinka, 1942 sister GOLDEN Sabina GOLDWASSER Sarita 13
EDELSTEIN Yosef Treblinka, 1942 brother-in-law GOLDEN Sabina GOLDWASSER Sarita 13
ELBERG Abraham Natan Rabbi Deported from Warsaw Ghetto father ELBERG Yehuda 38
ELBERG Chava Deported from Warsaw Ghetto mother ELBERG Yehuda 38
ELBERG Genendel Deported from Warsaw Ghetto sister ELBERG Yehuda 38
ELIASZ Shlomo Efraim father-in-law NATURMAN Itzhak 36
ERLICHMAN Abraham Warsaw nephew WAKSMAN Paul and Zygmunt 25
ERLICHMAN Chaya Warsaw sister WAKSMAN Paul and Zygmunt 25
ERLICHMAN Dvorele sister EPSTEIN Baila WIENER 38
ERLICHMAN Moshe Aharon Warsaw brother-in-law WAKSMAN Paul and Zygmunt 25
FALK   return Dvora Warsaw Ghetto sister FALK Israel 39
FALK Esther Warsaw Ghetto sister FALK Israel 39
FALK Itzhak Warsaw Ghetto father FALK Israel 39
FALK Leibush Warsaw Ghetto brother FALK Israel 39
FALK Rachel Leah Warsaw Ghetto mother FALK Israel 39
FEINWORTZEL Yehiel Warsaw cousin SHVITZMAN Avraham 53
FESTINGER Gustav Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 brother FESTINGER Yakov 44
FESTINGER Yehonatan Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 father FESTINGER Yakov 44
FIDELZEIER Lola Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 sister ARONOWICZ Leon 6
FIDRO Chana Skierniewice sister CEDERBOIM Moshe and Esther FIDRO 46
FIDRO Yakov David Skierniewice, 1942 father CEDERBOIM Moshe and Esther FIDRO 46
FIDRO Yudel Grodzisk brother CEDERBOIM Moshe and Esther FIDRO 46
FIERSTEIN Basia Warsaw Ghetto mother FIERSTEIN Avraham and Laibl 41
FIERSTEIN Esther Warsaw Ghetto sister FIERSTEIN Avraham and Laibl 41
FIERSTEIN Hershl Warsaw Ghetto father FIERSTEIN Avraham and Laibl 41
FIERSTEIN Yosefa Warsaw Ghetto sister FIERSTEIN Avraham and Laibl 41
FIGLASZ Bela Warsaw Ghetto mother FIGLASZ Mietek 40
FIGLASZ Moshe Warsaw Ghetto brother FIGLASZ Mietek 41
FIGLASZ Sara Warsaw Ghetto sister FIGLASZ Mietek 41
FIGLASZ Yulek Auschwitz brother FIGLASZ Mietek 41
FIGLASZ-RONAT Yakov Warsaw Ghetto brother FIGLASZ Mietek 40
FINKELSTEIN Aharon Treblinka, 1942 uncle FINKELSTEIN Moshe 42
FINKELSTEIN Chana Treblinka, 1942 sister FINKELSTEIN Moshe 42
FINKELSTEIN Glika Treblinka, 1942 sister FINKELSTEIN Moshe 42
FINKELSTEIN Henia Warsaw, 1942 mother FINKELSTEIN Mottel 41
FINKELSTEIN Israel Warsaw father FINKELSTEIN Mottel 41
FINKELSTEIN Israel Warsaw, 1942 brother FINKELSTEIN Mottel 42
FINKELSTEIN Kalman Treblinka, 1942 brother FINKELSTEIN Moshe 42
FINKELSTEIN Moshe Treblinka, 1942 uncle FINKELSTEIN Moshe 42
FINKELSTEIN Pinchas Warsaw, 1942 uncle FINKELSTEIN Mottel 42
FINKELSTEIN Sara Leah Treblinka, 1942 aunt FINKELSTEIN Moshe 42
FINKELSTEIN Sima Treblinka, 1942 aunt FINKELSTEIN Moshe 42
FINKELSTEIN Tovele Treblinka, 1942 mother FINKELSTEIN Moshe 42
FINKELSTEIN Yehiel Warsaw, 1942 uncle FINKELSTEIN Mottel 42
FINKELSTEIN Yehoshua Treblinka, 1942 father FINKELSTEIN Moshe 42
FISHBEIN Elya (Edek) Bialystok, 1943 brother-in-law SHNEIDERMAN Yoel 55
FISHBEIN Leitche Bialystok, 1943 sister SHNEIDERMAN Yoel 54
FLASS Malka Blima 1943 mother AISENBERG Berl and Freyda FLASS 4
FLASS Shlomo and family brother AISENBERG Berl and Freyda FLASS 4
FLASS Simcha Yosef Matciewicz, 1940 father AISENBERG Berl and Freyda FLASS 4
FLEISING Brainche Mezritch (Miedzyrzec), 1942 mother FLEISING Lipa 43
FLEISING Chana Treblinka, 1943 aunt FLEISING Michael 44
FLEISING David Treblinka, 1943 uncle FLEISING Michael 44
FLEISING Faivel Radzin, 1945 brother FLEISING Lipa 43
FLEISING Miriam Slowatycze, 1942 sister-in-law FLEISING Lipa 43
FLEISING Mottel Warsaw, 1944 cousin FLEISING Michael 44
FLEISING Shaindele Warsaw, 1944 cousin FLEISING Michael 44
FLEISING Shlomo Luzer Mezritch (Miedzyrzec), 1942 father FLEISING Lipa 43
FLEISING Usher Treblinka, 1943 uncle FLEISING Michael 44
FLEISING Yenta Treblinka, 1943 aunt FLEISING Michael 44
FLEISING Zelik Dr. Otwock cousin FLEISING Michael 44
FLEISING-STEINBERG Rachel Leah Mezritch (Miedzyrzec), 1942 sister-in-law FLEISING Lipa 43
FORMAN Avraham Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 father FORMAN Nehemia 40
FORMAN Efraim Zdolbunow, 1941 brother FORMAN Nehemia 40
FORMAN Pesach Moshe Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 brother FORMAN Nehemia 40
FORMAN Rivka mother FORMAN Nehemia 40
FORMAN Shprintze Zdolbunow, 1941 sister FORMAN Nehemia 40
FORSHPAN Chaya Gittel Warsaw Ghetto mother FORSHPAN Yankel and Tzesha FREITAG 39
FORSHPAN Izyk Warsaw Ghetto father FORSHPAN Yankel and Tzesha FREITAG 39
FOX Yehiel Warsaw uncle WEISS S. 25
FRANENBERG Avraham Treblinka, 1942 brother FRANENBERG Moshe and Halina BRANDES 45
FRANENBERG Chaim Yehiel Warsaw Ghetto brother FRANENBERG Moshe and Halina BRANDES 45
FRANENBERG Fraidl Leah Treblinka, 1942 mother FRANENBERG Moshe and Halina BRANDES 45
FRANENBERG Hinda Treblinka, 1942 sister FRANENBERG Moshe and Halina BRANDES 45
FRANENBERG Rivka Deblin, 1942 grandmother FRANENBERG Moshe and Halina BRANDES 45
FREITAG Eidele Treblinka, 1942 sister FORSHPAN Yankel and Tzesha FREITAG 40
FREITAG Itzhak Treblinka, 1942 father FORSHPAN Yankel and Tzesha FREITAG 39
FREITAG Itzhak father KORTZ Yankel and Regina FREITAG 48
FREITAG Kreindl Treblinka, 1942 mother FORSHPAN Yankel and Tzesha FREITAG 40
FREITAG Kreindl mother KORTZ Yankel and Regina FREITAG 48
FREITAG Rachel Treblinka, 1942 sister FORSHPAN Yankel and Tzesha FREITAG 40
FRIEDMAN David father FRIEDMAN Chaim and Yadzia POTATCHNIK 46
FRIEDMAN Esther Warsaw sister FRIEDMAN Henech 45
FRIEDMAN Mala mother FRIEDMAN Chaim and Yadzia POTATCHNIK 46
FRIEDMAN Mordechai Warsaw brother FRIEDMAN Henech 45
FRIEDMAN Moshe Warsaw brother FRIEDMAN Henech 45
FRIEDMAN Rachmiel brother FRIEDMAN Chaim and Yadzia POTATCHNIK 46
FRIEDMAN Sara Warsaw mother FRIEDMAN Henech 45
FRIEDMAN Tova and family Warsaw sister WEISSWEIN Hershl ROSENROTH Esther WEISSWEIN 26
FRIEDMAN Tzadok Warsaw brother FRIEDMAN Henech 45
FRIEDMAN Tzipa Warsaw sister FRIEDMAN Henech 45
FRIEDMAN Yosef Warsaw father FRIEDMAN Henech 45
GALTETER   return Chana and children Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 cousin LITVAK Zelda SHVITZMAN 34
GELBARD Perl Warsaw Ghetto sister GORNEK Chaim and Tzipora SHPANTZER 14
GELIEBTER Rachel Laskarow, 1942 sister ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 31
GELIEBTER Shlomo Laskarow, 1942 brother-in-law ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 31
GELIEBTER Yossel Laskarow, 1942 nephew ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 31
GINGOLD Sara Leah Otwock Ghetto, 1942 sister GORNEK Chaim and Tzipora SHPANTZER 14
GITELMAN Avraham Itzhak Malaryta Ghetto father GITELMAN Hershl 16
GITELMAN Chaim Shalom Malaryta Ghetto brother GITELMAN Hershl 16
GITELMAN Chana Miriam Malaryta Ghetto sister GITELMAN Hershl 16
GITELMAN Chaya Malaryta Ghetto sister GITELMAN Hershl 16
GITELMAN Kiva Pinsk Ghetto brother GITELMAN Hershl 16
GITELMAN Shaindl Malaryta Ghetto mother GITELMAN Hershl 16
GLASROT David Warsaw Ghetto father GLASROT Yosef and Miriam BLACHER 17
GLASROT Sara Warsaw Ghetto sister GLASROT Yosef and Miriam BLACHER 17
GLASROT Tova Warsaw Ghetto mother GLASROT Yosef and Miriam BLACHER 17
GLIKSBERG Mordechai Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 grandfather ZILBERBERG-ADASHEWITZ Leon 28
GLIKSBERG Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 grandfather FESTINGER Yakov 44
GOLDBERG Alexander Treblinka, 1943 father KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
GOLDBERG Baltchele 1942 sister's child ZILBERSTEIN Malka 29
GOLDBERG Zosia ZISKIND Treblinka, 1943 mother KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
GOLDREICH Rivele Lodz Ghetto, 1943 aunt ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
GOLDSHAW Chayele Siedlce Ghetto sister GOLDSHAW Moshe and Sara BURAK 14
GOLDSHAW Feige Siedlce Ghetto sister GOLDSHAW Moshe and Sara BURAK 14
GOLDSHAW Liba Siedlce Ghetto mother GOLDSHAW Moshe and Sara BURAK 13
GOLDSHAW Velvel Siedlce Ghetto father GOLDSHAW Moshe and Sara BURAK 13
GOLDSTEIN Chana Rachel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 mother WEISSMAN Adam and Fela GOLDSTEIN 26
GOLDSTEIN Faivel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 brother WEISSMAN Adam and Fela GOLDSTEIN 26
GOLDSTEIN Gershon Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 brother WEISSMAN Adam and Fela GOLDSTEIN 26
GOLDSTEIN Hershl Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 brother WEISSMAN Adam and Fela GOLDSTEIN 26
GOLDSTEIN Itzhak Warsaw Ghetto brother-in-law IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 4
GOLDSTEIN Itzhak Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 brother WEISSMAN Adam and Fela GOLDSTEIN 26
GOLDSTEIN Moshe Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 father WEISSMAN Adam and Fela GOLDSTEIN 26
GOLDSTEIN Yankel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 brother WEISSMAN Adam and Fela GOLDSTEIN 26
GOLDSTEIN Yocheved KOHN Warsaw Ghetto sister IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 4
GOLDSTEP Baila Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister GOLDSTEP Henia BIBELSTEIN 14
GORA Chaim Warsaw Ghetto father GORA Yakov 15
GORA Efraim Warsaw Ghetto brother GORA Yakov 15
GORA Fraidele Warsaw Ghetto wife GORA Yakov 15
GORA Hese Warsaw Ghetto sister GORA Yakov 15
GORA Kalman Warsaw Ghetto brother GORA Yakov 15
GORA Moshe Mendel Warsaw Ghetto son GORA Yakov 15
GORA Sara Warsaw Ghetto mother GORA Yakov 15
GORA Temele Warsaw Ghetto daughter GORA Yakov 15
GORDON Baila Treblinka sister FLEISING-GORDON Gucia 43
GORDON Moshe Treblinka brother FLEISING-GORDON Gucia 43
GORDON Mottel Treblinka brother FLEISING-GORDON Gucia 43
GORDON Yosele Treblinka brother FLEISING-GORDON Gucia 43
GORDON Zalman Warsaw, 1942 father FLEISING-GORDON Gucia 42
GORNEK Chava Treblinka mother GORNEK Chaim and Tzipora SHPANTZER 14
GORNEK Itzhak Treblinka father GORNEK Chaim and Tzipora SHPANTZER 14
GORNEK Shepsel Treblinka brother GORNEK Chaim and Tzipora SHPANTZER 14
GORNY Baila Warsaw Ghetto sister GORNY Laibl (Leon) and Feige ZILBERSTEIN 16
GORNY David Warsaw Ghetto brother GORNY Laibl (Leon) and Feige ZILBERSTEIN 16
GORNY Dvora Warsaw Ghetto mother GORNY Laibl (Leon) and Feige ZILBERSTEIN 16
GORNY Eliezer Warsaw Ghetto brother GORNY Laibl (Leon) and Feige ZILBERSTEIN 16
GORNY Hersh Powonzek father GORNY Laibl (Leon) and Feige ZILBERSTEIN 16
GORNY Itche Warsaw Ghetto brother GORNY Laibl (Leon) and Feige ZILBERSTEIN 16
GREENBERG Fruma Warsaw Ghetto sister GREENBERG Shmuel 19
GREENBERG Frumet Warsaw Ghetto mother GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
GREENBERG Itzhak Warsaw Ghetto uprising, 1943 cousin GREENBERG Shmuel 19
GREENBERG Itzhak Warsaw Ghetto father GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
GREENBERG Laibl and wife Warsaw Ghetto brother GREENBERG Shmuel 19
GREENBERG Rivka Warsaw Ghetto sister GREENBERG Shmuel 19
GREENBERG Wolf Poniatow brother GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
GREITZER Israel Treblinka, 1941 father GREITZER Shimon 19
GREITZER Rachel and children Treblinka, 1941 sister-in-law GREITZER Shimon 19
GREITZER Rivka Treblinka, 1941 mother GREITZER Shimon 19
GREITZER Yohanan Treblinka, 1941 brother GREITZER Shimon 19
GRIFENBERG Aharon nephew TABAKMAN Leon B. 32
GRIFENBERG Sara sister TABAKMAN Leon B. 32
GRIKA Rachel and family Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 aunt ROTENBERG Anshel 51
GRINBLAT Eliyahu Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 father ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
GRINBLAT Feigele Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 mother ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
GRINBLAT Noach Treblinka, 1942 brother ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
GRINBLAT Yeshaya Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 brother ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
GRINBOIM Leah Skierniewice sister CEDERBOIM Moshe and Esther FIDRO 46
GURFINKEL Hershl uncle GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
GURFINKEL Minka Warsaw cousin GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
GURFINKEL Nachman Nowe Swierczyn cousin GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
GURFINKEL Rosa Nowe Swierczyn cousin's wife GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
GUTMAN Alter Warsaw, 1945 husband SHNEIDERMAN Genia WIUREK 54
GUTWAKS Baila Treblinka, 1942 sister ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 31
GUTWAKS Eizik Treblinka, 1942 brother-in-law ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 31
GUTWAKS Mindel Warsaw Ghetto sister HERMELIN Irving 23
GUTWAKS Yossel Treblinka, 1942 nephew ZHEMIENIAK Gittel BEIN 31
HALPERIN   return Chayele DIED IN CANADA sister-in-law HALPERIN Ben and Ethel SHPIZMAN 22
HALPERIN Freida Warsaw mother HALPERIN Ben and Ethel SHPIZMAN 22
HALPERIN Shlomo Halevi Rabbi Warsaw father HALPERIN Ben and Ethel SHPIZMAN 22
HAMBURGER Chaya Warsaw Ghetto sister GRUSHKA Chana HAMBURGER 18
HAMBURGER Masha Sheindel Warsaw Ghetto sister GRUSHKA Chana HAMBURGER 18
HAMBURGER Mindel Warsaw Ghetto sister GRUSHKA Chana HAMBURGER 18
HAMBURGER Moshe Itzhak Warsaw Ghetto father GRUSHKA Chana HAMBURGER 18
HAMBURGER Rachel Warsaw Ghetto sister GRUSHKA Chana HAMBURGER 18
HAMBURGER Rivka Warsaw Ghetto mother GRUSHKA Chana HAMBURGER 18
HARTBLEI Abramek Russia, 1941 friend OIGENFELD David and Liba MARSHAK 3
HARTBLEI Abramek Russia, 1941 brother HARTBLEI (ISRAEL) Kalman 23
HARTBLEI Bluma Warsaw Ghetto sister-in-law HARTBLEI (ISRAEL) Kalman 23
HARTBLEI Chaim Warsaw Ghetto nephew HARTBLEI (ISRAEL) Kalman 23
HARTBLEI Chana Rachel Warsaw Ghetto mother HARTBLEI (ISRAEL) Kalman 23
HARTBLEI Gina Warsaw Ghetto niece HARTBLEI (ISRAEL) Kalman 23
HARTBLEI Israel Eliezer Warsaw Ghetto father HARTBLEI (ISRAEL) Kalman 23
HARTBLEI Sima Warsaw Ghetto sister HARTBLEI (ISRAEL) Kalman 23
HARTBLEI Yosef Warsaw Ghetto brother HARTBLEI (ISRAEL) Kalman 23
HEILING Tzvi Treblinka, 1942 husband GOLDEN Sabina GOLDWASSER Sarita 13
HEILING Yakov Treblinka, 1942 son GOLDEN Sabina GOLDWASSER Sarita 13
HERMAN Fraida Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 aunt ROTENBERG Anshel 51
HERMELIN Chaim Shalom Warsaw Ghetto, 1941 father HERMELIN Irving 23
HERMELIN Hendele Warsaw Ghetto, 1941 mother HERMELIN Irving 23
HERMELIN Melech Tzvi Czestochow brother HERMELIN Irving 23
HERSHKOWITZ Hershl Warsaw Ghetto brother-in-law HALPERIN Ben and Ethel SHPIZMAN 22
HERSHKOWITZ Leahle and children Warsaw Ghetto sister HALPERIN Ben and Ethel SHPIZMAN 22
HOIPTMAN Mindel Nowy Sacz Ghetto, 1944 mother SPIEGEL Baruch and Chayke BELCHATOWSKA 56
HOLTZ Chana 1942 mother GOLDMINTZ Tola 12
HOLTZ Leon and family 1942 brother GOLDMINTZ Tola 12
HOLTZ Rosa and family 1942 sister GOLDMINTZ Tola 12
HOLTZMAN Itzhak Warsaw Ghetto brother HOLTZMAN Ben-Zion 23
HOLTZMAN Malka Warsaw Ghetto sister HOLTZMAN Ben-Zion 23
HOLTZMAN Sheindel Warsaw Ghetto sister HOLTZMAN Ben-Zion 23
HOLTZMAN Yehuda Leib Warsaw Ghetto father HOLTZMAN Ben-Zion 22
IGELFELD   return Chaim Natan DIED AFTER THE WAR Montreal, 1952 brother OIGENFELD David and Liba MARSHAK IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 3
IGELFELD Hinka Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 grandmother OIGENFELD David and Liba MARSHAK IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 3
IGELFELD Israel Yehezkiel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 father OIGENFELD David and Liba MARSHAK IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 3
IGELFELD Rivka Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 mother OIGENFELD David and Liba MARSHAK IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 3
IGELFELD Sara Itta Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 sister OIGENFELD David and Liba MARSHAK IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 3
INWENTASZ Abraham Warsaw, 1943 brother ZILBERSTEIN Pesach 29
INWENTASZ Alter Warsaw, 1943 father ZILBERSTEIN Pesach 29
INWENTASZ Baruch Warsaw, 1943 brother ZILBERSTEIN Pesach 30
INWENTASZ Bluma Warsaw, 1943 mother ZILBERSTEIN Pesach 29
INWENTASZ Chava Warsaw, 1943 sister ZILBERSTEIN Pesach 30
INWENTASZ Itzhak Warsaw, 1943 brother ZILBERSTEIN Pesach 29
INWENTASZ Shlomo Warsaw, 1943 brother ZILBERSTEIN Pesach 30
KAHN   return Gedalia and family Warsaw, 1943 relatives RICHTER Shmuel 52
KAMIENA Dvora Gittel mother TENDLER Pinieh and Manya KAMIENA 32
KAMIENA Sara Leah Wolomin, 1940 mother BOSES Rosa 7
KAMIENA Yakov father TENDLER Pinieh and Manya KAMIENA 32
KAMIENA Yenta Wolomin, 1940 sister BOSES Rosa 7
KAMIENA Zelda Wolomin, 1940 sister BOSES Rosa 7
KAMIENI Alter Wolomin, 1940 brother BOSES Rosa 7
KAMIENI Leizer Wolomin, 1940 father BOSES Rosa 7
KARASH Rivka and children Warsaw Ghetto sister HALPERIN Ben and Ethel SHPIZMAN 22
KARASH Shmuel Warsaw Ghetto brother-in-law HALPERIN Ben and Ethel SHPIZMAN 22
KARTZOVITCH Monish Kovno, 1942 friend OIGENFELD David and Liba MARSHAK 3
KATZ Avraham nephew EPSTEIN Baila WIENER 38
KATZ Bluma Lodz mother KATZ Avraham 33
KATZ Family Warsaw Ghetto cousins REISMAN Eva TAUBLER 52
KATZ Hillel Russia brother KATZ Avraham 33
KATZ Itzhak Mendel Lodz Ghetto, 1940 father KATZ Avraham 33
KATZ Luzer Russia brother KATZ Avraham 33
KATZ Tzirel Auschwitz, 1944 sister KATZ Avraham 33
KATZ Yehiel nephew EPSTEIN Baila WIENER 38
KEILAS Efraim son of Shimon Siemiatycze Ghetto, 1943 father KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
KEILAS Yehoshua DIED AFTER THE WAR Montreal, 1966 brother KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
KESTENBOIM Feige Treblinka grandmother ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
KIBOWICZ Jadzia Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister ALTENBERG Bella 5
KILBERT Basia Deported from Warsaw Ghetto sister ELBERG Yehuda 38
KILBERT Chava Deported from Warsaw Ghetto niece ELBERG Yehuda 38
KILBERT Simcha Deported from Warsaw Ghetto brother-in-law ELBERG Yehuda 38
KIRSHENBAUM Chaim Israel Auschwitz brother DRESHMAN Gedalia 21
KIRSHENBAUM Dvora Auschwitz mother DRESHMAN Gedalia 21
KIRSHENBAUM Eliezer Auschwitz brother DRESHMAN Gedalia 21
KIRSHENBAUM Moshe Hersh Auschwitz father DRESHMAN Gedalia 21
KIRSHENBAUM Sara Auschwitz sister DRESHMAN Gedalia 21
KNASTER Herman and family Warsaw uncle KOPPERT Morris and Eva ALTENBERG 48
KOBRITZ Leah Ozeryany, 1942 mother KOBRITZ Meir and Hela KOGUT 46
KOBRITZ Moshe Ozeryany, 1942 father KOBRITZ Meir and Hela KOGUT 46
KOBRITZ Rachel Ozeryany, 1942 sister KOBRITZ Meir and Hela KOGUT 47
KOCHEN Baila Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 aunt ROTENBERG Esther SHEINFELD Henech 51
KOGUT Braindl Treblinka, 1942 sister KOBRITZ Meir and Hela KOGUT 47
KOGUT Gedalia Treblinka, 1942 brother KOBRITZ Meir and Hela KOGUT 47
KOGUT Israel Treblinka, 1942 father ROSENFELD Avraham and Lola KOGUT 50
KOGUT Miriam Treblinka, 1942 mother ROSENFELD Avraham and Lola KOGUT 50
KOGUT Yosef Treblinka, 1942 brother KOBRITZ Meir and Hela KOGUT 47
KOHN Itka Warsaw, 1943 sister KOHN Yosef and Esther ROCHMAN 47
KOHN Moshe Warsaw, 1943 father KOHN Yosef and Esther ROCHMAN 47
KOHN Rivka Warsaw Ghetto sister KOHN Masha MATA 47
KOHN Yakov Meir Ghetto brother IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 4
KORMAN Avraham Warsaw Ghetto brother-in-law GORA Yakov 15
KORMAN David Warsaw Ghetto brother-in-law GORA Yakov 15
KORMAN Miriam Warsaw Ghetto mother-in-law GORA Yakov 15
KORMAN Pinchas Warsaw Ghetto cousin GORA Yakov 15
KORTZ Grania sister KORTZ Yankel and Regina FREITAG 48
KORTZ Iska mother KORTZ Yankel and Regina FREITAG 48
KORTZ Itka sister KORTZ Yankel and Regina FREITAG 48
KORTZ Mordechai father KORTZ Yankel and Regina FREITAG 48
KRANT Bracha Deported from Lodz Ghetto, 1944 wife KRANT Moshe 56
KRANT Minke Deported from Lodz Ghetto, 1944 daughter KRANT Moshe 56
KRANTZENBLUM Family Warsaw Ghetto cousins WILK Manny 27
KRASHINSKY Shalom Warsaw Ghetto friend ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 28
KRETCHMER Moshe Bachmut, 1942 brother JOSEPHS Itzhak Elhanan 21
KRETCHMER Sheine Crimea, 1942-3 sister JOSEPHS Itzhak Elhanan 21
KRETCHMER Teme Bachmut, 1942 sister-in-law JOSEPHS Itzhak Elhanan 21
KRIZA Hinda Warsaw Ghetto sister HERMELIN Irving 23
KROLIK Alter Warsaw Ghetto father KROLIK Chaim and Tova WIERNIK 50
KROLIK Chaya Warsaw mother KROLIK Chaim and Tova WIERNIK 50
KRYSTAL Rikel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 aunt MARKUS Nathan 35
KUTNOW-VOLOVCHIK Liza Baranowicz Ghetto sister-in-law VOLOVCHIK Abraham 24
KUTZIK Aharon Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 brother ALTENBERG Bella 5
KUTZIK Hinda Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 mother ALTENBERG Bella 5
KUTZIK Mordechai Mendel DIED BEFORE THE WAR 1925 father ALTENBERG Bella 5
LANTZE   return Bella 1942 sister GOLDMINTZ Tola 12
LANTZE Kuba 1942 brother-in-law GOLDMINTZ Tola 12
LEDERHENDLER Braindl ZAIDENVAR Warsaw, 1942 mother LEDERHENDLER Hershl 35
LEDERHENDLER Menashe Izrael Warsaw, 1942 father LEDERHENDLER Hershl 34
LEDERHENDLER Moshe Warsaw, 1939 brother LEDERHENDLER Hershl 35
LERNER Cesia Treblinka, 1943 sister LERNER-FLEISING Dora 43
LERNER Fela Treblinka, 1943 sister LERNER-FLEISING Dora 43
LERNER Manes Kolk, Volyn, 1941 grandfather LERNER-FLEISING Dora 43
LERNER Perl Treblinka, 1943 mother LERNER-FLEISING Dora 43
LERNER Usher Treblinka, 1943 father LERNER-FLEISING Dora 43
LESZNO Alina RIMER sister-in-law BLUMSTEIN Hersh 9
LESZNO Richard nephew BLUMSTEIN Hersh 9
LEVIN Hertzke Sokolow Podlaski, 1943 cousin KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
LEVIN Hinka Sokolow Podlaski, 1943 cousin KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
LEVIN Leizer Shmerl Lodz Ghetto, 1941 brother ZILBERSTEIN Malka 29
LEVIN Mordechai Sokolow Podlaski, 1943 cousin KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
LEVIN Rachel Sokolow Podlaski, 1943 cousin KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
LEVIN Rasha Sokolow Podlaski, 1943 cousin KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
LEVIN Rivka daughter of Yehoshua Bialystok, 1945 mother KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
LEVIN Rivtche Auschwitz, 1942 sister ZILBERSTEIN Malka 29
LEVIN Sheina Sokolow Podlaski, 1943 cousin KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
LEVIN Tzipa Sokolow Podlaski, 1943 aunt KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
LEVIN Wolf Sokolow Podlaski, 1943 uncle KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
LEVIN Yankel Sokolow Podlaski, 1943 cousin KEILAS Hertz and Tzirel GOLDBERG 49
LEVIN-ALTMAN Sheva Auschwitz, 1944 sister ZILBERSTEIN Malka 29
LEVIN-GOLDBERG Chava 1942 sister ZILBERSTEIN Malka 29
LIBEK Hanka Warsaw Getto, 1943 sister ALTENBERG Bella 5
LIBET Shmuel Warsaw Ghetto brother-in-law YASHINSKY Israel 33
LICHTENSTEIN Freida Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
LIPSHITZ Laibush Jablona-Legionowo friend SHVITZMAN Avraham 53
LIPSHITZ Leibush and family Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 friend LITVAK Zelda SHVITZMAN 34
LIPSKI Braindl Lowicz sister HERMELIN Irving 23
LUBLINER Family 1943 relatives GOLDMINTZ Tola 12
MANN   return Henia Warsaw Ghetto friend VOLOVCHIK Abraham 24
MARKUS Hersh Laib Trawnik, 1943 father MARKUS Nathan 35
MARKUS Mandje Trawnik, 1943 mother MARKUS Nathan 35
MARSHAK Israel Ostland, 1943 father OIGENFELD David and Liba MARSHAK 3
MARSHAK Sara Dina Vilna Ghetto, 1943 mother OIGENFELD David and Liba MARSHAK 3
MATA Frumet Warsaw Ghetto mother KOHN Masha MATA 47
MATA Lipa Yosef Warsaw Ghetto father KOHN Masha MATA 47
MATA Naftali Warsaw Ghetto brother KOHN Masha MATA 47
MATA Rachel Warsaw Ghetto sister KOHN Masha MATA 47
MATA Velvel Warsaw Ghetto brother KOHN Masha MATA 47
MEIBLAT Rasha-Golda Warsaw sister WEISSWEIN Hershl ROSENROTH Esther WEISSWEIN 26
MEINER Tuvya Russia, 1941 husband BOKSER Rosa 8
MIADOWNIK Aliza Warsaw Ghetto daughter MIADOWNIK Miriam 36
MIADOWNIK Leah Warsaw Ghetto mother-in-law MIADOWNIK Miriam 36
MIADOWNIK Regina Warsaw Ghetto sister-in-law MIADOWNIK Miriam 36
MICHELSON Tzvi Yehezkel Rabbi Deported from Warsaw Ghetto grandfather ELBERG Yehuda 38
MIDLASZ Esther Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 sister BRANTSPIEGEL Masha MIDLASZ 12
MIDLASZ Esther Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 sister PACHTSIASZ Pola MIDLASZ 39
MIDLASZ Israel David Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 father BRANTSPIEGEL Masha MIDLASZ 12
MIDLASZ Israel David Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 father PACHTSIASZ Pola MIDLASZ 39
MIDLASZ Leizer Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 brother BRANTSPIEGEL Masha MIDLASZ 12
MIDLASZ Leizer Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 brother PACHTSIASZ Pola MIDLASZ 39
MIDLASZ Malka Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 sister BRANTSPIEGEL Masha MIDLASZ 12
MIDLASZ Malka Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 sister PACHTSIASZ Pola MIDLASZ 39
MIDLASZ Mirel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 mother BRANTSPIEGEL Masha MIDLASZ 12
MIDLASZ Mirel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 mother PACHTSIASZ Pola MIDLASZ 39
NACHSHTERN   return Dora Warsaw Ghetto mother-in-law FIGLASZ Mietek 40
NATURMAN Arele son NATURMAN Itzhak 36
NATURMAN Mendel brother NATURMAN Itzhak 36
NATURMAN Moshele son NATURMAN Itzhak 36
NATURMAN Poltche sister NATURMAN Itzhak 36
NATURMAN Rivka mother NATURMAN Itzhak 36
NATURMAN Zelig father NATURMAN Itzhak 36
NIRENBERG Yosef David Otwock, 1942 brother GORNEK Chaim and Tzipora SHPANTZER 15
OKS   return Helena Zloczow, 1942 grandmother FRANENBERG Moshe and Halina BRANDES 45
ORDYNANS Shlomo Deported from Lodz Ghetto, 1944 son KRANT Moshe 56
OSMAN Miriam Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 sister ZILBERBERG-ADASHEWITZ Leon 28
OSMAN Sevek Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 brother-in-law ZILBERBERG-ADASHEWITZ Leon 28
OSTROWITZ Family Warsaw Ghetto cousins WILK Manny 27
OSTSZEGA Avraham Natan Warsaw Ghetto father OSTSZEGA Itzik and Raisel POTOK OSTSZEGA David and Sonia ORNER 6
OSTSZEGA Chaya Elka Warsaw Ghetto mother OSTSZEGA Itzik and Raisel POTOK OSTSZEGA David and Sonia ORNER 6
OSTSZEGA Dvora Warsaw Ghetto sister OSTSZEGA Itzik and Raisel POTOK OSTSZEGA David and Sonia ORNER 6
OSTSZEGA Feige Warsaw Ghetto sister OSTSZEGA Itzik and Raisel POTOK OSTSZEGA David and Sonia ORNER 6
OSTSZEGA Meir Shalom Warsaw Ghetto brother OSTSZEGA Itzik and Raisel POTOK OSTSZEGA David and Sonia ORNER 6
OSTSZEGA Shmuel Warsaw Ghetto brother OSTSZEGA Itzik and Raisel POTOK OSTSZEGA David and Sonia ORNER 6
OSTSZEGA Yehudit Warsaw Ghetto sister OSTSZEGA Itzik and Raisel POTOK OSTSZEGA David and Sonia ORNER 6
PAKEL   return Dvora Majdanek, 1943 VOLOVCHIK Abraham 25
PASCAL Frederich Captain Cannes, 1944 brother SISSEL-PASCAL Max, Arthur, Hyman 39
PASTERNAK Bluma Rivka Skierniewice, 1942 sister CEDERBOIM Moshe and Esther FIDRO 46
PELTZMAN Itzhak Otwock Ghetto nephew SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
PELTZMAN Malka Otwock Ghetto sister SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
PELTZMAN Menachem Otwock Ghetto brother-in-law SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
PELTZMAN Sara Otwock Ghetto niece SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
POTATCHNIK Itzhak father FRIEDMAN Chaim and Yadzia POTATCHNIK 46
POTOK Aharon Auschwitz father OSTSZEGA Itzik and Raisel POTOK OSTSZEGA David and Sonia ORNER 6
POTOK Avraham Auschwitz brother OSTSZEGA Itzik and Raisel POTOK OSTSZEGA David and Sonia ORNER 6
POTOK Chaya Auschwitz sister OSTSZEGA Itzik and Raisel POTOK OSTSZEGA David and Sonia ORNER 6
POTOK Mala Auschwitz mother OSTSZEGA Itzik and Raisel POTOK OSTSZEGA David and Sonia ORNER 6
POTOK Yehudit Auschwitz sister OSTSZEGA Itzik and Raisel POTOK OSTSZEGA David and Sonia ORNER 6
RADZINSKI   return Shimon and family Kaluszyn uncle SHVITZMAN Avraham 53
REICHMAN Esther Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister-in-law VOLOVCHIK Abraham 24
REISMAN Esther Rivka Warsaw Ghetto sister IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 4
REISMAN Z. and family 1943 relatives GOLDMINTZ Tola 12
RICHTER Chana Warsaw, 1943 sister RICHTER Shmuel 52
RICHTER Mendel Warsaw, 1943 brother RICHTER Shmuel 52
RICHTER Mordechai Warsaw, 1943 father RICHTER Shmuel 52
RICHTER Rachel Warsaw, 1943 mother RICHTER Shmuel 52
RIMER Hersh Ber father-in-law BLUMSTEIN Hersh 9
RIMER Irena sister-in-law BLUMSTEIN Hersh 9
RIMER Tzipora SHEINBURG mother-in-law BLUMSTEIN Hersh 9
ROCHMAN Alta Warsaw, 1943 mother KOHN Yosef and Esther ROCHMAN 48
ROCHMAN Chalushka Warsaw Ghetto brother's child ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 28
ROCHMAN Chavche Warsaw Ghetto sister GORNY Laibl (Leon) and Feige ZILBERSTEIN 16
ROCHMAN Eliezer Warsaw Ghetto father ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 27
ROCHMAN Lazar Warsaw, 1943 father KOHN Yosef and Esther ROCHMAN 48
ROCHMAN Leah Perl Warsaw Ghetto mother ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 28
ROCHMAN Samek Warsaw Ghetto nephew ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 28
ROCHMAN Sara Warsaw Ghetto sister-in-law ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 28
ROCHMAN Yakov Itzhak Warsaw Ghetto brother ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 28
ROSENBERG Berele father-in-law NATURMAN Itzhak 36
ROSENBERG Esther Warsaw Ghetto mother ROSENBERG Avraham ROSENBERG Michael and Feige ROSENSTRACH 56
ROSENBERG Israel Warsaw Ghetto brother ROSENBERG Avraham ROSENBERG Michael and Feige ROSENSTRACH 56
ROSENBERG Laibl Warsaw Ghetto father ROSENBERG Avraham ROSENBERG Michael and Feige ROSENSTRACH 56
ROSENBERG Shlomo Warsaw Ghetto brother ROSENBERG Avraham ROSENBERG Michael and Feige ROSENSTRACH 56
ROSENBLUM Simcha Warsaw Ghetto uncle ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
ROSENFELD Abraham Russia, 1941 friend IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 4
ROSENFELD David Treblinka, 1942 father ROSENFELD Avraham and Lola KOGUT 50
ROSENFELD Gittel Treblinka, 1942 mother ROSENFELD Avraham and Lola KOGUT 50
ROSENFELD Mordechai Treblinka, 1942 brother ROSENFELD Avraham and Lola KOGUT 50
ROSENFELD Moshe Treblinka, 1942 brother ROSENFELD Avraham and Lola KOGUT 50
ROSENSTRACH Velvel Russia father ROSENBERG Avraham ROSENBERG Michael and Feige ROSENSTRACH 56
ROTENBERG Aharon Russia, 1941 brother ROTENBERG Anshel 51
ROTENBERG Fraida Majdanek, 1942 mother ROTENBERG Anshel 51
ROTENBERG Sara Majdanek, 1942 sister ROTENBERG Anshel 51
ROTENBERG Yakov Majdanek, 1942 father ROTENBERG Anshel 51
ROTER Meir Hillel Warsaw uncle ALTENBERG Adam 5
ROTSTEIN Gittel Warsaw Ghetto mother ROTSTEIN Yeshaya and wife BORSTEIN 51
ROTSTEIN Yudel Warsaw Ghetto father ROTSTEIN Yeshaya and wife BORSTEIN 51
SASNER   return Chaya Rowno Ghetto sister-in-law WILK Manny 27
SASNER Reisel Rowno Ghetto mother-in-law WILK Manny 27
SEGAL Moshe David Treblinka, 1942 brother-in-law LAU Yosef 35
SEGAL Pesa Rivka Treblinka, 1942 mother-in-law LAU Yosef 35
SEGAL Shaya Lemberg, 1943 brother-in-law LAU Yosef 35
SEGAL Shmuel Brussels, 1941 brother-in-law LAU Yosef 35
SHALIT Guta Auschwitz, 1944 sister ALTENBERG Adam 5
SHEIN Esther Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister ALTENBERG Bella 5
SHEINFELD Avraham Moshe Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 brother ROTENBERG Esther SHEINFELD Henech 51
SHEINFELD Dvora Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister ROTENBERG Esther SHEINFELD Henech 51
SHEINFELD Gittel Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 mother ROTENBERG Esther SHEINFELD Henech 51
SHEINFELD Israel Chaim Russia, 1943 brother ROTENBERG Esther SHEINFELD Henech 51
SHEINFELD Shalom Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 uncle ROTENBERG Esther SHEINFELD Henech 51
SHEINFELD Yakov Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 father ROTENBERG Esther SHEINFELD Henech 51
SHEINMAN Avraham and family Kaluszyn uncle SHVITZMAN Avraham 53
SHERMAN Rivka Warsaw Ghetto aunt KROLIK Chaim and Tova WIERNIK 50
SHERMEISTER Brachale Warsaw sister GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHERMEISTER Estherel Warsaw Ghetto grandmother GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHERMEISTER Feige Warsaw Ghetto aunt GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHERMEISTER Feigele Poniatow sister GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHERMEISTER Fraidel Poniatow sister-in-law GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHERMEISTER Leahle Warsaw sister GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHERMEISTER Liba Poniatow sister GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHERMEISTER Masha Warsaw Ghetto cousin GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHERMEISTER Meir Poniatow brother GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHERMEISTER Mindel Warsaw mother GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHERMEISTER Nachman Warsaw father GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHERMEISTER Shmuel Elia Warsaw Ghetto uncle GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHERMEISTER Yocheved Poniatow sister GREENBERG Hertzko and Sara SHERMEISTER 20
SHIER Fraida Treblinka, 1942 sister SHECHTER Esther SHIER 55
SHIER Itzhak Majdanek, 1943 brother SHECHTER Esther SHIER 55
SHIER Mendel Majdanek, 1943 grandfather SHECHTER Esther SHIER 55
SHIER Shlomo Majdanek, 1943 brother SHECHTER Esther SHIER 55
SHIER Shmuel Elya Treblinka, 1942 father SHECHTER Esther SHIER 55
SHIER Tovele Treblinka, 1942 mother SHECHTER Esther SHIER 55
SHMEDRE Moshe Warsaw brother WAKSMAN Paul and Zygmunt 25
SHMEDRE Reuven Warsaw brother WAKSMAN Paul and Zygmunt 25
SHNEIDERMAN Aharon Ghetto brother SHNEIDERMAN Itzhak 55
SHNEIDERMAN Chana Warsaw, 1943 mother SHNEIDERMAN Yoel 54
SHNEIDERMAN Eliezer Ghetto brother SHNEIDERMAN Itzhak 55
SHNEIDERMAN Laibush Ghetto father SHNEIDERMAN Itzhak 55
SHNEIDERMAN Liba Ghetto mother SHNEIDERMAN Itzhak 55
SHNEIDERMAN Moshe Warsaw, 1943 father SHNEIDERMAN Yoel 54
SHNEIDERMAN Rachel Ghetto sister SHNEIDERMAN Itzhak 55
SHOK Chaya Sara Krasnistaw grandmother SHOK David 53
SHOK Chaya Sara Warsaw sister SHOK David 53
SHOK Dacha DIED AFTER THE WAR Montreal mother SHOK David 53
SHOK Hershl Warsaw cousin SHOK David 53
SHOK Yossel Warsaw father SHOK David 53
SHOK Zeevi Krasnistaw grandfather SHOK David 53
SHPANTZER Alter Sowin Ghetto, 1942 brother GORNEK Chaim and Tzipora SHPANTZER 15
SHPANTZER Moshe Slonim, 1941 brother GORNEK Chaim and Tzipora SHPANTZER 15
SHPANTZER Shmuel Mordechai Otwock father GORNEK Chaim and Tzipora SHPANTZER 14
SHPANTZER Simcha Slonim, 1941 brother GORNEK Chaim and Tzipora SHPANTZER 15
SHPANTZER Tirza Otwock Ghetto, 1942 mother GORNEK Chaim and Tzipora SHPANTZER 14
SHPIZMAN Chaya Gitel Ludomir Ghetto mother-in-law HALPERIN Ben and Ethel SHPIZMAN 22
SHPIZMAN Eliezer David Ludomir Ghetto father-in-law HALPERIN Ben and Ethel SHPIZMAN 22
SHPIZMAN Laibl Ludomir Ghetto brother-in-law HALPERIN Ben and Ethel SHPIZMAN 22
SHPIZMAN Sonia and children Ludomir Ghetto sister-in-law HALPERIN Ben and Ethel SHPIZMAN 22
SHREIBER-SHNEIDERMAN Hela Auschwitz, 1943 wife SHNEIDERMAN Yoel 54
SHTETSHINIASZ Moshe Radzin partisan, 1943 cousin ZHEMIENIAK Arieh 31
SHTEYL Helenka Lemberg, 1941 VOLOVCHIK Abraham 25
SHULDYNER Dobele sister SHULDYNER Avraham Mordechai and Molly 54
SHULDYNER Esther Tova Auschwitz, 1943 mother SHULDYNER Avraham Mordechai and Molly 54
SHULDYNER Faivel Warsaw, 1941 father SHULDYNER Avraham Mordechai and Molly 54
SHULDYNER Israel Warsaw, 1941 brother SHULDYNER Avraham Mordechai and Molly 54
Hersh Laib father SHULDYNER Avraham Mordechai and Molly 54
SHUMACHER Meirke Russia friend IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 3
SHVITZMAN Chaya Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 aunt LITVAK Zelda SHVITZMAN 34
SHVITZMAN Chaya Esther Warsaw, 1943 sister SHVITZMAN Avraham 53
SHVITZMAN Yakov Wolf and family Minsk-Mazowiecki cousin SHVITZMAN Avraham 53
SITEN Moshe Poniatow Lubelski, 1943 father BORSTEIN Franca SITEN 8
SITEN Sala Treblinka, 1942 mother BORSTEIN Franca SITEN 8
SITEN Shlomo Poniatow Lubelski, 1943 brother BORSTEIN Franca SITEN 8
SITEN Tanya Treblinka, 1942 sister BORSTEIN Franca SITEN 8
SLAVNER Avraham Itzhak brother SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
SLAVNER Blima Otwock Ghetto mother SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
SLAVNER Sara niece SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
SLAVNER Shimon Leib Otwock Ghetto father SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
SLAVNER Toba sister-in-law SLAVNER Yosef and Sara DRACH 37
SPIEGEL Berl Warsaw Ghetto brother SPIEGEL Baruch and Chayke BELCHATOWSKA 56
SPIEGEL Chaya Warsaw Ghetto sister SPIEGEL Baruch and Chayke BELCHATOWSKA 56
SPIEGEL Rachel Warsaw Ghetto mother SPIEGEL Baruch and Chayke BELCHATOWSKA 56
SPIEGEL Sara Warsaw Ghetto sister SPIEGEL Baruch and Chayke BELCHATOWSKA 56
SPIEGEL Yehiel Meir Warsaw Ghetto father SPIEGEL Baruch and Chayke BELCHATOWSKA 56
STEINBERG Golda Treblinka, 1943 niece FLEISING Michael 44
STEINBERG Gucia Treblinka, 1943 niece FLEISING Michael 44
STEINBERG Libele Treblinka, 1943 niece FLEISING Michael 44
STEINBERG Manya Treblinka, 1943 niece FLEISING Michael 44
STEINBERG Meir Mezritch (Miedzyrzec), 1942 brother-in-law FLEISING Lipa 43
STEINBERG Moshe Treblinka, 1943 nephew FLEISING Michael 44
STOLTZMAN Feige Sowin Ghetto, 1942 sister GORNEK Chaim and Tzipora SHPANTZER 14
SZAPSZOWICZ Dvora Deported from Warsaw Ghetto niece ELBERG Yehuda 38
SZAPSZOWICZ Hinda Deported from Warsaw Ghetto niece ELBERG Yehuda 38
SZAPSZOWICZ Shlomo Deported from Warsaw Ghetto nephew ELBERG Yehuda 38
SZAPSZOWICZ Yankel Deported from Warsaw Ghetto brother-in-law ELBERG Yehuda 38
SZAPSZOWICZ Yuta Deported from Warsaw Ghetto sister ELBERG Yehuda 38
TABAKMAN   return Israel father TABAKMAN Leon B. 32
TABAKMAN Miriam mother TABAKMAN Leon B. 32
TABAKMAN Rivka sister TABAKMAN Leon B. 32
TAUBLER Artur Warsaw Ghetto brother REISMAN Eva TAUBLER 52
TAUBLER Hilda Chmielnik mother REISMAN Eva TAUBLER 52
TAUBLER Ignatz Warsaw Ghetto brother REISMAN Eva TAUBLER 52
TAUBLER Saloma Skarzysk sister REISMAN Eva TAUBLER 52
TAUBLER Yakov Warsaw Ghetto father REISMAN Eva TAUBLER 52
TEITELBAUM Faivel Treblinka, 1941 brother-in-law GREITZER Shimon 19
TEITELBAUM Tzirel and children Treblinka, 1941 sister GREITZER Shimon 19
TEITELBOIM Kalman Russia, 1941 friend IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 4
TELLER Sara mother TELLER Jacques 32
TELLER Shlomo father TELLER Jacques 32
TEMPER Yakov DIED AFTER THE WAR Montreal, 1962 colleague Association of Warsaw Jews in Montreal 56
TERK Yudel and family Warsaw, 1943 relatives RICHTER Shmuel 52
TRAKENBERG Edja Warsaw, 1942 sister TRAKENBERG Shlomo 33
TRAKENBERG Mendel Warsaw, 1945 brother TRAKENBERG Shlomo 33
TRAKENBERG Regina Warsaw, 1942 sister TRAKENBERG Shlomo 33
TRAKENBERG Shmuel Warsaw, 1945 brother TRAKENBERG Shlomo 33
TRAKENBERG Yakov Warsaw brother TRAKENBERG Shlomo 33
TRAKENBERG Yekutiel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 father TRAKENBERG Shlomo 33
TREGER Itzhak Warsaw Ghetto father BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
TREGER Toba Warsaw Ghetto mother BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
TREGER Yankel Warsaw Ghetto brother BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
TREGER Yeshaya Warsaw Ghetto brother BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
TUGETMAN Avraham Itzhak father KALECH Chava (Eva) TUGETMAN 47
TUGETMAN Chana sister KALECH Chava (Eva) TUGETMAN 47
TUGETMAN Gittel mother KALECH Chava (Eva) TUGETMAN 47
TUGETMAN Moshe brother KALECH Chava (Eva) TUGETMAN 47
TUGETMAN Mottel brother KALECH Chava (Eva) TUGETMAN 47
TUGETMAN Rachel sister KALECH Chava (Eva) TUGETMAN 47
TZVEBAK Chaya Deported from Paris sister KOHN Yosef and Esther ROCHMAN 48
TZVEBAK Mottel Deported from Paris brother-in-law KOHN Yosef and Esther ROCHMAN 48
TZWEIBACH Chaya Paris sister ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 28
TZWEIBACH Janette Paris niece ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 28
TZWEIBACH Mottel Paris brother-in-law ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 28
VAGNER   return Benzion Warsaw Ghetto father VAGNER Yakov 24
VAGNER Bracha Warsaw Ghetto sister VAGNER Yakov 24
VAGNER Chana Warsaw Ghetto sister VAGNER Yakov 24
VAGNER Esther Warsaw Ghetto sister VAGNER Yakov 24
VAGNER Manya Warsaw Ghetto sister VAGNER Yakov 24
VAGNER Rachel Warsaw Ghetto mother VAGNER Yakov 24
VAGNER Sara Warsaw Ghetto sister VAGNER Yakov 24
VAGNER Yenta Warsaw Ghetto sister VAGNER Yakov 24
VOLOVCHIK Benzion Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 brother VOLOVCHIK Abraham 24
VOLOVCHIK Chaim Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 father VOLOVCHIK Abraham 24
VOLOVCHIK Elusz Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 nephew VOLOVCHIK Abraham 24
VOLOVCHIK Hershle Warsaw Ghetto nephew VOLOVCHIK Abraham 24
VOLOVCHIK Lolek partisan nephew VOLOVCHIK Abraham 24
VOLOVCHIK Menashe Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 brother VOLOVCHIK Abraham 24
VOLOVCHIK Mottele Warsaw Ghetto nephew VOLOVCHIK Abraham 24
WAGMAN   return Rivka Warsaw, 1939 cousin BOSES Rosa 7
WAKSMAN Yosef Warsaw brother WAKSMAN Paul and Zygmunt 25
WASSERSTROM Bronka Treblinka sister BERNHOLTZ Aharon 11
WASSERSTROM Henech Treblinka brother-in-law BERNHOLTZ Aharon 11
WEINBERG Genia Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 sister ARONOWICZ Leon 7
WEISBLUM Laibl Warsaw, 1939 brother IGELFELD Abe and Shifra (Stefa) KOHN 4
WEISSMAN Hersh Leib Mordy, 1942 father WEISSMAN Adam and Fela GOLDSTEIN 26
WEISSMAN Naomi Mordy, 1942 mother WEISSMAN Adam and Fela GOLDSTEIN 26
WEISSWEIN Hillel and family Rowno brother WEISSWEIN Hershl ROSENROTH Esther WEISSWEIN 26
WEISSWEIN Shimon and family Rowno brother WEISSWEIN Hershl ROSENROTH Esther WEISSWEIN 26
WEITZBLUM Abraham 1942 father WEISS S. 25
WEITZBLUM Gittel and family 1942 sister WEISS S. 25
WEITZBLUM Ruza and family 1942 sister WEISS S. 25
WEITZBLUM Tzirel and family 1942 sister WEISS S. 25
WENDRIGER Family Warsaw Ghetto cousins WILK Manny 27
WENGER Gitele and children Auschwitz, 1943 sister SHNEIDERMAN Yoel 55
WENGER Yosef Auschwitz, 1943 brother-in-law SHNEIDERMAN Yoel 55
WENGROWSKY Yankele friend NATURMAN Itzhak 36
WIENER Binele niece EPSTEIN Baila WIENER 38
WIENER Chanina brother EPSTEIN Baila WIENER 38
WIENER Rachele niece EPSTEIN Baila WIENER 38
WIENER Sara Lodz Ghetto mother WIMISNER David and Hanka WIENER 27
WIENER Shlomo Lodz Ghetto father WIMISNER David and Hanka WIENER 27
WIENER Yankele nephew EPSTEIN Baila WIENER 38
WIERNIK Israelik Warsaw Ghetto brother-in-law BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
WIERNIK Leah Pultusk Ghetto mother KROLIK Chaim and Tova WIERNIK 50
WIERNIK Moshe Gomel uncle KROLIK Chaim and Tova WIERNIK 50
WIERNIK Rena Warsaw Ghetto sister BERGEIZEN Issachar and Luba TREGER 10
WIERNIK Sara Gomel aunt KROLIK Chaim and Tova WIERNIK 50
WIERNIK Yakov Laib Pultusk Ghetto father KROLIK Chaim and Tova WIERNIK 50
WILK Chaya DIED IN MONTREAL mother WILK Manny 27
WIMISNER Menachem Cracow Ghetto father WIMISNER David and Hanka WIENER 27
WIMISNER Sara Cracow Ghetto mother WIMISNER David and Hanka WIENER 27
WIUREK Binem Warsaw, 1943 brother SHNEIDERMAN Genia WIUREK 54
WIUREK Chaim Warsaw, 1943 brother SHNEIDERMAN Genia WIUREK 54
WIUREK Hershl Warsaw, 1943 father SHNEIDERMAN Genia WIUREK 54
WIUREK Meir Warsaw, 1943 brother SHNEIDERMAN Genia WIUREK 54
WIUREK Rachel Leah Warsaw, 1943 mother SHNEIDERMAN Genia WIUREK 54
WORTMAN Sara Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 cousin ZHEMIENIAK Arieh 31
YASHINSKY   return Bendet Warsaw Ghetto brother YASHINSKY Israel 33
YASHINSKY Chana Warsaw Ghetto mother YASHINSKY Israel 33
YASHINSKY Moshe Warsaw Ghetto brother YASHINSKY Israel 33
YASHINSKY Shimon Warsaw Ghetto brother YASHINSKY Israel 33
YELLIN Wolf Auschwitz uncle DRESHMAN Gedalia 21
YUDKOWICZ Tzirel Leah Lodz Ghetto sister KATZ Baltche DOBRASHITZKY 34
ZALCSTEIN   return Mirele Warsaw Ghetto, 1940 sister ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 27
ZALCSTEIN Mordechai Yosef Warsaw Ghetto, 1941 father ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 27
ZALCSTEIN Rachel Auschwitz, 1942 sister ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 27
ZALCSTEIN Sima Reisel Auschwitz, 1942 mother ZALCSTEIN Moshe and Bela ROCHMAN 27
ZALMANOWICZ Rivka Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 aunt LITVAK Zelda SHVITZMAN 34
ZELCER Nathan David 1942 father-in-law WEISS S. 25
ZELCER Rosa 1942 mother-in-law WEISS S. 25
ZELMAN Malka Rachel Skierniewice, 1942 sister CEDERBOIM Moshe and Esther FIDRO 46
ZELMANOVITCH Rivka Warsaw, 1942 sister SHVITZMAN Avraham 53
ZHEMIENIAK Baruch Hershl Majdanek, 1942 brother ZHEMIENIAK Arieh 31
ZHEMIENIAK Mattes Majdanek, 1942 brother ZHEMIENIAK Arieh 31
ZHEMIENIAK Sheindel Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 mother ZHEMIENIAK Arieh 31
ZHEMIENIAK Yosef Warsaw Ghetto, 1941 father ZHEMIENIAK Arieh 31
ZHOLONDZH Mendel Warsaw Ghetto brother-in-law YASHINSKY Israel 33
ZILBERBERG Franca Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 sister ZILBERBERG-ADASHEWITZ Leon 28
ZILBERBERG Rachel Warsaw Ghetto, 1942 mother ZILBERBERG-ADASHEWITZ Leon 28
ZILBERMAN Esther and children Warsaw Ghetto sister GREITZER Shimon 19
ZILBERMAN Natteh Warsaw Ghetto brother-in-law GREITZER Shimon 19
ZILBERSTEIN Chana Warsaw, 1942 sister FINKELSTEIN Mottel 42
ZILBERSTEIN Chayele Warsaw Ghetto sister GORNY Laibl (Leon) and Feige ZILBERSTEIN 16
ZILBERSTEIN Chayele Warsaw, 1941 sister ZILBERSTEIN Isser 29
ZILBERSTEIN Elia Warsaw Ghetto father GORNY Laibl (Leon) and Feige ZILBERSTEIN 16
ZILBERSTEIN Elia Ber Warsaw, 1942 father ZILBERSTEIN Isser 29
ZILBERSTEIN Family Warsaw Ghetto relatives GRUSHKA Sheindel ZILBERSTEIN 18
ZILBERSTEIN Israel Warsaw Ghetto brother GRUSHKA Sheindel ZILBERSTEIN 18
ZILBERSTEIN Itzhak Lodz Ghetto uncle FEIN Yocheved (Yadzia) ZILBERSTEIN 41
ZILBERSTEIN Moshe Warsaw Ghetto brother GORNY Laibl (Leon) and Feige ZILBERSTEIN 16
ZILBERSTEIN Moshe Nahum Warsaw, 1942 brother ZILBERSTEIN Isser 29
ZILBERSTEIN Rachel Lodz Ghetto aunt FEIN Yocheved (Yadzia) ZILBERSTEIN 41
ZILBERSTEIN Rachel Leah Auschwitz, 1942 daughter ZILBERSTEIN Isser 29
ZILBERSTEIN Raisel Warsaw Ghetto mother GORNY Laibl (Leon) and Feige ZILBERSTEIN 16
ZILBERSTEIN Reisel Warsaw, 1942 mother ZILBERSTEIN Isser 29
ZILBERSTEIN Rochel Lodz Ghetto, 1942 grandmother FEIN Yocheved (Yadzia) ZILBERSTEIN 41
ZILBERSTEIN Sara Golda Warsaw, 1940 grandmother GRUSHKA Sheindel ZILBERSTEIN 18
ZILBERSTEIN Tuvya Auschwitz uncle FEIN Yocheved (Yadzia) ZILBERSTEIN 41
ZILBERSTEIN Yakov Warsaw Ghetto father GRUSHKA Sheindel ZILBERSTEIN 18
ZILBERSTEIN Yehiel Auschwitz, 1944 husband ZILBERSTEIN Malka 29
ZILBERSTEIN Yehiel Dachau, 1945 father FEIN Yocheved (Yadzia) ZILBERSTEIN 41
ZILBERSTEIN Zalman Auschwitz, 1942 son ZILBERSTEIN Isser 29
ZILBERSTEIN-ZANGER Leah Warsaw Ghetto aunt FEIN Yocheved (Yadzia) ZILBERSTEIN 41
ZIMELMAN Stefa Warsaw Ghetto, 1943 sister ALTENBERG Bella 5
ZISSMAN Itta Malka DIED BEFORE THE WAR Lublin, 1930 mother ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
ZISSMAN Leah 1942 grandmother ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
ZISSMAN Pesach DIED BEFORE THE WAR Lublin, 1920 father ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30
ZISSMAN Shmuel Auschwitz, 1944 uncle ZISSMAN David and Manya GRINBLAT 30


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