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Translation of
Dos amolike yidishe Varshe, biz der shvel fun dritn khurbn;
yisker-bletlekh nokh tayere noente umgekumene
Published by the Farband of Warsaw Jews in Montreal
Published in Montreal 1967
Project Coordinator
This is a translation of: Dos amolike yidishe Varshe, biz der shvel fun dritn khurbn; yisker-bletlekh nokh tayere noente umgekumene
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Warsaw (1966)
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Preface by the Book-Committee | 5 | |
The fate of the Tlomackie Synagogue | 6 | |
Executive, Board of Directors of the Farband of Warsaw and the Book Committee | 8 | |
Our Warsaw Anthology | 9 | |
The Pogrom of December, 1881, and Dos Lid fun Rabonik | 10 | |
Introduction | 13 | |
Contents by author | 19 | |
The Articles in this Anthology | 26 | |
The Anthology: 139 writers in all types of literary forms and one theme | 31 | |
Already More Than Half a Century | Efraim Auerbach | 33 |
A Memory: At Peretz' Grave On the Tenth Anniversary of His Death | Rokhl Auerbach | 37 |
The Dignitary Moshe Montefiore in Warsaw in 1846 | Menashe Unger | 39 |
Irena | Zvi Eyznman | 52 |
A Sabbath Eve at the Bazar: Nowolipie 35 Leshne 40 | Yehoshua Albert | 60 |
In Warsaw | Borukh Olitsky | 67 |
What to do With the Mothers on Dzike and Pave? [a poem] | Borukh Olitsky | 68 |
A Cursed House | E. Almi | 69 |
The Stock Exchange of Ideals | E. Almi | 71 |
Noyakh Prilutsky (A Poem) | E. Almi | 76 |
Peretz and Dineson: Peretz in his last year | S. An-sky | 77 |
In Warsaw | Y. Opatoshu | 83 |
The Day of Judgement | Y. Opatoshu | 87 |
On the Djibow | Y. Opatoshu | 92 |
Miriaml The Ninth Scene The Providers | Thea Artzishewska | 95 |
Y. L. Peretz Demands his Theatre | Thea Artzishewska | 98 |
Warsaw 1914 | Sholem Asch | 105 |
A First of May | Sholem Asch | 109 |
A Farewell Speech in Warsaw 1926 | Sholem Asch | 115 |
Two Jews Die a Martyr's Death in Warsaw in 1596 | Gershom Bader | 117 |
Kol Nidrei in the Gensher Cemetery | Yakov Botoshansky | 121 |
An Attempt to Establish the First Hebrew Printing House in Warsaw | Meir Balaban | 131 |
The Shot in Grokhov | Moishe Basok (Basuk) | 135 |
Sections from the poem Poland | Menachem Bareisha | 139 |
With This New Generation | Menakhem Boraysha | 141 |
The Trip to Warsaw and Wonder of Wonders | Yitzkhak Bashevis | 143 |
I Become a Collector | Yitzkhak Bashevis | 148 |
Simhat Torah | Yitzhak Bashevis | 153 |
Marianska Street Number Ten | Mikhal Burshteyn | 159 |
A Letter to Yakov Dinezon After the Passing of Peretz | Khaim Nakhman Bialik | 164 |
My Beauty, My Sorrow | Fishl Bimko | 166 |
Bankrupt | Herz Bergner | 169 |
Girlfriends | Hertz Bergner | 175 |
Peretz's Holiday Leaflets | Mordkhai V. Bernstein | 181 |
To the stars | Moshe Brodersohn | 186 |
Beigel bakers and beigel traders | Bernard Goldstein | 188 |
Having fun | Shlomo Gilbert | 191 |
The Medem Sanatorium | Shloymo Gilinski | 195 |
In Warsaw on the way to Lublin | Yakov Glatstein | 199 |
The first year of the First World War | Vladimir Grossman | 204 |
Moishe Kerner | Yitzkhak Grinboym | 209 |
Berek Yoselevitch and his Jewish Regiment | Shimon Dubnov | 212 |
A Letter to S. Ansky | Yakov Dinezon | 217 |
The First Time at the Theatre… | B. Demblin | 220 |
The Marketplace | Yehiel Hoffer | 228 |
Manufacture | Yekhiel Hofer | 232 |
Warsaw The Final Act of My Theatre Troupe | Peretz Hirshbein | 236 |
Smotche My Home [a poem] | Binem Heller | 240 |
I Move [a poem] | Binem Heller | 241 |
My Way [a poem] | Binem Heller | 242 |
The Nalewke Neighbourhood in Warsaw | Yehuda Leib Wohlman | 244 |
Hunger is coming | Oizer Warshawski | 247 |
Dr. Gershon Levin The Jew and the Doctor | Dr. Leyb Wohlman | 250 |
My Production of the Play Kiddush Hashem by Sholem Asch | Mikhl Weichert | 254 |
Dr. Ludwig Zamenhof in the Warsaw Jewish Hospital | Moishe Weisman | 262 |
The last days of Y. M. Weissenberg | Perl Weissenberg-Silberberg | 265 |
Gut-Shabes Jews charity collectors of food for the sick in the hospitals | Moshe Sonnschein | 272 |
Bressler's library | Moshe Sonnschein | 274 |
The Nalewke [Jewish neighborhood] | Avraham Zak | 278 |
Nomberger's funeral | Avraham Zak | 279 |
The Heint and the Moment conquer Warsaw | Avraham Zak | 279 |
In the Hospital | Beinish Silberstein | 286 |
The young laborer | Beinish Silberstein | 287 |
In the Heider | Y. Y. Singer | 288 |
The rabbits group | Y. Y. Singer | 292 |
Mates from Pjosk moves to Warsaw | Y. Y. Singer | 301 |
The Warsaw Community Council | Yakov Zerubavel | 308 |
A review of the Warsaw Jewish cultural development | Mordechai Halamish | 312 |
The first of May in Warsaw | Shmuel Top | 317 |
The newspaper seller | Yosef Tunkel | 318 |
The German School | Sigmund Turkov | 323 |
Janush Kortchak, the holy child-educator | Janos Turkov | 329 |
Esther Rachel Kaminska and her crown role | Yitzhak Grodberg-Turkov | 337 |
The last role | Yitzhak Grodberg-Turkov | 342 |
The bank of the Polish Jewry: D. M. Schereschovski | Mark Turkov | 345 |
Granitce Street 7 | Avraham Teitelbaum | 350 |
Seven chapters of the seven-volume work Poland: The Prives family Chana'le My engagement My wedding The friend The fall of the Prives family Stormy days on Tlomatchke Street 13 |
Y. Y. Trunk | 357 |
R'Ahrele Koszenitzer | Paul Trepman | 373 |
A wedding in a Warsaw courtyard | Melech Tchemni | 381 |
In Carol's courtyard in the Nalewke neighborhood | Melech Tchemni | 385 |
The gates of the Lower Heaven: Otwacek Schwieder Jozepow Polenitze | B. Yaushsohn | 389 |
Hey Leva, hey Prava [a poem] | S.Y. Lodzinski | 394 |
The Bund in Warsaw 1905 | A. Litwak | 395 |
Two episodes | Shmuel Lehman | 402 |
On the edge of the abyss | Yakov Leschinski | 406 |
Guests | Kadia Molodovski | 412 |
A mother | Kadia Molodovski | 414 |
The basket | Kadia Molodovski | 415 |
A tale of a wash-tub | Kadia Molodovski | 417 |
The ballad of the white bread | Itzik Manger | 420 |
The fall | Yoel Mastboim | 422 |
S. An-ski's funeral | Avraham Morevski | 426 |
Three Warsaw sonets | Peretz Markish | 431 |
The great theater-symposium in 1910 | Dr. A. Mokdoni | 433 |
On Moshe Sonnshein's book: Jewish Warsaw | Gitl Meizel | 440 |
Chaim Nachman Bialik in Warsaw | Nachman Meizel | 443 |
The first pogrom in Warsaw | Yakov Milch | 451 |
Mila Street | Yosl Mlotek | 459 |
When the call is ringing | Yosl Mlotek | 460 |
The prologue of the dramatic poem: Discarded | L. Malach | 461 |
The Tenth Pavilion | Wladimir Medem | 463 |
My rabbi, R'Pinches'l | Herschel Metolovitch | 468 |
Peretz in Warsaw | Slomo Mendelsohn | 472 |
The Moshe-Nadir night in Warsaw | Moshe Nadir | 478 |
The death of Y. L. Peretz | Hersch David Nomberg | 481 |
Y. L. Peretz's funeral | Hersch David Nomberg | 482 |
At the tombstone of Peretz | Hersch David Nomberg | 483 |
Neighbors | Hersch David Nomberg | 485 |
Joke writers of long ago | M. Nudelman | 493 |
The Nalewke | Yehezkel Moshe Neiman | 498 |
R'Shmuel Zbitkever | Nahum Sokolov | 500 |
Y. L. Peretz | Avraham Suskever | 503 |
Four poems | Z. Segalovitch | 504 |
Warsaw | Z. Segalovitch | 505 |
Warsaw | Chaim Semyaticki | 511 |
The question | Yente Serdacki | 512 |
A young couple | Mordechai Spector | 515 |
The Ghetto benches... | Yehuda Ellberg | 520 |
A blemish in the family | Israel Emiat | 529 |
The C.J.S.O. [Central Jewish Schools Organization] | Yakov Patt | 532 |
Warsaw welcomes the Leiwiks | Gershon Pomeranz | 536 |
At my father's table | Yosef Papiernikov | 539 |
The workers' quarters | Yosef Papiernikov | 539 |
The dead road | Yosef Papiernikov | 540 |
I have seen Peretz | Yosef Papiernikov | 542 |
Let it be [a poem] | Yosef Papiernikov | 544 |
The worker's children | Avraham Petashkin | 545 |
Still, he cried once | David Pinski | 546 |
Fifi, the literary cat | Yitzhak Perlov | 551 |
Nine o'clock in the morning | Yehoshua Perle | 556 |
The foreign wedding-dress [a scene from a play] | Yitzhak Leibush Peretz | 560 |
Bontche Schweig | Yitzhak Leibush Peretz | 563 |
Hachnasat Kala [a charity fund to help poor brides] | Yitzhak Leibush Peretz | 570 |
A Seder-night [the first night of the Passover holiday] | Yitzhak Leibush Peretz | 575 |
The last year, the last day... | Rose Laks-Peretz | 579 |
Sayings, proverbs etc. | Folk lore | 581 |
Over and across the Warsaw Jewish streets | Lea Finkelstein | 585 |
Our Express | Menachem Flakser | 590 |
The Nicolai Nicolajevitch expulsion | David Flinker | 593 |
I Thee Wed | David Frishman | 603 |
From the Jewish Warsaw of yore | Mordechai Tzanin | 608 |
Warsaw in 1912 | Aharon Zeitlin | 614 |
The literary house | Elchanan Zeitlin | 619 |
On the eve of the fire | Elchanan Zeitlin | 625 |
The idea to publish Our Warsaw Yearbook | Hilel Zeitlin | 627 |
The grandmother from Prague | Efraim Koganovski | 630 |
Jewish courtyards | Efraim Koganovski | 634 |
The Stavki Lane | Efraim Koganovski | 638 |
The Jewish garden | Efraim Koganovski | 641 |
The Jewish hospital | Efraim Koganovski | 645 |
Evenings | Y. L. Kohn | 649 |
The general Jewish School is born in Warsaw | H. S. Kazdan | 651 |
The Old City | Alter Katzizne | 655 |
Wandering traders [peddlers] | Alter Katzizne | 657 |
We travel to a summer camp | Janos Kortschak | 662 |
Avraham Droszkash is mourning the death of Peretz | B. Kutcher | 667 |
The advertising agent | Menachem Kipnis | 676 |
Hunger | Yosef Kirman | 678 |
My sister's death | Yosef Kirman | 679 |
Sheindele and Gitchel from the Koszle Lane | Moshe Knapheiss | 681 |
Heischerik, Herschele and Tchebotzki the three most inpoverished Warsaw Jewish writers | Melech Ravotch | 687 |
To be continued | Ber Y. Rosen | 693 |
Shalom Ash begins writing his book Der Thilim Yid | Shlomo Rosenberg | 699 |
Rabbi Shloimele Malach, of blessed memory | Shmuel Rothstein | 704 |
Israel Stern, the mentch | Yehoshua Rapaport | 708 |
The signboards on the Nalewke [a poem] | Yosef Rubinstein | 713 |
A question [a poem] | Yosef Rubinstein | 714 |
Marshalkowska [a poem] | Yosef Rubinstein | 714 |
The Jerusalem Boulevard [a poem] | Yosef Rubinstein | 715 |
Shabat on Smotche | Yosef Rubinstein | 716 |
Shabat evening on Smotche | Yosef Rubinstein | 717 |
Nalewke | Avraham Reisen | 719 |
Buying and selling! Buying and selling! (The peddler) [a poem] | Avraham Reisen | 720 |
Warsaw 1910 | Avraham Reisen | 720 |
Warsaw | Avraham Reisen | 721 |
The walker (the peddler) | Avraham Reisen | 721 |
The years of the Russian-Japanese War | Avraham Reisen | 724 |
Name changes of Jewish streets in Warsaw | Dr. Emanuel Ringelblum | 731 |
Warsaw 1896 Warsaw 1903 | Lamed [L.] Shapira | 738 |
Jan Bagomil Bloch 1836-1901 | Dr. Yakov Schatzki | 742 |
How Hasidism achieved victory over the Learning Warsaw | Rav Dr. Meir Schwarzman | 750 |
The poem of my sad blood | Mark Schweid | 756 |
The Haskala [enlightment movement] in Kroszinski's garden | Mark Schweid | 757 |
Peretz in in the Warsaw streets | Mark Schweid | 761 |
Awaiting | Moshe Schultein | 764 |
Eviction on the Smotche Street | Moshe Schultein | 765 |
Smotche a street in Warsaw | Esther Schumyatcher | 767 |
A little orphan is laughing | Israel Stern | 769 |
Bread and poetry | Israel Stern | 770 |
One week with Y. L. Peretz | Shalom Aleichem | 775 |
Two letters from Warsaw | Shalom Aleichem | 779 |
Adam Nathansohn and his son | Binyamin Schlewin | 781 |
The last rabbi in Warsaw | N. Shemen | 790 |
A poem to a stick | Ber Schnapper | 796 |
In the Warsaw streets | Zalman Schneor | 798 |
Memories about Binyamin Shimin and other Warsaw publishers | Halina Shimin-Schneiderman | 800 |
The sad geography of the Nalewke neighborhood | S. L. Schneiderman | 808 |
The stair climber | Baruch Schefner | 816 |
We are not allowed to sin | Baruch Schefner | 822 |
Scenes from the life of the Halutzim [pioneers] in Warsaw | Leib Spiesman | 828 |
Chronology 525 years of Jewish history in Warsaw 1414 1939 | 833 | |
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