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In memory of our brothers,
the Jews of Strzyzow


The monument

To the Jews of Strzyzow and vicinity who were killed in the ghetto of Rzeszow, in its surrounding area, in the annihilation camp of Belzec and in unknown camps and places, and who did not receive a Jewish burial and surely no gravestone was erected in their memory.

Also, to the Jews who died of natural causes during generations until the Holocaust and were buried in our cemeteries and whose gravestones are no longer in place.

The only monument that was erected in their memory is the plaque which was installed in the cellar of the Holocaust on Mount Zion, Jerusalem by the Organization of the Natives of Strzyzow in Israel.

The Torah Scroll

There is in possession of the Organization of the Natives of Strzyzow, a Torah scroll with a silver crown and a breast–plate which is housed in the Beit Hamidrash of the Rabbi of Holon, Rabbi Baruch Rabinowitz, the grandson of Rabbi Moshe Leib Shapiro, of blessed memory. On the crown and on the breast–plate names of martyrs of Strzyzow are engraved and on the cover of the Torah scroll, a dedication to the memory of the martyrs is also inscribed. The plaque on Mount Zion, the Torah scroll, its crown, the breast–plate and this memorial book are the only monuments that memorialize the people of Strzyzow.

Translator's footnote: The Torah scroll mentioned before was later transferred to the sanctuary of the Hillel Zeitlin religious school in Tel–Aviv. The school promised to observe the annual yahrzeit of the martyrs of Strzyzow by lighting candles, saying Kaddish and studying the Mishnayoth for the martyrs' souls.

May the memory of the Martyrs be blessed forever.

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The Torah scroll was placed in the shul of the H. Zeitlin Religious School.In appreciation, the students will observe the Yahrzeit and say Kaddish for the martyrs of Strzyzow.
The memorial plaque was installed in the Holocaust cellar on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem.

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Memorial prayers conducted by Shlomo Yahalomi at the plaque for the martyrs of Strzyzow


Itzhok Berglass lights the candles during the memorial service for the martyrs

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The memorial service which took place on July 13th, 1966 on Mt. Zion, Jerusalem for the martyrs of Strzyzow.

Shlomo Yahlomi eulogizing the martyrs in the synagogue on Mt. Zion

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The memorial service of Mt. Zion for the martyrs of Stryzow

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Remnants of the Jewry of Stryzow at the memorial plaque on Mt. Zion

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The text of the inscription on the plaque

This monument is a testimony to the martyrs of Strzyzow, Galicia (on the Visloka River) and vicinity who perished and were murdered for the sanctification of the Holy Name in the days of the Holocaust in the years 1939–1945. May G–d avenge their innocent blood.

Their holy memory is preserved in the heart of the survivors of the community and the Jewish people, forever. May their souls be bound in the bond of the living.

The Yahrzeit and Memorial Day is on the 25th day of the month of Tamuz.

The Organization of the Natives of Strzyzow and vicinity


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