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This list was prepared by the survivors of Strzyzow, Itzhok Deutch, Simcha Langsam (Israel) and with the help of Yechezkiel (Harry) Langsam, Los Angeles, U.S.A. It was checked and corrected by Itzhok Berglass.
We invested great efforts to vitalize our memories in order to register the names of the martyrs. We tried very hard to the best of our ability not to leave anyone out of those who perished in the Holocaust, especially those who did not leave a relative or friend. The Committee sent out registration forms to all people from Strzyzow in Israel and abroad, to register their relatives, neighbours and acquaintances. And so, relatives registered relatives and neighbours registered neighbours. Still, there was a possibility that we did not receive the exact details, mainly the relationship where it concerns little children, parents and grandparents. The untainted souls which were listed together with those who were not, may their souls be bound in the bond of life, and the memory of their sacrifice will never be forgotten by us. |
By Simcha, the son of Yacov Langsam
Our sages said that one of the sounds that are heard throughout the world is the sound of the soul which leaves the body during the departure of a person. And if this is true with one person and during a natural death, it is truer when the untainted souls of a whole community, elders, women, toddlers and youths have separated from their bodies by unnatural, brutal deaths.
The echo of the sounds of the martyrs of Strzyzow and vicinity during the Holocaust, especially during the last minutes of their lives, has not vanished from our ears for over twenty years.
Their image and the sounds of our parents, sisters and brothers keep calling to us: Earth, do not cover our blood.
Their last request were the sounds which called to us: See vengeance upon our murderers. Their last plea was: We are dying as Jews. Please say Kaddish for us.
We cannot point out from which of the victims was heard such a plea, but surely it was the wish of all who were trussed upon the altar of the nation. Such wishes were expressed by our dear ones in their last requests to the Jewish people in general and to the survivors of Strzyzow
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in particular.
If a tragedy befalls and a member of the family dies, no one can console the relatives of their great tragedy. Everyone stands around broken and crushed but, in time, life returns to normal. It is all natural. The earth covers it and man forgets. But it is not so with the martyrs of the Holocaust who met their brutal destiny and did not merit to be buried by the Burial Society, according to Jewish tradition. And, we the survivors are unable to gather their remains, wrap them in a tallit, put them in a casket and give them a Jewish burial because their ashes were spread by the Nazi all over the fields of Europe. Therefore, we are duty-bound to gather the letters of the names of the holy and untainted souls and to perpetuate them in this memorial book, published in Zion, the land of their dreams and thus fulfil our obligation also to those who left no heir to recite Kaddish.
By putting together this holy list, we were given a part in creating a bond with our dear ones. Not only by lighting a candle and saying Kaddish one day a year during our generation, but also, all those from Strzyzow and vicinity who now live in Zion and in the Diaspora will be able to open this book someday and recognize the names of their parents and their grandparents in the holy community in which a bustling Jewish life existed for hundreds of years. There were spiritual people, simple people, rabbis and Tzadikim, scholars, righteous women and school children. All these were trussed to be sacrificed for the nation. They were killed and annihilated, suffering suffocation deaths in the gas chambers, burned or buried alive in camps built by the Nazi in Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz and others.
It is a holy obligation to the individual and the public not to forget those whose memory is imprinted deep, deep in our hearts.
With a quiver of holiness do we stand the survivors of Strzyzow and vicinity, in solidarity with all untainted souls who sanctified the Name of Heaven with their lives and deaths.
Transcribed by Linda Richman
Surname | First name(s) | Other Surnames | Remarks | Page |
ACHT | Fredich (Ephraim), and his mother | 417 | ||
ADER | His wife and daughter | 417 | ||
ADEST | Eisik, the son of Feivel, his wife Sara Ryvka, and son Chaim | 417 | ||
ADEST | Pinchos, son of Feivel, and his family | Germany | 417 | |
ADEST | Yakov, son-in-law of Levi Joseph WIND, and his wife Bracha | WIND | 417 | |
ADLER | Abraham, son-in-law of Feivel ADEST, his wife and son | ADEST | 417 | |
ADLER | Joel, son-in-law of the Assistant Rabbi Alter Ezra SEIDMAN, his wife Esther and daughter Malka | SEIDMAN | Pilzno | 417 |
ADLER | Israel, son of Joel and his wife | Tarnow | 417 | |
ADLER | Pinchos Yakov, son of Joel, wife Necha Leah, sons Zev, Eliyahu, Alter Ezra, and daughter Chana | Tarnow | 417 | |
ALSTER | Leah, widow of Joseph, daughter Necha, sons, Joshua and Zev Wolf, his wife Hinda nee KRAUS | KRAUS | 417 | |
AMEIS | Abraham, son-in-law of Yakov SCHITZ | SCHITZ | 417 | |
AMKRAUT | Yechezkiel, son-in-law of Elazar WURTZEL, his wife Yenta, sons Dov and Baruch | WURTZEL | 417 | |
ANDERS | Toza, daughter of Tzvi Hersh PFEFFER, her sons Leon and Manfred | PFEFFER | Expelled from Germany/killed in Riga | 417 |
APPERMAN | Dr. APPERMAN M. and son | 417 | ||
ASHER | Liba, widow of Jeremiah, daughter of Necha Gitel STURM | STURM | 417 | |
ASHER | Zelig, son of Liba, his wife Miriam (Mirl) nee ZIMMER, daughters Malka and Eta | ZIMMER | Sandz | 417 |
AUERHOUN | Shlomo, son-in-law of Moshe David UNGER, his wife Feiga and daughter Chana | UNGER | 417 | |
BAUMEL | Benjamin, son-in-law of Hersh RESSLER, his wife Hinda, daughters Liba and Feiga, sons Israel, Moshe and Tzvi Hersh | RESSLER | Death of Tzvi Hersh, See p. 235 | 417 |
BAUMEL | Joshua, father of Benjamin, and another son | 98 years old, lived in Czudec | 417 | |
BEITLER | Leibush, his wife, and sons, Shlomo Aaron Shmuel, Nechemiah, and Mordechai | 417 | ||
BER | Raphael, his wife Yehudit, daughters Gitel and Leah, and son Moshe Yehuda Leib | 417 | ||
BER | Yakov, Raphael's brother, his wife and daughter. | Lwow | 417 | |
BERGER | Esther Hinda, widow of Joshua | 417 | ||
BERGER | Eta, daughter of Michael MINTZ, her husband and son | MINTZ | France | 417 |
BERGER | Joseph, son-in-law of Israel GERTNER, his wife Yenta | GERTNER | Expelled from Germany/killed in Strzyzow | 417 |
BERGLASS | Abraham Menachem, son of Hersh Ber, his wife, daughter, and son, and a daughter of Hersh Ber | 417 | ||
BERGLASS | Yocheved nee GUTTMAN, the widow of Baruch | GUTTMAN | 418 | |
BERNSTEIN | Pinchos, son-in-law of Israel GERTNER, his wife Rachel, son Shlomo, one more son and a daughter | GERTNER | Krakow | 418 |
BERNSTEIN | Yakov Itzhok, son-in-law of Baruch BERGLASS, his wife Nechama, sons David Dov and Elimelech, and a daughter Bina | BERGLASS | 418 | |
BLECH | Abraham, son-in-law of the Assistant Rabbi Alter Ezra SEIDMAN, his wife Liba, daughters Sarah and Leah with her husband | SEIDMAN | Limanow | 418 |
BLECH | Izhok, son of Abraham, and his wife Sarah | 418 | ||
BLAU | Moshe, son-in-law of Aryeh Leibush RUSS, his wife Sarah Freda, sons Meir, Chaim Eliezar, and one more son | RUSS | 418 | |
BLOCH | Elazar, son-in-law of Moshe Shmuel FRIEDMAN, with his family | FRIEDMAN | 418 | |
BIRNBACH | Baruch, grandson of Zelig ADEST, his wife Berta and two children, | ADEST | Germany | 418 |
BORGENICHT | Aaron, son of Itzhok, his wife Hena, son Moshe, daughter Zisl (Zenia) | Death of Moshe BORGENICHT, See p. 243 | 418 | |
BORGENICHT | Itzhok, son-in-law of Pinchos KANNER | KANNER | 418 | |
BARTH | Mordechai, his wife, son Moshe, daughter Beila | 418 | ||
BEVAS | Joshua, son-in-law of Mordechai RUSS, his wife Rachel | RUSS | 418 | |
BOMBACH | Samuel, son-in-law of Elazar WURTZEL, his wife Adela | WURTZEL | Rzeszow | 418 |
BRAUNER | Zalman, his wife Dina, daughter Ryvka, her husband and child | 418 | ||
BRAUNER | Moshe, son of Zalman, and his family | Vienna | 418 | |
BRAV | Abraham, son-in-law of Alter NECHEMIAH, his wife Henia, daughter Eta | NECHEMIAH | 418 | |
BRUDER | Meir Hersh, son-in-law of Yakov SCHITZ, and his wife Pearl | SCHITZ | 418 | |
BRAV | Brother of Abraham, with family | Sandz | 418 | |
BRAV | Abraham, cousin of Mordechai BRAV, with his family | 418 | ||
CHWAL | DR. CHWAL, his wife and daughter | 418 | ||
DAN | Elimelech, son-in-law of Joseph Bendit ZILBERMAN, his wife, sons, Moshe and Leibush, and a daughter | ZILBERMAN | 418 | |
DEMBITZER | David, son-in-law of Hersh RESSLER, and his wife Zelda | RESSLER | 418 | |
DEMBITZER | Eisik, son of David, his wife Tova nee WEINBERG, and a son | WEINBERG | 418 | |
DEUTCH | Chana, widow of Wolf, daughter of the Assistant Rabbi Alter Ezra SEIDMAN | SEIDMAN | 418 | |
DEUTCH | Aaron, son of Chana, his wife Hinda Leah nee STERNBERG, daughters Chaya, Rachel, and Yehudit (Yiddis) | STERNBERG | 418 | |
DEUTCH | Chaya Kreindl nee BAUMEL, wife of Itzhok, their daughters Ryvka and Rachel, son Hersh Fishel. | BAUMEL | Itshok DEUTCH survived | 418 |
DEUTCH | Joseph, son of Chana, his wife Tzila nee GUZIK and son Zev. | GUZIK | 418 | |
DIAMAND | Aryeh Leibush, son of Shlomo, his wife Edel, and daughter Rachel, also a son Yakov, with his family | Shlomo was from Zyzonw | 418 | |
DIAMAND | Baruch, his wife, sons Israel and Naphtali, and four daughters | 418 | ||
DIAMAND | Chana Rachel, widow of Shlomo Zalman, her sons Aryeh Leibush, with his wife Eta, Joseph Mordechai and Abraham. Daughters Nina (Nechtche), and Reizel, also Elazar the son of Reizel | Shlomo was from Wysoka/Reizel was killed while smggling food to camp inmates | 418 | |
DIAMAND | Hersh, son of Feivel, his wife, their son Moshe, his wife and son | 419 | ||
DIAMAND | Hinda nee WEIDENFELD, wife of Heschel, their sons Joseph Chaim and Yeshayahu Itzhok | WEIDENFELD | Heschel DIAMAND survived | 419 |
DIAMAND | Joseph, son of Aryeh Leibush, with his family | Swilcza | 419 | |
DIAMAND | Keila, the widow of Akiba Shmuel, son Tzvi Hersh with his family. Son Zev Wolf with his family. Daughters, Eta and Sheindl with their families | Berlin, Blazo | 419 | |
DIAMAND | Leah nee LICHT, the wife of Shlomo Yahalomi. Their daughter Dvora and son Joseph Chaim | LICHT | Shlomo Yahalomi-DIAMAND survived | 419 |
DIAMAND | Malka, first wife of Mendel the son of Chana Rachel , also his daughter Shulamit (Zelda) | Mendel DIAMAND survived | 419 | |
DIAMAND | Pearl, daughter-in-law of Joseph DIAMAND and son Yakov | Krakow | 419 | |
DIAMAND | Reisl (Reizhe), widow of Moshe, her son Aryeh Leib, his wife, and their daughters. Her son Avigdor and his wife Chaya nee HOLLANDER | HOLLANDER | 419 | |
DIAMAND | Reisl, daughter of Aryeh Leibush, her husband, sons Joseph, Mordechai and Abraham | Dubiecko | 419 | |
DIENSTAG | Gerson, his wife, son Shimon, another son, and two daughters | 419 | ||
DILLER | Baruch, son of Itzhok, his wife Sarah | 419 | ||
DILLER | Baruch, son-in-law of David DEMBITZER, his wife Sheindl | DEMBITZER | Sanok | 419 |
DORNBERG | Abraham, son-in-law of Levi Joseph WIND, and his wife Ronia | WIND | 419 | |
DRESEL | Daughter of Shimon GROSS, her son Joshua, and a daughter | GROSS | 419 | |
DYM | Chana, widow of Yakov, sons, Moshe, Chaim, Joseph. Daughter Fruma, and another daughter | 419 | ||
EHRLICH | Elchanan and his wife Chana | 419 | ||
EINHORN | Naphtali, son-in-law of Yakov LANGSAM, his wife Beila, and their three sons, Tzvi Elimelech, Itzhok, and Yehuda Zev | LANGSAM | Dobrova | 419 |
EISMAN | Moshe Pinchos, son of Yehuda Nathan | Szczawnica | 419 | |
EISNER | Chana, widow of Yakov, her son Ptachyah | Rzeszow | 419 | |
EISNER | Meir Raphael, son of Chana, his wife Ryvka, and a son | 419 | ||
BODNER | Daughter of Chana EISNER, her husband and daughter | EISNER | 419 | |
ETTINGER | Malka (Mala), her son Eliezar, and two daughters | 419 | ||
ETTINGER | Shlomo, his wife Sarah, his son Leib, Leib's wife, and their son Moshe. | 419 | ||
FALK | Baruch, son-in-law of David DEMBITZER, his wife Eta | DEMBITZER | 419 | |
FASS | Hersh Leib, his wife, their daughters Mindl and Ryvka, with her husband | 419 | ||
FEDERBUSH | Aryeh Leib, his wife Eta, nee DIAMAND, the sister of Hershel and Shlomo, and their son Joseph Chaim | DIAMAND | 419 | |
FEIBER | Miriam Gitel, grandaughter of Moshe David UNGER, and her son Tzvi Hersh | UNGER | 419 | |
FEIGENBAUM | Israel, son-in-law of Moshe MANTEL, his wife Pessil, and their children | MANTEL | 419 | |
FEIT | Chaim, son-in-law of Hershel TENZER, his wife Miriam, son, Yeshayahu, and their daughters, Malka, Freidl, and Gitel | TENZER | 419 | |
FEIT | Joshua, son of Chaim, and his wife | 419 | ||
FEIT | Necha, daughter of Shlomo DIAMAND, the widow of Chaim Hersh FEIT | DIAMAND | 420 | |
FEIT | Samuel, (Mulik), his wife Rachel nee PROPER, son Joseph, and a daughter Henia | PROPER | 420 | |
FEIT | Samuel, son-in-law of Yechiel ROSEN, his wife Sarah, and daughter Chana Reisl | ROSEN | Germany | 420 |
FEIVUSH | Abraham Itzhok, son-in-law of Baruch BERGLASS, his wife Chaya Sarah, their son Yakov, and a daughter, Ruth | BERGLASS | Sanok | 420 |
FELBER | Yakov (Yekel), his wife Pearl (Pesha), sons Elchanon and Nechemiah, two daughters and Pearl's brother | 420 | ||
FELBER | Nathan, son of Yakov, with his entire family | 420 | ||
FELDER | Zisl, widow of Fishel, the daughter of Yechiel ROSEN | ROSEN | 420 | |
FELDER | David, son of Zisl, with his family | From Berlin/David poisoned by business partner | 420 | |
FELDER | Yakov, son of Zisl, his wife Henia nee GARFUNKEL, and their sons | GARFUNKEL | 420 | |
FELDMAUS | Tova, daughter of Chaim HASENKOPF, her sons, Hersh and Elazar, and a daughter Gitel | HASENKOPF | 420 | |
FISHMAN | Adolph, son-in-law of the Assistant Rabbi Alter Ezra SEIDMAN, his wife Hena, and two sons | SEIDMAN | Rzeszow | 420 |
FLAUMENHAFT | Shalom, and his wife | Germany | 420 | |
FLEISHER | Leib, his wife Dresel, son Hersh Elimelech, another son, and a daughter | 420 | ||
FLEISHER-TETELBAUM | Meita, widow of Moshe, Leib FLEISHER's brother, Malka Tzivia her daughter, her husband, surname TETELBAUM and son Yakov | FLEISHER, TETELBAUM | Frysztak | 420 |
FRENKEL | Dr. Chaim Frenkel's wife, their daughters Lusia and Yadwiga (Yadzia) | Dr. Frenkel survived | 420 | |
FRENKEL | Esther, wife of Rabbi Israel FRENKEL and daughter of Shlomo DIAMAND. Her sons Shlomo, Shalom, and daughters Rachel and Sarah | DIAMAND | Rabbi FRENKEL survived | 420 |
FRENKEL | Joseph (Reb Yosele), son-in-law of Rabbi Alter Zev HOROWITZ, and his wife Chana | HOROWITZ | Asst. Rabbi in Sedziszow | 420 |
FRIEDMAN | Chaya nee KRAUT, widow of Yechiel, their son Israel, and daughters Chava, Seryl, and Pearl | KRAUT | 420 | |
FRIEDMAN | Leib, son-in-law of the Assistant Rabbi Joseph Mordechai WIENER, his wife Nechama, sons Abraham, David, Chaim, and Pinchos with all their families | WIENER | Leib and Chaim were both Shochets | 420 |
FRIEDMAN | Menachem, son of Moshe Samuel, and his wife | Expelled from Germany, killed somewhere in Poland | 420 | |
FRIEDMAN | Tova, daughter of Moshe Samuel , with her family | 420 | ||
FRIHMAN | Chaim, son of Menashe, his wife Gitel, a son and daughter | Krakow | 420 | |
FRIHMAN | Michael, son of Menashe, his wife Chaya, a son Menachem, and a daughter | 420 | ||
GARFUNKEL | Aaron, his wife Rachel nee STERNBERG, and son Ben Zion | STERNBERG | 421 | |
GELANDER | Hersh, son-in-law of Baruch DILLER, his wife Ryvka, daughter Seryl and another daughter, sons Shamai and Menachem | DILLER | 421 | |
GELBWACHS | Shoshana, niece of Sheindl SCHEFLER | SCHEFLER | Raised by SCHEFLER family | 421 |
GERTNER | Leah nee BERGER, widow of Israel GERTNER, their daughter Alta, her husband and children | BERGER | Tarnow | 421 |
GERTNER | Chaim, son of Leah, his wife Beila nee BERGER, and son Joseph | BERGER | Krakow | 421 |
GERTNER | Menahem, son of Israel, his son Joseph, and the rest of his family | Brzozow | 421 | |
GERTNER | Menachem, brother of Israel, his wife, their sons Samuel and Leibush, and a daughter | 421 | ||
GERTNER | Moshe, son of Israel, his wife Nechama nee WEISBERG, and their son Israel | WEISBERG | p. 255 "treatment of children", re son Israel | 421 |
GLICKMAN | Joel, son-in-law of Baruch DILLER, his wife Leah, son Yechiel, and a daughter | DILLER | 421 | |
GLITZER | Shalom, son-in-law of Menachem RIMER, his wife Leah, and a son | RIMER | Rzeszow | 421 |
GOLDBERG | Fishel, his wife Feiga, their daughter Rachel, sons, Eliyahu and Mordechai, with his wife Leah nee DIAMAND | DIAMAND | 421 | |
GOLDBERG | Nechama, sister of Miriam PINCHOVSKI nee GOLDBERG | PINCHOVSKY | 421 | |
GOLDMAN | Abraham, son-in-law of Zelig ADEST, his wife Dvora Sarah, their daughters Malka, Miriam, Eta, their sons , Itzhok and his family, Mendel and his family, Elimelech and his family, and Yakov, their youngest | ADEST | Holland, Dembice, Wysova | 421 |
GOLDBERG | David, son of Abraham, from a previous marriage, with his family | Somewhere in an unknown country | 421 | |
GOLDMAN | Leib, son-in-law of Feitel LAST, his wife and sons | LAST | 421 | |
GOLDSAND | Yechezkiel, son-in-law of Leib STERNBERG, his wife Eta, son Yakov, another son and daughter | STERNBERG | 421 | |
GREENBAUM | Chaim, son-in-law of Yakov HEGEL, his wife Hinda, daughter Esther, and son Leibush | HEGEL | 421 | |
GREENBAUM | Mordechai, son-in-law of Yehuda Nathan EISMANN, his daughter Fruma and her husband | EISMANN | 421 | |
GREENBLATT | Yakov, his wife, sons Yechezkiel and Samuel Zanvel, his wife and daughter | 421 | ||
GROSKOPF | Samuel Moshe, his wife Seryl, their son Menachem and his wife | Brzostek/ Death of Menachem, See p. 249 | 421 | |
GRUBER | Yehuda, his wife Ryvka and daughter Chava | 421 | ||
GRUBER | Beila nee AUERHOUN, wife of Eliezar GRUBER, and their son Moshe David | AUERHOUN | Eliezar GRUBER survived | 421 |
GUZIK | Menachem, his son Moshe, Moshe's wife Frieda nee GRUBER, and daughter Feiga | GRUBER | 421 | |
GUZIK | Michael, son-in-law of Menachem, his wife Hena, and son Tushik | Yaslo | 421 | |
GUZIK | Zisl, daughter of Menachem GUZIK, witth her husband | 422 | ||
HABER | Shimon, his wife, daughters and son Elisha | 422 | ||
HAGEL | Baruch, son of Yakov (Yantche), his wife, and daughter Lusia | 422 | ||
HAGEL | Michael, son of Yakov, his wife Adela and daughter Gala | 422 | ||
HALBERSTAM | Yakov, son-in-law of Rabbi Alter Zev HOROWITZ, his wife, son Ben Zion, and two daughters | HOROWITZ | 422 | |
HALPERIN | Moshe,son-in-law of Abraham KALB, wife Elka, and son Bezalel | KALB | 422 | |
HASENKOPF | Michael, son of Chaim, his wife Sarah, their sons, Abraham Yakov and Mordechai Poppel | Frankfort, Germany | 422 | |
HASENKOPF | Rosa, wife of Yakov HASENKOPF, son of Chaim, daughter Frieda, and son Zelig | HASENKOPF | Yakov escaped to Israel/family killed in Germany | 422 |
HAUBEN | Abba, and his daughters | 422 | ||
HAUBEN | Lipa, his wife, their sons Meshulam, Israel, and Akiba, and a daughter Dena | 422 | ||
HAUBEN | The widow of Feivel, her sons Yakov (Yekel), Nechemiah and Yechiel | 422 | ||
HAUBEN | Elazar, son of Feivel, his wife, and a son | 422 | ||
HAUBEN | Zev Wolf, son of Feivel, his wife, and a son. | Germany | 422 | |
HECKER | Gabriel, son-in-law of Nathaniel SCHLISSELBERG, his wife Ryvka, and four children | SCHLISSELBERG | 422 | |
HENIG | Moshe,, son-in-law of Levi Joseph WIND, his wife and a son | WIND | Rzeszow | 422 |
HOLLES | Simcha, grandson of Itzhok BERGLASS, his wife Mindl | BERGLASS | Expelled from Krakow/killed in Strzyzow | 422 |
HOROWITZ | Rabbi Kalonymus-Kalman, his wife Tzivia nee FRENKEL | FRENKEL | The last Rabbi of Strzyzow | 422 |
ICHEL | David, son-in-law of Yakov REBHUN, his wife Leah, and their sons, Abraham and Meir | REBHUN | 422 | |
ICHEL | Aaron, brother of David, his wife, and two children | 422 | ||
ISERLES | name unknown, wife, and two sons | 422 | ||
ITZINGER | Yakov, son-in-law of Menashe FRIHMAN, and his wife Chaya | FRIHMAN | 422 | |
KALB | Abraham, son of Tanchum Yakov, and sons | 422 | ||
KALB | Levi, son of Tanchum Yakov, his sons: Tanchum, Tzvi, Hersh, and Menachem Mendel, and daughters: Chaya, Sluva and Mindl | Nowy Targ | 422 | |
KALB | Menachem Mendel, son of Abraham, his wife, and son Bezalel | 422 | ||
KALB | Shabtai, brother of Tanchum Yakov, and his wife Malka (Mala) | 422 | ||
KANNER | Avish | 422 | ||
KANNER | Asher Pinchos, his wife Miriam nee KLAUSNER, and their family | KLAUSNER | 422 | |
KANNER | Naphtali, and his wife Hizel | 422 | ||
KANNER | Pinchos, son of Naphtali, and daughter Ryvka | 422 | ||
KANNER | Samuel Joseph, his wife Sarah nee ROZENCVEIG with their family | ROZENCVEIG | Germany | 422 |
KANNER | Joseph Bendit, son of Israel, and his sister Beila | 422 | ||
KANNER | Yakov, his wife Rachel nee STIEGLITZ, and daughter Tova | STIEGLITZ | Tova died of a heart attack during attempted escape to Switzerland. Part of German KANNER families exiled to Zbonszin, Poland & killed there, others killed in France | 422 |
KANNER | Ryvka, daughter of Tzvi Hersh KRACHER, and her husband | KRACHER | 423 | |
KARP | Hersh, his wife, his son Feitel, and a daughter with her husband and children | 423 | ||
KARP | Meshel, son of Hersh, his wife and daughter | 423 | ||
KARP | Shlomo, a relative of Zalman BRAUNER, his wife, and children | BRAUNER | 423 | |
KAUFMAN | Esther, widow of Yechezekiel, andd son Samuel | 423 | ||
KEH | Ryvka, widow of Abraham, and daughter Czarna GOLDMAN | GOLDMAN | Bialistok | 423 |
KEH | Akiba Yakov, son of Ryvka, his wife and son Abraham | Rzeszow | 423 | |
KEH | Ptachyah, son of Ryvka, his wife Golda nee FEIT, and a daughter | FEIT | 423 | |
KESSHTECHER | Yakov and his entire family. | Rzeszow | 423 | |
KESSHTECHER | Leibush, son of Yakov witth his entire family | 423 | ||
KETT | Widow of Shimshon, her sons, Gershon and Abraham Leib, and daughter Ryvka | 423 | ||
KINZLER | Abraham, grandson of Yakov KANNER | KANNER | 423 | |
KAGSWALD | Abraham Ever, son-in-law of Chaim FEIT, his wife Malka (Mala), their daughters: Doba, Rachel, and Gita, and a son Yakov | FEIT | Kroano | 423 |
KLEIN | Joseph, his wife Leah, and daughter Yehudit, son Chaim Hersh with his wife and family | 423 | ||
KLEINMINTZ | Tobias, son-in-law of Menashe SCHWALB, with his wife Sarah, and children | SCHWALB | 423 | |
KLOTZ | Joseph, his wife Elka nee FRIEDMAN, daughter Shprintza RIBSHEID, her son Samuel and daughter Sarah | FRIEDMAN, RIBSHEID | 423 | |
KLOTZ | Leibush, his wife Golda, their children Moshe, Samuel, Yakov and Beila | 423 | ||
KNELLER | Ephraim, son-in-law in the HOLLES family, with his wife and children: sons Paltiel, Eisik, Tzvi Hersh, and daughter Adela with her husband. Also, the widow of Joseph KNELLER | HOLLES | Joseph KNELLER died in Russia | 423 |
KORNREICH | Nathan, son-in-law of Shlomo DIAMAND, his wife Gnendl, their sons Nathan and Aryeh Leibush, and daughters: Bluma, Rachel, Reisl and Leah. | DIAMAND | 423 | |
KRACHER | Tzvi Hersh, his wife, their daughter Leah, and sons : Moshe and Mordechai | 423 | ||
KRACHER | Pinchos, son of Tzvi Hersh, and his wife Batyah (Basha). | Barnanowicz | 423 | |
KRAUS | Eliyahu, his wife, their sons: Abraham, Moshe Leib, and a daughter Zisl | 423 | ||
KRAUS | Joseph (Osik), his wife Leah, their daughter Hinda, and sons Moshe and Tuvia | 423 | ||
KRAUS | Michael, his wife Leah nee REIN, sons Mordechai, Raphael, Moshe, and a daughter | REIN | Mordechai/eldest son, Moshe/youngest. | 423 |
KRAUS | Shlomo, and his wife Bluma | 423 | ||
KRAUS | Chana | 423 | ||
KRAUT | Benjamin, his wife Chana, daughter Ryvka, son Samuel, his wife and son | 423 | ||
KRAUT | Gitel, widow of Yehuda KRAUT, her daughters Reisl, and Esther. Another daughter, surname WILD, and her little girl. | WILD | 423 | |
KRESH | Samuel, and his wife | 423 | ||
KRZESZOWER | Son-in-law of Leib EISENBEG, and his wife | EISENBERG | Rzeszow | 424 |
KRIEGER | Elimelech, son-in-law of Israel Yakov MILLINGER, his wife Feiga, and son, Yehuda Leibush | MILLINGER | Rzeszow | 424 |
KRYM | Moshe, and his wife Esther | Germany | 424 | |
KRYM | Benjamin, son of Moshe, his wife Frieda, and children | Germany | 424 | |
KUFLIK | Itzhok Moshe, son-in-law of Feitel LAST, his wife Yehudit, their sons, Simcha and Samuel, daughters, Sarah and Shpriza | LAST | 424 | |
KUFLIK | Samuel, son-in-law of Israel KANNER, his wife Chana, and son, Israel | KANNER | 424 | |
KULIK | Mishkit, widow of Eliezer | 424 | ||
KULIK | Meshhulam, son of Mishkit, his wife Esther nee MILLER, daughters, Breindl, Chava, and one more daughter | MILLER | 424 | |
KULIK | Moshe, son of Mishkit, his wife Ryvka nee ROSENBLITH, sons Ber Meir and Elazar | ROSENBLITH | Rzeszow | 424 |
KULIK-MARCH | Sarah, daughter of Mishkit, wife of Mordechai March. | MARCH | Mordechai MARSH survived | 424 |
KUPFER | Mendel, his wife, their son Moshe, and a daughter | 424 | ||
LANDAU | Chana, daughter of Necha Gitel STURM, and daughters Dreisel and Eta | STURM | Sandz | 424 |
LANDESMAN-TZIMET | Chana and her husband Hersh | TZIMET/LANDESMAN | 424 | |
LANDESMAN-COHEN | Feiga, daughter of Chana, her husband, and daughters | COHEN/LANDESMAN | Sendziszow | 424 |
LANDESMAN | Yakov, son of Chana | 424 | ||
LANGSAM | Yakov, son-in-law of Chaim HASENKOPF | HASENKOPF | 424 | |
LAST | Feitel, his wife, his son Shlomo, his wife nee GETZ, and a son | GETZ | 424 | |
LAST | Michael Leib, brother of Feitel, his wife Chaya Rachel, daughter Freidl with her family | 424 | ||
LAST | Eliezer, son of Michael Leib, and daughter Leah | Rzeszow | 424 | |
LAST | Chana, daughter of Michael Leib, with her family | Sandz | 424 | |
LEHERMAN | Chaim, son-in-law of Moshe KRANTZLER, with his wife Bluma | KRANTZLER | Escaped from Germany/killed in Strzyzow | 424 |
LEHRER | Chaim, son-in-law of Joseph DIAMAND, his wife Pearl, sons, Meshulam, Zalman, and Yehuda-Yidl | DIAMAND | Antwerp | 424 |
LEIBEL | Moshe son of Zimel. Zimel was the son-in-law of Israel KANNER. | KANNER | 424 | |
LEIBEL | Jonah, brother of Zimel, his wife and sons | 424 | ||
LEIF | Zisha, son-in-law of Batyah SCHEFLER, his wife Chava, sons Shimon and Itzhok | SCHEFLER | 424 | |
LEITNER | Shimon, son-in-law of Baruch DILLER, his wife Yehudit, and daughter. | DILLER | 424 | |
LEVINSON | Tzadok, son-in-law of Joshua SELIGMAN, his wife Tova, son Joshua, daughter Chana, and two more daughters. | SELIGMAN | 424 | |
LICHTMAN | Hersh, son-in-law of Israel GERTNER, his wife Ethel, daughters Reisl and Pearl | GERTNER | 424 | |
LIEBERMAN | David, brother-in-law of Israel GERTNER, his wife Malka, sons : Menachem, Itzhok, Leibush, and Aaron, daughters : Ethel, Mindl, and one more daughter | GERTNER | 424 | |
LOOS | Eliezar, his wife Sarah, nee HOLLES, and son Eliezar | HOLLES | 424 | |
LUSTGARTEN | Menachem Mendel, son-in-law of Yakov REBHUN, his wife Sarah, and a son | REBHUN | 424 | |
MANDEL | Chaim, son-in-law of Joshua BERGER, his wife Kreindl Bracha, son Naphtali, daughters Mishkit and Sheindl. Also, daughter Sarah Alta with her family. | BERGER | Dukla | 425 |
MANDEL | Zev Wolf, son of Chaim, his wife Rosa, sons Herzl, Joshua, Saul Joseph, daughter Golda Hena. | Dukla | 425 | |
MANDEL | Yeshayahu, brother of Chaim, children Pinchos, Chaim, and Sarah | Czudec | 425 | |
MANDEL | Ryvka, brother of Chaim, wih his family. | Sandz | 425 | |
MANDEL | Yeshayahu, his wife Pesia, their daughter Alta, with her husband. Also, daughter Leah, husband Moshe Yakov, and daughters | 425 | ||
MANDEL | Benjamin, son of Yeshayahu, his wife and son | Dombrowa | 425 | |
MANDEL | Wife of Reuven Zelig MANDEL, daughter-in-law of Yeshayahu | Reuven Zelig MANDEL survived | 425 | |
MANDEL | Shimon, son-in-law of Reuven SAPHIRE, with his family. | SAPHIRE | 425 | |
MANTEL | Alter, his wife, and daughter Sheindl | 425 | ||
MANTEL | Sarah, widow of Moshe MANTEL, and her son Joel | 425 | ||
MEISELS | Shimshon, son-in-law of Aaron KANNER, his wife Chaya, son David, and a daughter | KANNER | 425 | |
MILBAUER | Tzvi, his wife Bracha (Berta), and a son Nachum | 425 | ||
MILLER | Shimon, son-in-law of Fishel DIAMAND, his wife Mania, their sons Fishel, Mendel, and Joshua. Their daughter Dena with her husband and son | DIAMAND | 425 | |
MILLINGER | Israel Yakov, son-in-law of Joseph DIAMAND, wife Gitel, son Fishel, daughter Malka (Molly) | DIAMAND | Przeworsk | 425 |
MINTZ | Abraham, son of Michael | 425 | ||
MINTZ | Joshua, son of Michael, his wife nee STURM, and a daughter | STURM | 425 | |
MINTZ | Rochma, daughter of Michael MINTZ, with her entire family | Lancut | 425 | |
MOHRER | Leibush | 425 | ||
MOHRER | Mendel and his brother Shlomo | 425 | ||
MUSSLER | Miriam, widow of Hersh Hisel, her son Yechezkiel, daughter Leah with her husband, and two sons | 425 | ||
MUSSLER | Zelda, widow of Eliyahu, and her son Elieazer, daughter Sarah with her family, and daughter Leah PUSTELNIK with her husband | PUSTELNIK | Sarah, Joel and Leah were in Belgium | 425 |
MUSSLER | Abraham, son of Eliyahu, with his family | 425 | ||
MUSSLER | Joel, son of Eliyahu, and his two sons | Belguim | 425 | |
MUSSLER | Joseph, son of Miriam, his wife, and two sons | Frysztak | 425 | |
NECHEMIAH | Alter, his wife Leah (Lantche), nee DIAMAND | DIAMAND | 425 | |
NECHEMIAH | Tzvi Hersh, son of Alter NECHEMIAH, his wife Yenta nee KRAUT, and a son | KRAUT | 425 | |
NECHEMIAH | Zev Wolfe, son of Alter NECHEMIAH, his wife, a son and daughter | Expelled from Germany/killed in Strzyzow | 425 | |
NEUMANN | David, son of Shimon, and his family | From Wysoka, Jaslo | 425 | |
NEUMANN | Moshe Aaron, from the ADEST family, and his daughter Toni | ADEST | 425 | |
NETZER | Leah nee MOHRER, her son Hersh, his wife and a daughter | MOHRER | 425 | |
NUREMBERG | Chaim Yakov, his wife Reisl, son Elimeleh with his family. Daughter Yachet Cohen with her family | COHEN | 426 | |
ORBACH | Pinchos, son-in-law of Feitel LAST, and his wife | LAST | 426 | |
PELTZ | Nathaniel, his wife Yehudit, daughter of Hentche REIN, and son Yakov | REIN | 426 | |
PESSEL | Baruch, son-in-law of Eprhaim KNELLER, wife Vita, and children | KNELLER | Gorlice | 426 |
PINCHOVSKI | Moshe, his wife Miriam nee GOLDBERG, daughter Esther | GOLDBERG | 426 | |
PINCHOVSKI | Mordechai, son of Moshe, his wife Rachel nee EISEN, son Elieazer, daughters Chaya and Pnina | EISENBERG | 426 | |
PINZEL | Peretz, son-in-law of Yakov STURM, his wife Ryvka and son Zelig | STURM | 426 | |
POPPER | Mordechai, son-in-law of Eliezer LOOS, his wife Vita Feiga, and son Aryeh. | LOOS | Dynow/Also, see page 253. | 426 |
REBHUN | Yakov and his wife | 426 | ||
REDLER | Itzhok, his wife Dayche, daughters, Rosa and Gitel | 426 | ||
REDLER | Shlomo, son of Itzhok, his wife, their son Tzvi, and a daughter | 426 | ||
REDLER | Zalman, son of Itzhok, and his wife. | 426 | ||
REICH | Shlomo, son-in-law of Eliezer LOOS, his wife Adela, and daughter Chana | LOOS | Rzeszow | 426 |
REICH | Chaim, father of Shlomo, his wife Beila nee WURTZEL, son Baruch, and one more son | WURTZL | Jaslo | 426 |
REICH | Chana, her sons, Moshe, Yakov, and Meir | 426 | ||
REICH | Hersh Leib, his wife Mindl, and three daughters | 426 | ||
REICH | Tuvia, his wife Mindl, and daughter Rosa | 426 | ||
REICHER | Moshe, son-in-law of Yakov KANNER, his wife Leah, their sons Kalman, Shlomo, Joseh, and one more son | KANNER | 426 | |
REICHER | Menachem Mendel, son of Moshe, with his entire family | Germany | 426 | |
REIN | Hentche, widow of Hersh Ber | Hersh Ber was the Sexton. | 426 | |
REIN | Shlomo, son of Hentche, his wife Dobra, two sons and a daughter | 426 | ||
RESSLER | The wife of Chaim RESSLER, and daughter-in-law of Hersh RESSLER and her son Hersh | Lured from hiding, reported and killed. | 426 | |
RIMER | Menachem Mendel, son-in-law of the Assistant Rabbi Alter Ezra SEIDMAN, his wife Malka, daughters Sheindl and Chaya | SEIDMAN | 426 | |
ROSEN | Joseph Hersh, son of David, and his wife Bath Sheva | 426 | ||
ROSEN | Menachem Mendel, son of Joseph Hersh, his wife, his son David, daughter Pearl, and one more daughter | 426 | ||
ROSEN | Joel, son of Joseph Hersh, with his family. | Belgium | 426 | |
ROSEN | Yakov, son of Joseph Hersh, his wife nee KANDEL, son Alter Zev, daughters Neche and Mindl | KANDEL | 426 | |
ROSEN | Beila, widow of Ben Zion, son of Yechiel ROSEN, her son Moshe | 426 | ||
ROSEN | Chaim, son of Yechiel, his son Gertzel, daughter Rosa with her husband | 426 | ||
ROSEN | Israel, son of Yechiel, his wife, a son and a daughter | Sanok | 426 | |
ROSENBAUM | Mordechai, his second wife, widow of Ber WEINER, son of the Assistant Rabbi, Joseph Mordechai WEINER | WEINER | 426 | |
ROSENBAUM | Samuel, son of Mordechai, his wife Chana nee SHEFLER, daughter Batyah (Basha), and son Dov Yakov | 427 | ||
ROSENBLITH | Rizha, widow of Elazar ROSENBLITH | 427 | ||
ROSENBLITH | Itzhok Meir, son of Rizha, and his entire family | Rzeszow | 427 | |
ROSENBLITH | Samuel, son of Rizha, his wife Rachel nee SCHWARTZ, son Elazar, and a daughter Ryvka Meitel | SCHWARTZ | 427 | |
ROSENTHAL | Dr. Francziszek, son-in-law of Gabriel WASSERMAN, his wife Chava, and a daughter. | 427 | ||
ROSNER | Abraham, son-in-law of Joseph KLOTZ, his wife Chana, daughters Rachel and Gisela, and son Naphtali | KLOTZ | Belgium | 427 |
ROTH | Benjamin, son-in-law of Michael Leib UNGER, his wife Feiga, and daughter Sheindl | UNGER | Sheindl escaped from Rzeszow ghetto. Discovered and killed. | 427 |
ROTHSTEIN | Chaya Dobra, daughter of Moshe David UNGER | UNGER | 427 | |
RUBENFELD | Moshe, his wife, and a son | 427 | ||
RUBENFELD | Michael, his wife Hentche nee KULIK, sons Dov Ber and Joshua | KULIK | 427 | |
RUBISH | His wife and a son | 427 | ||
RUSS | Aryeh Leib, his wife Rachel Yehudit (Yiddis) | 427 | ||
RUSS | Mordechai, brother of Aryeh Leib, his wife Miriam, their sons Eisik and Akiba | 427 | ||
RUSS | Israel, son of Mordechai, and his wife | 427 | ||
RUSS | Bath Sheva, daughter of Mordechai, and her husband | 427 | ||
RUSS | Chaim Meir Yechiel, son-in-law of Rabbi Nechemiah SHAPIRO, his wife Fruma Ryvka, andd their children | SHAPIRO | Stary Sol | 427 |
SALOMON | Brother-in-law of Mordechai and Abraham BRAV | BRAV | 427 | |
SAMUEL | Samuel, son-in-law of Elazar WURTZEL, his wife Reizl, their daughter Freidl, and one more daughter | WURTZEL | 427 | |
SAMUELI | Dr., his wife, son Daniel, and two daughters | 427 | ||
SAPHIRE | Shlomo, son of Reuven, and his family | Jaslo | 427 | |
SAPHIRE | Samuel, son of Reuven, and his wife | 427 | ||
SAPHIRE-HOCHDORF | Daughter of Reuven, widow of Leibush HOCHDORF, her son Shimon, and two daughters | HOCHDORF | 427 | |
SCHACHER | Eta, daughter of Feiga STERNBERG from her first husband, Feivel SCHACHER. | STERNBERG | 427 | |
SCHEFLER | Batyah (Basha), sister of Mordechai, Moshe and Shimon. | 427 | ||
SCHEFLER | Joshua, son of Batya, his wife Eta, their daughters Betti and Leah | 427 | ||
SCHEFLER | Beryl, his son Samuel, and a daughter | 427 | ||
SCHEFLER | Moshe, his wife Pearl Leah, and a daughter Gitel | 427 | ||
SCHEFLER | Mordechai Mendel, brother of Moshe, and his wife Pearl | 427 | ||
SCHEFLER | Simon, brother of Mordechai Mendel and Moshe, his wife Sheindl nee GELBWACHS , their sons : David and Moshe | GELBWACHS | 427 | |
SCHEFLER-CUKIER | Chaya, daughter of Mordechai Mendel, daughters Dvora, Doba and Freidl | CUKIER | 427 | |
SHEINMAN | Israel, son-in-law of Chaim MANDEL, his wife Chaya, their daughter Fruma , and sons Itzhok and Joshua | MANDEL | 427 | |
SCHIFF | Kalman Yakov, the son of Tzvi Hersh, his wife Esther nee MANTEL, their sons Mordechai and Shlomo, and daughters Hinda, Ryvka and Reisl. | MANTEL | France | 428 |
SCHIFF | Meir, son of Levi Itzhok, his wife Dvora, and daughter Chaya Leah | 428 | ||
SCHIFF | Bracha, widow of Yakov, daughter of the Assistant Rabbi, Joseph Mordechai WIENER. Her sons Joseph Mordechai. David Hersh, and daughters Ryvka and Mindl | WIENER | 428 | |
SCHIMMEL | The son of Moshe Itzhok | Killed somewhere in Germany or France | 428 | |
SCHITZ | Michael, son of Yakov, his wife Malka, sons Moshe, Dov Ber, Shlomo and Israel. Daughters, Dvora and Gitel | 428 | ||
SCHITZ | Noah, son of Yakov, with his family | Rzeszow | 428 | |
SCHLISSELBERG | Nathaniel, and his wife Alta Risha | 428 | ||
SCHLISSELBERG | Yechezkiel, wife Chana nee RUBIN, and their daughter | RUBIN | Germany/Yechezkiel survived | 428 |
SCHLISSELBERG | Elchanan, son of Nathaniel, hiis wife Tova, and son Aryeh | 428 | ||
SCHWEBER | Simcha, his wife nee WILNER, son Joseph from her previous marriage, | WILNER | 428 | |
SHMULEWICZ | Reuven, son-in-law of Joshua BERGER, his wife Ryvka, son Shlomo, daughters : Breindl, Pearl, Rachel and Malka | BERGER | 428 | |
SCHREIBER | Noah, son-in-law of Moshe MANTEL, his wife Pearl, sons Itzhok and Hersh, daughters , Chaya Chava, Malka and Hena | MANTEL | Gorlice | 428 |
SCHREIBER | Bracha, wife of Samuel | Samuel SCHREIBER died in Russia. | 428 | |
SCHWALB | Menashe, his wife Yenta, sister of Baruch BERGLASS, their sons Nachman and Aryeh Leibush with their families | BERGLASS | Niebylec and vicinity | 428 |
SCHWALB | Esther, daughter of Menashe, her husband and children | 428 | ||
SCHWALB | Family from Lutcza | They lived in Nadvorno | 428 | |
SCHWARTZ | Mordechai, his wife Golda Leah, daughters Shprintza and Hena, sons Hersh and Joseph | 428 | ||
SHWARTZMAN | Widow of Leib SCHWARTZMAN, her sons, Joshua and Moshe Yakov and daughter Sarah | 428 | ||
SEIDMAN | Moshe Meir, son of the Assistant Rabbi Alter Ezra, his wife Chava nee DIENSTAG, sons Benjmin Zev and Fishel, also Abraham from his marriage to Hena, and Abraham's wife | DIENSTAG | They lived in the vicinity of Lwow. | 428 |
SEMELIS | Joshua, his father, his wife, daughters Tova and Beila,, one more daughter, and two sons | The father lived with them. | 428 | |
SHAPIRO | Rabbi Nechemiah SHAPIRO, and his wife Tila | The Rabbi from Sassov. | 428 | |
SHAPIRO | Yeshayahu Naphtali Hertz, son of Rabbi Nechemiah, his wife Reisl, and their children | Dukla | 428 | |
SHAPIRO | Shlomo, son of Rabbi Nechemiah, his wife Ryvka, and children | 428 | ||
SHAPIRO | Tzvi, and wife Sarah, daughter of Ryvka ZILBER, and their daughter Feiga | ZILBER | Tzvi SHAPIRO survived. | 428 |
SHEINUK | Ephriam, son-in-law of Joseph DIAMAND, his wife Sarah, son Moshe, and daughter Reisl | DIAMAND | Rzeszow | 428 |
SHEINGAL | Brother-in-law of Dr. SAMUELI, with his family | SAMUELI | Gorlice/in Strzyzow Judenrat | 428 |
SHEPS | Daughter of Yakov GREENBLATT, her son, and daughter | GREENBLATT | 429 | |
SHPALTER | Yakov, his wife, two daughters, and a son | The last Assistant Rabbi of Strzyzow | 429 | |
SPRINGER | Israel Mendel, son-in-law of Yechiel ROSEN, his wife Ratza, daughters Pessil, Feiga, and the rest of the family | ROSEN | 429 | |
STEINMAUER | Aaron Joseph, son of Moshe Itzhok, daughters: Esther, Hena, and Sarah Feig. Also two granddaughters | 429 | ||
STEINMETZ | Yakov, son-in-law of Moshe RUBENFELD, his wife, and two sons | RUBENFELD | France | 429 |
STEINMETZ | Shimon, his son Samuel, his wife, and sons, Moshe and Joseph | 429 | ||
STEINMETZ | Leah, daughter of Shimon, her husband and son | 429 | ||
STEINMETZ | Tzvi, son of Samuel, with his family | 429 | ||
STERNBERG | Hentche, widow of Leib, the daughter of David ROSEN | ROSEN | 429 | |
STERNBERG | David son of Hentche, his wife nee HAGEL | HAGEL | 429 | |
STERNBERG | Chaim, son of Hentche, with his family | 429 | ||
STERNBERG | Samuel, son of Hentche, his wife and daughter | 429 | ||
STURM | Necha Gitel, widow of Israel STURM | 429 | ||
STURM | Elazar, son of Necha Gitel, his wife Chaya nee STORCH, and daughter Reisl | STORCH | 429 | |
STURM | Yakov, son of Necha Gitel, his wife Sheindl nee FIHRER, and a son with his family in France. | FIHRER | 429 | |
STURM | Joshua, son of Yakov his wife nee KRIEGER, and a son | KRIEGER | 429 | |
STURM | Yakov, his son Menachem with his family, daughter Feiga Chana with her husband Baruch Eliyahu | 429 | ||
STURM | Yakov, brother-in-law of the Assistant Rabbi Alter Ezra SEIDMAN, sons, Chaim Asher and Moshe, and a daughter Eta | SEIDMAN | Dubiecko | 429 |
SZPRUNG | Zisl (Zosia), daughter of Ryvka KEH, her husband, and a son Abraham | KEH | Bialistok | 429 |
TAUB | Ryvka, wife of Aaron, daughter of Israel and Leah GERTNER, , her daughter Yenta, and son Israel | TAUB | Aaron died in Russia. | 429 |
TEITELBAUM | Malka Rosa, widow of Shimon TEITELBAUM, her son Shlomo and his wife | 429 | ||
TENZER | Abraham, son of Hershel, his wife nee DIAMAND | DIAMAND | 429 | |
TENZER | Joshua, son of Abraham, with his family | Jaslo | 429 | |
TENZER | Moshe, son of Hershel, his wife Yocheved nee WIENER, sons, Chaim, Naphtali Tzvi, Joseph Mordechai, and Shalom Jonah. Daughters Golda and Malka | WIENER | 429 | |
TENZER | Hena, wife of Itzhok, their sons Menachem Mendel and Israel Tzvi, daughters Freidel and Beila | Itzhok TENZER survived. | 429 | |
TENZER | Itzhok, son of Yakov, and his family | Lodz | 429 | |
THIM | Kalman, his wife Tila, sons : Mordehai, Joseoh, Moshe, and daughter | Death of Mordechai, see p. 248. | 429 | |
THIM | Eliyahu, son of Kalman, his wife, and son Moshe, | 429 | ||
TUCHMAN | Joshua, son-in-law of Feivel DIAMAND, his wife Reisl, and a son, | DIAMAND | 429 | |
TURTELTAUB | Moshe, brother-in-law of Fishel GOLDBERG, his wife Feiga , and her son, Eliyahu, from a previous marriaage, | GOLDBERG | 429 | |
UNGER | Michael Leib, and his wife Hena Rachel | 429 | ||
VEGG | Abraham, and his son Joshua | Szedlisko | 430 | |
WACHNER | Moshe, son-in-law of Liba ASHER, his wife Eta Reisl, sons Chaim Israel and Akiba, daughters Risha and Esther. | ASHER | 430 | |
WALDMAN | Elimelech, son-in-law of David WIENER, his wife Sarah, and two daughters | WIENER | 430 | |
WALKER | Yerachmiel, son-in-law of Shimon TEITELBAUM, his wife Tova, and two daughters | TEITELBAUM | 430 | |
WASSERMAN | Emil, his wife and a daughter | 430 | ||
WASSERMAN | The widow of Gabriel WASSERMAN, brother of Emil | 430 | ||
WEBER | Yakov Itzhok, his wife nee GERTNER and sons | GERTNER | Belgium | 430 |
WEICHSELBAUM | Elimelech, his wife Tzipora nee MEISELS, daughters, Rachel, Shprintza, and Feiga, sons Shlomo, and Shimon | MEISELS | 430 | |
WEICHSELBAUM | Rachel, widow of Alter Yakov, son Aaron, daughters, Frieda Reisl, (Belgium). Dora Gitel with her husband and son. | 430 | ||
WEIDEN | Kalman, son-in-law of Naphtali KANNER, his wife Shprintza, son Aaron Hersh, daughters, Rachel and Miriam | KANNER | 430 | |
WELISH | Hersh, his wife Miriam nee GUTTENBERG, and a son Chaim Samuel | GUTTENBERG | 430 | |
WEINBERG | Zev Wolf, his wife Chana Dvora nee RUBIN, son Alter Chaim, his wife and daughter, daughters Breindl and Feiga, with husband and daughter | RUBIN | 430 | |
WEINBERG | Moshe, son-in-law of Joshua BERGER, his sons Joshua, Yakov, and Elieazer, and a daughter Feiga | BERGER | Sandz | 430 |
WEINER | Joseph, wife Chana, daughter of Shlomo ETTINGER, and a son | ETTINGER | Lwow | 430 |
WEISS | Elazar, son-in-law of the Assistant Rabbi Alter Ezra SEIDMAN and his wife Sarah | SEIDMAN | 430 | |
WEITMAN | Joseph, son-in-law of Tzvi Hersh SCHIFF, his wife Sarah Ryfka, their sons , Hertzel and Moshe, daughters Hinda and Malka | SCHIFF | 430 | |
WEITMAN | Dvora, wife of Mordechai, the son of Joseph | Mordechai died somewhere in Russia. | 430 | |
WIENER | David, son of the Assistant Rabbi, Joseph Mordechai | 430 | ||
WILNER | Shlomo, son-in-law of Zalman BRAUNER, his wife Bath Sheva, son Israel, another son and daughter | BRAUNER | 430 | |
WIND | Levi Joseoh | 430 | ||
WIND | Moshe, son of Levi Joseph, his wife nee DIAMAND, and sons | DIAMAND | Rzeszow | 430 |
WOLF | Joseph, son-in-law of Menachem GUZIK, his wife, and two sons | GUZIK | Vienna | 430 |
WURTZEL | Moshe, son of Elazar, his wife Liba, son Baruch, daughter Freidl | Rzeszow | 430 | |
YAROSH | Hersh, his wife, and two sons, | 430 | ||
ZAGNER | Michael, son of Zalman, son-in-law of the Aassistant Rabbi Alter Era SEIDMAN, and his sister Esther ZAGNER | SEIDMAN | 430 | |
ZALESZITZ | Sarah, daughter of Leah | 430 | ||
ZALTZMAN | His wife, a son, and a daughter. | Re their deaths, see p. 249 | 430 | |
ZANGER | Meir, son-in-law of Shlomo DAMAND, his daughters, Miriam (Mania), and Ryvka. Ryvka, Meir ZANGER'S seCond wife is the daughter of Reuven SAPHIRE | DIAMAND/SAPHIRE | 431 | |
ZEIDLER | Yakov, his son Tuvia, his wife and four daughters | 431 | ||
ZEIDLER | Joshua, son of Yakov, and his wife | Rzeszow | 431 | |
ZEIDLER | Freidl, daughter of Yakov, and her husband | Rzeszow | 431 | |
ZIEBNER | Yakov, son-in-law of Levi Joseph WIND, and his wife Hena | WIND | 431 | |
ZIEGEL | Yakov, son-in-law of Berish HOLLES, his daughters, Freidl, Gitel, Seryl, and a son | HOLLES | 431 | |
ZIEGEL | Naphtali,son-in-law of Chaim HASSENKOPF, his wife Dvora, and son Israel | HASSENKOPF | Tarnow | 431 |
ZIEGEL | David, son of Naphtali, his wife Beila , and four children | Dombrowa | 431 | |
ZIEGEL | Menachem, son of Naphtali, his wife Berta, and children | Tarnow | 431 | |
ZIEGEL | Moshe, son of Naphtali, his wife Chaya, son Aaron, and daughter Ryvka | Tarnow | 431 | |
ZIEGEL | Chana Mindl, daughter of Naphtali, and her husband | Tarnow | 431 | |
ZILBER | Ryvka, widow of Moshe Aaron, daughter of Hersh RESSLER | RESSLER | 431 | |
ZILBER | Joshua, son of Ryvka, his wife Seryl, nee ETTINGER | ETTINGER | 431 | |
ZILBER | Menachem, son of Ryvka, his wife Necha nee DIAMAND, and son | DIAMND | 431 | |
ZILBER | Pinchos, son of Ryvka, his wife Nesia nee HAME.L | HAMEL | Rymanow | 431 |
ZILBERBERG | Menachem, son-in-law of Elazar WEISS, wife Gitel, son Alter Ezra | WEISS | 431 | |
ZILBERBERG | Widow of Naphtali Chaim NUTMAN, her son Naphtali, and two daughters | NUTMAN | 431 | |
ZILBERMAN | Joseph Bendit, his wife, sons Wolf and Yakov, and two daughters | 431 | ||
ZILBERMAN | Shlomo, son of Joseph Bendit, his wife Bina nee WEICHSELBAUM-LICHT, their sons Samuel Moshe, and Yakov Hersh (Heschel) | WEICHSELBAUM-LICHT | 431 |
These names were registered by their relatives from Strzyzow
Surname | First name(s) | Page |
DEUTCHER | Joseph, his wife Malka, their sons Alexander, Shlomo and Mordechai, daughter Reisel | 431 |
FESSEL | Aaron, son-in-law of Joshua BAUMEL, his wife Chaya, son Shlomo, and daughter Beila | 431 |
SCHENKEL | Israel, his wife and sons: Joseph, Aaron, Naphtali, Gershon, and daughter Hadassah | 431 |
SEIDENFELD | Itzhok, his wife and daughter | 432 |
FRIEDMAN | Sarah | 432 |
TEPER | Sarah | 432 |
These names were registered by their relatives from Strzyzow
Surname | First name(s) | Page |
BAUMEL | Berish, son of Joshua, and his wife Chava | 432 |
HAUSNER | Hersh, and daughters : Rachel, Chava, and Kreindl Bracha | 432 |
HAUSNER | Samuel Yakov, the son of Hersh, his wife Pearl, son Menachem, and daughters Ryvka and Chana | 432 |
HAUSNER | Israel David and his wife Ryvka | 432 |
RUBENFELD | Menachem Mendel, his wife, son and daughter | 432 |
WEISS | Chaim, his son Elimelech, his wife, son, and daughter | 432 |
On this page I would like to fulfil my duty and pay respect to the people of Strzyzow who passed away and are buried in the Holy Land.
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Strzyzow, Poland
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Updated 18 Aug 2015 by JH