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[Page 360]

147. Bohaterów Getta Street
(photograph by the author)


148. Berek Joselewicz Street
(photograph by the author)

[Page 361]

149. Fragment of Lewin's rediscovered Torah
(photograph by Sławomir Kordaczuk)


150. Israeli and Polish teenagers at the Jewish cemetery on Szkolna Street in 2007
(photograph by the author)

[Page 362]

151. At the end of May, beginning of June 2008, a group of volunteers worked on the territory of the cemetery and collected two containers of trash
(photograph by Witold Bobryk)


152. Jewish cemetery. One of the few gravestones in Polish
(photograph by Witold Bobryk)

d. 2. XII. 1935
lived 66 years
remaining in deep
sorrow are his daughter and son]


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 8 May 2015 by LA