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To remember our Venerable Father

Our master and teacher righteous rabbi,

Rabbi Aharon Katzenellenbogen Ztz”l,

[Maggid Serock] who loved Israel and salvation wholeheartedly,
that his heart stopped prematurely and did not live to see the sparks of redemption

To remember our dear mother

Rebbetzin Sarah hy”d
(may her blood be avenged)

long-suffering and bereaved,
who perished in the Holocaust of the Jews in Poland before she knew comfort

To remember our dear brothers

Mordechai, Ephraim, Fishel and Aharon hy”d
(may his blood be avenged)

  Remembered forever:
Rabbi Yaakov Josef Katznellenbogen
Baruch Katznellenbogen
Tziporah Arfa Levis Katznellenbogen

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Rabbi Mr. Aharon zt”l Katznellenbogen


Rebbetzin Sarah and brothers Mordechai, Ephraim,
Fishel and Aharon Katznellenbogen hy”d

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To remember forever
We honor and remember our dear parents

David and Fridl Warshawski
Our sisters: Leah-Esther Warshawski-Wellerstein
Our brothers-in-law: Aharon Wellerstein and their children Malka-Leah Wellerstein
Who died ithe Uprising of the Warsaw Ghetto, Nissan tsh”g April, 1943
Our grandmother: Yareh Kristal
Our uncles: Aizik Kristal, Yaakov Kristal, Binyamin Kristal, Boruch Kristal
Our aunts: Yenta Kristal,Sheindla Kristal, daughters Pira Kristal, Krola Krista, Zlatka Kristal
Wife and sister-in-law Esther Warshawski (Shapiro)

Blessed is their memory
Who died in Concentration Camps of Majdanek, Treblinka and Auschwitz
– the Period of the Holocaust

  In perpetuity:
Yechiel Meir Warshawski – Vardimon
Henoch Warshawski – Vardi and his family
State of Israel, Kfar Vitkin – Ramat'Gan

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Warshawski Family David and Firdal hy”d

Right to left (seated): David and Fridl. Standing, daughter Leah

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For eternal memory

Bruchanski Family

Our Father: Menachem z”l

Our Mother: Buneh Chava z”l
Our brothers: Avraham hy”d
Our sister: Leah hy”d

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Our brother:Shepsl hy”d
Our father: Menahem Bruchanski z”l Died Jablonna Ghetto 1942
Our mother: Binah Chanah z”l died in Serock 1918
(Second wifeEsther, hy”d, killed by the Nazis)
Our sister:Leah with her husband Hershel Mendzelewski
And their children: Avraham, Sarah, Rivkah, Zisl and Raizl hy”d
Our brother: Avraham hy”d and our sister Sheindl hy”d

  In sorrow:
Shmuel and Yaakov Bruchanski (Brooklyn)

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For eternal memory

To everlasting memory for our close relatives,
killed in sanctity of Hashem by Hitler's murderers in the second World War

Father: Moshe David Feinbaum
Mother: Bracha Malka Faeinbaum
Sister: Chanah Foskowitz (from the Chaim Feinbaum family)
Brother-in-law: Aharon Foskowitz
Their son: Beryl Foskowitz
Uncle: Hershl Grasman, his wife Sheindl and their 3 daughters: Chanah, Rivka and Leah; Alter Blumberg, his wife Chanah and their children: Mattis and Chavah; Leibl Blumberg with his wife and 2 daughters; Yaakov Baruch Blumberg with his wife and children; Yechiel Feinbaum with his wife and children; Baruch Novodvarski with his wife Sprintze (from the Feinbaum family) with 2 sons; Chaim Hirsh Grosbard with his wife Henne Miry (from the Blumber family) and children: Jossel, Chaitshe, Liba and Perl
Cousin: Leibl Blumberg, his wife Rivkah and son Beniek Baruch Blumberg with his wife and children; Israel-Issar Blumberg with his wife and 5 daughters; Rabbi BenZion Blumberg, (Rabbi from Lipne), with his wife and children

  In sadness:
The surviving brothers Josef, Hershl and Nachman Feinbaum (New York)

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For eternal memory

Bracha, Malka Feinbaum, Roza Foskowitz and children

  In sadness:
Josef, Nachman and Hershl Feinbaum
New York (America)

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To Remember Forever

Our dear Parents: Yitzhak (Itsche) and Zlata Schwartz
Our brothers: Josef, Nachman and Hershl
Our sisters: Chaitshe, Tovah; Tzirl and Feya

Killed in the Great Destruction
– We will always remember them with a reverent shiver

  In sadness:
The survivors children Chavah Fogelman (Schwartz)
and family of Leahtshe Schwartz

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To remember forever

Our dear family

Father-Mother: Moshe and Chaja Fogelman
Brothers: Toviah and Sender

Who were killed by the German-Nazi murderer

  Sorrowful survivors:
Son and brothers sons Fogelman
Hershl Fogelman and his families

State of Israel, Holon

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To remember forever

Our dear parents Hershl and Rodeh Birnbaum
Our dear sisters: Feyge, Esther
Our dear brothers: Hersh Meier and Josef

Who were tragically killed in the Great Destuction by Nazi murderers

  In sadness:
Their daughter Rivka Prager and family
Their son Idel Birnbaum, and family
Their daughter Tauba Wrubel and family

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For eternal memory

My dear wife Rachel and my dear 2 little sons hy”d
Killed in Auschwitz

    In sadness:
Father and husband Idel Birnbaum (Paris)
For eternal memory

Our dear uncle Leibl Kotsholek, the aunt Beila
and her son Nachum, Shmuel, Shimon and Josef

Who the German murderers had killed

  In sadness:
The family in Israel

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For eternal memory

My dear sister, brother-in-law and children
Shmuel Skornik, Blimeh Hinde, Rivka and Avraham hy”d

of such a tragic killing by the Nazi murderer

  In sadness:
The brother Shlomo Sterdiner
And family

Ramat-Gan, Israel
For eternal Memory

My dear brother Fishel, his wife Esther-Leah and child hy”d
My dear brother Moshe, wife and child

Who were killed by the first bomb that fell in the cellar
of Yaakov Rozenberg z”l

  In sadness:
The brother Shlomo Sterdiner
And family


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Enduring memory


My dear parents Yehezkel and Miriam Mendzelewski
Myd brothers Yehoshua and Meier
My sisters Chaja and Devorah
My cousin Esther

Killed by the Nazi murderers

  In sadness:
Aryeh Mendselewski and his family

[Page 670]

To remember forever

Our dear mother Chanya Myrl Grinberg z”l (died in Israel),
and grandson Tzvi Musberg, (who fell in the defense of his homeland)

  With sorrow:
Their children in Israel, Chava Shalom Musberg
and her brother Pesiah
To remember forever

Our dear uncle Leibl Kotsholek, the Aunt Beila and their sons
Nachum, Shmuel, Shimon and Josef

Whom the German murderers have killed

  In sadness:
The family in Israel

[Page 671]

To remember forever

Our dear parents Moshe and Feyge Wisniewicz
Our dear sister Malkaleh with her children
Our dear brothers Avramtshe, Shlomo and Idel hy”d
Our dear uncle Shlomo Wisniewicz, aunt Neche and children

Killed by the Nazis during the great destruction

  In sorrow:
Son and sister Khume and husband
Alter Wisniewicz
For eternal Memory

Our dear Sarah Wisniewicz hy”d

  In sorrow:
The family in Israel


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