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For Eternal Memory

Mrs. Kuligowski Rivkah z”l

A lovely type of a kind of Jewish mother and a dedicated company-cultural leader. A witty and tasteful member, founder of schools for Jewish children and a range institutions for social assistance.

  In grief:
Former residents of Serock (in Israel)

Our dear Rivkah Wrubel-Kuligowski z”l
Died the 15th of May, 1962 in Argentina

In grief:
Her husband Mendel Kuligowski, son
Asher; daughters Hinde and Sarah;
Sister Chava, Brother-in-law, Sister-in-law
And the entire family.

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Shlomo Merla z”l

Born in Serock in 1905
Died in Tel-Aviv (Israel) in 1965

In the prime of his life …

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Shlomo Merla z”l

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Abraham Pshikorski z”l

Born in Serock – in Year – 1889
Died in Atlit (Israel)  24.September.1968

A modest, honest person with an open heart and a will to help anyone who needed assistance.  All these good things he inherited from his beloved father Reb Meir z”l.

Abraham z”l experienced--together with his family – all the upheavals, troubles  and pains from the era of destruction in Poland and in the great, wide Russia; and then succeeded to land and settle in the State of Israel.

His company was very pleasant. His smile warmed others, his hand comforted and gave life to others.

He was a member of the Vaad ha'Irgun for many years, always was ready for every demand and request. He was a working man his entire life, and it was at work that he raised up his pure soul.

With honor, we remember his name.

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Abraham Pshikorski z”l

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Alter Shlomo Wrubel z”l

Born in Serock in the year 1917.

He died at the airport in Rome, Italy – mid-flight from Argentina to Israel on the eve of Israeli Independence – (Jewish year) 5729 – April 22, 1969.


Shlomo, of blessed memory, synonymous with Jewish destiny, lived in far-off Argentina at the end of the thirties to build his life and future.

Shlomo suffered all the upheavals and hardships of being a stranger in a foreign land: worked hard, raised a family, and much time, he started to establish himself and become settled.

He was the child of a family of laborers: the very symbol of simplicity, decency and all that is good.

As the years passed, so did wars, destruction and the rise of the State of Israel. The connection with him was renewed. At the threshold of the land of his dreams, his heart ceased beating. We were unable to embrace him, to hold his hand, to show him what he had yearned to see.

By the gates of the land…

His name is recalled by his family, all his friends and acquaintances with respect and reverence.

May his soul be bound in the bonds of life

Organization for the Former Residents of Serock

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Zahava - Golda Linonad (Beilinson) z”l

Born in 1917 - and passed away in Ramat
Gan on 15 Elul, 5727, corresponding to October 2nd, 1967.

She was the child of a working class, honest and modest family. I remember the days of her youth, her laughter, her energy, her enthusiasm, her strong-mindedness, her warm-heartedness, and her loyalty.

From her childhood and her involvement in the Zionist youth movements, she dreamed a dream of the land of Israel, and only the certificate decree prevented this opportunity.

During the Holocaust, she escaped the enemy, by managing to hide her identity, and live as a Christian in a village with an aristocratic Polish family.

Her life as a Christian was mingled with a period of worry, suspicion of the neighbors, and unexpected visits by German detectives. More than once - so she told me - her patience almost shattered from the overabundance of tension, but her vitality and fierce will to live and to win and see the downfall of her enemy gave her strength, her kept her emotionally and morally balanced.

After the Holocaust, at the end of 1945, I met her out of the blue in a Jewish Brigade immigrant camp in Treviso, Italy.

She was like the first dove - she was the first living soul from my town after the destruction. This meeting gave me hope and encouraged me to search for other shards remaining in the vastness of Europe.

She headed south, and after a lot of wandering, she and her family arrived in Israel.

* * *

I followed her absorption into the land of Israel. Here too, her energy, enthusiasm and faith proved to be a huge advantage. And when she arrived a little to her resting place and her birthright, it came to her as death robbed us of her. She amazed everyone, the hearts of her family and loved ones, her friends and acquaintances were overcome with mourning and deep sorrow.

* * *

Zahava, of blessed memory, was a victim of the Holocaust: During the period that she feared for her double life as a Christian, tiny seeds of destruction were sown in her body, which weakened her strength and positivity.

During Zahava's (obm) life, all the upheavals of the stubborn, wandering, and bitter generation were although it set again far too quickly. One can only be proud of such a noble soul.

Condolences to her family: To Shalom and Riva, her husband and daughter.

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Shlomo Meir Kronenberg z”l (of blessed memory)
The story of his life, and an outline of his character

Shlomo Meir, z”l, was born on the 9th of Av, 5668 (July 6th, 1908) in the village of Serock, near Warsaw. His father, Rav Menachem, of blessed memory, devoted most of his time for the greater good in his role as he community leader, the first manager of the burial society, the representative of the Jewish community at the town hall, and so on. At the age of fourteen years old, Shlomo Meir z”l was harnessed with the burden of earning a living, whereupon he started working in different factories around Warsaw, and his wage supported his family.

Shortly after he married, World War Two broke out. The village of Serock was one of the first where Hitler's thugs (may his memory be blotted out) came, and along with the rest of the Jews of the village, Meir z”l and his family started wandering, and after many troubles and hardships, they arrived in Bialystock, where many Jewish refugees had ended up. Some time after their arrival, the special police closed the area where the war refugees were living, removed many from their houses, including Meir and his family, put them into closed carriages, and took them into Russia, to the labor camps of the Komi SSR

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During this difficult period - in the virgin forest of the Komi SSR and in their ramshackle hut in Kazakhstan - guests passing by always found a place to stay under their roof, and a portion of bread to eat.

At the end of the war, Meir and his family managed to leave Russia. After a stay at a refugee camp in Germany, they immigrated to Israel three months after the establishment of the state, where they settled in Afula.

Meir arrived in Israel naked and with nothing. The only possession he had was his burning love for our country. Because of this fierce love of Israel, he refused a tempting offer from a rich relative to settle in America. Meir, obm started working at the post office in Afula. As was his way, he worked with dedication, with all his heart and soul. He was elected to the postal employees' committee, and then to the post of chairperson of the committee. He proved his dedication to the role and activity, always fighting admirably for others, less so for his own interests. He was also a member of the city's chessed (lovingkindness) committee, and a member of the Israel labor party (religious sector). He was chosen as the employees' committee representative to the religious committee by the local authority, in which he served as vice chairperson. He was also a member of the Great Synagogue committee, and here he proved himself as an organizer and a guardian of public funds. He initiated a renovation and beautification of the synagogue. He came up with a plan to establish a Yeshiva in Afula, where the Israeli children would be taught the blessings of the Torah and Jewish tradition, and he worked tirelessly to make sure it happened, because Meir z'l was a G-d fearing and commandment keeping Jew.

On Shabbat, 14th Tammuz, 5730, Meir, z”l suddenly passed away in his home in Afula.

At his funeral, in which many from within and outside his town participated, the eulogies that were offered at his graveside made it clear what sort of a man Meir was.

May his memory be a blessing!
His brother-in-law, Shlomo Freiman (Afula)

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Kalman Weinkrantz z”l

With bitter news, we have reached the end of the book - our chosen and esteemed Kalman of the Weinkrantz family passed away in far-off Canada.

There was a man, and he is no more…

He did what was right, and walked in innocence. He dreamed and fought since the dawn of his childhood for the rise of a national homeland. He was amongst the first immigrants and builders - and his destiny moved him, after working and creating here for many years - far from the birthplace he loved so much and to which he was connected with every thread of his soul and his being.

Kalman z”l was skilled in two generous and admirable traits: humility and hospitality. His home was always wide open - as in the tales of Abraham, our forefather - to receive guests blown to him by the four winds. Not only was his home open, but also his heart, his mind, and his whole existence - everyone was received with a pleasant countenance, with blessing, with warm-heartedness, and he was always willing to put himself out for other people.

Kalman 's z”l home was used as a contact point, as a place for anyone in need to meet and find relief. He fed the hungry in the manner of the verse, “The will be sated from the abundance of your house, and from the stream of your delights they will drink” (Psalms 36:9). He clothed the naked, and the weary found respite and a restful, tranquil place.

We loved him, we appreciated him, and with an embrace, we called him 'the Serock consul'.

Our condolences go to his family: To his wife and children. A foundation stone has been uprooted from within us.

May his soul be bound in the bonds of life and creation.

In sorrow,
The Organization for the Former Residents of Serock


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